Deliciously British

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Deliciously British Page 13

by Scarlett Avery

  “Stop it, Xander. This is going straight to my head.” She fans herself.

  “I’ve never been one to hold back with compliments when I’m in the presence of a goddess.” Great. He’s a poet now.

  From the way Delilah is dancing from one foot to another, I sense this is too much for her to handle. I’m not surprised when she steers the conversation away. “So the two of you really know each other?” Her eyes bounce from mine to Xander’s.

  “Xander and I have been friends and neighbors for as long as I can remember,” I say, clapping him on the shoulder. His body is still rigid and his mouth is still gaping. Unexpectedly, Delilah bursts out laughing. “Is it something I said?” I know I can be funny, but I wasn’t trying to be just then.

  She waves her hand and shakes her head at the same time. “Is this a coincidence or is this God playing a trick on me?” Her question leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

  God is sending us a message. And I’m capturing it loud and clear. “It’s fortuitous serendipity.” I wink.

  “I agree with Ethan,” Xander jumps in.

  Unconvinced, Delilah flashes us an incredulous side glance. I step in to clarify things. “Think about it. This is the first time you and Xander meet and there was no way for you to know there was an association between the two of us, yet out of all of the delectable women in here, he was drawn to you. And I can see why.” My eyes rake her body from head to toe. I shamelessly allow my gaze to linger between her heavy tits before gliding down her curves. When I land on her indecently high silver sandals, I have to exert an insane amount of restraint not to drop to my knees right here in front of her and worship her feet. You could say I have a thing for these types of seductive high heels. What I would give to fuck her while those sandals are pinned against my shoulders.

  “If you ask me, it was definitely written in the stars for all three of us to connect tonight.” Xander is spot on.

  “Okay, you guys win,” she concedes. Her huge smile is dazzling. With her fiery hair under this light her eyes are bluer than the Indian Ocean. They twinkle. I could lose myself in her sapphire gaze.

  Both Xander and I are staring at Delilah. She shifts her eyes from mine to his and back again. We’re in our own little world. You’d never think we’re surrounded by hundreds of people. The energy between us is that strong, it pulls us together like a magnet. I don’t even have to look at my best friend to know he feels the same way I do. We stand there for a few long seconds until a familiar voice forces us to look up.

  “Mr. Ethan Gordimer. Mr. Alexander Emerson. Are you hitting on my girl?” Jeremy asks from behind the bar.

  “She’s yours, mate?” I ask. Fuck. The night just went from fantastic to sour in the flash of an eye. If Jeremy has already claimed Delilah, that definitely puts a damper on our evening. Neither Xander or I make it a habit to look at a woman who belongs to someone we know, let alone touch her.

  “You two are lucky.” He grins. “I just started a new relationship a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Paulina. It’s still the honeymoon phase, so I’m officially off the market. Delilah is all yours.”

  Delilah’s eyebrows hit her forehead. “Hey, don’t I get a say in this?” Her expression is priceless.

  Jeremy winks at her. “For tonight, I’m Delilah’s babysitter. It’s her first time out alone and her first at Hush.”

  “Jeremy,” Delilah scolds. “You’re totally killing my cool factor here.”

  He smiles at her and continues. “Piper asked me to keep an eye on her, since she’s out partying alone.”

  “Piper?” I’m surprised. I pull my eyes away from Jeremy and look down at Delilah. “From the gallery?”

  “Yeah. She sold me on coming out tonight, but at the last minute she couldn’t make it.” Delilah pulls her lips down in a frown.

  “Boyfriend problems?” I guess the flowers didn’t do the trick.

  “You could say that.”

  “Ah.” I’m sorry Piper is dealing with the woes of her relationship, but I’m grateful Delilah is here on her own. Having one of her co-workers around would have made things a little trickier.

  “I gather the three of you know each other?” Jeremy asks.

  I nod. “Delilah and I have known each for a few weeks since she moved here,” I answer on her behalf. “Xander met her for the first time tonight,” I say, slapping my friend on the back.

  “Since it’s ridiculously busy tonight and it’s only nine o’clock, I’m glad I have some back-up. If you hang out with her, I won’t feel so guilty that I’m not able to take care of her as much as I’d like. The last thing I need is Piper chasing after me with a cast-iron skillet because I wasn’t attentive enough. If Delilah is with you, I’ll rest assured that she’s in good hands.”

  “Jeremy, mate. What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t offer to help?” Xander answers before I do.

  “Exactly.” Jeremy’s quivering lips suggests he’s on to him.

  “Ethan and I will gladly take care of Delilah.”

  “I don’t even know how to thank you.” Jeremy plays along. He turns his attention to the curvy, petite woman who’s looking at all three of us in disbelief. “Delilah, is it okay if you hang out with those two? They might get you in trouble, but it’s the good kind.” He winks. If we have our way with her, we definitely will.

  She shakes her head. Her eyebrows are drawn together and her lips are pursed. For a second I’m certain she’s about to refuse, but what comes out of her month surprises me. “Did Piper orchestrate this?” She places her right hand on her hip and taps her left foot against the floor. When I see her fight a smile, I know she’s dishing it out as much as we are. I love her playful nature.

  Jeremy flashes her a mischievous side smile. “No, but she’d be damn proud. I might get a gold medal for this impromptu master plan.”

  We all laugh.

  “I was just going to suggest Delilah join Ethan and I for dinner. We already have a table reserved, so it’s perfect timing.” Xander is way ahead of me. Good for him for requesting a table for four.

  “Dinner with the two of you?” Delilah’s head whips around to face us. “Really?” she asks, surprised.

  “I’d be honored and I suspect Ethan feels the same way.” Smooth, Xander. He claps me on the back and I nod. He’s sporting the biggest grin I’ve ever seen in my life.

  “You took the words right out of my mouth, mate.” I smile. I take a step forward and place my hands on Delilah’s shoulders. This is the second time this week that I’ve touched her and something tells me I could get used to feeling her soft body under my hands like this. “I think God would be incredibly upset with us if we didn’t follow the path He laid for us, don’t you?” I ask. “You should definitely spend the rest of the evening with Xander and I to avoid His wrath.” I wink.

  “Well, in that case, who am I to piss God off? Looks like I’m ditching the bartender and hooking up with you guys.” Her smile is wide and her eyes flash a hint of sassiness.

  I turn to Xander. He gives me a knowing look and I simply lift an eyebrow in response.

  This might start off as dinner, but Delilah doesn’t know what we have in mind for dessert.



  After two gin and tonics, I need to retreat to the ladies’ before I burst. Well, my bladder is one excuse, but honestly, after that little exchange inside the lounge I need a respite from so much smoldering hotness.

  After Ethan and Xander escort me to the restaurant, I politely excuse myself. I’m so grateful to our waiter for directing me to a smaller bathroom that’s not nearly as busy as the other two larger ones. Thank God, I’m the only one here. I really need time to process everything. I’m tempted to pull out my phone and call my cousin Maggie. She’s still in California in this intense training for work. Not to mention she doesn’t even know I have this serious crush on Ethan. And then how the hell do I explain Xander? It’s best not to bother her. I don’t want to distrac
t her. Piper is out of the question because she’s a coworker and she’s clueless when it comes to how much Mr. Gordimer affects me. I could call Gemma, but then I’ll have to face her on Monday morning. That could be a sticky spot to be in. You’re on your own, girlfriend.

  I’m staring at my reflection in the mirror and I’m trying my best not to hyperventilate. “I can’t believe I accepted their invitation without an ounce of hesitation. It’s so not like me. Maybe this new hair color is giving me courage I didn’t even know I had,” I say aloud.

  If I weren’t clinging so hard to the marble counter, I’d think all of this is a dream. Dinner with not one, but two drop-dead-gorgeous hunks is more than I can handle. Heck, it’s more than any girl should have to deal with in her lifetime. Forget about dipping my toe in the water, I’m busting out of my shell tonight.

  “Are they just being friendly?” Suddenly a nagging thought pops into my head, but I dismiss it quickly. Nah. I might not be most worldly of the bunch, but even I can detect the strong energy between us.

  “Are they interested? Both of them? Hmmm. Are two guys supposed to be interested in you at the same time?”

  The way Xander and Ethan devoured me with their eyes was all too consuming. I’ve never been on the receiving end of such fiery lust in my life. This is something that happens to other women, not me. There’s no doubt I’m attracted to Ethan. I spent all of last week coming to terms with my feelings for him. But how do I explain this pull I have towards Xander? I mean, I just met the guy, for God’s sake.

  “They’re complete opposites.” I’m sure if someone was watching me right now, they’d think I’ve taking leave of my senses for having a conversation with myself. Talking it out is the only way I can wrap my head around this.

  Xander is wearing a light grey suit and a white shirt that accentuates his dazzling smile. On the other hand, Ethan’s head-to-toe dark clothing is so outrageously seductive. There’s no two ways about it, women would fight over these two. So how in the world did I end up with both of them all to myself? I’m not used to such attractive men zooming in on me like this. I mean the lounge was packed with beautiful women, but yet they chose me. I’m sure nothing much will happen past dinner, but knowing I’ll be hanging out with them for the next couple of hours is thrilling. I feel ten feet tall.

  “I’m fairly sure this is my Cinderella moment.” I drop my eyes to my feet. “At the strike of midnight, these expensive high-heeled sandals will turn into cheap flip-flops.” I look back up at myself. “That might be the case, but that still gives me three whole hours to indulge in what I’m certain will turn out to be an unforgettable fairytale.” I don’t care if this tale doesn’t last more than one night. It’s just great to have the attention of two men who can have any woman they want. A nice dinner, a great bottle of wine, and lighthearted conversation is exactly what the doctor ordered.

  I rummage through my makeup bag and reapply a coat of lipstick, followed by some lip gloss in the same shade of red.

  “Considering this is the first time I’ve ever gone out alone, I’d say so far, this is a home run.” What do you know, I, Delilah Belle Babcock, aka the worst at picking men, am spending the rest of the evening with two guys I never thought in a million years I’d have the guts to talk to. This is definitely a night of firsts.

  I glance one last time at myself before heading back to the restaurant. I take a deep breath, head to the door, grab hold of the doorknob and swing it open with such force I’m surprised it doesn’t come unhinged. “Down, girl. You’re a little too eager for your own good.” I laugh.



  I watch Delilah sashay away from us. Her hips sway with each step like the pendulum of an old clock. Double damn. Some women do a poor job at walking with grace in heels. Others fare decently well. Delilah’s walk is fucking sexy. When she’s no longer in view, Ethan and I pull out a chair at the same time. We sit side by side with our backs to the exposed brick wall. In these seats we get to admire Delilah to our hearts’ content. Her back will be facing the restaurant. She’ll have no choice but to focus all of her attention on us.

  I turn to Ethan, too impatient to wait. “Delilah is amazing.”

  Ethan nods with a cocky smile pulling at his lips. “I already know that,” he mocks.

  “Yes, perhaps, but your description pales in comparison to the woman in the flesh.”

  “For once I won’t argue with you, mate. Now that you’ve met her, you tell me how you would have encapsulated such beauty, charm, wit and those fucking delicious curves in words,” he challenges.

  I think hard for a second before answering. “You’re right. You have to see it to believe it.”


  “Well, one thing is certain, I can never go wrong when I listen to my instincts.” I’m so proud of my forward thinking.

  “What do you mean?” Ethan asks. His head is pointed straight in front of him, but his eyes shift to the right.

  I lean in closer and lower my voice. I want to make sure that no one other than my best friend hears what I’m about to say. “I know you think she’s this shy flower, but from the time we spent together, I can tell there’s a volcano burning deep inside that woman.”

  “Her transformation is mind-boggling. This Delilah isn’t the woman I met at the gallery. Tonight, she’s exactly the type of woman who could satisfy both of us. That said, you and I know from experience very few women have shared two men at the same time in their life. It’s not for everybody. Not that I want to assume, but under all of this polished and sophisticated veneer, I still believe Delilah is used to plain vanilla sex.”

  “Well, she’s single. So I guess we can find out first hand tonight.”

  “She is?”

  “Yes. While I was flirting with her at the lounge, I asked and she confirmed.”

  “Interesting.” Ethan caresses his five o’clock stubble. “I was fishing around to find out, but she never gave me a straight answer.”

  “The private chill-out room is the perfect place to seduce her to the idea of allowing both of us to take her to new heights. This could simply be an introduction. Nothing too hot and heavy, just a sneak peek at what she’s been missing so far,” I suggest.

  Ethan flashes me a heavy half-lidded look I know too well. I’m one hundred percent certain his cock is as hard as mine. “We only do hot and heavy. Have you forgotten or did you get all soft on me in LA?”

  I laugh. “No need to panic. I can still match your feral nature with my eyes closed. I’m just thinking of her. We don’t want to scare her.”

  “I know where you’re coming from. I hate to admit it, Xander, but that was a stroke of genius, considering the fact that you made the reservations only a few days ago. It’s a well-known fact that these private rooms tend to be booked solid weeks in advance. We really lucked out when that poor chum couldn’t make it tonight.”

  “I’m happy we were on the waiting list,” I rejoice. I use the word ‘happy’ loosely. After meeting Delilah, I’m ecstatic at how brilliantly I planned tonight.

  “It also helps to know the right people.” Ethan winks.

  “Indeed it does.” I wink right back at him.

  Kylie Lashbrook is the gatekeeper for these private rooms. Thankfully, I’ve fucked her hard a few times in these chill-out rooms at the end of the night while things were winding down. She’s always claimed I’m the best she’s had. I don’t blame her. It was casual and it was good while it lasted. Everything stopped between us six months ago when she started dating this guy Bruce. They got married not long ago, but she’ll still willingly bend over backwards for me when I need a favor. That’s amazing considering I’d never touch a married woman and she knows it.

  “So you want her as much as I do?” Ethan asks.

  He already knows the answer, but I’ll play along. “You knew I would well before I even met her. You kept selling her to me, remember?”

  “I do.”

’re no longer interested?” Ethan Gordimer never hesitates. What’s up with him?

  “I’m dead certain I want her. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” That’s more like it. “She works in my circle. It doesn’t hurt to triple-check. If we start this, there’s no going back for me.”

  “Same here. This is right, Ethan. You feel it and so do I.” He nods. “If you combine that with the unexpected way we bumped into Delilah, it would be a crime for us not to explore how far things can go between the three of us.”

  Ethan ponders for a few seconds before answering. “It will absolutely kill me to hold back, but maybe it’s the only way for us to find out for sure if she would be open to the possibility.”

  I ready myself to respond, but I catch Delilah’s tempting body from the side. She glides towards us and we both stand up before she reaches the table. “You guys are such gentlemen.” She beams. “Men don’t do that anymore.”

  “I beg to differ, love. Perhaps you haven’t been hanging out with the right guys.”

  “What Ethan said.” I grin.

  She laughs. “I’m not going to argue with you.”

  “Please, have a seat. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. I haven’t had a decent meal since three o’clock this afternoon and that was airplane food, so it doesn’t count,” I say, rushing to her side to pull her chair out. Once she’s comfortably seated Ethan and I follow suit. I make eye contact with Bernard, our server, and he’s at our table in a flash.

  “Good evening, my lady,” he says before turning his attention to us. “Gentlemen.” He hands us menus.

  “Good evening,” all three of us chime in unison.

  “Welcome back, Ethan and Xander. It’s been too long. Traveling the world again?” Ethan and I nod. He smiles. “And who is this lovely lady joining you this evening?” Bernard asks. Although he’s addressing his question to us, Bernard’s eyes are locked on the curvy temptress sitting across from us.


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