Black Scarface

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Black Scarface Page 8

by Jimmy Dasaint

  Sam's Bar was the place for the showoffs to come and flaunt their flyest fashions, jewels and cars. It was the place where a lot of shady deals were made: murder for hire, robberies, kidnapping for ransom or death, even extortion deals were made and paid at Sam's Bar.

  Pamela and Veronica sat in the VIP section, sipping on flutes of champagne. Both were dressed to impress and they were easily the most attractive women there. Pamela wore a black fitted dress that accentuated her hourglass figure; her pearl necklace drew attention to her inviting cleavage, while her diamond earrings showed off her long, graceful neck and exceptionally fine-boned face. Veronica, on the other hand, wore a white blouse that highlighted her ample cleavage and a tight fitting pair of Sergio Valente jeans that demanded attention. Most men’s eyes focused on her perfectly lifted and rounded ass.

  They sat at the table talking quietly while keeping a close eye on all their admirers. Almost every man in the place, with the exception of the happily married one’s and the few gays that had the clout and heart to compete with the 'big boys', paid them no mind. The rest were loyal, expectant, hopeful endgame contenders who vied for the pair’s attention. Most had paused at their table to get their bid down early. Even their bottle of Moet had been paid for by a secret admirer and delivered to their table by one of Sam's employees. Special attention was something both women had become so accustomed to that they expected it without any thought.

  "So, you're sure we'll be able to get this over with tonight?" Pamela said, her eyes scanning the boisterous crowd and touching on every male face and a few of the female faces that caught her attention.

  "Yeah, he'll be here. Hood is always here on Thursday nights," Veronica assured her. "Stop worrying Pam. He's gonna get his for what he done to you," she added confidently.

  Pamela looked at Veronica's confident smile, grinned happily and shook her head. They had plotted their revenge for the past two weeks and tonight was the night their plan would come together. They both believed revenge was a cocktail that was best served cold. However, they both knew that should their plan fail, the consequences would be fatal for everyone involved.

  Nervous tremors tingled throughout Pamela’s body as she continuously scanned the crowd. Despite her case of nerves, she was determined to get her revenge on the man who had beat, raped, and sodomized her - and killed her child's father years ago. "Where's Jay?" she asked for the third time in the past hour.

  "He's where he's supposed to be," Veronica answered for the third time. "Quit fretting, girl," she added then sipped her champagne to mask her nerves.

  Veronica saw Pam's anxious expression and knew she was filled with trepidation. She reached out and patted her hand in a comforting gesture. Pam grinned sheepishly, knowing her feelings were obvious.

  "Pam, stop worrying girl. Everything is gonna be alright. Jay said he would handle everything. Remember, Jay wants Hood dead too. Hood has a hit out on him and the only way Jay can get it off is by killing the man who put it there in the first place. So, after Jay do what he needs to do, then both of you will get the revenge ya'll wanted. So, let's just stick to the plan and look pretty. Hood will be here soon, and once he sees you again, that will be the distraction Jay needs to kill that no good rapist mothafucker."

  Inside a small supply closet, Jay was waiting patiently. A chrome-plated Smith and Wesson was loaded and clutched tightly in his right hand. He was dressed in all black gear with a

  Black Scarface

  black ski mask that covered everything except his eyes. He had been waiting in the closet since Veronica had snuck him into the bar through the back door an hour ago. That part of the plan had been simple since her uncle, Big Sam, owned the bar. No one saw Jay ease the closet door open and slide smoothly inside. All had been too busy partying, laughing, dancing and drinking, to take notice of what was going on in dark corners.

  Jay was a desperate man: he had to kill Hood or he could never live comfortably in Philadelphia again. He knew the only way to destroy the body was by knocking off the head; and Hood was the head that was going to get knocked off tonight. With his fall, his organization would fall apart as well.

  Earlier in the day, Jay had found out some disturbing news. The upper half of his cousin, Mick, had been found near the Schuylkill River, and half of his head had been blown away. It had been the biggest story on the local CBS Evening News. Police investigators were still searching for the remainder of his body. Jay had been hurt beyond words when he learned the news. He knew immediately Hood was the only man who had a reason to kill his cousin. So he called Pamela and Veronica, and together they had devised a plan for killing Hood.

  Jay knew there was no one in all of the United States who hated Hood more than Pamela and Veronica. Plus, even though they were good friends, Jay was one of Pamela's favorite customers. Many nights, after several hours of wild sex, they would lie around telling each other closely guarded secrets.

  Pamela had once told Jay of the night Hood gunned down Norman and Jay revealed a few of his secrets in return. They both realized their relationship was not based on love, but instead on mutual trust and respect for each other.

  As the loud brassy music continued to blast out of the giant speakers, Jay remained as calm as possible. He had a very good view of the VIP section and every few minutes he would slightly crack the door open and peep out. It was known by all the VIP section was the only place Hood would entertain his guests. If Pamela, Veronica and Jay’s plan worked, it would be the last place he would be seen alive.

  "I'll see you in the morning, Face," Tasha whispered, as

  they stood outside her bedroom.

  "Okay," Face said with a smile.

  "Remember what I told you, Face!"

  "I won't forget, Tasha. And I won't tell nobody about us. Our secret is safe with me."

  Tasha grinned as she leaned forward and kissed Face softly on the lips. She was a few inches taller than he, so had to slightly bend down as he tiptoed up to meet her lips. She didn't care about that; from the very first moment they met, she knew there was something special about Face. Besides, Face was the smartest and cutest boy she had ever known.

  After Face watched Tasha tiptoe back inside her bedroom and gently shut the door, he crept back in the room where Reese and D.J. were still knocked out.

  Face eased his body into the bed and pulled the covers over himself. He placed both hands behind his head, and smiled up at the full moon hanging low in the dark Philadelphia sky. After a few moments,without him even noticing, his eyes drifted shut and he fell into dreamland.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Pamela saw Hood and his small entourage enter the bar, both nervousness and fear swept through her body. Her eyes focused on him like a hawk spotting its prey. She watched as the people in the bar greetedHood as if he were royalty.

  Hood: tall, dark, and handsome, with a smooth swagger that drove most women crazy. He reveled with pride as both women and men paid attention to him, as he passed through the crowd on his way to the VIP section.

  Hood's smooth style and good looks drove women, and some men, wild with lust; and his reputation for violence and murder made even the toughest street thugs cringe at the thought of crossing him. Hood was a power unto himself and he knew it.

  When he entered the VIP section, the first person he saw was Pamela. Unable to believe his eyes, he stared in disbelief for a few seconds. Pamela was still one of the most attractive women he had ever known. Since the day he had raped and beat her, he was unable to stop thinking about her.

  Hood and two of his men walked through the crowd and sat down at their private table. Hood kept his eyes on Pamela the whole time. He knewhow much she hated him.

  ‘What the hell is she doing here?’ he thought to himself, feeling something just wasn't right.

  Pamela stood up from the table and walked to the bar. Hood watched her with lustful eyes. Everything about her was perfect: a beautiful face, supple breasts, long legs, and a round ass that made it imposs
ible for men to ignore her.

  Pamela could feel Hood's eyes on her as she moved through the crowd and stood at the bar. She felt them penetrate her black dress and caress the silky smooth skin of her back.

  Their plan was going perfectly. Hood was totally distracted by Pamela's presence and nonchalant attitude.

  Veronica kept her eyes on Pamela; Jay was in the closet watching everything from a short distance.

  Hood watched the bartender flirt with Pamela, then scanned the bar, seeing several male predators also eyeing her down. His curiosity grew uncontrollably.

  When Pamela saw him get up from the table and start walking toward her, she knew their plan had worked. She was a master in the world of sexual seduction.

  Hood smiled smugly as he approached her. She was as calm as she could be on the outside. Inside, her body trembled. She saw Veronica stand up and walk toward the women's bathroom, then come to a stop against the far wall; only a foot or so from the main light switch for the entire VIP section. She smiled inwardly, knowing what was about to happen.

  The music was loud and people were dancing and conversing, enjoying their night out. Flashing and revolving lights decorated the club. The D.J. was situated behind his two turntables and mixing board, playing and scratching all the latest and most popular songs.

  The time was 1:35 A.M. Bottles of Dom Perignon and Moet sat on everyone's table. Street hustlers and players stood around plotting on the beautiful women they would take home tonight. All the lovely ladies were smiling, doing the same.

  Jay peeped out of his closet and saw Veronica in place. He sat back waiting for Pamela to draw Hood away from the bar and closer to the closet door. With his pistol gripped tightly, killing Hood was the only thing on his mind. His moment was quickly approaching, getting closer by the second. He made himself relax, knowing he was saving his own life by taking Hood's. It was a fair exchange.

  "So what brings you out this way," Hood asked.

  Pamela grinned shyly and said, "Just out enjoying myself with my girlfriend."

  "I see the men in this place can't keep their eyes off you."

  "To bad, cause I ain't here to find somebody to take back home. I just needed to get out and clear my mind of a few things," she said, her tone serious.

  Looking into Hood's eyes made her remember the last time they were together. The night he had raped and beat her. She felt the bitter contents of her stomach rise into her throat, and then the tightness in the center of her stomach, just under her rib cage. She knew these loathing feelings were hateful toward the animal standing in front of her; the animal she and her friends had conspired to kill and were now waiting impatiently, longing to see the deed done. She hated Hood more than anything else in the world, but she knew now wasn't the time to show it.

  "I'm glad I had this chance to run into you," she said, honestly, looking into his eyes.

  "And why's that?" Hood asked, his smile of confidence growing everlarger.

  "Because you need to know something, Hood," she said as her face grew more serious.

  Hood noticed her seriousness expression and said, "I need to know what, Beautiful?"

  "Let's walk over there," she pointed at the closet door, "cause we need to talk." She started walking without looking back, knowing he wasfollowing her. He had no choice. Lust was upon him

  – once again.

  She led the way through the crowd toward a darkened corner and a few feet from the closed closet door. Standing with her back to the wall, she stepped out and turned to face Hood, forcing Hood to stand with his backtowards the closet door.

  Inside, Jay waited for the perfect moment. He noticed his hand wassteady as a rock as he waited, peeping through a crack.

  Veronica had been watching them the whole time, waiting for the perfect moment to make her move and release Jay from the confining utility closet. She saw two of Hood's men being entertained by two lovely ladies at their table in the VIP section, and she saw Pamela lead the way to thedarkened corner. Then she saw Hood stand with his back to the closet door. Still she waited.

  Hood stared down into Pamela's hazel eyes, his smile ever present. "What is it you need to talk to me about?" Hood asked, leaning against the wall onto his shoulder.

  Pamela stared straight into this animal's eyes. She wanted to see his reaction when she gave him the news. "I'm pregnant with your child Hood…The child that you forced into me!"

  Hood stood with a perplexed look on his face. "Are you sure it's mine?" he asked.

  "I'm positive! You're the only man I've been with without a condom!" she said, angry with his questions.

  Hood couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt as if he had just won the lottery. Not only was Pamela the woman he wanted by his side, but now she was pregnant with his child.

  If she decided to keep it, then she would always be a part of his life, he thought, and maybe the hatred he knew she felt for him would eventually disappear.

  Hood was lost in his fantasy of possibilities, while behind him the closet door slowly opened. Then suddenly, all the lights went out and silence like the crack of doom descended throughout the bar.

  Two loud gunshots exploded into the silence like claps of thunder. Screams of panic and fear instantly filled the club as people started pushing and running for cover and for the exits.

  When the lights came back on, people stood around watching as a tall masked man, dressed all in black, run out of a side door exit, a .38 pistol still clutched tightly in his black gloved hand.

  Hood lay on the floor with two bullets pierced deep into his back. One of his men pushed and shoved his way through the crowd and kneeledby his side. The second bodyguard was quick to follow.

  "Get that mothafuckah!" the first yelled to the other, pointing towardthe side exit.

  A large crowd formed around Hood's wounded body. Most wore expressions of disappointment while others seemed pleased that Hood had been shot. He had been loved and hated, but mostly Hood was just feared.

  "Hold on, Boss," Hood's man said, "the ambulance is on the way." "They... set ... me ... up!" Hood muttered. His entire body burned with an indescribable pain.

  "Who, Boss?" his man asked. "Who did this?"

  "That... that... that up!"

  "What bitch, Boss?"

  "Pa ... Pam ... Pamela," he said before finally closing both eyes.

  The blue Honda Accord drove down Broad Street and made a left turn onto Lehigh Avenue. Veronica found an empty parking place and waited. When she looked to her right, Pamela was staring nervously out the window.

  "Don't worry, girl. Everything will be alright," she said, reaching out to touch Pamela's trembling hands.

  Pamela sat in total silence feeling scared and relieved at the same time. 'What if he ain't dead?' she asked herself. 'What if Hood finds out that I set him up?' Her mind raced with thoughts.

  Suddenly, a black and red Honda motorcycle pulled up beside the car. Jay leaped off the bike and ran closer to the car. Both women jumped as he jerked the door open and got inside, taking his helmet off.

  "I got that motherfucker!" he said triumphantly. "I got his bitch ass good!"

  A smile came across Veronica's face, but Pamela couldn't show any optimism yet. She was afraid to let herself get caught up in the excitementuntil she was sure Hood was dead.

  "One of his goons ran after me, but I know the alleys too well," Jaygrinned.

  "Pamela, are you alright?" Veronica asked, beginning to worry about her friend.

  "No," she responded. "Not until I'm sure that bastard is dead and buried!"

  "Don't worry Pam," Jay said confidently, "that bastard will never hurt you or anyone else again!"

  "Fuck that rapist!" Veronica stated vehemently. "He got what he deserved!"

  "Look girls, I’m ‘a see ya'll in a few weeks. I'm gonna be layin' low for a while. At least 'till things cool down. But if ya'll need me, then ya'll know how to reach me." Jay leaned forward and gave both women a hugthen grabbed hi
s helmet and opened the back door. "Pam," he said.

  She turned and looked into his eyes.

  "Stop worrying. The monster is no longer a threat." He smiled, then got out of the car and closed the door.

  They watched as Jay got back on the motorcycle, started it up and drove into the darkness of night.

  Veronica drove the Honda out of the parking space and continued down the street behind the motorcycle. Pamela eased the seat back, laid her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes. She sat there thinking about Face and the unborn child that was growing inside her womb. Then a picture of Norman entered her mind - he was smiling at her. A big smile spread across her face knowing he was finally at peace. She had avenged him and proven her undying love.

  As Veronica continued to drive into the night, Pamela’s mind was someplace far away. However, deep inside her soul, something was tellingher this was far from over.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three days later;

  Inside Veronica's small apartment...

  Pamela sat down on the couch and started shaking her head in total disbelief. She couldn't believe the disturbing news that Veronica was telling her.

  Hood survived the murder attempt on his life and had put out a hit on Pamela. The three bullets that had entered Hood's back had caused only minor damage, missing his vital organs. Hood was still in the hospital recovering, but was due to be released in a few days.

  Word on the street was, Pamela and a male friend of hers were the two culprits behind the attempted masked murder plot.

  Pamela took a slow deep breath. She felt as if the walls of the small room were closing in on her. She stared at Jay, pacing back and forth across the living room floor scared for his life, as well. He was already a wanted man and on the top of Hood's hit list. If anyone were to find out that he was the man who shot Hood, his situation would get even worse.

  "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Pamela asked, looking at Jay, then at Veronica.


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