Black Scarface

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Black Scarface Page 33

by Jimmy Dasaint

  He was another powerful and successful client; in fact, he was evenmore powerful than all the others. He was respected and feared by many. But again, just like all of Veronica's other clients, he let his lust control him - and the secretly hidden video cameras were capturing all of it in living color.

  Chapter Sixty-Eight

  Seven months later, March 3, 1999...

  For seven long months, Face and Reese had patiently waited for this day to finally come. Inside the VIP section of the Ultimate Fantasy Gentlemen's Club, Killa-D was with his favorite stripper, Passion. Ironically, he had shown back up at the club on Face's 19th birthday.

  Outside in the parking lot Face and Reese were sitting inside Reese'sLexus. Passion had called them an hour earlier and told them the good news. Now everything was set. Face looked at his watch and saw that the time was 1:45 A.M.

  "Let's go get ready. Sandy will be getting off work in another fifteenminutes. We need to be in position," Face said.

  Reese nodded his head, then put his car into drive and pulled off. They were headed to a small house on 32nd and Cumberland, owned by T&F Realty. It was one of the thirteen new properties Tasha had recently purchased for the company. A few weeks earlier, Face and Reese had furnished the entire house. Their plan was to use the house for business only, and tonight was all about business.

  Killa-D slumped down inside the chair breathing hard and heavy. Passion had just given him another pleasing lap dance, making him come inside his jeans like she had done before. She sat down beside him and placed her lips next to his ear, "If you think that felt good, just wait ‘til we get back to my house."

  Killa-D grinned and just shook his head. He had waited for this moment for a long time. Passion had told him she and Reese were no longer together. She also told him she hadn't had sex in quite some time and was now horny as hell.

  Killa-D bit the bait and offered her $3,500 to have sex with him. To his surprise, she said, "Yeah, baby, 'cause I been waiting to fuck you for a long long time!" Killa-D was obsessed with Passion. She was anattractive woman with a body that no man could resist. He still couldn't believe she had finally agreed to have sex with him; just the thought of it had his dick rock-hard with anticipation.

  He secretly went back to the club without Hood's permission, knowing Hood instructed him to stay away from the clubs for just a few more months. But lust had gotten the best of him. Now that he was about to go back to Passion's house and have sex with her, Killa-D felt likethe trip to the club was worth the risk.

  Passion stood up and said, "I'll meet you out back by your car. I have to go change into my street clothes."

  Killa-D stood up from the chair and said, "Alright, I'll be inside my car waiting for you," then he turned and headed for the exit.

  Back inside the dressing room, Passion was talking on her cell phoneto Reese. "Everything is cool, Baby. We'll be there in about forty-five minutes," she said, before closing the phone.

  White Chocolate walked up, "I see you finally changed your mind about Killa-D."

  "It's not what you think," Passion said, as she rushed and put her clothes on.

  "Yeah whatever, I knew you would change your mind sooner or later," White Chocolate said, walking out of the dressing room.

  After Passion got dressed she grabbed her leather carry bag and rushed out the dressing room.

  Southwest Philly, inside Pamela's house...

  Jay was lying in bed staring straight ahead. The TV was on but he wasn't watching it. His mind was somewhere else. Pamela rolled over and placed her arm around his waist. "Baby, you need anything?" she asked in a softvoice.

  "No, I'm fine. Just laying here thinking," he replied.

  After five months of lying up in a hospital bed, Jay had finally been discharged and moved in with Pamela. For the past two months, Pamela and the two nurses that came by in the mornings had been taking care of all of Jay's needs. He was doing a lot better and was now able to get around in his wheel chair. Still, Jay was a miserable and bitter man. Deep down inside he hated his life. The constant thought of suicide plagued his confused mind. He was now a man who depended on others tocook for him, clean him up, and help dress him. For Jay, it was total frustration. Jay looked over at Pamela and said, "Can you do it for me again?" "Sure, baby, I'll do anything for you."

  She got out of bed, walked over and turned the TV off, then stood up in front of him. Jay watched her as she slowly slid down her white thong, then she unsnapped her bra and walked over to the stereo. She pressed the play button on the CD player and R. Kelly's smooth, soulful voice instantlyflowed out of the two speakers.

  Pamela walked back over in front of Jay and began to dance seductively. He laid back and watched her move and twist her perfect body in all different directions. It was an exotic performance that Pamela had mastered through the years; the same dance she used to do for Norman and Mouse.

  Pamela was caught up in the music and her sensual exotic dance. When she finally looked up at Jay, he was laying back in tears. She quickly turned the music off and ran over to his side.

  "It's not working!" he said, banging his hand down on the bed. "I'll never be able to make love to you again! Never!" he yelled out.

  Pamela didn't say a word; she just bowed her head and started to cry.

  Veronica, Charles, and Jeffery were all laying on top of the large bed. They were all naked and had just finished another round of lustful sex.

  "So, you decided not to run for Mayor, huh, Charles?" she asked, running hermanicured fingers through his hair.

  "Yeah, I decided to wait until the next election. By then my popularity will have risen and I'll be the top candidate for the position."

  "That's four years away," Veronica said.

  "I know, but it will turn out all right. I'll have some major supporters on my side, including my godfather, C.W. Watson, the U.S. Senator of Pennsylvania," Charles grinned. "Right now he's a powerful man in Washington, D.C., and the other Republicans love 'em." he added.

  "Good, cause I can't wait for you to be the new Mayor. Maybe you'llhelp bring down some of these high city wage taxes," Veronica said.

  "Don't worry, my love. I'll do all I can," Charles said as he rolled hisbody on top of hers.

  Jeffery sat back watching as Charles and Veronica started having sex. They had both lied to their wives, telling them that they were out of town on business meetings.

  After Charles had finally ejaculated in his condom, he slumped back on the bed. Moments later, Veronica sat back with a big smile on her face, watching as Jeffery had Charles pinned down on the bed, fuckinghim from behind.

  North Philadelphia...

  Killa-D followed Passion into the house and watched as she walked over and turned on a lamp. "This is a nice house," he said, looking around the well furnished living room.

  "Thank you. Why don't you make yourself comfortable? I'll be right back," she said, seductively.

  Killa-D sat down on the sofa and watched as Passion walked up the stairs. He still couldn't believe she had finally given in to his offer.

  "Killa?" he heard his name being called. He stood up and walked over to the bottom of the stairs. When he looked up, Passion was standing at the top of the stairs with nothing on.

  "You can come up, now," she said.

  Killa-D rushed up the stairs, two at a time. When he reached the top, he followed her down the hall to the last room. His mind and body were filled with lust. Her body was flawless - and he was finally going to haveit!

  When he entered the room, he noticed the large bed in the center of the back wall. Passion walked over to the bed and sat down. "You got condoms?" she asked.

  Killa-D checked his pockets and finally said, "Damn! I left them inside my car, I'll be right back!"

  "Don't worry I have a new three-pack. Tonight we're gonna need all three of them," she winked and stood up. "They're in my pocketbook. Justbe undressed when I get back," she winked again then smiled sexily as she went out the door.

bsp; As soon as Passion was out of the bedroom, Killa-D immediately undressed. He took off his Reeboks, jeans and t-shirt and dropped them on the floor. Then he slid off his ankle socks and boxers, and got on the bed. He had left his .40 caliber pistol underneath the seat in his Mercedes Benz, feeling no need to bring it with him. He laid back listening to the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. It sounded like more than one person, so he quickly sat up.

  Suddenly, the door swung open and Face and Reese were standing there with their .9mm's aimed at Killa-D's naked body. "That bitch!" It was the only thing he could say.

  "You know what it is," Reese said, taking a roll of silver duct tape out and a pair of handcuffs.

  "You Reese; ain't you?" he asked.

  "The one and only. Finally glad to meet-you Killa-D," Reese said with a wry grin.

  After Killa-D was handcuffed and taped down to the bed, Passion walked back into the bedroom fully dressed and grabbed Killa-D's clothes and sneakers, then she took his car keys from the pocket of his jeans. "I'll go getrid of this stuff. See you when you get back home," she said, giving Reese a soft kiss on the lips and rushing out the room.

  Face pulled up a chair and snatched the tape from Killa-D's mouth shut. "Either you tell us what we need to know, or die," he said coldly, staring into Killa-D's scared eyes.

  Killa-D was a nervous wreck, nothing like the vicious reputation he had carried on the streets. In less than twenty minutes, he had told Face and Reese everything they needed to know. He told them all about Hood, Ron Perry, and even the Gomez brothers.

  Killa-D had turned out to be a treasure trove of vital information, crossing all of his friends to spare his own life.

  Face and Reese stood over Killa-D's naked body. His eyes widened with fear. "I told you everything ya'll wanted to know! Please don't kill me!" he cried out.

  Face and Reese both aimed their guns at his head.

  "Please, God Please!" he yelled, miserably then began to spray urineacross the bed and onto the floor,

  Reese looked down at the weak man and said, "Sorry, but someone has to pull the trigger... and someone has to catch the bullets!" Both Reese and Face squeezed the triggers and unloaded their bullets into Killa-D's head and naked body.

  Chapter Sixty-Nine

  An hour later...

  In a wooded area in Fairmount Park, Face and Reese dropped Killa-D'sshot-up corpse to the ground. Killa-D's body was wrapped in a large bed quilt. Face walked over to Reese's car and took out a small red gas container, then walked back over to Reese and KillaD's corpse. He pouredthe gasoline all over the quilt, then took out a book of matches and lit up a few at a time.

  Reese took a step back and smiled as Face tossed the matches onto the quilt. Then, with a whoosh, the flames came to life. Face and Reese got back into the Lexus and headed straight over to Doc's house. When they pulled up in the car, Doc was eagerly waiting on the porch. Clutched in his hand was a black leather bag containing all the necessary instruments he needed for his next job.

  A look of pure excitement was in Doc's eyes when he climbed into the back seat of the car; Face had already called Doc and told him what they wanted him to do.

  Doc didn’t hesitate a millisecond. "Yes, I'll be ready when you gethere!" he said gleefully.

  Over the years, Doc had done many things for Face and Reese, but what they wanted him to do this time was the most unusual request they had ever made. And Doc loved it! His fingers were itching with excitement.

  Forty minutes later, Reese pulled up and parked his car behind a patch of tall trees. They were now in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, right down the road from Hood's beautiful home.

  Doc watched with growing excitement as the two killers loaded their .9mm automatics. Once they were loaded, they all exited the car. Face's right hand held a key to the house. It had belonged to Killa-D.

  The sky was filled with darkness and the surrounding area was peaceful and quiet, except for the night sounds of frogs, crickets, and other nightcreatures; all searching for food.

  Hood's home was located in a secluded area, far away from all the other homes. No one said a word as they followed the road which led to the house.

  When they finally approached the front door, Face used the key to enter. The front door slowly opened and they all quietly stepped inside the elegant home. Face walked over to the Brink's Security System keypad, located on the wall, and entered the security code that Killa-D had given them. They wanted to be in and out before daylight arrived, and so far all was going well.

  Nervousness filled each of their bodies as they quietly ascended the stairs. Face had waited over ten years for this day to finally come; the day when he would avenge his father’s death and kill the man that had beat and raped his mother - the man responsible for so much of the pain inhis life.

  Face slowly turned the doorknob to the master suite, then pushed thedoor open and they all stepped inside the lavishly large bedroom. They looked at Hood and his wife snuggled up, peacefully sleeping in bed.

  With their guns aimed, they approached the bed. Face stared down at his sleeping prey with evil eyes. "Hood!" he said, tapping him on the head with the tip of his gun.

  Hood quickly jumped up from his sleep, awakening his wife Britney in the process.

  "Don't say a fucking word!" Face commanded. Hood and Britney both threw up their arms; scared, naked and confused. "You, get out the bed, now!" Face told Britney.

  She nervously got out of bed and did what she was told. Reese and Doc watched as Britney's naked body laid down on the floor; they then quickly tied her up with thick silver duct tape. Hood sat back watching as they carried her body out of the room. "Do you remember me?" Face asked, his gun still aimed at Hood's head.

  Hood stared at Face shaking his head, "Yeah, I remember you. You're Pamela's son," he said. "Who did ya'll get?"

  "Your dead friend, Killa-D."

  At that moment, Doc walked back into the room and said, "She's tied up with the two kids. Reese is in the back bedroom watching them."

  Hood looked at the strange old white man and wondered what wasgoing on. Something was telling him this was no regular robbery or kidnapping.

  "Lay on your back!" Face demanded.

  "Please, just don't hurt my wife and children," Hood begged."I said lay on your fucking back!"

  Hood looked into Face's stern eyes and did what he was told. As soon as he lay on his back, Doc started duct taping his arms and legs together.

  "Please don't hurt my family," Hood pleaded, before Doc taped hismouth shut.

  Face stood over Hood's naked, exposed body, staring deep into his frightened eyes. He didn't say a word to him; his expression said enough.

  Doc sat next to Hood's body and emptied out his black leather bag. He reached for and grabbed a long syringe and Hood watched in total fear as Docstuck an IV into his left arm.

  The clear plastic tube ran from the needle in Hood's arm, up and into the bag of clear liquid. Doc made a few adjustments, then injected a mysterious liquid into another tube that intersected the tube coming from the bag. Doc then removed a black marker from his bag and began drawing a line where he would start cutting.

  A strange warm feeling began to course through Hood's veins. His entire body began to feel heavy and numb. He could barely move his eyelids. At that moment, he realize he was completely paralyzed and yet he was totally aware of his surroundings.

  After a few minutes, Doc looked up at Face and smiled. "Ready when you are," he said, with a mad chuckle bordering on insanity.

  "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Face asked, glancing into the terrified eyes of Hood, his mortal enemy.

  "His body is completely numb, he is wide awake, and he won't feel athing. I promise."

  "But, will he know what is happening to him?" Face asked anxiously.

  Doc looked up at Face and a strange smile crossed his face and entered his eyes, "Oh yes, he'll know exactly what is happening."

  "This could get a little gross," Doc advised. "Y
ou may want to leave the room.”

  "I'm fine," Face replied.

  Doc shrugged his shoulders, "Okay."

  "Just let me know when he is about to die," Face said.

  "You got it, Face," Doc said, holding his scalpel poised and ready.

  Moments later, Face stood back in awe of what he was witnessing. Doc carefully and methodically cut through bones, muscle, and cartilage; as he surgically opened Hood's chest cavity.

  Forty-five minutes had passed when Doc looked up at Face and said,"Get the jar."

  Face grabbed the large glass jar off of the floor and held it out. Doc reached into the chest cavity and quickly removed the large pumping organ. His bloody hands raised upwards so Hood could see what he was holding. With complete awareness, Hood watched as his heart was held up before his eyes.

  "You’ve got about ten seconds," Doc said, placing the spastic muscleinto the jar.

  Hood looked on in complete horror as Face aimed his gun directly between his eyes and without hesitation squeezed the trigger, killing Hoodinstantly.

  With his eyes engulfed with tears, Face turned and left the bedroom.

  When Face walked into the back bedroom, Britney, Robbie, and Arianna were seated against the wall. They were all tied up in duct tape, with white pillowcases over their heads. Reese was standing over them with his pistol in his hand.

  "Ya'll take care of everything?" Reese asked.

  "It's done," Face replied, nodding his head.

  "You know this bitch is a cop, right?" Reese asked.

  "Go ahead and get it over with," Face replied.

  Reese walked up to Britney's naked body and pointed his gun at her head.


  He shot her once in the head and watched as her body slumped over to the side.

  "What about the two kids?" Reese asked as he walked over to them and aimed his pistol down at Arianna's terrified and trembling head.


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