The Darkness in Me

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The Darkness in Me Page 3

by Diane Nortje

  “Of course, the old girl is still around, I saw her the other day actually, I’m sure she will be so happy to see you. You better hurry though, the library closes in an hour.”

  “Okay thanks mom, I’m just going to run upstairs and change quick.” I reply and turn on my heels to make quick work of what I need to get so I can get this over and done with.

  My old room looks the same as I left it, sky blue walls that had butterflies flying all over them. My oversized dresser still full of all my old hair accessories and my wardrobe still full of all my old clothing I highly doubt I’ll be able to squeeze myself into. I drop my bags on my small double bed, that still had the same light blue sheets on, and I quickly undressed to put on my tight black outfit I use on my “missions” as I liked to call them. It seems a little less wrong calling them missions than calling them something criminal. And besides I had a good enough reason to pull off this mission. I feel if I don’t, that Mr. Wright might get his hands on something that could quite possibly change the world as we know it. Okay, that’s a bit dramatic, I just don’t like the guys vibe and I think he could do some considerable damage with that gem if he got his grubby hands on it. So, I’m taking it to destroy it. End of story.

  ~ Jacin ~

  I feel her again, it’s the slow steady beating in my chest, it matches to the beat of my own fucking heart. It’s so fucking strong, I feel it will out beat my heart. The link is growing stronger, like it did before. She must be close again. I feel her, she feels like fucking sunshine on my skin after being so long in the dark. I fucking hate it.

  The prophecy never said when she would come into my life, only that she comes from a light coven. I have searched every light coven on this fucking earth, this is the only coven that this has ever happened in. It must be her. The beast in me grows restless with the knowledge he will finally get his hands on her. I feel his excitement, knowing she is almost in our grasp again. He damn near leveled the earth when we lost her, his anger was barely controlled. The only thing that made him get his shit together was feeling her again.

  I can’t locate her, but when she sleeps, her guard must be lowered, I can pull her to me, I feel her when she sleeps, I make her watch what I do to beings that make me angry, I make her fear me. All I feel is her, I feel her presence. She brings me something I’m not willing to admit, not even to the beast, but he fucking knows. He fucking craves the feeling, who the fuck knows why, and he won’t say. Fucker.

  I spelled that house of mine, to tell me when she walked through the front door, she never did, she is stronger than I anticipated. She felt the link forming before it could be completed and before I even knew what hit me, she was gone, I couldn’t track her, she just disappeared. I won’t make that mistake again. It should have ended that day; the whole damn town could have been ended and I would not have even cared so as long as she had gone with it. But I refuse to be like him. I refuse to cause the destruction he so enjoyed. No, this time, the beast will be kept under control.

  I can’t afford a weakness and the prophecy says she is mine. I don’t fucking like it. I don’t have a fucking weakness. That is why I am what I am, why reign, and not some other fucker who thinks he could win against me. I took the last king out for a reason, because he was no longer fit to reign. It was all about the bloodshed, the women, the fucking chaos of it all once the beast had its full. No, I control the beast now, better than he did, better than he never could. We work as one. We are one. And I won’t allow some fucking weakness to come in and threaten all I have endured, all I have suffered, all we have suffered.

  The sooner this is over with the better. I feel her presence most nights, that steady fucking beating, that steady fucking feeling she brings with her, every fucking time. I know she is close by when I deal out the punishments, but I have stopped looking for her. She is never visible to me. I don’t think she evens knows I feel her, but I do. Every. Fucking. Time. Fucking sunshine, I fucking hate sunshine now. She watches me dish out peoples sentences with a smile on my face, because I know, one day she will have her sentence dished out. It will be quick for her at least, I can’t afford any more mistakes when it comes to her.

  People are talking, the darkness tells me that they are talking, they say its near, that my weakness will reveal itself, a certain bunch of people don’t seem to care for my reign, then I don’t seem to care for them, their deaths will be painful, I will see to that myself. They think to somehow use this girl against me, I will end her myself. Tonight, will be her last night. Fucking sunshine or not. It ends.

  ~ Natalie ~

  “You must never return Natalie. If you do, I cannot hide you. Do you understand me?” The witch says to me, gripping my arms, and I feel the spell taking hold of me.

  “What will happen if I do?” I ask her, because curiosity kills the cat. Me being the cat.

  “What was always meant to happen. I cannot save you if you do not heed my words.” She whispers out to me, remorse thick in her voice, like she had control over these circumstances.

  “Never return. I promise.” I assure her.

  If only I kept my word to the witch that saved me. If only I wasn’t crazy. I know nothing good can come of me returning. But I have to, right? What if the gem falls into the wrong hands, they were supposed to be all destroyed, so why is there one still around?

  Its pitch-black outside, the wind is blowing my hair with its slight breeze, the moon is casting that eerie glow you see in horror movies right before something jumps out and fucks shit up. Something doesn’t feel right, being here is not right. I’m hiding behind a large oak tree that’s in the front yard, the shadows are so deep that no one would even see me if they looked right at me. I take a look around, but I sense no one. I wonder if that slime bag beat me to the gem. There has been no sign of any disturbance, no sign of any life actually, not so much as a cricket. Odd. I would of thought this would be a good place to set up home if I were a creature. But I’m not, so who knows what they prefer.

  I inch slowly towards the house, careful not to make a noise, if someone were to be out there, they would hear the slightest noise. I make it to the house in silence, my back leaning against the wall of the house. From this point I can see the side of the deck of the house, as well as the entire right-side of the house. I sneak a peek through the window, the house is dark inside, looks as if there hasn’t been anyone inside of it for years.

  I peak through one of the only windows that doesn’t have a layer of dust over it and from what I can see from the outside, is cobwebs hanging in the archways, there’s a thick layer of dust over all the furniture and decorations. The place looks un-touch. Odd. This house was so beautiful years ago and it now looks as if it is about to fall apart. This house is as out of place is it is now as it was all those years ago.

  The outside is no better off, mostly all the plants are dead, except for the trees that line the driveway. The once beautiful green grass is now dead and there are bare patches of sand that dot the lawn. What on earth is going on. In a small town like this, the one thing you did was keep your house spick and span. Being deserted is no excuse. Well not in this town it’s not. It’s like this town doesn’t even notice this house, like it fell off the radar and they just don’t notice it. Odd.

  My heart is beating in over drive, I feel like one of my nightmares are about to come, yet I’m wide awake. My palms start to sweat and I’m starting to itch in this stupid all black outfit I’m in. I haven’t even gone near the front door and I’m starting to panic.

  He is not coming, he is not coming, he is not here, he is not here, I keep telling myself over and over again to calm my shit down. Not. Working. I just need to make fast and get this over and done with and no one will even know I was here. Okay, maybe for the footsteps in the dust, but other than that, I’m quite as a mouse.

  What the hell, maybe I should just run now while I still have the chance, I feel the fear creeping in on me. And seriously, what if that creep gets the gem, what’s the worst
that could happen. I don’t see why it’s my problem. Fuck this, I’m out of here.

  That’s what I kept telling myself to do. But clearly my mind and body are not on the same page, while my mind is screaming, “fucking run”, while my body is creeping up to the doorway. Before my mind could register, it’s like I’m watching myself from the outside in slow motion, nothing good is going to come from this. I watch my hand as it turns the door knob. Please be locked, please be locked. The door swings open and I brace myself for the worse. And nothing happens, not a ripple, not a wisp of the wind, nothing. Was I just imagining what happened the whole time? What I felt six years ago might not have even happened. Phew!

  Okay, okay I can do this, I’m giving myself a pep talk, in hopes that this unsettling feeling of the worst is about to happen will go away, but it doesn’t. But I’ve come this far, I can do this. In and out, done. As I’m about to take a step towards the door, I’m thrown inside by an unforeseen force and land right on my ass with a thud and the door behind me slams shut. Shit! It takes me a few seconds to get my bearings before I shoot up and run for the door. Its locked. Fuck!

  Chapter Three

  “I think I found it, the reason my soul aches.” - Natalie


  I’m watching the dust settle around me. I can’t believe what’s happened. I can’t believe I’m the helpless little girl in all the horror movies you watch and scream at her to fucking run, and yet they don’t, they get caught, they end up being tortured or dying. Just my luck. I can’t die here, now. I try the door again, nothing, it’s still locked. I take a moment to pull myself together, I need to think what I can do to get out of here in one piece.

  I pull my magic around me, whisper a spell to unlock the door, nothing, it’s still locked. I start to pull even more magic into me, maybe I can blast my way out of this damn house, but the house starts to shake and starts to pull the magic back out of me I was trying to use. This unknown force keeps pulling and pulling, until there is nothing left in me. I try to pull the magic once again, but nothing. I’m blocked from my magic. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

  I stop, I can’t keep pulling and hope to have enough energy to survive what I fear is now coming. I watch the dust, it’s the only normal thing in this house it seems. I watch as the last fleck settles back into place, when the house starts to shake again. Oh. Crap. The dust starts to tremble and is lifted off the floor until its knee high, when the house abruptly stops, the dust is thrown back to the floor, and I take cover with the dust. It seems like the best and only option I have now. When I finally look up, the dust is gone, and everything in the house is clean, not a speck of dust to be seen. I glance up at the archways, no cobwebs. I rise to my feet and notice the floor is newly polished. I glance at the door and I can see out into the night through the windows in the door. What the hell is going on. I run to the door to try my luck one more time, and it’s still locked. Crap.

  I need to calm my shit down if I’m going to make it out of this place alive. I can’t get out through the door, so my only other option would be to find another way out. Before he comes. If he already isn’t here and is watching me like I’m the bug in the jar. I take one final look outside, and check if anyone is out there, most probably laughing at me, but there is no one. Why the hell did I try convincing myself this was the right thing to do. I’m going to end up dead and slime bag is going to get the gem anyway.

  I turn my back on the door to my freedom, I need to find another way out of here. I fear the worst now, he must know I’m in this house, this fear I have is causing me to think I have two sets of heart beats beating together as one. God, I might just die of a heart attack before I get out of here.

  I start to make my way down the hall, at the end of the hall is a chest of drawers with pictures hanging above it, passed that is more doorways, there must be a kitchen somewhere through all the doorways, with hopefully a back door to it. I make my way down the hall, everything is newly polished, newly cleaned, like its awaiting an important guest to arrive. Halfway down the hallway, I see two archways on either side of the hallway. I look into the one and it’s a beautifully set dining room. With a massive dining table in the middle with twelve chairs surrounding it. It’s bigger than my bedroom and bathroom combined in my flat. It beautifully decorated. But I can’t stand about all night to stare inside. I take a quick look to the other side of the hallway. It seems to be a TV room, with large sofas around the room all facing the TV. I guess they like to watch TV. The wall is filled with books on shelves and in the corner of the room is a chess set and a pool table. Must be the entertainment room, I guess. But I highly doubt the gem of Danté will be hidden in there. I near the end of the long hall and stop to investigate the pictures above the chest of drawers.

  This must be pictures of the people who own this place. They seem so normal, but I’ve come to know that never judge people on a first glimpse, people really are who they appear to be. The pictures are mostly of two little boys and what must be their mother. The boys must be identical twins, they have the same features, same colour eyes, but where one boy is light the other is dark. I look down and the trinkets on the chest of drawers catch my eye. I better look for the gem while I’m stuck here, after all I did come for the gem, and no point in leaving empty handed.

  I search through the drawers and come up with nothing. The gem of Danté isn’t that small that I could really miss it, but it could be spelled, and then I’m in the shit. There is a reason this gem is hard to come by, it grants you access to the underworld undetected, undetected means uncontrolled. People can get up to all sorts of naughty business if you reach the lower levels of the underworld. People think that hell and Lucifer is the deepest it goes. But they are completely wrong. It’s the deepest that humans go, there are deeper levels, levels that hold the demons. That’s what I’m afraid of this slime bag doing. Even Lucifer himself cannot control the demons that roam the lower levels of the underworld. Whoever does, I would not want to cross that fucker. They must be some mean ass demon to control that kind of demonic power.

  I make my way to the end of the hallway, it branches off into three different directions, straight ahead is a dead end with a black door. The hallway to that door is bare, no pictures hanging, no furniture along the wall. Must be some kind of store room. If all else fails I will search there last. I need to find my way out first before I go and get lost in this house. I go in through the left arch way and turn the corner. The kitchen. I immediately see the backdoor and dart towards the door. I try the handle, its locked. I would never have guessed. Shit, shit, shit. I will have to break through one of the windows then to get out of here. But first, let me just get this damn gem and I’ll break free.

  I take a look around the kitchen, its beautifully decorated, all cherry wood cupboards and all the appliances are silver and match perfectly. There is an island in the middle of the kitchen, with a sink in the middle of the one side. Next to the sink is a cutting board and a block of knives. I make my way to the knives, I eye the small carving knife, I pick it up and slide it into my boot. Just in case of emergency or if a psycho comes in through the locked door. In the corner of the kitchen is a stairway, it’s one of those cool old brass iron ones that go in a circle all the way to the top.

  ~ ~ ~

  I make my way through the upstairs of the house, looking into all the bedrooms, under all the beds, pillows and blankets. Inside cupboards and wardrobes. Heck I even lifted the toilet seat and bowl to check inside, and I’ve come up with nothing. I’m starting to think the gem wasn’t even here to begin with. There is one last bedroom at the end of the hall, I make my way down the hallway and notice pictures hanging in the hallway. It’s of the same two boys, they are older now. God, they must be the most beautiful men I have ever seen. And men aren’t supposed to be beautiful, but they are. They are still the opposite of each other, the darker one of the two seems to be a bit more dangerous than his brother but looks can be deceiving.

  I enter
the last bedroom, its dark inside, everything is dark as well, the walls, the furniture, even the linen. Black sheets sit on a massive four-poster bed that could fit five people in easy. The walls are painted a midnight blue and there are couches surrounding the fireplace on the other side of the room. This is a man’s room. And I should not be in here, I feel that to my core, this is his room. I knew this was a bad idea from the start, why the hell did I enter this house? I’m stuck in his house, in his bedroom and after the freaky shit that happened when I was thrown in here, he must know I’m here.

  I better just make this fast, if I’m trapped in here, I better find the dam reason I’m trapped in here for. I start to search, through wardrobes, under the bed, through all the cupboards I can, and I come up empty. Crap! It must be here somewhere.


  I watched her from afar as she came to her senses after I threw her into my house with my magic. She tried to break free. Strong little witch she is. She even tried to draw my power into herself. I didn’t see that coming, full of surprises she is. But I pulled my magic back in, it’s now locked up tight, no one has ever pulled from me, but her. My fucking weakness.

  I wanted to watch her for a bit instead of getting right to it, she wasn’t getting out of this house again, she was trapped unless I let her go. So, I followed her. She was looking for something. Stupid girl. I know she felt fear coming here, I smelled it on her when she was hiding outside, so why come back. She obviously needed something or was looking for a thrill. She won’t survive the night.

  The beast in me didn’t like that I kept my distance from her, he demanded I go to her. Why the fuck he wants her so bad, I don’t know. He can have whatever female he wants, when he wants, but he is trying to break free of my control to get to her. He can smell her, like I can. Fuck she smells good, even with her fear lingering in the air, her smell overwhelms me. Nothing, no one has ever smelled as good as she does. The beast can smell her too, fucking fighting me for the control I have over him. He fucking wants her, bad. He hasn’t said what he wants her for, its either to kill her or to fuck her. She is our weakness, so he must want to end her.


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