Deliciously British

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Deliciously British Page 9

by Scarlett Avery

  “Again?” This time I can’t hold it back, I burst out in laughter.

  “I know.” He huffs.

  “How persistent was he?” I ask once I’ve regained my composure.

  Over the next few minutes, Ethan tells me everything—from Benjamin’s bold come-on, to his unwillingness to back off, to Ethan making it clear that he prefers pussy to cock.

  “I’m seriously thinking that I’m giving off a gay vibe or something. It’s been happening to me a lot since we left the public’s eye,” he laments.

  “Mate, there’s nothing remotely gay about you and you know it. I can be slightly domineering in the bedroom—okay, I demand total submission—but compared to you, I’m a kitten.” I know Ethan’s feral side first hand. “Not to mention that given the number of threesomes we’ve had, if we had wanted to experiment with guy-on-guy action, we would have done so a long time ago. Even when we both take a woman at the same time, we barely touch each other. There might be the inevitable friction in the heat of passion, but that’s as far as it goes. How many times have we been pissed drunk? I never woke up the next day with your lips wrapped around my cock and vice versa. I think it’s safe to say that neither of us swings that way.”

  “Exactly,” he exclaims. “I’ve seen you wank your cock more times than I can count while you watch me fuck a woman we share. If I had any inclination to get down on my knees and suck you off, I wouldn’t have asked for permission. And if I wanted your lips around my dick, I wouldn’t have to ask twice. That’s exactly why I don’t get it, Xander.” He exhales. He sounds quite frustrated.

  “Ethan, you strut with a don’t-fuck-with-me-attitude. Women drop their panties when you walk in a room. I’m sure it fuels a few fantasies among gay men. I don’t think these guys care if you’re gay or not. They just want to taste you.” I pause for a beat and suddenly I crack up.

  “What’s so funny?” Ethan asks.

  “Face it, it’s the price you pay for being handsome and having a twelve-inch cock with a generous girth.” I might be making fun of him, but my cock is as big. His girth is a little more substantial than mine, but not by much.

  “I’ve never had any doubt about my sexuality. Give me a nice full ass, big heavy tits hanging down, large pink aureoles and wide hips and I’m in heaven. The only use I have for another man’s cock is to watch him fuck another woman while I’m in the room.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” I chime in.

  “Speaking about women with generous curves, I’m surprised you even have time to talk. Have you already kicked the flavor of the day out the door?”

  “I resent how ungentlemanly you think I am. I’d certainly offer her at least a cup of strong tea before letting her go. If she made me come really hard, I’d even throw in a scone, some jam and clotted cream,” I quip.

  “Idiot.” He laughs.

  “No. I’m considerate,” I retort.

  “Right. From your last few messages, it seems you’ve banged half of LA.” He’s not far off. “I’m sure your sense of humor and your accent guaranteed you got plenty of action.”

  “Yes and yes. And for the record, I haven’t done anything you wouldn’t have done had you been in my place.” Ethan doesn’t fool me one bit. “It’s a little trickier to meet voluptuous women in my body-obsessed industry, but I was invited to a number of galas that allowed me to gorge on some pretty sexy women.” Ethan loves real women as much as I do.

  “Good for you. None of that size triple zero rubbish. I like meat on my bones. Anorexics, please refrain,” he mocks.

  “I couldn’t have said it better. What about you? Did you finally ask that American out for a drink? The one who works for Ashley. What’s her name again?” I snap my fingers together, hoping to jog my memory. “You know who I’m talking about.”


  “That’s it. It’s such an original name you’d think I’d remember it, but then again I meet so many people every day.” I chuckle.

  “You’re right. Her name is as unique as she is.”

  “Is she single?” Why make your life a living hell by going after a woman who’s attached when there are so many single ones out there?

  “I believe she is.”

  It’s not like Ethan to be this vague.

  “But you’re not certain?”

  “I know she’s not seeing anyone here in London. I was trying to inquire about a potential boyfriend she might have left back in New York, but I never got a straight answer. I wasn’t going to leave that gallery without asking her out—because that would have confirmed things—but things didn’t quite turn out as expected.”

  “What happened?”

  Over the next few minutes Ethan gives the play-by-play of his morning at Harrow Sloane Arts.

  “It sounds to me like you’re losing your touch, my brother,” I sneer once he’s done.

  “Bugger off.” Now it’s Ethan’s turn to pretend to be offended.

  I laugh him off. “The only reason you’re telling me to bugger off is because I’m right. The Ethan I know doesn’t pussyfoot around a woman he wants.” That man is way too much of an alpha male to bother with such pretenses. He’s like a bulldozer when a woman catches his eye.

  “It’s a temporary setback,” he counterattacks. “I have to approach this with finesse. As much as I want to get to know Delilah more, I don’t want to jeopardize the relationship I have with the gallery. Ashley wouldn’t take it lightly if she knew how much I lust over one of her new recruits.” Good point. “It’s a fine balancing act, which is why I’m so eager to ask Delilah out. Once I get her on neutral territory, there’s no stopping me.” I have no doubt about it.

  “When do you see her next? Or are you going to need time to work on a plan of attack?” I mock.

  “I’m off for Monaco tomorrow so I won’t see her for the rest of the week. After my meeting with this client I’m flying down to see, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of new orders. I’ll find a reason to go back to the gallery next week and I can assure you, nothing will prevent me from getting her phone number.” Ethan inhales a long breath and continues. “She’s gorgeous from head to toe. I’m completely mesmerized by her, Xander. I’ve been dropping hints here and there, but it’s impossible to put a woman like that into words.”

  “That’s something I never thought I’d hear you say. Since when can’t you describe a woman?”

  “The only reason you’re making fun of me is because you haven’t met the smoldering hot American,” he throws at me. “She has a savvy sense of fashion that highlights her best assets—I quite like that about her. I bet underneath her stylish clothing she’s hidden cock-hardening lingerie—sexy little underwear that’s delicate and lacy. She looks like the type. I’m sure black lace against her fair, almost luminous skin is arresting. Her blue eyes leave me weak in the knees and those pouty lips were made to be wrapped around my cock.” Finally, Ethan finds the words. “One encounter and you’ll be as awestruck as I am.” It surely sounds like it.

  “The imagery is pure decadence. Intoxicating, even,” I marvel.

  “You have no idea, Xander. And I haven’t even talked about her womanly curves yet.”

  “You have my undivided attention, mate,” I say.

  “I love how she wears skirts more often than trousers. The grey one she had on today clung beautifully to her body. Her whole outfit looked like it jumped out of a fashion magazine. It was more on the casual side, but still very chic.”

  “Sounds like you’ve taken in every millimeter of this woman.”

  “I have. A few dozen times.” We both laugh. “You know how I have a thing for shoes?”

  I shake my head, laughing inwardly. Ethan and his fetish. “Indeed, I do,” I mock.

  “Today, she was sporting adorable flats, but I’ve walked behind her when she was wearing sexy-as-fuck high heels and let me tell you, it’s a magnificent sight. Her hips sway in such a tempting way when she walks, regardless of her selection of footwear.�
� He pauses.

  “Are you still there or did I lose you?”

  “I was looking around me to make sure I’m not about to expose a young child to inappropriate words. Luckily, the park is still fairly deserted.”

  “I guess it’s the time of the day when Londoners are either rushing home or hanging out at a pub,” I observe.

  “Lucky for me because there’s nothing PG-rated about what I’m about to say.” Reassured, Ethan continues. “Every time I lay my eyes on her plump behind, all the blood from my brain rushes to my cock. Bloody hell, I could lose myself in her ass and never come out for air—”

  “It’s that glorious?” I interrupt.

  “More than words can say. Don’t get me started on her tits. Even under her stylish tops, it’s clear they’re a generous handful. In fact, I’m willing to predict she’d overflow in my large hands.”

  “Fuck,” I exhale. “Now you’re making me jealous. I wish I had laid eyes on her first,” I lament. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get that description out of my head all day.” In fact, I predict that a week from now, it will still be imprinted in my memory.

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanked myself in the past few weeks dreaming of loosening that tight bun she wears all the time and running my hands through her brown hair. I’d give anything to fist a handful of her silky mane and tilt her head back, forcing her blue eyes to lock into mine, just before I slide my throbbing hungry cock into her mouth, demanding she sucks every last drop of me. With my moisture still glistening on her chin, I’d grab her in my arms, carry her to the bed and have a raunchy night of no-holds-barred, sweat-drenched, wake-the-neighbors and think-you’ve-seen-God shagging. I want this woman with every fiber of my being.” He pauses. “Damn it. I’m so fucking turned on again just telling you about her.”

  Ethan’s confession is downright dirty.

  “Fuck, mate. You’re giving me a major stiffy. My erection is so massive, I’m sure the people way out in Malibu can see it.”

  “They’d certainly get an eyeful,” he jokes.

  “Sod off,” I quip. “Seriously, now, I have to meet this woman,” I growl. “You need to get your act together and ask her out.”

  “Although she seems to love making a statement with her clothes, everything about her screams innocence. It’s an interesting dichotomy. If she weren’t so shy, I’d suggest we both go after her.”

  “Really?” I grin from ear to ear. They thought of sharing a woman again hardens my already stiff cock. Although I’m wearing boxer briefs, my cock is sitting straight along my stomach with the tip peering out of the elastic. I’m that turned on by this conversation. Truth be told, I live for the chase, but a threesome with Ethan trumps pretty much any one of my sexual desires.

  “Really. Today is the first day she looked at me straight in the eyes without averting her gaze.”

  “So she’s into you?”

  “As much as I’m into her. It became very clear today.”

  “She sounds way too hot for you not to pursue this, mate. You just need to find a way to get her out of that damn gallery.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, with all this talk about luscious curves and sharing a woman, that’s all I can think about now. When are you coming back from your business trip in France?”

  “I have a full day of meetings on Friday.” Ethan sighs. “Since I’m fairly certain I’ll be going out for dinner with some of my clients, I don’t want to cut the trip short. A lot of my most lucrative deals are made over a good meal and a great bottle of wine. That’s why I’ve booked a flight back to London on Saturday later afternoon. And you?”

  “There’s too much going on for me as well. I had to push back my flight back to London to accommodate everything. Instead of arriving Friday, I’ll also be flying in on Saturday. Any plans for that night?” I ask.

  “Not as of yet.” I can hear him smile in the phone. “What did you have in mind, mate?” Isn’t it obvious? “I already know where this is going.”

  “You do?” I pretend not to understand.

  “I thought you were getting enough international pussy.” That’s unlikely to ever happen. You can never have too much of a good thing.

  “A girl here and there… it’s not the same thing. Seducing a woman we both want and worshiping her body together for hours on end? That’s Nirvana. Nothing comes close.” I pause for a beat to allow the words to sink in. “When was the last time we did that?”

  “Too long.” He exhales loudly.

  Neither of us says anything for a few seconds. I suspect we’re both flashing back to Adele Bradford—the sensual woman we shared for six glorious months.

  I’m the one to break the long silence. “I think we should take advantage of the fact we’ll both be in London at the same time,” I suggest.

  “Are we ready, Xander?” You mean are you ready? The hesitation in his voice is unmistakable. Only Adele would do that to an alpha like Ethan.

  “It’s already been a year and a half, mate.” He doesn’t say anything for a while. I’m guessing he’s pondering my answer. “Eighteen months is a long time, Ethan,” I stress.

  “You’re right.” It took him longer than I expected, but he finally agrees. I guess it’s a good start.

  “As long as we keep everything casual, we don’t have anything to worry about,” I add to ease his mind.

  “I’ll be honest, I’d much rather lose myself between Delilah’s shapely legs, but if I have to wait, a no-strings-attached ménage with my best friend is as good as it gets.”

  “Now you’re talking,” I cheer.



  I am so grateful the last few days weren’t too hectic. Thank God. It made the rest of the week more manageable. On Thursday and Friday, a lot of the curators were in negotiation mode, so my involvement was minimal. We still had our regular crowd of curious passersby walk in, but Gemma and Ashley had me on admin duty. It’s a lot of mindless and repetitive work. I had to make sure all of the artwork we have is well catalogued and our list of buyers is up to date. It’s basically me staring at a bunch of databases all day, sending emails or making calls. All things I can handle on autopilot.

  I doubt I would’ve been able to deal with anything more demanding when Ethan has been clouding my head like he has. I’ve relived every scene from Wednesday over and over again. I guess you can say I’m totally consumed by him. You wouldn’t be far off. I think Gemma’s revelation gave me carte blanche to be honest about how much I’m attracted to this near stranger. I know it’s totally crazy, but I had my fingers crossed all day yesterday hoping that he’d drop by. Every time the doorbell rang, my eyes shot up to the door with bated breath, expecting to see the tall sexy god strut my way, flashing me his signature smile.

  Alas, it wasn’t in the cards for me. I’ll admit, I was a bit bummed out—okay, I was crushed—but I’ll survive. In any case, I’m sure I’ll see him next week. I really hope I will. I’m still lost in my thoughts and it takes me a few seconds before I realize my phone is ringing.

  “Oh, shit,” I growl. I’m so distracted by this guy, it’s like I’m on another planet. I drop my makeup brush on the counter and race from the bathroom to the kitchen. I pick up immediately when I recognize Piper’s number. “God, please don’t tell me you’re already ready? I’m still prancing around in my underwear putting the finishing touches on my make-up. Thank God my roommate isn’t here to see me in all my glory like this,” I continue without giving her a chance to answer my first question.

  “No, not yet,” she says.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I need a little more time. You told me to bring it on, so I am. I’m painstakingly paying attention to every detail from my new fabulous new hair all the way down to my shoes. I’m wearing super-high heels tonight. I even had time to run into a nail shop for a quick mani-pedi.” I never thought I’d say this, but I’m really looking forward to going to Hush after all. “Are you calling me fo
r fashion advice?” I laugh. I’m so excited I haven’t even taken a breath.

  “I won’t need a fashion intervention.” She lets out a laugh, but it’s devoid of joy or cockiness. There’s something abnormally subdued about her voice.

  “Is everything okay, Piper?”

  She lets out a deep sigh. “I don’t think I can make it.”

  What? “How come?”

  “Dermott and I just had a monumental fight. I mean the worst ever since we’ve been together.”

  Oh, no. “I’m so sorry, Piper. I’m sure things will settle down.” I do my best to be supportive.

  “He walked out on me, Delilah.” Shit. Okay, this is worse than I thought.

  “He did?”

  “Yeah. We had a big blowup. He said things. I said things. You know how it goes when two people are at each other’s throat.”

  I tend to avoid confrontation. “Yes, of course, but it doesn’t mean you can’t work it out.” I’ve seen these two together. They love each other like crazy.

  “I don’t know about that.” She doesn’t sound very confident.

  “I’m so sorry, Piper.” I know I’m repeating myself. I’m just not sure what more to say. She’s clearly devastated, with good reason.

  “It’s not your fault. My best friend is on her way over to hang out with me. It’s a code word for comforting me while I cry my eyes out. I can’t fathom being seen in public right now. I’ve already been bawling for the last half hour.” Jesus. “Sharon is bringing copious amounts of booze and we’re going to order greasy pizza. I’ll be so stuffed and so drunk I won’t have any brain cells left to think about how much of a fiasco this relationship turned out to be.” She sighs.

  “Is there anything I can do?” I offer.

  “You’re a sweetheart, but no.”

  “What was the fight about?” I ask tentatively.

  “It’s so futile, it’s not worth mentioning again.” Clearly that question upsets her, so I don’t push. “It’s one of those stupid arguments where you’re like, ‘What the fuck just happened?’ I’ve been racking my brain since he stormed out of here. I just don’t get it. Maybe Dermott is trying to find a way out. Maybe he doesn’t have the balls to just come out and say it.” She sighs again. I hope this is a big misunderstanding and somehow they’ll find a way to work it out. “Let’s not keep talking about it.”


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