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THAT MAN 8 Page 14

by Nelle L’Amour

  We had a dog. We had a baby. We had a new house. I reflected on all these things as I watched Jen spoon-feed cereal to our son Leo, clad in his too-cute-for-words SpongeBob pajamas. “Open up for Mama!” she cooed, and he eagerly formed a circle with his adorable mouth. He’d just started on solid foods and couldn’t get enough of them. Just like his Dada, he had a hearty appetite. My mother said he was a spitting image of me. He is. A handsome little dude. The same swag of dark brown hair, baby blue eyes, and dimpled smile. And for a small baby, he was rather endowed. Our pediatrician said he’s very advanced for his age. Thank you very much, genes. I fucking loved this kid. Scout, as promised by Tessa, turned out to be the best dog ever when it came to kids. From the day Leo came home from the hospital, he stayed close to him and protected him. Many times I’ve thought about Sister Marie’s words and believe he is indeed our guardian angel. Thank you very much, God. I fucking loved this dog. Please pardon my language.

  There was another reason Scout always stayed close to Leo. Our baby was now a major food and toy supplier. I silently chuckled as I watched him sit patiently by Leo’s high chair waiting for his cereal bowl leftovers. Or for his pacifier to fall to the floor. A pacifier to Scout was what a Cuban cigar was to me. A treat. And because he chewed them up, we had to order cases of them. It was pretty hilarious watching Scout prance around the house with a pacifier in his mouth. Leo thought it was a hoot, too, and always giggled.

  Though it was a special day for both of us, neither Jen nor I had big plans. We decided to stay in with Leo and Scout and order dinner in from our favorite sushi joint. Plus we loved our new house, which we’d moved into just before Leo was born.

  It was everything we wanted. Our dream house on Adelaide, a few minutes walk to the Santa Monica stairs and oceanfront promenade, where I respectively worked out and walked Scout. Though you couldn’t call it small, it was nothing like my parents’ gated palatial twenty-five thousand square foot nouveau riche mansion. It dated back to the thirties and needed a little fixing up, the same family having lived in it forever. But we both loved it. Me because of the location. And Jen, because it reminded her of the stately Des Moines houses where she grew up. A five thousand square foot Georgian brick colonial with a huge bay window that overlooked the front lawn and sidewalk. It also had a huge yard. Over time we would renovate it, adding a pool and a guesthouse for Jen’s parents to stay in. For now, it was perfect and Jen had begun to furnish it with a combination of flea market finds and contemporary artwork. And a few antiquey things my mother gifted us. The Kiss, the painting I’d bought her from Jaime Zander’s gallery, now hung proudly in our entryway and made me horny every time I stepped through the front door. And on the console we’d brought from my former condo (one of my few bachelor pad furnishings Jen let me keep), there were numerous family photos. Of Jen and me. Of Leo. Of Scout. All of us together. They were a reminder that life was precious. Every day, every minute counted. Tomorrow was promised to no one. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t feel grateful for my wife. My son. And my dog. I was literally one inch away from death had it not been for Scout. If he hadn’t taken that bullet for me, I wouldn’t be here celebrating my thirty-second birthday with my wife and son. Or with him.

  It was just as well we stayed in. It was also the first day of winter, and for the first time in months, it began to rain. I’m talking crazy buckets. It had been ages since I heard rain pitter patter on a roof, and I kind of liked it. With the fireplace blazing, holiday music playing, and all our Christmas and Chanukah decorations in place, the house felt warm and inviting. Like a Norman Rockwell painting.

  Leo was napping in his portable crib, and Jen was hanging more ornaments on the handsome tree we’d bought. There were already numerous, festively wrapped presents beneath it. Jen’s parents would be flying here in a few days to celebrate the holidays with all of us and my parents. We were hosting a big Christmas Day brunch. Setting down my Hollywood Reporter, I caught Scout sniffing around the tree and was worried he might lift a leg.

  “Jen, I’m going to take Scout out for a short walk.”

  “Blake, don’t. It’s raining too hard. Just let him go out in the backyard.”

  That was fine by me. But there was one thing we had to do later this morning. Not miss, regardless of the weather. Drive to Cedars together where Scout volunteered as a therapy dog. Soon after he recovered from his gunshot, I enrolled him in a training course called Pet Partners. Both Chase and our former dog trainer Martha gave him a stellar recommendation, and he came out of the intensive ten-week program first in his class. My bi-monthly visits to the hospital gave me great joy, regardless of how it was sometimes so difficult for me to stomach all the sick people, especially the critically ill kids, whose ailments ran from traumatic head injuries to life-threatening cancer. Scout arrived in his SpongeBob raincoat, wearing it proudly for the first time, and I’ll never forget the smiles he put on so many patients’ faces, from the youngest to the oldest, as he let them pet and cuddle him. It was a good, good day.

  In the late afternoon, at Jen’s insistence, I also left the house to have a drink with Chase. We’d become good buds, and sometimes shot hoops together or went for a run. He had a dog too, a beautiful chocolate brown Lab rescue named Roxie that Scout had a crush on. I guess he did like brunettes. At five o’clock, Chase picked me up in his Explorer and we headed over to El Torito on Ocean Park Boulevard for happy hour. Over margaritas and nachos, we shot the breeze and he told me the great news that Tessa had gotten into the esteemed veterinary med school at UC-Davis. She would be starting in the fall.

  “Holy guacamole! That’s awesome!” I clinked my glass against his.

  “Yeah. Tess is totally stoked. I’m hoping she’ll join me in my practice when she graduates.” And maybe join him in holy matrimony, I silently chortled. They had become a couple.

  Thanks to Don Springer’s diamond pinky ring, which I hocked for thirty grand, all her first-year expenses would be paid for. My wise old man always said there is a silver lining in every nightmare. He’s right. I actually planned to cover Tessa’s entire three-year tuition. And ultimately establish a scholarship in Scout’s honor for underprivileged kids aspiring to become vets. Chase bought another round of drinks and couldn’t be more thrilled.

  A little smashed and totally happy, Chaseman, formerly Chasehole, drove me home safely. The rain having stopped, he insisted on coming into the house to say hello to Scout, give Leo, who he adored, a ride over his shoulder. And give my wife a hug. I was way over my jealousy. He was no longer a threat to me.

  Oddly, all the lights were off, except for those of our Christmas tree, which twinkled in the bay window, next to the lit up candles of our electric menorah. Maybe my tiger and little lion, as I affectionately called him since Leo roared like his Zodiac sign when he was born, had gone to sleep. Using my key, I unlocked the front door and swung it open. The lights flashed on and then . . .


  Holy shit! About three dozen people were gathered in the entryway, including Jen who was holding wide-eyed Leo. Among them were my parents, along with Grandma, Luigi, my sister Marcy and my twin nephews. As well as Jen’s parents who must have secretly flown in early to celebrate my birthday. Plus, Libby, Chaz, and Jeffrey. Jaime, Gloria, and their twins. My secretary Mrs. Cho and her husband. Vera and Steve along with their son Josh. My favorite SIN-TV porn stars, Pussy and Swell. Chase’s main squeeze, Tessa. Dog trainer Martha and her family. Boyd and Attila. Our beloved nanny Blanca. Stoned out Reverend Dooby, who was playing his guitar. And last but not least, Sister Marie and Nemo. How in God’s name (no pun intended) had Jen tracked her down? Everyone was wearing goofy birthday hats. Red and white striped with Black Lab silhouettes all around. Even Scout was wearing one and howling as if he were singing along.

  Handing off the baby to her mother, Jen flung her arms around me and hugged me hard.

  “Happy Birthday, Blake!” She smacked a kiss on my lip

  I was still in shock. “I can’t believe you pulled this off!”

  “Yes, with a little help from our friends.” She gave Chase a conspiratorial wink.

  Drinks. Canapés. More drinks. Dinner. Balloons everywhere. All thanks to Jeffrey, one of LA’s top party planners, who had also organized our Christmas in July wedding at Jen’s parents’ house. Everyone ate, drank, and laughed. Including our dog and baby. Both were total party animals!

  And then the cake. A frosted monstrosity with multi-color roses from Hanson’s. Buttercream on the outside, raspberry filling on the inside. My favorite. Thirty-two candles flickered as everyone sang “Happy Birthday.”

  “My love, blow out the candles and make a wish,” urged my tiger, who was standing beside me, back to holding our mesmerized son.

  I inhaled a deep breath, pondering what I should wish for. Seriously, what does a man who has it all—a beautiful family, great friends, a dream house, an awesome career, a hefty bank account, and let’s not forget my enviable good looks and Guinness-worthy big dick—possibly want? I thought hard. There was only one thing.

  Eternal good health and happiness for myself, my treasured family, and everyone we know and love. That wasn’t too much to ask for, right? With resolve, I blew out all the candles with a sweeping breath from corner to corner.

  Cheers and applause all around.

  Then suddenly, a loud chorus of eeeews. And a bunch of nose scrunching guests.

  I smelled it too. Ugh! Silent but deadly.

  I shot the one who dealt it a look. His special gift. He gave me that big goofy smile.

  And I smiled back.

  I had to love that dog.


  Hey there, all you beautiful readers~

  Hope you enjoyed this story! And fell in love with Scout. Just like me and my tiger. Let me tell you, he’s the best dog in the world. I repeat. The. Best. Here to stay!

  Whoot! Or should I say Woof? I just saw all your online comments and I’m thrilled you did. But I see some of you have a few unanswered questions. Yours truly is here to help.

  So, you may be wondering: what happened to Krystal? Long story short, she didn’t make it. When she got to Cedars, she was DOA. I got my wish. She’s rotting in hell with her scumbag brother. End of.

  You may also be wondering: what else did my tiger give me for my birthday?

  Actually, she gave me two more presents. Both big and beautiful. The first, one big beautiful blow job that made me come like Mount Vesuvius. The second, a big beautiful framed portrait of Scout and me that she had custom-made. It’s now hanging in my office. Oh, and by the way, she loved the diamond and onyx doggie pin I gave her for our anniversary and keeps it safely tucked away so Scout won’t find it and think it’s a doggie treat.

  She’s now after me to get a cat. Blake, think about all the poor orphan kitties that need a good home. Does that sound familiar? This time, I’ve told my tiger to forget it. I already have one pussy in my life that I love. And that purrs after orgasms. I don’t want or need another.

  My wise old man once told me you have two families in your life—the one you’re born into and the one you choose. Lucky me has done well—make that stellar—on both fronts. I was born into a wonderful family and I chose the perfect wife, who gave me the perfect kid. And I chose the perfect dog. Okay, Jen really chose him and she never lets me forget.

  They say a dog’s a man’s best friend. Believe that. Right from the beginning, Scout was. True to the creed of the official Boy Scout oath, he came into our life to love and protect us. There isn’t a day that goes by when he doesn’t touch us in some way. Be it to humor us with his panty-snatching antics or surprise us with his heroic acts. Just the other day a nasty bee was hovering over Leo and Scout selflessly leaped across the room to take the sting, just like he took a bullet for me. Something I will never forget.

  Scout’s taught me a lot. About myself. About canines. About life. I don’t think there’s a stronger bond than that of a dog and his owner. Unlike humans, a dog’s love is unconditional. Pure and unadulterated. Their loyalty fierce and unwavering. Have you ever seen a homeless guy on the street with his dog? The dog sits by his side adoringly, heels when he pushes his cart. Dogs don’t care if you’re rich or poor. Black or white. Straight or gay. Model perfect or ugly as sin. If you live on the street or if you live in a palace. Okay, it’s a lot nicer being good looking and living in a palace, but still. They don’t discriminate. Sometimes I think what a better place the world would be if we could be more like dogs.

  Jen, Scout, and I—and Leo—have a lifetime of fun and adventures ahead of us. Memories to create. Birthdays. Trips. Holidays. And lots more. But sadly, there will come a day when Scout will leave us and go back to the heavenly space from which he was sent. I dread that day and choke up whenever I think about it, but he will live in my heart forever. I will totally always love him.

  I’m going to write a book. A memoir.

  And I’m calling it THAT DOG.

  Until next time . . .

  I.T.A.L.Y. ~Blake


  Dearest Readers~

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading THAT MAN 8. I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. And I hope Scout put a big smile on your face and made you shed a few tears. If you did enjoy it, I encourage you to leave a review at the retailer you purchased it from. Regardless of the length, reviews mean so much to me and help others discover my books.

  I look forward to bringing you more THAT MAN books in 2021, but in the meantime, Blake and his tiger are featured in my Unforgettable series. And wait till you see what Katrina, the Spawn of Satan, is up to in these books! Have a dagger nearby!

  Coming in early 2021 . . . my next standalone—Butterfly—a steamy and suspenseful age gap romance. My most alpha and tortured hero ever! I’m so in love with Roman Hurst and my feisty artist heroine, Sofi! Add it to your Goodreads TBR.


  Thank you again for your love and support. It means the world to me in this challenging world. Stay well, and remember you are the reason I write.

  With all my love and appreciation . . .

  MWAH! ~ Nelle ♥


  A BIG shout to Team Nelle. I could never do this without you.

  My betas: Kelly Green, Marti Jentis, Jill Johnson, Kristen Myers, Ilene Rosen, Lisa Sanders, Mary Jo Toth, and Joanna Halliday-Warren.

  My amazing cover designer: Arijana Karčić.

  My ever so talented teaser and graphics designer: Hayfaah S.

  My eagle-eye proofreader: Virginia Tesi Carey.

  My forever patient formatter: Paul Salvette/BBebooks.

  My tireless Release Blitz organizer and promoter: Candi Kane.

  My lovely, always-there-for-me assistant: Kelly Green.

  My A-Team: My dear group of supportive writer friends whose names all begin with the letter “A” . . . Aubrey Bondurant, Auden Dar, A.M Hargrove, Adriane Leigh, Angel Payne, Arianne Richmonde, and Aleatha Romig. I love you all!

  My family: For putting up with me and affording me the opportunity to write. I love you guys and owe you lots of dinners!

  And finally, my Pepper: You inspired every word. I LOVE you, my sweet fur baby for always being right by my side!

  Stay well all!!

  MWAH! ~ Nelle ♥


  Click on the covers to read about them and/or purchase.

  Romantic Suspense Standalone: COMING SOON!

  A sizzling age gap romantic suspense. My sexiest alpha hero ever!


  The hot and hilarious USA Today Bestselling Series starring scorchin’ hot Blake Burns.

  Secrets and Lies

  Gloria and Jaime Zander’s passionate rollercoaster romance.

  Unforgettable: A Steamy Hollywood Romance

  Fall in love with sexy heartthrob, Brandon Taylor!

  Bestselling romantic suspense duet.

  Love Duet

  The critically acclaimed all-the-feels duet. “With love, there are no goodbyes.”

  Remember Me

  The gripping, critically acclaimed second chance romantic suspense.

  Baby Daddy

  The bestselling hot and hilarious single parent romantic comedy.

  The Big O

  An OTT insta-love romantic comedy.

  Naughty Nelle

  A sexy romance compilation.

  Boxed Sets

  Writing as E.L. Sarnoff

  Even the evil queen from Snow White wants a happily-ever-after.


  I am a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, twin college-age princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in the entertainment industry with a prestigious Humanitas Prize for promoting human dignity and freedom to my credit, I gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago, but I still enjoy playing with toys with my hubby. While I write in my PJs, I love to get dressed up and pretend I’m Hollywood royalty. My steamy stories feature characters that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon and stay in your heart forever. They’re often inspired by my past life.


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