Serenity (Forever Book 1)

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Serenity (Forever Book 1) Page 13

by India R. Adams

  “Nope.” Sky sits back down.

  Josh trades places in the water with Roc, inserts his feet into the wakeboard bindings, and is prepared for takeoff.

  Jolene glares at Dereck. “Please don’t hurt that football scholarship.”

  “Loud and clear, Mrs. El Ca-pee-ton.”

  From the water, smirking Josh hollers to his girlfriend, “Hey, stop holding a man back!”

  She spins to face him so fast it’s a blur. “What was that, Josh-u-a?”

  “Uhhhh, I love you?”

  More hand signals commence, and we’re off again. Josh is a hot mess, begging for increased speed and extra turns that Dereck is forced to deny.

  Rocco studies Josh’s unusual risk-taking behavior. “Joles, with the pressure he’s under, the man forgets he’s eighteen. Wound tight, girl.”

  We could make a list of the responsibilities Josh willingly places on himself. Eagle eye over his Shorties, the Crew’s leader, captain of a winning football team, father/big brother figure to Sky and me, the perfect boyfriend to Jolene, and a great son to his mama.

  Jolene grabs her stomach. “You’re so right,” she says then nods at Dereck.

  Dereck winks at her and picks up speed, tightening his turns for intensity on Josh’s end. Josh glides over the water and boat-made waves, looking freer than I’ve ever seen him. He actually looks and sounds like a kid for once. After finally caving to Dereck’s driving, and once back in the boat, Josh heads straight for Jolene.

  She yells, “Josh! You’re all wet. Leave me be.”

  “Woman! Come. Love. Me.”

  He scoops her up, delivers a passionate kiss—I love seeing them do that—and leaps off the boat with her in his arms. He needs a moment with the love of his life.

  I tap Dereck with my outstretched toe and point. “That’s what Sky is used to seeing.”

  Sky giggles. “Is Pretty Boy needin’ some Serenity smoochin’?”

  Once Dereck is in the water, Josh pilots the boat—Roc, now the hand waver. Dereck makes the sport look as simple as breathing. He takes the board sideways up the boat’s wake and into the air, truly flying. On one jump, he tucks in his legs and does a flip in the air.

  “Holy shit!” yells Rocco.

  Josh doesn’t appear shocked and speaks with an air of mystery. “He’s changing, somehow. Lately, he’s getting his body to do crazy things. On the field and like what he did on the river with Serenity. That was… unnatural.”


  Don’t know how the hell Dereck has convinced me, but here I am—in the water—rope in my hands, life jacket keeping me afloat, and this crazy board strapped to my feet. It’s those damn green eyes of his.

  Dereck is in the water with me, explaining how I’m to get up on this… this contraption from hell. “Serenity, you have to try everything, at least once.”

  “You know, there are antidrug posters that would argue with your statement.”

  Dereck, now back in the boat, gives me instructions that go in one ear and out the other. I’m so nervous. “Ready?” he asks.


  Dereck looks behind him. “She’s ready.”

  Damn it.

  The engines roar, and the boat pulls hard on the rope in my hands. Watching from the boat has not properly prepared me for how difficult this is. Halfway out of the water, I’m sucked back down. I let go of the rope, and the boat circles back to me as I bob in the water like a drenched cork in a bikini. I’m ready to climb aboard now.

  “That was good! You almost did it,” Dereck says, trying to convince me for a round two.

  “Maybe her arms aren’t strong enough?” says a worried Josh.

  Dereck slams his hands to the boat. “Maybe you need to let her grow.”

  We all get quiet. I’ve never seen anyone talk to Josh that way, and he looks hurt. “That’s not fair, Dereck. They’ve been through a lot. Someday you might understand, but I would do anything for them.”

  Bobbing in the water, I try to make him feel better. “Josh—”

  Josh puts his hand up. “Sorry, baby girl, but this needs to be said. Dereck, I know you’re falling hard and fast for her. I have to watch Serenity go. Bittersweet, dude, but she’s my world—a world I’ve been guarding way before you met her. So, please know that to be with these girls means to put them first. Always.” He glares at Rocco then back at Dereck, his voice even stronger. “I don’t want her hurt!”

  Dereck hangs his head. “You’re right, man. I’m sorry.” He meets Josh’s intense stare. “But please see… I am putting her first. By helping her become the fighter she needs to be—” His voice softens and is emotional. “To survive.”

  Skyler stares at me with shocked eyes. The most influential men in my life are both discussing way more than me mastering wakeboarding.

  Josh grabs Dereck into a manly hug. “Sounds like we both have the same goal.”

  With Rocco behind the wheel, the boat pulls me up out of the water a little more than last time before gravity owns me again. Dereck and Josh stand at the back of the boat, watching over me.

  Dereck says, “Serenity, I know you’re scared, and if you want to stop, I’ll understand. But I hope you don’t. You’ve got country grit in you, so stop playing and get this done.”

  I pout. “I’m not playing, I’m trying.”

  Josh is already buckling. “Oh God. She’s pouting. Let her back in the boat.”

  Dereck laughs, “Dude, man up.” Then he says to me, “Trying? Is that what you call that attempt? Try again… if you’re not too scared.”

  He’s pissing me off, so I mumble, “I got your attempt right here, buddy.”

  Josh points. “Oh, shit. She’s mumbling.”

  Then I tighten my grip on the rope. “Rocco, drive.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The boat moves forward.

  Who does Dereck think he is? I grunt and growl, slowly coming up and out of the water. He better recognize— I look around. “I’m doing it! Do you see? I’m doing it!”

  “We see! Yeah!” They are screaming at my success as I glide over the water for approximately… five seconds. I’m too thrilled with myself to care that I may have just broken the least-amount-of-time-standing record. The boat comes around, and everyone is still yelling at me, “That a girl!” except for Dereck. His green eyes sparkle—like his grin.

  I stare at him while I continue to float in the water. “You tricked me.”

  He nods and leans over the back of the boat, his hand offering assistance up the stairs. I can’t be mad—he did right by me. Up the ladder, I see Josh looking… moved. Dereck steps aside. I slowly walk to Josh with my head down because he hurts when I hurt, and I love him for it.

  He takes me in his arms and whispers words that have never been spoken to me by my dad. “I am so proud of you.”

  I exhale with pride.

  Dereck drives his boat toward a line of many boats that appear to be attached.

  “Umm,” Sky says, “is there a crash I should be preparing for?”

  Dereck maneuvers his boat while laughing. “No, smart ass. We’re parking.” Obviously highly skilled, Dereck has the boat floating sideways toward the end of the line.

  Coming out of the front end of the boat, Rocco grabs the anchor linked with chain, preparing to throw it. “Tell me when, bro.”

  “You’re good.”


  Josh grabs the boat we’re sliding next to, putting the white tube things between the two sides.

  A guy on the boat gives a friendly welcome. “Josh, my man. How the hell are ya?”

  Josh’s back muscles flex as he reaches over, shaking hands. “Doing real good, Sean. How’s college?”

  I recognize the name but haven’t heard it in a wh
ile. Now I understand why—he’s gone off to college. Sean is a blond who has a major sunburn kicking. Tying ropes off to his boat, he answers, “You’ll love it.” His face lights up. “Jolene!”

  She leaps off our boat and into his arms. “Sean!”

  Skyler and I are seeing that the Wise Ones have another whole world, separate from ours. It makes sense that they hang with an older crowd. They’ve always felt light years away from us, maturity-wise.

  “Dereck, who is this?” Sean asks, referring to me.

  Dereck shakes Sean’s hand. “This is my girlfriend, Serenity.”

  “Oh, no way. The Shorties!” We exchange greetings, then he says, “And this must be Skyler. Wanna come on my boat?”

  Before Sky has a chance to answer, Rocco approaches behind her. “She’s fine where she is.”

  Sean hugs Rocco while asking Josh, “Had to find the biggest son of a bitch to watch over her, huh?”

  Everyone from the other boats down the line waves and yells more greetings, and Jolene already has a drink in her hand.

  Heading to the back of the boat, Rocco says, “Damn, it’s hot. I’m gettin’ in the water.”

  “Can I come?”

  Rocco glances back at Sky as if those are the best words ever. “Anytime, Lil’ Mama.” Rocco jumps overboard.

  Without me, Sky walks to the back of the boat, peering over the side.

  “Come on. I’ll catch you,” Rocco says.

  She shakes her head.

  “Want the ladder?”

  She nods. Sky timidly steps over the edge but then quickly disappears. Splash!

  I run to the edge of the boat but slow down when I hear, “You caught me.”

  “Told ya I would,” Roc says.

  Roc gazes up at me with Sky in his arms. “Shorty slipped.” He starts walking through the water, not releasing her. “You won’t be able to reach bottom yet.”

  With her arm around his neck, she says, “I do know how to swim, Jolly Green Giant.”

  Suddenly, five Jet Skis come soaring around the boats. One gets real close to Roc and Sky, spraying them. Roc moves so fast I barely catch his movements. Cradling Skyler, he turns his back to the water vehicle and shelters her. Without seeing what I’m seeing, Josh rushes to the edge of the boat as Dereck rushes to me. The unexpected alarm makes me ponder their reactions.

  Rocco quickly puts Skyler on his back then faces the Jet Ski as if ready to attack. “Damn, I have Sky down here.”

  Josh yells at the driver, “Taylor, use some common sense, like your brothers.”

  Taylor appears to be an out-of-control teenager, laughing and carrying on, completely unaware of the energy disturbance he just created.

  With Sky clinging to his back, Rocco warns, “If you hit us, you best make sure you knock me out.” He sounds as though he means it.

  Taylor smarts off, “And if I don’t?”

  “El Ca-pee-ton? I got permission?” Roc is fired up.

  “He touches Sky, you kick his ass. I’ll tell Coach I gave you the green light.” Josh walks away, probably knowing Skyler is in safe hands.

  Taylor gets the hint and takes off. His brothers are much different, and they even offer to let Roc and Dereck take Sky and me for a ride on their water machines. They look like a blast. I’ve never been on one, and I’m so excited.

  “Life jackets,” Jolene says.

  I rush to put on my life jacket. A strap—which needs to go between my legs because Jolene bought Sky and me “child” vests—is impossible to reach, and I circle myself like a dog chasing his tail.

  Jolene—while making another drink—says, “Josh, help that poor challenged child.”

  He’s laughing, trying to stop me and my idiotic behavior. “Damn, girl, you kill me.”

  I can’t see them but hear Rocco asking Sky in the water, “What are you doing?”

  “Putting on my life jacket, freak.”

  “Can I help you?”

  She whispers, “Yes, but don’t tell anyone I can’t do it. ’Kay?”

  Josh reaches between my legs and pulls the strap to buckle me in. Just then I hear, slap!

  “Ow!” Roc hollers. “Why did you smack me?”

  “You put your hand between my legs.”

  Josh, chuckling, secures my buckle. “I guess it’s different with me?”

  “Of course it is. You’re my Joshy Poo. And you don’t want my cookies.”

  Josh stands up straight. “Joshy Poo? Wait, what? Cookies?”

  Roc mumbles, “Oh, shit.”

  I point below my waist. “You know. Sky’s bus-i-ness?”

  Josh yells, “Roc! No cookies!”

  “No cookies. Got it,” echoes from the water.

  “Give him hell, baby,” Josh tells his blond Shorty.

  On the Jet Skis, we slowly pass other boats tied to our water vessel train. People yell at Dereck, so he stops and introduces me. From another boat, I hear, “Rosco Freako Train!”

  From his Jet Ski, Rocco yells, “Marcus!” Sky is sitting behind him, her arms wrapped around his waist, smiling from somewhere deep inside.

  I ask Dereck, “Why did Marcus call Rocco that?”

  Dereck laughs. “Have you ever been to one of our football games?”

  “No. Too many people.”

  “Well, at games, people call Rocco a train ’cause of how powerful he is on the field. So, over the years, Rocco was given the nickname Rosco P. Coltrane, from The Dukes of Hazzard, ’cause it sounds like ‘train.’ Now, Marcus is making fun of Roc because Sky always says ‘freak.’ Now, it’s Rosco Freako Train.” He shrugs. “It stuck. The whole team has jumped aboard.”

  Now I understand Sky’s smile.

  Racing across the water, leaving all the people behind, is so much fun! It’s wild to be so close to the water as I glide through the top as though I belong there. We ride around for a while, then Dereck signals for Roc to stop. When we’re next to each other, Dereck says, “Let’s let them drive.”

  Apparently Skyler thinks this is a brilliant idea and starts climbing over Roc. “Pick me, pick me!” Her bare toes cling to his shoulders and anything they can grip for traction.

  Rocco tries to catch her. “What the hell are you doing?” She’s now holding onto his head, blinding him as she continues her journey over Mount Roc. “My Lord, girl. You’re like a little monkey high on a sugar rush.”

  Dereck tells him, “She climbs in and out of the truck like a monkey, too.”

  I swing around, moving in front of him with no issues.

  Ignoring them both, Sky sits between Rocco’s huge thighs and grabs the handles. Her shoulders hunch over, ready for action. “I want to drive this thing.”

  Rocco teases, “Can I show you how first?”

  Her eyes are wild. “Do it quickly. I’m having difficulty containing myself.”

  “Oh, shit,” Rocco mutters. “Okay, you’re going to use this for—”

  “What’s this button?”

  “Wait!” The Jet Ski flies forward. “Bad girl! You cannot just push buttons at random.”

  “Why not?” Skyler is mischievously smiling, already reaching for another knob.

  A horn sounds. Honk!

  Dereck puts his arms under mine, grabbing the handles. “Have fun with Monkey, Roc. We’re outta here.”

  “Thanks, Dereck, grrreat idea.” As we pull away, Roc is already yelling again. “No, Sky. Wait!”

  After Dereck’s instructions, I get to drive us around. For some reason, being in control is something I highly appreciate. “Dereck, I want one.”

  He laughs. “Another soul lost to this freedom.”

  “It’s like your bike, Dereck, just not any traffic—”

  Skyler’s Je
t Ski is screaming as it races past us. And Skyler looks like a possessed gremlin with the mission of world domination.

  Roc holds on for dear life. “Help meeeeee!”

  Dereck watches them fly by. “Dear God. Your best friend is about to kill mine.”

  “Maybe I’ll focus on a car first.”

  Dereck, who appears stunned, watches Sky do donuts. “Don’t let her drive it.”

  I watch them bounce over waves she created. “I’m seeing that.”

  When we return, there are even more boats. Three more are attached to the other side of Dereck’s boat, and others are gathering about. Still driving, I can’t help wondering, what if we want to leave? Sky and I meet more people as we slowly pass the new boats. Dereck and Rocco seem to know everyone—or everyone seems to know them. I had no idea having this many acquaintances was even possible. I can’t remember all the new names to save my life.

  A few people call Dereck’s name, and he waves, but that’s it. I find it interesting that the same people he gives very little attention to have murky auras. One has dull gray light, and she’s leaning over a boat’s side. “Hey, Dereck, is that your little sister?”

  A sting penetrates my chest until Dereck leans my head back and pecks me. Then he smiles at her. “Hope not. ’Cause I love kissing her.”

  Okay, I feel better now.

  Returning the Jet Skis, Josh is talking among friends with a beer can in his hand. For the second time today, I’m witnessing him relax. It makes him look younger. He normally appears thirty to me—and acts as though he is. When he sees us, he yells, “My Shorties! Have fun?”

  Sky swims to him—because she can’t reach the bottom like the rest of the lake goers. I observe Rocco on her tail and wonder, Is this why Josh can breathe easier? We have acquired more babysitters? Do I find this offensive?

  “You okay?” Dereck asks—on my tail as well.

  I glance around and have no one close to me—except Dereck. Are they afraid I may drown by myself?

  “Are we that pathetic?”

  He winces. “What?”


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