by Diane Nortje
“Fuck you, you will not take me willingly, and I swear if I so much as see your dick, I will bite it off.” I shout back at him.
“Tempting as that might be my little viscous fluff ball, you biting my dick off would be the least of my worries if you saw my dick.”
I look at him puzzled. I’m not sure what he wants, what the hell they are even doing here and where the hell is he taking all my stuff, when I notice the other five men have returned with my luggage bags.
“Up little lady, it’s time to go.” He says to me while standing over me with his hand out.
“I’m not going anywhere with you, are you fucking crazy.”
“No, I’m actually the sanest one here.” Indicating the other five men. Never take your eyes off your target. I’m getting sloppy being here at home. Why the hell did I even come back. Before I even know what is happening, I’m hauled up and thrown over Mr. White Hair’s shoulder.
“Put me the fuck down you fucking caveman.” I shout at him, not caring about his previous warning. I start hitting his back with my fists trying to get free of his grip somehow.
“Harder little lady, I like it when a woman is a challenge.” He says to me over my screaming.
“People are going to hear me shouting for help, and you fucker’s kind of stand out. Just put me down.”
“No one is going to see you little lady.” He says to me flippantly.
And no one did, not even when I screamed at my neighbor for help, for all he was doing was sweeping his porch, not a care in the world. No one on the street noticed me, not the six massive men, not the fact that I was in my pjs and not the fact that I was being kidnapped.
Clearly this infuriating woman doesn’t understand an order when one is given to her. I told her to be here by ten or I would come fetch her myself. Just fucking lucky for her that I couldn’t leave the house with the unexpected visit from Nate. So, I sent Weyland instead. Either way, she is not going to like being fetched in future and she will learn to fucking follow orders.
She doesn’t realize the serious fucking shit she was in last night, I wonder if she even knew that was a demon on her car last night. It was lower level, and doesn’t have much brain power, other than to follow orders. And it will only follow orders from another demon, so guess word has gotten out, and they will be coming in spades to take her away from me.
After her attack, the five watched over her, never left the property. Hell, she didn’t even know Tray was in her room with her last night. The other four patrolled the property until they caught sent of another demon nearby. Stupid fuckers, two attacks in one night, did they honestly think she would be left alone unprotected, unless these are two separate attacks. I wouldn’t know, when I arrived to deal with the problem, the fucker took one look at me and broke his own neck in my grasp. It obviously knew that was a better option for it than too be held captive by me. It was. But I need answers.
I look over to Nate, who is smirking again. These fuckers, why I put up with them I don’t know. Weyland is my second, and he pushes me. But Nate is just my eyes, and he is paid for it. But the fucker grew on me over the many years, and he has proved himself useful. Useful enough to be trusted with this.
“What is it?” I ask him. Already checking the clock on the wall, she will be here in ten minutes. And Nate needs to be done by then.
“Word got out, they are going to attack to see how well she is protected. They think if they have her, they have you.”
“Fuck!” I shout at him. I thought I took care of all the demons that night when she dream-walked. I guess I missed some.
“There is something else too, Sire.” He says to me while leaning back in the chair.
“Don’t get fucking comfortable, you need to be gone in Eight minutes.”
“That’s fucking rude, you ask me to do shit, and I come to tell you stories and you don’t even offer me some fucking tea.”
“I pay you to do that for me, and what? Do you want some tea?” I ask Nate. My patience running out with this whole meeting.
“No, but its polite to offer your guests a refreshment.” He says back to me.
“You are not my fucking guest, you are my spy. Now what else is there to tell me.”
“It’s the prophecy, I don’t think it’s what we are looking for.”
“What you mean, it’s not what we are looking for?” I snap at him.
“The stories are going around that it is divided, it’s not kept together, and there is apparent reason for that. I’ve heard that once you killed your father, the prophecy broke apart. Making it harder for it to come to be.”
I look at Nate, I don’t know if he is fucking pulling my chain or if he is being serious. I listen for any difference in his breathing, his beating heart and nothing changed. He must believe what he has heard.
“Sire, it makes sense. We have been looking for it for hundreds of years and none of us have ever come near it. I’m thinking its kept in plain sight.” I hear him tell me, my mind trying to process the shit he just dropped on me.
“What else did they say?” I ask Nate, trying to piece this whole fuckup together.
“They said it could have been broken into three.” He murmurs to me, but I heard him clearly.
“Why three.” I ask him again.
“There are three parts apparently.”
Before I can answer Nate, I hear shouting coming from the outside. I see Nate stand to investigate what the noise is. We aren’t sitting in my office, we are in the front room. Fuck. Now this fucker will get to see what is causing this whole prophecy.
“Get your fucking dirty paws off of me, you caveman or I will kick you in the balls again!” I hear Natalie shout.
“Oh, please honey, wasn’t that foreplay? I thought you were coming on to me in the car.” I hear Weyland say to her back.
“Me! Have you fucking lost your shit? You were on top of me the whole ride. Fucking caveman!” I hear her scream back at him.
“That’s because your fucking crazy ass wanted to jump out of a moving car. Fucking crazy woman.”
I wanted to laugh at the fight going on between them. She apparently put up a fight about been taken. Good. Shows she has some fucking backbone. She is going to need it if she is to survive this. To survive me.
I come out of the front room with Nate following behind me, to come face to ass with Natalie, who appears to still be in her pajamas, with little horses over them and these ridiculous slippers on. Weyland hasn’t seen me yet, but he is preoccupied with Natalie who is over his shoulder, hitting his back as he refuses to let her go.
If my dick doesn’t jump to attention at Natalie’s ass on display like that, I’m not sure what would make it jump to attention then. Her pajamas are tiny little shorts which leave little to the imagination, and I can’t help the growl that comes out of me when I notice Weylands’ hand on her ass. I know it is to hold her in place. But fuck if I don’t want to break his fingers for it.
At my growl Weyland stills, Natalie on the other hand didn’t hear it and is still hitting Weylands back. I know he probably can’t feel it, but all I can think about how her breasts are push down against his back and another growl leaves me. Nate has the right idea about moving away from me. Weyland doesn’t seem to take that much interest in my outburst.
“Enough.” I grind out, while staring at Weyland like I’m going to murder him any moment now.
Natalie now stills at my voice. I can see she has given up the fight and has gone limp in Weylands arms. I’m sure I heard her whisper fuck. But I can’t be sure.
“I’m going to put you down now, my little viscous fluffball. Just don’t bite my dick off.” Weyland teases Natalie while putting her feet to the floor.
“Fucking caveman.” I hear her grumble back at him.
When she turns to face me, she tries her best to give me her angry face. Weyland was right, she is like a little viscous fluffball. I take her in, her hair is a mess on the top of her head
, which I’m sure started off as a bun, now it’s just a tangled web of knots, she has a tiny top on and no bra, fuck if my eyes don’t notice that first, and I notice her nipples start to pebble with my attention, I pull my eyes from her nipples to the tiny shorts she has on to the giant slippers she has on her feet.
“What the fuck are those.” I say to her without thinking beforehand.
“They are called slippers and if you haven’t noticed I didn’t exactly have a chance to get dressed.” Natalie grinds out to me. She is pissed. It’s cute.
“You had plenty of fucking time. You were supposed to be here at ten. I told you, you wouldn’t like it if I had to come and fetch you.” I snap back at her. Fucking patience of mine is getting thinner by the minute.
“I will not just jump at your commands Jacin. Who the hell do you think you even are by doing this to me? Coming into my home and kidnapping me like this.”
“The man that wants to fucking protect you.” I shout back at her. I cannot begin to understand this fated business. I’m so used to death, to sin, to destruction that I was consumed by it. But now, now I’m more consumed by her. And its fucking driving me mad.
I’ve stunned her for a moment. But only a moment. I can see she is trying to process the information I’ve just given her. Does she think I don’t know what happened to her last night, does she think that what happened won’t go unpunished? She was just lucky Tray got there when he did, that fucker was about to rip into her car and there was not a dam thing she could have done to stop it.
“Well I’m here, what is it you want so I can go home?”
“Go home? Oh no sweetheart, you must have misunderstood me. You are here now, and you are not going anywhere.” I say to her with a sly grin across my face. This isn’t over, it’s far from over. Not after she was attacked last night again. They are coming for her, and hell will freeze over before I let that happen.
“Have you lost your ever-loving mind Jacin? I’m not staying here with you!” Natalie shouts.
“This is not up for discussion Natalie. Now go put some fucking clothes on before I have to break some skulls in for thinking you are here for them to look at.” I shout back her. She doesn’t seem worried about me shouting at her. She does look down to what she is wearing, and her arms fly up to cover her breasts.
I watch as she wants to come back with a clever comment, but I stop her before she even gets a chance to say anything. “Don’t, I don’t want to hear it, just go cover up. Now!”
If looks could kill, I’m sure I would have dropped to the floor dead. I watch as she storms off, until she realizes, she doesn’t know where she is going. She turns back to look at Weyland, and he cocks his head towards Tray. And she follows him. This was a bad fucking idea.
Chapter Eleven
“Hell felt like home, until her.” – Jacin
I’m led down the hall by one of the six men that came into my house to kidnap me. At least I know Jacin is a man of his word, he was right, I wouldn’t like it if I had to be fetched. But karma is a real ugly bitch and as I so threatened the guy with the white hair, I would make Jacin regret this decision. Childish? Most definitely. I just can’t decide what would be more childish to get my revenge.
The house if different during the day, there are a lot of men that surround the house, but only a few are within the walls of the house, well I’m taking a guess here, I haven’t seen much. But they all are going to regret me being here.
The man that is leading me down the hall hasn’t said anything to me, actually, he hasn’t said anything since I laid eyes on him. He is tall and well built, and where it seems all these men have stepped off GQ Magazine covers, I’m not interested, when normally his blonde cropped hair, baby blue eyes would make any woman beg for his attention, I don’t see myself begging, ever.
He stops us in front of a big double door. The wood is beautiful, dark cherry wood with antique looking handles. He opens the doors and cocks his head at me to enter and then closes the doors behind me. I’m left speechless as I enter the room, which I am guessing is the bedroom I will be staying in.
I vaguely remember this room, but it looks different during the day. Especially since it was made up for me, I’m guessing. The room is occupied by a massive four-poster bed in the middle of the room, with white sheer curtains hanging from the tops of the bed. The rest of the room also done up in white with the walls being a dark navy blue. It’s beautiful. There are two sets of armoires on the one wall, and a dressing table along the other, separated by a large floor length mirror. I walk towards the bathroom, which I’m guessing is the only other door I can see.
I’m left speechless, as I walk into another white room, a white massive claw foot bath tub in the center of the room with a shower, sink and toilet off to the sides. I’m going to be spending a lot of time in this room, I just know it. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the bathroom. And my jaw almost unhinges. I look like I have been dragged through hell and back. You have got to give me credit when credit is due, I did put up a fight with a man that is twice my size.
I forgo the bath and go toward the shower to try and scrub myself clean and look semi presentable. I turn on the shower, allowing the hot water to warm up the bathroom first and go back into the bedroom in hopes my bags are there for me. Lucky for me there they are next to my bed.
I have no clue what these idiots actually packed for me, I’m just hoping it’s something I can work with. I open the one bag and the one next to it in horror. Not only did they empty my underwear drawer into the bag, they seem to have emptied every single piece of clothing into the bags, including my shoes. How the fuck did they fit it all into two bags?
I grab the first things I see, I know Jacin is waiting for me to return, but I decide to be petty about it. So, I will take my sweet time doing this. I notice my phone is in the other bag, I grab it, check for any messages, I see a few from Faith, I will get back to her after my shower, or I will never get into it. I throw my phone on the bed and flick my hand over it, starting my music player. I can’t decide what would irritate Jacin, some girly ass pop music or some heavy metal. I’m going with some girly ass pop music first, let’s really piss him off.
I flick my hand again and let the fates decide what girly song comes on. To my luck, it’s an ear grater. Barbie Girl by Aqua comes blearing out of my phone’s speaker. That song is so old, I remember dancing to it when I was a child. Perfect. I flick my hand again and the music comes blearing out of the roof as if there are invisible speakers there. I wasn’t going down without a fight and oh, I’m going to make him regret he thought he could do this to me.
I watch as she follows Tray down the hallway to her room, which I purposefully choose as it’s on the other side of the house to my room. I know within a few hours her scent it’s going to be floating around the house, and that fucking scent of hers is just too fucking delicious. I’m hoping with my room on the other side of the house, I will be able to somehow control my urge. My urge to fuck her right here on the floor until she is screaming my name and coming around my cock.
I have to adjust my cock in my suit pants after staring at her barely cover ass and boobs. I should have knocked some sense into Weyland for bringing her dressed like that, but then I wouldn’t have been able to see her reaction to me was, and what a fucking delicious reaction it was. It took all my will power to keep the beast caged, after last night, he just wanted more from her, it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough to satisfy us.
I turn to go sit back down and wait for Natalie, in the mean time I need more information from Nate. After the news he brought me, I need to know how he came to those conclusions. Granted he hasn’t been looking for the prophecy as long as me, but he has gotten further than I have managed. That’s what happens when people think that they can trust you, that they are on their side. I’ve never been on their side, so they never spoke freely in front of me.
“Nate, what else d
id you hear.” I say to him, while readjusting my cock again before I can sit. This is going to be hell.
I watch as he looks to where Natalie stormed off and back at me. His eyes not believing what he is seeing. This is woman meant to be my weakness. The one that is supposed to make me kneel.
“That’s her? She is so fucking tiny.” He says to me in reply. And I just stare at him. I know what he is thinking now. I watch as he looks back in Natalie’s direction, and shakes his need.
“She is not just any sort of normal weakness, now is she?” He asks me with a fucking grin on his face, and I just stare back at him with a blank look on my face. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of an answer, he wants to know if she is my fated.
The irony of the word weakness doesn’t escape me now that I know she is my fated. I would never let anyone hurt her, touch her, she is mine. But the more people know what she is, the more danger she is in. Weakness or not.
“What else did you hear?” I ask him again, my patience getting thinner by the moment.
“Nothing, it was just another rumor about it being in three, but I will keep digging, I will go back later today.”
“We also need to establish where they could be kept. It just got a whole lot harder finding it now if what you say is true.” I say more to myself than to the room, but either way, we need to find it.
I don’t need to relay what has been said before to Weyland. He can hear everything I need him to hear or he wouldn’t be in the position he is in. But my brother must be told.
“Call Dax for me, tell him I need him here as soon as possible.” I say to Weyland who just closes his eyes to call my brother through whatever method of communication he has with my brother.
“You need to get back as soon as possible and try find out where we can even start looking, before more try to attack Natalie.” I say to Nate who just nods his head in reply.