Deliciously British

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Deliciously British Page 51

by Scarlett Avery

  Xander nudges me with his elbow. I turn to him. “Don’t count me out just yet,” is all I say. My confidence is unflappable.

  “Five it is,” Stewart cheers. “Do I hear a better offer?”

  Over the next several minutes, the older gentleman and the eager beaver duke it out. The price climbs to vertiginous heights. With each bid, Xander grows more nervous, but I remain calm and collected. I know the hand I’m playing with. In the world of poker, I’m holding a straight flush. I’m happy to let these two think they have a hope in hell of coming out on top. The reason why there’s such a frenzy of excitement is because when Calysta was diagnosed, she retreated into her studio and painted this last piece over the course of a few days. Apparently, she had never finished any artwork in such a short time frame. Rumor has it that the streaks running down the canvas are a mixture of oil paint and her salty tears. That explains the subtle shading of thinner layers. That’s what heightens the dramatic contrast and the price.

  “Six.” The guy representing the Chinese investors comes back with a higher price. He looks so sure of himself. If he only knew.

  “Six and a half,” the older gentleman retorts.

  Once again they’re at it until the price hits eight hundred fifty thousand. At this point, I have two options. I can let this drag on or I can put an end to it. I’ve been dying for a drink since this started and I think I’ve definitely earned it.

  I lift my paddle and say, “One million two hundred thousand.” People around me gasp so loudly you think they’ve inhaled all the air in the room. Yup. All eyes are on me now.

  My client has given me the discretion to go up to one point five million pounds. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it if I can shave off three hundred thousand from the price. Of course, he did promise a generous bonus if I did.

  Stewart scans the room. You can hear a pin drop. The slight curve of his lips suggests he’s fully aware at what level I’m playing. This might not be the work of a Degas, a Rembrandt or a Jackson Pollock, but in our world, it’s big money. “One million two hundred thousand going once, going twice.” Both the overzealous chump and the silver-haired gentleman hesitate. They lift their paddles halfway, but quickly pull them back down. Yeah, I didn’t think so. “One million two hundred thousand going three times.” No one says a word. “Sold to number four thirty-six.”

  “You got it,” Xander cheers, punching my arm.

  “Of course I did.” I smile at him.

  The room explodes in a tumult of claps. It goes on for several seconds until Stewart lifts his hand up, quieting everyone. “Congratulations to the highest bidder.” It’s good to be me. “That is definitely a record price for tonight. This exceptional collection truly tells the story of a woman and her unwillingness to give up. Now that we’ve come to the conclusion of our evening, may I invite you next door for cocktails?” Stewart points to his left where a row of waiters awaits.

  I jump to my feet. The adrenaline is still coursing through my veins. I’m sure this is how a world champion boxer feels after knocking out his opponent. “Let’s go,” I say, looking down at my best friend.

  It’s Xander’s turn to stand up. “I underestimated you, mate.” He grabs me in a bro hug. “I think everyone else here did as well.” He’s right.

  That was the most successful auction of my career thus far. The night is still young and I wouldn’t be surprised if more amazing things are in store for me.

  * * *

  “Ethan, you sly goat. I should have called on your services. I was dying to own a piece, but alas, I shall go home empty-handed,” Philip Montgomery says. He pulls his lips down for effect. “What made me think I stood a chance against a professional like you?”

  It’s been like this since the auction ended. I’ve been assaulted by a mob of rich people all wanting to know how they can work with me. I’m definitely the star of the night.

  “Philip, you flatter me. I just had my clients’ best interest at heart.” I take a step forward and lean into him. “You do know that Calysta has already started painting new pieces? I have no doubt there’ll be another auction very soon,” I whisper loudly.

  Philip takes a step back and raises an eyebrow. Clearly I’ve piqued his interest. “Really?”

  “I’ve heard it from a very reliable source.” Being a little dramatic pays off big time.

  “Honestly, we should talk.”

  “Should I contact Amanda?”

  Phillip Montgomery is old money and old school. I’ve seen him a few times at these types of auctions. Although he’s only in his fifties, he doesn’t believe much in technology. We could easily coordinate our schedules standing right here, but instead someone on my team will have to play phone tag with his personal assistant.

  “Please do. Let’s meet sooner rather than later.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m dying for another drink and I have my eye on that gorgeous creature over there.” Both Philip and I allow ourselves to follow a tall blonde in the purple dress who’s been flirting hard since we all moved to this room. In that painted-on dress, I’m surprised she’s still walking around unaccompanied.

  “Don’t let me stop you, mate.” I tap him on the shoulder. “She looks eager.”

  “Yes, she does… just the way I like them.” Did Philip just lick his lips? Wow.

  Along with being extraordinarily rich, Phillip Montgomery is also very single and very much of a man whore. With a little salute of the hand, he’s off trailing after pussy.

  I turn around and scan the room looking for my best friend. Since it’s been impossible for me to take more than two steps before someone accosts me, Xander has been my lifeline for the night. He’s been the one fetching drinks. It doesn’t take long for me to see his cheerful smile in the crowd.

  “I can’t believe you’re standing here alone,” he teases, handing me my Old Fashioned.

  “Neither can I. That said, if I’m able to turn a fraction of the people who have showed any interest, this night will surely be one to remember.”

  Xander’s eyes widen. “A fraction?” he asks, surprised.

  He knows me well. “Since I don’t believe in mediocrity, you know I’ll be following up with every single one of them.”

  “That’s more like it,” Xander exclaims. “I’ll definitely drink to that,” he says, lifting his glass. I lift mine and clink it against his. “Cheers and here’s to a job well done.”

  “Cheers,” I reply. “Thank you, mate.”

  We both sip on whiskey drinks while scouring the room. I suspect we’re looking for the same person.

  “Have you seen our girl?” Xander asks. “I’ve been looking everywhere for her and I don’t think she’s here yet.”

  “I texted her right before Mr. Montgomery approached me and she said she arrived a while ago. Apparently her boss is determined to introduce her to all of London. She said she’d circle back to us the minute she can.”

  There was no need for Delilah to be at the auction, but Ashley insisted she be part of the celebration. I’ll be honest, since the weekend we spent after our dinner at Café Belleville we haven’t been able to devour our little Texan as much as we’d like. My plate has been full and so has hers. Work has also been keeping Xander on his toes. Now that the auction is behind me, I’m looking forward to letting off a little steam between her legs.

  I already know she can’t spend the night over at our place because it will be a madhouse at the gallery tomorrow. Not to mention that Ashley has already cracked the whip, demanding that all the employees be at work bright and early. That’s why we’ve already made plans for the weekend. Lucky for us it’s only two days away. Friday can’t come soon enough. I don’t think I could wait any longer. Seeing her tonight will simply be a treat even if that means I can only savor her from afar. Since no one is privy to our little arrangement, it’s important for us to keep a low profile. I’d hate to tip off one of her colleagues.

  “I ca
n’t wait to see her,” Xander says between sips.

  “Neither can I. I’m sure she’s somewhere around here.” We nod at each other.

  “On a different note, while I was at the bar I overheard the guy wearing that ridiculous bowtie bitch about not being able to snatch more pieces. What an idiot.”

  “Frankly, I’m not surprised. He looks like the type,” I comment.

  “Instead of owning up to the fact that he doesn’t have your sophisticated skills, he whines like a crybaby.” Xander snorts. “There were a couple of people standing not far from him who were rolling their eyes while he was venting.”

  “This guy is new to the scene as far as I know, but he’s already irritating the heck out of me. I really hope I don’t—” I completely lose my train of thought.

  “What?” Xander brings his eyebrows together.

  “Holy sexpot,” I hiss.

  “Where?” Xander pivots and follows the trajectory of my gaze. “Oh. My. God.” He turns around to face me. “Did you know she was going to look this good?” His eyes are bigger than saucers and his nostrils are flaring.

  “Mate, why are we even surprised anymore with that woman? Every time we see her, she brings us to our knees.”

  Delilah is floating around behind Ashley. To say that she looks like a vision would be a gross understatement. She looks our way and simply smiles like an angel. Her long hair falls seductively to the middle of her back. Her blue eyes are popping like expensive gems against the color of the dress that her curvaceous body is clad in. Her makeup is flawless and elegant. What I’d give to lick that red lipstick off her lips. The bright shade of her pout only accentuates her fair skin. I expected her to look gorgeous because she always does, but that dress takes the wind right out of my lungs.

  “She wears a sexy white dress with a plunging neckline I just want to lose myself in when she knows we haven’t been inside her in a couple of days,” Xander whispers. The fact that he has his hand over his mouth prevents anyone else from hearing our inappropriate conversation.

  “That white mesh fabric enveloping her shoulders and revealing her skin is just too much to handle.”

  “It’s only now that I notice. There’s just too much to take in in one go,” Xander confesses.

  My eyes drop. “Jesus Christ,” I growl.

  “What now?”

  “Did you see those shoes?”

  Xander flips around and turns right back to face me again. “Fuck. Those are dangerous.”

  “Those are going to give me a heart attack.” Delilah selected a pair of bronze high-heeled shoes to complement her dress. Not only are they super-high, but the peep toe showcases her red painted toes.

  “The way her hips undulate underneath that shimmery fabric is killing me.” At this point, Xander is nearly hyperventilating. Who am I kidding? So am I.

  “Mate, I can see nothing else.”

  “Have you noticed how other men are eating her up with their eyes?”

  “Can you blame them? I should be jealous she’s eliciting this kind of attention from these strangers, but I’m not.” Xander knows I’m not one to share—unless it’s with him. That said, there isn’t much I can do tonight. Delilah shines so bright, you’d have to be blind to miss her.

  “Same here,” Xander says before returning his attention to her. Pride causes me to stick my chest out. Knowing these other guys want her, but can’t have her is a powerful aphrodisiac. She belongs to my best friend and I. “Do you think she’s wearing matching underwear underneath that traffic-stopper?”

  I had mentally prepared myself to wait until Friday to have my way with our sweet little Texan, resigned to using my hand in the meantime, but that question erodes my resolve. “I don’t—” Delilah waves at me and gives me a sexy wink. “Little minx,” I say under my breath. When Xander notices my bewildered expression, he turns around again. He gets the same treatment.

  “She’s totally flirting with us.” His conclusion is very accurate. “I don’t care how good she looks, we can’t let her get away with that.”

  “She’s a smart girl. I’m sure she knows we’re caught between a rock and a hard place. That said, her deliberate attempt at seducing us must be punished. And I have no intention of waiting until Friday.”

  “I’m with you, mate.” Xander finishes the last gulp of his drink.

  “The only problem is there are a lot of people out here tonight.” My eyes shift from left to right. “Our options are very limited given the fact that this is a well-attended event.”

  “Not necessarily.” Xander flashes me a cocksure smile.

  “I think it will be very obvious if all of a sudden the two of us disappear and no one can find Delilah.”

  “Who said anything about both of us disappearing at the same time?”

  I pause and consider his question. “Clearly you have something in mind.”

  “Don’t I always?”

  We both chuckle.



  At first it was nothing more than curiosity, but now I pat myself on the back for having wandered away from the cocktail party while Ethan was being besieged by rich people dying to work with him. Without even knowing it, I was setting the stage for a little saucy action with Delilah. When I shared my kinky idea with Ethan, he could barely contain himself. Of all the dirty schemes I’ve had in the past, this one takes the cake. Ethan and I have done some risqué things, but if memory serves me correctly, I don’t think we’ve ever gone down this depraved road before. Well… playing with Delilah’s pussy on the mezzanine of the restaurant is pretty out there. After texting Delilah, I wait impatiently, pacing the large room.

  I hear a soft knock at the door and already my cock twitches. “Xander, are you in there? It’s me.”

  I walk towards the door and open it slowly. “Hey, you. I guess this place wasn’t too hard to find.” I smile at her.

  She gives me a quick shake of the head. “No. The landmark you gave me is hard to miss. That giant bronze ampersand symbol posted on that pedestal before I turned a corner is a dead giveaway.” She laughs.

  “Come in.” I wave her in.

  She tiptoes inside the room like a worried little mouse. I close the door and lock it behind me. Yup, it’s going to be that kind of night. Lucky for me, the room I secured has floor-to-ceiling windows, which allow for the city lights to illuminate the space enough for us to see each other. The less attention we bring to ourselves, the better.

  I lean back and eat her up with my eyes. Ethan and I have had our fair share of women with luscious curves, but Delilah leaves them in the dust.

  She walks towards the large table and drops her bag. She turns to face me and from the way she’s biting her inner lip, I already know she’s nervous. My skittish little kitten. “Where’s Ethan?” she asks, meeting my gaze. God, she’s beautiful. “I thought I saw him with you.”

  “He’s not too far,” I respond.

  This close I can fully appreciate how gorgeous she is. I can also take in how that dress enhances her best assets so perfectly. Every time she bats her eyelashes, my desire for her is heightened.

  “Oh, isn’t he going to join us?”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart.” I push myself off against the door and close the gap between us. “For now, it’s just the two of us.”

  “I don’t really know what we’re doing here, but if he’s around why isn’t he here?” Her chest is heaving up and down. I don’t even pretend I’m not completely fixated by her breasts.

  Slowly I allow my gaze to meet hers. “Do you really believe that lie?”

  I read the confusion in her eyes. “Wh-what do you mean?”

  “How long are you going to pretend, Delilah? You know exactly what you’re doing.”


  I reach out, fist her hair and pull back her head, cutting her off midsentence. “You wore that dress to provoke me—”

  “No, Xander—” Her eyes are imploring.

�You wanted to make me jealous? Is that it?”

  “I’d never—”

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice how every single man in that room had his eyes on your big round luscious ass, on those hypnotizing wide hips and on your tits trapped in what I suspect is another cock-hardening piece of lingerie.”


  “I don’t blame them, but they have no right. How dare you tempt them like that?” The more I go after her, the more turned on I am. “You’re mine and Ethan’s,” I growl.

  The look of worry that veiled her blue eyes lifts. It’s replaced by pure lust. When she curls her lips up, I know she’s caught on. “Yes, you’re right,” she whispers in a low seductive voice. “I am.”

  “It seems you’ve temporarily forgotten that. Lucky for you I found it in my heart to remind you of just that. When I’m done with you, Ethan will be in to reinforce that message.” Without warning I crush her lips. I eat her moans and suck her tongue with such gusto, you’d think I want to swallow it.

  After a few long passionate and blissful seconds, I pull away from her. “Oh, God. I’ve missed you so much,” she pants, gripping at the lapel of my jacket.

  “So have I. I was willing to be a good boy and wait until Friday, but your showing up looking like a voluptuous modern pinup model changes everything. I can’t wait any longer,” I confess as I push her towards the conference table. She matches every single one of my steps in reverse.

  “What if we get caught?” she asks.

  “I’ve done my diligence. Everyone is out there hobnobbing, so we should be okay,” I reassure her.

  Using someone else’s office could be suicidal because you don’t know when they might need to pop back in to grab something or make a private phone call. A conference room on the other hand is a much safer option. With the event raging next door and with all that schmoozing going on, who in their right mind would be holding a meeting at nine o’clock at night?


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