Covenant Breakers (The Covenant Series Book 2)

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Covenant Breakers (The Covenant Series Book 2) Page 4

by Lynn Landes

  He holds her for a moment longer and makes a promise to himself as he carries her back to her cell. He will free her no matter the cost. Leaning his head to hers, he reads the images of her mind. She has had no pleasure in this life, yet her heart remains pure. The beauty of her soul shames him. He should not savor the feel of her, but he is Shadow, so he holds her for a little longer. When she awakes she will not remember it, and he will be his weak, demonic shell once more. Thank you, Varena, he thinks as he lays her on the floor.

  “You’re welcome,” she whispers in his mind. Smiling, he slips back into Hell.

  Watching her sleep through the wall, he thinks. With each infusion of blood he retains more of his previous strength. The beauty of it is that no one knows it. He can use this to his advantage. The next time Samiel comes for him, he will be ready thanks to her gift. The more blood she feeds him, the stronger he will get. The angelic blood rejuvenates his mental abilities. He can now talk to her with his mind and hear the guards outside. He will also feel when his father approaches much sooner than before. He will conserve his energy and find a way to be free again.


  Varena wakes groggy and unsure, wondering if she just sold her soul to the devil. She sees Raphaim staring at her and finds she is unable to look at him.

  “You will need to drink to replenish your strength. I am thankful for your gift Rena.” Shaking her head, she finds her legs are weak and her mouth is dry.

  “I’m so tired, how long did I sleep?” she questions him.

  “Two days,” came his reply.

  “What! How much did you take?” she asks looking at her arm. “I’m sorry. It was freely given” she tells him. “I’m just surprised, that’s all.” She moves to the wall where she finds a pitcher of water, and plate of food. Eating quickly, she drinks and drinks. He feels comforted as he watches her move around. This new found peace between them makes the days and nights tolerable.

  “Raphaim, share my food and water,” she offers at the wall, unsure if he will accept it from her.

  As he moves closer to her, he hears her heart accelerate. “I will not harm you, nor take what you do not freely offer me, Varena. You are safe for now.” He reaches through and takes an apple and sits to enjoy it. Pausing mid bite, he tilts his head and listens intently. The guards are talking about Varena’s fate.

  “If she is pregnant with his seed, she must die!” one says.

  “It’s only a matter of time before she is, then she must die anyway. We should never have helped Tieran in the first place” the other says.

  As the women approach they take the food, and fill the water with poison. Then they move off to enjoy some free time with each girl. Raphaim slips to shadow, and moves through the door. Easy enough to fix he thinks; he kicks the jug and moves back in. The guard’s shift changes and the new guard returns to find the jug of water dumped and he hurries off to refill it. His master was specific; she was to be cared for until they know whether she carries his child. No one defies the master. Satisfied for now, Raphaim moves back into his cell and begins pacing.

  “Raphaim, I would ask a favor of you?” she says wringing her shaking hands.

  Turning his head he pierces her with his black eyes. As she watches him move around, Varena is afraid to ask him, afraid his answer will be yes.

  “Will you help me as you did Tieran?” The widening of his eyes shows his shock, then anger.

  “I thought you were stronger than that, Watcher?” he spits at her.

  Raising her fist at him she screams, “I will not be a mother to his spawn! You have the power to free me from this hell, save me!” she pleads.

  “Is that all you see when you look at me?” Glaring at her he says “Fear not, you do not carry his seed. Varena, I heard only one heart beat when I tasted you.” Turning away, he continues his pacing.

  “Please, you have the power. Set me free. I can’t do this anymore.” she begs him. “It is only a matter of time till I do end up in his bed again. I would rather die at your hand than his.”

  “Careful what you wish for, REEENA. I am Shadow. That has not changed,” he says, unable to look at her.

  “Name your price, demon. Did you not like the taste of me in your mouth?” she asks seductively. Standing before him in the dark, she pulls her dress over her head, baring her naked body to his eyes. The thought of his mouth on her again, makes her heart beat faster. Her body is lean, strong and beautiful. In a blink he is through the wall, standing before her. His teeth lengthen and he leans in. Just before his mouth takes hers, he shifts from the weak shell of the demon back to the strong angelic demon that is his true form.

  Lifting her naked body against his, he sheds his clothes and takes what she offers. His mouth takes hers in a hot dance as he brands her. She meets heat with heat, wanting to experience every second, to have true intimacy just once before she dies. He wants to savor this moment with her, but his need is too great. He feels as if he has waited lifetimes to possess her. Lifting her higher, he sinks inside her and revels in the tight feel of her around him. Scraping his teeth over her nipple he smiles as she tightens around him and he begins pumping into her. Sucking the pink tip in his mouth, he feels her hands tangle in his hair and watches as she throws her head back moaning in pleasure. Her moan is long and low, and she struggles to breathe as he forces her over the edge. Mindlessly, she follows the rhythm he sets only to growl in frustration when he drops her to the hot floor.

  Staring up into his black eyes, she catches her breath as he pulls out of her, and begins exploring her body with his hot tongue. His long black hair traces down her body as he moves lower, nipping and biting, then bathing the bite with a kiss. Reaching the soft curls below, he feels her begin to panic.

  “NO, Raphaim,” she cries and tries to scoot away, but he holds her in place.

  “Easy, Rena, trust me?” he asks looking up at her.

  Here is a gift she can give him, her trust. She relaxes and gives what he needs. Varena struggles not to scream as his tongue, strong, smooth and hot splits her in two. In his mind, he hears her screams, and smiles as she starts to whimper. Pleased, he hears her say his name in his mind and feels the spasms meant only for him.

  Sinking deep inside, he sets a new pace, taking her mouth and shares the taste with her. Unable to resist the lure of her blood any more, he times his penetration with the explosion of their orgasm. Sinking his teeth deeply, she throws back her head and just feels. In that moment she finds heaven; in the arms of her enemy, she finds peace. Holding his head to her throat, she treasures the feel of him inside of her, around her, and on top of her.

  “Mine,” he thinks “Mine!”

  He felt the ripple and knew before the Mocker appeared what it meant. Quickly jumping up he moves back, ignoring her protest.

  “Dress now! The Keeper must be giving him trouble again. He comes for me, Rena.” Shifting back to his weaker form, he slips through the wall and readies for the attack to come. Varena quickly pulls on her shift, dizzy from the lack of blood. She huddles in the corner of her cell.

  This time he is ready, thanks to her gift. The stupid dogs that guard him fail to check the chains; they think he is too weak to cause trouble. He waits knowing he will only get a moment to attack. When the opening appears in the rocky wall, he quakes with his hands shielding his face. As Samiel prepares to strike, Raphaim launches his body towards him. He plunges his teeth through the flesh and into the muscular thigh. Wrapping his bony arms and legs around the limb, he drinks the powerful blood. He ignores the fists pummeling him as he quickly sucks the healing blood into his throat, only to be ripped away and pinned to the wall by his father. With a laugh, he licks the blood off his lips and waits for the usual abuse to begin.

  The rich purity of the blood in his system is hypnotic, he snarls, scratching, and kicking like an animal fighting for its meal. His father calls for two of the guards to help hold him. They watch as the blood begins to work its magic, regrowing a single wing, wit
h beautiful black feathers.

  "You are evolving, awakening to your new form; I may have need of you soon." Turning to leave he seals the two fallen guards inside and watches through the glass wall. They wait a moment before they realize what is happening and the panic sets in.

  One drops his hold on the prisoner and runs to the wall looking for the door that no longer exists. Seizing the moment; Raphaim attacks without a thought, going straight for the throat of the angel holding him. The blood so warm and rich pours into his system fueling his starving cells. Releasing his first victim, he launches an attack against the angel trying to get out hitting him from behind. Sinking his clawed nails into his eyes, he blinds him and bites straight into his throat ripping out his jugular, releasing a river of angelic blood. Covering the gash with his mouth, he drinks his fill, watching his father through the wall. Dropping his victim Raphaim stands at full strength once more and drops his victim to the floor. The injured angel turns and prepares to fight.

  With a smile, he looks at his Father never blinking. Naked, his fully formed body is covered in grime and filth, but he has no shame. His wings are fully feathered once again, and he waits with the patience of a starved animal on the hunt.

  “I am Shadow,” he says once more. Crossing the space in the blink of an eye, the injured angel tries to fly away but he has no chance. Sinking his fangs deep, he drinks him dry. Just before he feels his heart stop, he grabs the beautiful wings and tears them off the angel’s back. Laughing in glee at the scream of agony, he tosses the wings at the opening where his father once stood.

  “Free me now!! FATHER! I am Shadow! I can catch the Keeper and return her to you!” With a sinking heart, he hears a sound from behind him. Turning to the wall, he sees his father holding Varena by the throat.

  “Did you trust him, Watcher? Did you think he cared for you?” The mocker smells her inhaling the scent into his lungs, and then begins to laugh. “I can smell him all over you. Either way, the child you carry whether mine or his still belongs to me.” Dropping her on the ground, he kicks her as Raphaim watches, “I would have treated you better he is more animal than man now.”

  Lifting her head up, Varena looks at Raphaim’s blank expression, and the blood covering him. She begins to weep dark, deep tears. She had traded one lion’s den for another.

  “I offer you redemption, son. I will free you, and keep her safe as long as you bring me the Keeper. What do you say, Shadow?”

  Raphaim smiles into his father’s eyes he is finally free.

  “Come and claim your prize, son. We have much to discuss.”

  Raphaim lifts Varena into his arms and follows his father out of hell. Varena does not fight, for she is truly broken now. Curling into his chest, she listens to the heart of the demon that holds her and knows she will never be free of him.


  The beating of the drums wafts through the night air and Elina finds her heartbeat struggling to match the rhythm. As a teen she loved to visit her Aunt Pauline, Polly for short, here in the Badlands of South Dakota. It has such a rich history with its colorful landscape. There are formations found in the rock that she used to love to explore, imagining castles and towers that had been burnt during a war.

  Nearby are Indian reservations that Aunt Polly used to take her to during her photography and painting expeditions. She donated a percentage of the proceeds from her art to the school on the reservation. Polly had never had children of her own, and the children here held her heart. The desperate poverty proved a need that she could not walk away from. Her photographs were seen all over the world, drawing attention to the desperate plight of the Indians on the reservation.

  Coming to visit now as an adult, Elina needs the peace of the landscape and people to rejuvenate her spirit for the fight ahead. Jake had traveled with Elina to see his sister Elsbeth, and Elina was coming home to see her Aunt Ruby and Uncle Ronnie. They adopted her when she was twelve. They arrived yesterday and it was a happy reunion. Aunt Polly and Ruby are sisters. Ronnie loves picking on his wife’s sister, almost as much as she loved picking on him.

  Her log home sits on twenty two acres. It is built for comfort, privacy, and seclusion. The living room is the gathering spot with a large, wide rock fireplace, big windows, and beautiful gourmet kitchen. It is a five bedroom home with over four thousand square feet in the main house. There is also a smaller log cabin home closer to the creek that runs through the property. Polly moves through the now quiet house holding a tray with three cups of herbal tea and teapot. She knows where to find her guest; it’s the same place she always finds her. Elsbeth loved the large deck with the views of the Black Hills Forest on the back of the house. The nightmares would not let her rest. She tried not to wake them, but Polly seemed to know when she was up. Smiling at the sound of her friend stepping out, Elsbeth continues staring up into the trees.

  “I thought I heard him call me, my eagle. Sometimes I feel him close, but he does not come,” sighing Elsbeth turns to greet her. She is surprised to find Elina with her. “Did I wake you both? I am sorry, I tried to be quiet.” Elsbeth says to them.

  “I was up. Aunt Polly and I like to sit out here at night and drink our tea. I love listening to the sounds of the owls in the woods; it soothes my soul” Elina tells her as she walks to the table and accepts a steaming mug.

  “I wanted a chance to talk to the two of you alone” Polly tells the two young women as she sits at the table with them. “I would like to tell you a story, but I ask that you not stop me until after the telling.”

  “When I was fourteen, I met a man, fell in love, and made him my world. He asked my parents’ permission for us to marry and of course they said yes. With nine children at home, the girls were married off quickly back then. I was young, and thought I knew love. So I married him. He was twenty four, and so handsome. After a few years it became apparent that I could not have children, and work was scarce in the mountains. He began to drink and became abusive. I loved him, so I stayed. I hid the bruises and learned to heal myself. The more I learned the more fascinated I became. My grandmother was a German healer and I started spending as much time with her as possible. I told my husband that she was sick and needed my help. One night after the abuse was too much for me to hide, I went to my grandmother and she took me in, healing my wounds and my spirit. I left him a note saying I was seeking a divorce. It was unheard of in those days, and he was furious.” Standing up, she steps to the edge of the deck placing a withered hand on the log railing she continues.

  “Later in the night, he came for me; screaming about demons, devil worshipers, pagans, and witches. I don’t know how he got in the house, but he came for me first. I was already weak, and being wounded it didn’t take much for him to stop me. He beat my granny to death while I watched,” she says, her voice breaking. Elsbeth rises and goes to her, putting an arm around her shoulder. “I can do this,” she tells them. “He lit her little shack on fire. I knew I was going to die; maybe part of me wanted to. I had blamed myself for so long. So I prayed for my family, and accepted my fate.”

  Walking towards the table, she sits back down waiting for Elina to rejoin them. “That is the first time I saw him. I heard the hoot of an owl. Flying straight through the flames towards me was an enormous owl. With his powerful wings, he lifted me and everything went black. I woke up lying near the river. The smell of the pine trees filled the air and over the rush of the water, I heard him call. He was beautiful with his large yellow eyes, tiger striped wings, body, and pointy black ears. Again, he hooted at me and I struggled to get up. I thought I was dreaming, but I realized I was in the woods behind her house. I started to run. I had to get back to my granny! I could see the smoke and flames and smell it in the air. I was too late to save her. Crying, watching my refuge burn, I did not hear my husband behind me, but my owl did. He called out and flew straight at him, digging his claws into his shoulders. He lifted him above the burning house, and dropped him right into the center of the flames. The l
ast thing I saw was his body exploding into the burning house. I ran screaming and headed back to my little house to wait.”

  “When the police came they determined the fire was accidental, and my husband had died a hero trying to save my granny. In her will, she left me some money she had put aside and a box full of her family books, traditions and family bible. It was our heritage, which my mother had kept at her home. I cherish those books and traditions and because of her I was able to survive what was to come. After the funerals I took that money and books, packed a suitcase, and set off traveling to learn as much as I could about healing.”

  “During my travels I began to paint, and photograph old churches. I sold them for money. I found I had a gift for seeing what others could not. I had a fascination with our German heritage, so I went and learned all about healing. I was taught me how to heal humans and animals using herbal remedies.”

  Polly moves over to a copper fire pit and begins fiddling with the logs. With the fire burning, they pull their chairs close and Elsbeth covers Polly’s knees with her favorite afghan.

  “I saw it on you the first time we met, Elsbeth.” Turning to look at Elina with her wise green eyes faded by time she sighs, saying “I have seen it in you for years, but I was not sure until now.” Shocked Elina and Elsbeth look at each other and back at Polly.

  “It was there in Germany, he came to me in my dreams. My owl had followed me during my travels. I would catch glimpses of him and he made me feel safe. One night the dream became a reality. I had hiked up the Wendelstein Mountain in the Bavarian Alps to photograph a historic church built in the mountains. I desperately wanted to catch the church with the sun setting behind it. I packed a bag to camp with my gear in case I got caught by the weather. Impatient, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity so, I went.” Smiling to herself she stops, sipping her tea, lost in her thoughts for a moment.


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