The Redemption of River

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The Redemption of River Page 24

by Eli Easton

  River’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’d like to stay involved with it, but I don’t think that would feed my soul, you know? I’d love to build my massage and reiki practice here. Maybe start a tantra class for couples.” He flushed. “I won’t go back to seeing individual clients.”

  “You can if you want to.”

  River shook his head. “It never felt right after we got together. I felt conflicted. I know you’re okay with it, but I’m not.”

  Brent felt a throb of relief. He’d tried hard not to be jealous of River’s surrogacy work, but it hadn’t been easy. “I’m sure you could build a practice fast here, with word of mouth. You’re so gifted.”

  River smiled. “Thanks. Building a healing practice sounds so good to me.” River sighed. “Something that will last. I don’t know why I resisted staying put for so long.”

  He kissed Brent. And it was heaven. But Brent couldn’t help smiling through the kiss.

  River pulled back. “What’s so funny?”

  “Just thinking that all this roots stuff is ironic since now I want to travel.”

  “We can do both, can’t we? Have our home here in Seattle, and take some killer trips once in a while.” River grimaced. “God, I used to think that sounded like half living. Now it sounds perfect. What did you do to me, Mr. McKay?”

  A bubble of joy rose up Brent’s spine. “Love you, maybe? Yeah. I think I just loved you. With everything that I am.”

  River breathed out a shaky sigh. “That course in Rome made me realize… whatever it is I’ve been searching for, it’s not out there. It’s not with some guru. What I’ve been searching for… is you.”


  “Never judge people by their past. People learn, people change, people move on.” – Buddha


  One year later


  “Now take your partner’s hands and look into their eyes. Hold their gaze. Tantra is about forming a deep connection to your partner, staying present with them in the moment, creating a space, a bubble, where only the two of you exist. In this space, you return to the root of who you are as individuals and a couple, outside of all the worries and minutiae of your daily lives.”

  River sat cross-legged at the front of the rented yoga studio on his mat, his spine straight, voice soothing. The couples in the room sat facing one another, hands clasped, looking into one another’s eyes.

  It was a bit strange to have such familiar faces in this class. There were six couples today. Jack and Tony, Michael and James, Trudy and Sydney were there. The clinic’s other surrogates—Andrea, Emily, and Philip—were also there with their significant others.

  River wanted this trial class for Expanded Horizons to go well, but he felt no worry about it. He was confident in the value of the offering, and that things would go the way they were supposed to go.

  Last year after returning from Rome, River put all his energy into creating his own healing practice—Harmony Moon Touch. He offered a range of sessions from regular massage to intense reiki healing work. At first he hadn’t added tantra, and he didn’t go back to work at Expanded Horizons. He wanted to honor his and Brent’s relationship by reserving all of his sexual energy for them. But Sean kept bugging River about doing a tantric class for couples, with the doggedness that only Sean could employ.

  Last spring, River and Brent attended a tantric couples retreat in Oregon offered by a lovely blonde yogi named Sandra. River loved the setup and the way Sandra kept the focus on the spiritual. In their group sessions, she taught the ideas and concepts behind tantra and led the couples through the early stages of a tantric session—the gazing and breathing, light touches and kissing. The couples had then been given assignments to do back in their room which, obviously, went a lot further.

  River returned home inspired, and he immediately set up his first couples class. He put up flyers at Harmony Tree Cafe and sent word out to his growing email list of massage clients. His first seminar, which took place on a weekend at a local hotel, had ten couples. His second one hit capacity at twenty couples and had a wait list. He’d done one a month since, and they were always full.

  Now Expanded Horizons was interested in adding tantra couples therapy to their offerings. Jack said they’d been getting more couples who wanted help improving their sex lives. So they’d set up this sample session. River was excited about the possibility of working with Expanded Horizons again. He missed being a part of their group and their mission. They were all focused on the same thing—sexual healing. It made sense to work together.

  River quietly got up from his mat and walked around to see how everyone was doing. Tony and Jack were seated in perfect tantric pose, but Tony made funny faces at Jack, crossing his eyes and poking his tongue into his cheek to simulate a blowjob until he noticed River was nearby. Then his expression went serious and utterly innocent. River just shook his head and smiled.

  James, whose legs were paralyzed from a childhood bout with polio, sat on a mat with a blanket over his lap. Michael had had to talk James into this because, Michael said, he was self-conscious about his body and was reluctant to do a group thing. But River and Michael discussed how it could be done, with the two of them arriving first and getting James onto the mat before anyone else arrived. There was no actual nudity in the class and nothing too explicit.

  In the end, James had clearly thought fuck it, because when he’d arrived there’d been a half dozen people in the room, and before River could clear it, James had told Michael to simply lift him to the ground. He’d settled his own limbs and blanket with minimal fuss or self-consciousness. The pride on Michael’s face was unmistakable, and River felt he’d witnessed something private and meaningful.

  River strolled past them. Michael and James held each other’s gazes with a clarity and strength of connection that was beautiful to see. River let his heart chakra be fed for a moment before moving quietly back to the front of the room.

  “The next step is tantric breath. Deep, loud breathing from your belly activates and energizes the chakra along your spine. In each tantric session, you’ll build up sexual energy and then use your breath as the engine to spread it through your body, again and again, all while keeping a deep, mindful connection with your partner.”

  “That sounds easy,” James quipped, and everyone laughed.

  River grinned. “It’s not easy. It takes a lot of focus. But the more time you spend in tantric practice with your partner, the richer the experience will become, and the longer you’ll be able to sustain it.”

  “So how long do you and Brent go for?” Tony asked, keeping his gaze on Jack.

  “When we have time, we can go all weekend.” The bliss in River’s voice was a little embarrassing, but hey.

  “Oh my God, we are so learning this!” Tony exclaimed. “Focus on me, Jack, honey. Come on!”

  The light-heartedness in the class was fun, but it fell away after River got everyone doing tantric breath. Gradually, an intimate bubble manifested in the room, as if the world outside didn’t exist. The couples followed River’s directions to touch each other lightly—hands, arms, faces, legs—and to use slow kissing as an exploration and form of communication that didn’t have to lead to anything.

  The energy was so strong and beautiful, River teared up once or twice. These were good people, and the couples were very much in love. He only wished all of his classes were as open and receptive as this one. But then, at least one person in each couple had dedicated themselves to sexual healing and were open-minded and eager to learn. It was awesome.

  When the session was over and most people in the class were resting on their mats, Trudy pushed to her feet and approached River.

  “Okay, we’re in,” she said in a low voice. “This is glorious, River. How many hours a week can you give us?” Her neck was flushed and her eyes bright.

  “Um…. Fair question.” River was thrilled, but logistics were a real challenge.

  Harmony Moon Touch’s
calendar was currently booked a month out. But working with Expanded Horizons was important to him. It wasn’t a matter of money. He had plenty of that. He’d found out after he got back from Rome that Brent had made him co-owner on Harmony Tree Cafe. And not only was the business booming in Seattle, but they were franchising it in other cities as well. Brent had insisted that the concept was as much River’s idea as his, and River hadn’t protested too much. He knew it was part of Brent’s nature to want to give him things and secure his future. River had never felt so loved and cared for in his life.

  “Did you want me to do group classes or work with couples one-on-one? If you want one-on-ones, I could maybe do two sessions a week. If you like the group classes, I’d recommend the full seminar. It’s two days with a morning and afternoon session each day, and the couples do exercises on their own in between.”

  Trudy shook her head. “I had my doubts about the group classes, but this was perfect. You handle it beautifully. It’s intimate but not too intimate.”

  River smiled. “Thanks. Honestly, I borrowed ideas from a number of other teachers.”

  “We all do, River. That’s the advantage of being part of the human species.” She winked. “Could you do one couples seminar a month? Depending on demand, we might eventually add more.”

  “Perfect.” River smiled.

  Trudy was so enthusiastic about the therapy, and everyone else came up to say how much they liked it. River left the yoga studio on a high of optimism and joy.

  It was still astonishing to him. He’d spent his entire adult life taking classes and trying to learn the skills to help people. But it wasn’t until he settled in one spot—Seattle—that he flourished as a healer.

  Harrison had been right. Being a dandelion puff floating on the breeze was all well and good. But in order to fulfill his purpose, River had to land and allow his roots to grow.

  He was so grateful he’d found Brent, and that their love had been so deep he’d had no choice but to settle down in Seattle. He might easily have gone through his whole life always moving, always searching, and always, ultimately, being left half full. But his heart had known what he needed, even though his head had been stubbornly resistant.

  When River returned home from the studio, he found Brent on the deck with their shelter dog, Mumsie. She was an older girl, part Australian shepherd and part god-only-knew, who was submissive and sweet and grateful for any and all attention thrown her way. She got up from her bed at Brent’s feet to greet River. She didn’t have the rambunctious energy of a puppy—or of Lily—but her impressive tail wag made her pleasure known all the same.

  “Hey! How’d it go?” Brent smiled up at River. The reading glasses perched on his nose were too adorable. He took them off and tilted his head up. River answered the silent request, leaning over his shoulder for a kiss.

  “It was fantastic. Everyone raved about the class.”

  “Of course they did.” Brent reached up to capture River’s neck and pull him down for another long kiss. When they parted, Brent sighed happily. “Mom and Dad sent a postcard from Delphi. It’s on the dining room table.”

  “I saw it. They’re so sweet.” Jim and Brenda seemed to love River, and he returned the sentiment. “They’re becoming quite the world travelers, your folks.”

  “I know. I’m jealous as hell.” Brent raised his eyebrows in an accusatory look.

  River just smiled. “You say that, but you’re the one who can’t stop creating new cafes. I don’t know how you’d do that if we were bouncing all over the world right now.”

  “I might as well use my time in Seattle wisely, since you’re so in demand here with your clientele.”

  “Ha! Yes, one of Seattle’s best foodie creatives is only whiling away his time. Hence the three new Harmony Tree branches in the past year and now White Picket Fence.”

  White Picket Fence was Brent’s newest cafe. It was slated to open in December and would serve down-home comfort food. The theme and decor were pure American small town.

  Brent pulled River down into his lap with a growl. “Can I help it if you unblocked my Svadhishthana chakra a bit too well? The creative energy is flowing, baby.”

  “Mmm. I’m not complaining.”

  “And don’t forget, you promised me a three-week trip in April, and I’m holding you to it, No matter what. Swear!” Brent narrowed his eyes in warning.

  River laughed. “If you think I’d miss my own honeymoon, you’re crazy.”

  “But we still haven’t figured out where we’re going,” Brent pointed out.

  “Anywhere you want, love,” River said sincerely. “Egypt. England. Spain. I’d go anywhere with you.”

  They got distracted making out for a while. Long, lazy kisses, wandering hands, and the occasional grind and squeeze. It was lovely to allow arousal to build and simmer. There’d be time later for something more serious. There was always time for lovemaking.

  Mumsie’s cold nose prodded River’s leg, and when he looked up, she gazed at him hopefully, her tail wagging.

  “Mumsie says it’s time for our evening walk,” River announced.

  “Well, Mumsie can hold her horses for a moment.”

  “She’s a dog. She doesn’t have horses.”

  Brent gave River a wry look. “Because I have something to say to you, River Larsen.”

  River softened in Brent’s arms. Hearing his name on his lover’s lips always turned him to jelly. “What?”

  Brent took River’s hand and kissed his fingers, one by one. “I just wanted to say that I love you. More than anything in this world. That’s all.”

  Warmth spread through River, expanding his heart and filling his veins. He breathed in the moment, heady and sweet. “And I love you too. My Brent McKay.”


  Dear Reader

  Thank you for spending time with myself, River, and Brent. I planned a 4th installment of the Sex in Seattle series, one featuring a traveling tantric guy who worked for the clinic as a surrogate, but it spent years on the back burner. After taking some time off this past winter, I decided it was time to tackle River’s story. I’ve always been interested in Eastern philosophy and took a few courses in college, though I am far (far) from an expert on the subject. That is to say, I’m more Brent’s level than River’s! I hope I intrigued you enough to do some searching on these topics on your own.

  As always, I very much appreciate my readers posting recommendations for my books on social media and reviewing on Amazon and Goodreads. Thank you! Your reviews truly make a difference in drawing other readers and that helps me continue writing full time.

  I appreciate my readers so much. It is awesome to hear from you and to know that I made someone smile or sigh. Feel free to email me: [email protected].

  You can also visit my website: I have first chapters up for all my books and some free stories too. And you can sign up for my newsletter to get a monthly email about new releases and sales.

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  I can promise you there will always be happy ending and that love is love.

  Eli Easton

  The Sex in Seattle series

  Check out the rest of the books set in Expanded Horizons, a sex clinic in Seattle.

  The Trouble with Tony – Private Investigator Tony DeMarco is hired to investigate the suspicious death of a young woman. She’d been seeing Dr. Jack Halloran at Expanded Horizons sex clinic, so Tony goes undercover there to see if the doc is a suspect. The last thing Tony expects is that Jack can help him with his own sexual healing!

  The Enlightenment of Daniel – Daniel is a high-powered business man who’s an expert in hostile takeovers. His father’s imminent death shakes Daniel to his core, prying loose feelings for his very male business partner that Daniel had no idea were there. After doing �
�due diligence” by seeing a professional at Expanded Horizons sex clinic, Daniel decides to go after what he wants.

  The Mating of Michael – When sex surrogate Michael Lamont meets his author hero (and unicorn) at a book signing, he knows James needs him in his life. But will prickly James, wheelchair-bound thanks to a childhood bout with polio, ever let Michael close?

  Read more about these books and check out the free first chapters at:

  Also by Eli Easton

  From Dreamspinner Press

  A Second Harvest (Men of Lancaster County #1)

  Tender Mercies (Men of Lancaster County #2)

  The Stolen Suitor


  Boy Shattered

  From Eli Easton

  Angels Sing


  Puzzle Me This

  The Trouble With Tony (Sex in Seattle #1)

  The Enlightenment of Daniel (Sex in Seattle #2)

  The Mating of Michael (Sex in Seattle #3)

  A Prairie Dog’s Love Song

  Heaven Can’t Wait

  The Lion and the Crow

  Five Dares

  Robby Riverton: Mail Order Bride

  How to Howl at the Moon (Howl at the Moon #1)

  How to Walk like a Man (Howl at the Moon #2)

  How to Wish Upon a Star (Howl at the Moon #3)

  How to Save a Life (Howl at the Moon #4)

  How to Run with the Wolves (Howl at the Moon #5)

  Before I Wake

  Blame it on the Mistletoe

  Unwrapping Hank

  Midwinter Night’s Dream

  Merry Christmas, Mr. Miggles

  Desperately Seeking Santa

  Christmas Angel

  Family Camp (Daddy Dearest #1)

  About Eli Easton

  ELI EASTON has been at various times and under different names a preacher’s daughter, a computer programmer, a game designer, the author of paranormal mysteries, an organic farmer, and a profound sleeper. She has been writing m/m romance since 2013.


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