The Formidable Earl

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The Formidable Earl Page 18

by Sophie Barnes

  “Simon?” She captured his head between her hands and stared into his scorching eyes. “You’re good and kind and horribly considerate.”


  “Don’t be a gentleman tonight. Be a scoundrel instead.”

  His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared. “If that’s what you want.”

  The edge of her mouth lifted. “I think it’s what you want as well.”

  A swift nod was his only answer before he stepped back and pulled her down from the table. His hand found hers and then he was leading her out of the dining room, into the hallway, and up the stairs. Ida could barely keep up.

  The door to her bedchamber opened and she was pulled into the room. The door closed, the click of the key turning in the lock ensuring they would have added privacy. Curtains were hastily closed and then she was back in his arms, being kissed as if she were the air he needed in order to breathe.

  Chapter Thirteen

  God help him, he couldn’t get enough.

  Pushing his fingers up into her thick mass of hair, Simon cradled the back of her head while feasting on Ida’s perfection. She tasted divine, much better than he remembered, though how that might be he had no idea.

  His fingertips found a hairpin and then another. One by one, he pulled them all free and allowed them to fall until silken tresses cascaded around her shoulders. Simon deepened the kiss for a moment – a reminder that he was a starved man and she the most splendid banquet he’d ever discovered. And then he took a step back and paused.

  The loud beat of his heart filled his ears, echoing through him as he stared at the most gorgeous woman in the world. Her robe was completely askew and her uncombed hair an unruly mass of spun gold. Simon’s chest tightened. His fingers twitched with the need to touch her, to slide his hands over each inch of glorious perfection, and to take her most precious gift for himself and call her his own.

  “Would it be too dastardly of me to ask you to take off that robe?” If he did it himself, he feared things would progress too quickly. Her hesitance was so brief he wouldn’t have caught it if he hadn’t been watching her closely. “Relax, Ida. Don’t be shy or afraid when you’re with me. And take as long as you like. I’m not going anywhere.”

  A nervous bit of laughter erupted from between her lips. “I’m sorry. It’s so silly considering what I’ve been used to over the past few years. It’s just that I’ve never undressed in front of a man, except the other night of course, but it was dark then and your eyes were closed. Now, even with the fading light you can still see. And I can’t help but worry a little abou—”

  “You mustn’t.” It was all he could do to remain where he was and not pull her back into his arms. “My God, Ida. You drive me mad when you’re clothed, so I can assure you I’ll think I just died and went to heaven the moment I see what you look like naked.”

  Her cheeks turned from pink to blazing red. “Perhaps we can do it together.”

  “I’m not sure that’s wise. If I touch you again I’ll—”

  “No.” She shook her head. “What I mean to say is that it would be easier for me to undress if you undressed as well. At the same time.”

  A smirk pulled at the left side of his mouth. “All right.”

  If this was what she needed in order to feel more comfortable, then he was more than happy to oblige. Pulling his shirt from his trousers, he drew it up over his head in one swift movement and tossed it aside. Ida stared at him in dismay. His smirk turned into a wide grin.

  “I’ve always prided myself on efficiency.” He jutted his chin toward her. “Your turn.”

  Perhaps her idea hadn’t been so good, after all. With her brain unable to focus on anything other than Simon’s incredible body and with her legs turned to jelly, it was impossible for her to function properly. All she could do was stare at the hard planes of his chest, the ridges that rippled across his belly, and the deep indentations that flowed from his hips and disappeared under his waistband. His arms were a series of hills and valleys that rose and fell in smooth curves. Ida swallowed. He was a masterpiece, sculpted through strenuous physical activity and not at all what one might expect a man of leisure to look like.

  Drawn to him like a desert wanderer to a mirage, she raised one hand and took a step forward.

  “Ah, ah.” He retreated one step. “The robe, Ida.”

  Slightly dazed, she reached for the belt and untied it, then pushed the garment from her shoulders and let it fall. It was her turn to smirk in response to the appreciative glow in his eyes. She knew this particular chemise concealed very little, which was why she’d been shy about shedding her robe while he remained fully clothed. But now, seeing the way he looked at her as if she were some delectable treat he’d been dreaming about for years, she felt emboldened.

  “Trousers next,” she whispered in a voice more sultry than she’d expected.

  He tilted his head. “I have to remove my shoes first.”

  Ida stepped out of her own slippers and arched both brows. “Go ahead.”

  His shoes landed with dull thuds against the floor as he kicked them off. And then his hands went to his waistband. “How about if you take your chemise off at the same time. On the count of three?”

  “You’d still be wearing your smalls, which wouldn’t be very fair.”

  “I can remove both at the same time.”

  Ida’s pulse leapt with wild excitement. She nodded. “All right.”

  Simon dropped his gaze to her calves. “Go on then. Grab the hem.”

  She did as he asked and waited for the count. Somehow, the act of undressing had turned into more than an effort to help her overcome her inhibitions. It was once again about trust and not letting each other down, so the moment she heard him say, “Three,” she pulled her chemise up over her head and flung it aside.

  Heat bathed her skin from head to toe when she saw how Simon stared at her. A mixture of awe and desire burned in his eyes, and she knew it had to reflect her own. Because the way he looked, standing there like some Greek god, powerful and strong, was enough to send fiery shivers racing through her.

  This time when she moved toward him, he made no attempt to stop her. And when she reached out to trace a path over his stomach, allowing the tips of her fingers to travel across every muscle, she smiled in response to the hiss he emitted.

  She was only granted a few more seconds of curious exploration before he captured her lips in a feverish kiss and swept her up into his arms. One moment later she was lowered onto the bed. His hand slid over her hip and across her belly with feather light softness that caused sparks to swirl up inside her. Breaking their kiss, Simon let his mouth travel the length of her body.

  “You’re stunning,” he murmured when he planted a kiss against her thigh.

  “And you are incredibly skilled,” she sighed in response to the pleasure he gave with each touch.

  His wolfish grin matched the devilish gleam in his eyes as he rose above her and settled himself between her thighs. “The best part is yet to come, my darling.” He wove his fingers with hers and gazed down into her upturned face. “There’ll be some discomfort at first, but once that has passed, I’ll make sure you love every moment.”

  Ida could only nod. She knew she’d be foolish to put too much weight on the verbal endearment he’d used. It was probably the sort of thing most men would say to a woman in the heat of passion. But it made her feel special all the same. And it made her realize how right she’d been to fear doing this with Simon. After tonight her heart would be in peril, but that was the price she was willing to pay for the splendor of being at one with the man who had come to mean more to her than anyone else.

  Distracting her with a soul-searing kiss so intense she barely registered the pain, he joined his body with hers, allowed her a moment to adjust, and then took his time teaching her how to move. It was far more natural than she would have thought and infinitely better than she’d ever imagined. There was a rightness to it that could no
t be explained except through experience, and then there was more – a rapid build of sensation so dense it felt as if she were absorbing the world. It was too strong, too overwhelming, and just too much. The coil inside her tightened until she was gasping for air.

  “Open your eyes,” Simon gritted. “Look at me.”

  She did as he asked and was shocked to see the strain on his handsome face. He shifted slightly, adjusted his position and then, just like that, she shattered in a million pieces.

  “My God,” she heard him murmur as pure sensation careened through her body, lifting her up and giving her wings with which to fly. A primal groan echoed somewhere in the distance. Ida smiled as she glided back to earth, fully sated and not at all sure she’d be able to stand after what she’d just been through.

  A strong arm came around her waist, pulling her up against a hard chest. Warm fingers settled against her hip. “That was incredible,” Simon whispered right next to her ear. A tender kiss followed and then, with a bit more hesitance, “I hope you feel the same.”

  Rolling back into his arms so she would be able to meet his gaze, Ida told him sincerely, “It was better than anything I ever could have imagined, and I’m glad I experienced it with you.”

  Relief washed over his features, alerting her to how uncertain he had been, how nervous and worried in spite of the confident man he’d put on display. Ida’s heart soared. She only loved him more for it. And yes, she truly did love him, more than she’d ever believed herself capable. Whatever doubts she might have had about her feelings had just been completely obliterated by the incredible experience they’d shared.

  “So…” Simon trailed a finger along her shoulder. “Does that mean you’ll want to do it again?”

  She looped her arms around his neck. “Most assuredly. But before we begin round two, we should probably see if Miranda is waiting with dinner, because I really am quite ravenous. For food, that is.”

  Simon laughed. “I’d completely forgotten.” He sat and let his gaze roam over every inch of her body until she felt utterly scorched. “You know, I could just fetch us a couple of trays.”

  “You’re only trying to stop me from getting dressed.”

  “Of course,” he admitted without looking the least bit repentant.

  Ida grinned. “I think it sounds like an excellent plan, as long as you promise you’ll be my dessert.”

  His nostrils flared. “I’ll hold you to it,” he muttered. Another incredible kiss sealed the deal before he climbed off the bed and pulled on his shirt and trousers.

  Once he’d left the room, Ida flopped back against her pillows with a smile. Considering his messy appearance, Miranda would surely know what was going on. Ida stared up at the ceiling and pondered that notion. Much to her surprise, she realized she didn’t care. All that mattered was what she and Simon could have together. It wouldn’t last, but it would be something for her to look back on with fondness. And that in itself meant it was worth all the heartache and pain that was sure to follow.

  For now, however, in this moment, she wouldn’t think about any of that. Instead, she’d allow herself to enjoy each kiss and each touch while loving Simon with every piece of her heart.

  Resting against a couple of pillows and with Ida nestled against his side, Simon listened to the soft sounds she made in her sleep. They’d enjoyed a full meal of roast chicken and mashed potatoes with diced carrots on the side, accompanied by a bottle of wine, before engaging in another round of spectacular lovemaking.

  Simon ran his fingers carefully over the back of Ida’s head, gathering up the occasional strand of silky hair as he did so. He still couldn’t quite believe what had happened between them and vowed he would never let her regret the decision she’d made to become his mistress. True happiness – the sort that calmed the soul and made one’s heart sing – had always felt out of reach for him. But now he’d finally found it. With Ida.

  She could never be his lawfully wedded wife – that position would regrettably have to belong to someone else – but she could be his friend, and his lover. And if she bore him children, he would acknowledge them as his own without shame.

  Allowing his hand to wander along the length of her spine, he waited for her to stir before rolling her onto her back and pressing his mouth to hers. She kissed him back with slumberous movements and welcomed him into her arms.

  “I’m sorry I woke you,” he murmured. “I just want you so damn much, Ida, I—”

  “Shh…” She hooked her legs around his and drew him right up against her. “I want you too.”

  His breath guttered with raw emotion. Pain mixed with pleasure cut through his heart as he met her clear gaze with his own. Unable to focus on what he was feeling, he surrendered to instinct and claimed her once more.

  “You’re mine,” he insisted as she came apart in his arms for the third time that night. “You will never belong to anyone else.”

  A gasp was her only response before he was swept away on his own rapturous wave and collapsed on the bed beside her. Sleep followed, so deep and thorough he scarcely registered the faint sound of knocking until he felt Ida move.

  “What is it?” he murmured, his voice slurry to his own ears as he felt for her with his hand. His fingertips barely grazed her skin before she moved out of reach.

  “I’m not sure. Let me check.”

  Simon opened one eye and was very unhappy to see that she’d climbed out of bed, yet immensely glad of the view she allowed of her naked perfection.

  To his disappointment, it was quickly covered by her robe. He closed his eyes and listened while Ida opened the bedchamber door and exchanged a few words with Miranda. Based on her urgent tone, the maid sounded distressed. Simon’s ears perked up. The words, “Hulking man…parlor…insists…see you,” had him sitting bolt upright within the next second.

  “I have to get dressed,” Ida said. She began collecting her clothes.

  Simon got out of bed and grabbed Ida’s arm, effectively halting her progress. “Who’s the visitor?”

  “One of Guthrie’s men.” She pressed her lips together.

  “And you want to meet him alone?” He stared at her in disbelief.

  She sighed. “That was my plan, yes.”

  “Out of the question.” After the night they’d just spent together, she would never be alone with another man ever again. “You stay here. I’ll go see what Whoeveritis wants.”

  “Simon. I have to at least show my face.” She pulled her chemise over her head and began putting on her stays.

  “Why?” She frowned while attempting to tie the garment. When she failed, he spun her around and did the job for her. “What difference can it possibly make whether—”

  “Because it’s MacNeil.”

  “Guthrie’s lieutenant?” Simon stared at Ida a moment, then scrambled to find his clothes. He knew of the brawny Scotsman. He was almost as famous as his employer and equally fearsome according to those who’d seen him. Good God. What if the man had come to threaten Ida in some way or haul her back to Guthrie’s house? No matter MacNeil’s purpose, Simon would do his best to protect her.

  “Now that he knows I’m here, he will tear this house down brick by brick until he’s satisfied with my well-being and safety.” She grabbed Simon’s shirt and thrust it toward him before he’d finished putting on his trousers. “So if you want to come with me, I suggest you get ready fast, before he decides to come looking for me.”

  “Christ,” Simon muttered. He took the garment and shoved his arms into the sleeves, then pulled on his hose and shoes and helped Ida button her gown.

  Little else was said between them as they descended the stairs. They paused outside the parlor. Simon heard Ida take a deep breath and decided to follow suit. She opened the door and entered the room, her slight frame further dwarfed by the man who got up to greet her.

  Good God!

  Simon struggled to keep from gaping.

  MacNeil might be wearing breeches and boots with a t
ailored blue jacket and waistcoat to match, but that didn’t make him look less like a Highland warrior ready for battle. The man had to be at least a head taller than he, maybe more, his arms twice as thick and his shoulders…

  With furrowed brow, Simon planted his feet in a solid position and crossed his arms. He didn’t stand a chance against this man in combat, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to let that concern show.

  “Ida.” Blayne gave her a swift head to toe perusal. “Thank Christ you’re unscathed.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Blayne frowned. “I hear you took a wee tumble a few days ago.”

  “Who did you hear that from?”

  “’Twas in the paper.” Blayne’s jaw hardened as he glanced toward Simon. “Guthrie won’t be happy with this.”

  “Guthrie’s not here,” Ida pointed out. When Blayne didn’t argue that point, Ida turned to Simon. “Allow me to introduce you to Blayne MacNeil.”

  When Simon just glared at Blayne without any indication of offering his hand, Ida turned back toward their unexpected guest. “This is the Earl of Fielding. He’s been helping me figure out who really aided in Napoleon’s escape from Elba so my father’s name can be cleared.”

  Blayne gave Simon a closer look and finally shook his head. “From the looks of it, he’s been helping you with a lot more than that, lass.”

  Simon cut through the room before Ida could blink and was suddenly glaring Blayne straight in the face. “My relationship with Miss Strong is none of your concern, so I would suggest you stay out of it.”

  A nerve ticked next to Blayne’s left eye, but he held himself still, much to Ida’s relief, and eventually nodded. “Duly noted. Although you may want to brace yourself for when Guthrie gets back. Ida’s like family to him, you ken?”

  Grabbing Simon’s arm, Ida pulled him back a step. She knew Guthrie viewed her as his responsibility. He wouldn’t like learning she’d been threatened and forced into action during his absence, and he probably wouldn’t want to trust anyone else with her protection either.


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