Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection Page 12

by Kaylee Ryan

  He nods. “Don’t corrupt my son, Marcus.” He grins.

  Slowly, I slide to the edge of the couch and stand. I feel Ridge’s hand on the small of my back, helping steady me. I don’t look at him, afraid he’ll see that as each second ticks by, I grow more attracted to him. Instead, I stop in front of Mark, lean down, and transfer Knox into his arms. I return to my seat next to Ridge, my body even more aware of him now that I don’t have a baby to cuddle, to distract me.

  I focus on the movie and try like hell to block out the feeling of his thigh against mine.

  The night carries on, and we eat, watch movies, and even play Battle of the Sexes. The guys all take their turns holding Knox, and let me tell you, it’s a sight. There is nothing like the image of a man loving on a tiny baby. It makes you have all kinds of thoughts. From all the warm tingling to ‘I want to have your babies, let’s start practicing.’ From what I could tell, Dawn and Reagan were just as affected as I was. Although, Reagan seems to keep her attention on Tyler most of the time. I need to ask her about that later.

  Ridge yawns, and I immediately feel guilty. He’s been through so much in the last couple of weeks, and here we are invading his space. He should be resting while Knox is.

  “We should get going,” Reagan says. She must have noticed as well.

  I stand. “Thank you for having us,” I say to Ridge.

  He stands, as well as the others, everyone stretching from sitting through the movie. “It was nice to hang out and have adult conversation.”

  That causes all of us to laugh.

  “I’ll walk you guys out.” I watch as he lowers Knox into his Pack ‘n Play and follows us to the front door. “Drive safe,” he yells out to the guys, who are already loading up in what appears to be Kent’s Jeep. All of them except Tyler.

  “Kendall, a pleasure,” Tyler says with a wink.

  “Always.” I chuckle.

  “Ladies, sorry about the change of plans. Call me this week and we can set up something,” Reagan says.

  “Definitely, not that this change was a bad thing.” Dawn fans herself with her hands. She has a flare for the dramatic at times.

  “Brother, see you later.” Reagan stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek before she and Dawn head to the car.

  I step off the porch to follow them when Ridge grabs my hand. I stop and look over my shoulder at him.

  “Thank you, Kendall, for tonight . . . I mean, for your help with Knox,” he rambles.

  I smile. “I didn’t do anything but snuggle the little guy. It wasn’t a hardship, trust me. Thanks for letting us invade your space.”

  He nods, but doesn’t let go of my hand. I turn my body to face sideways and look down where his large fingers are wrapped around my wrist. My pulse is pounding from his touch. I wonder if he can feel it racing. With a gentle squeeze, he releases me, and I don’t stick around. As soon as he lets go, I race down the steps and climb into the backseat of the car. Luckily for me, Tyler has been talking to the girls by his truck, and they didn’t even notice that I wasn’t behind them.

  As I try to slow my thundering heart, I realize how wrong these feelings are. He’s mourning. I’m going to Hell for the thoughts in my head about Ridge Beckett.

  The blare of my alarm clock wakes me up way too early. I haven’t slept well the last two nights, thoughts of Ridge keeping me up. One minute, I’m feeling guilty for lusting after him, considering his situation and the next, I’m imagining what those big hands would feel like running over my body.

  I have to stop by my grandparents’ place before heading to work, hence the reason I’m up at the ass crack of dawn. They left yesterday for Florida, and the remodel of their house starts today. What my dad thinks I can do about anything the construction company may need is beyond me, but he thinks it’s necessary, so I’ll be there.

  Yesterday, Dawn and I spent the majority of the day at my parents.’ We grilled out and just caught up. Dawn isn’t close to her family, so anytime mine invite us over, she’s always willing. I’m glad they all get along so well.

  Just as I’m getting ready to walk out the door, she emerges from her room. My best friend is not a morning person.

  “Have a good day, dear,” I say over my shoulder. I don’t stick around long enough for her to throw anything at my head.

  It’s a warm morning for May, so I open my sunroof, put on my shades, and crank up the radio. I arrive about twenty minutes earlier than Dad said I needed to and make myself at home, diving into my muffin I brought from the house. It’s so calm and peaceful here. I hate that they’re selling it, but I understand; they need something low maintenance like a condo that will allow them to travel back and forth with limited worry.

  At seven thirty on the dot, I hear the sound of a diesel engine. Right on time.

  I step out onto the front porch to greet them and stop in my tracks. In the driveway sits two trucks adorned with the Beckett Construction logo on each side.


  The man of my dreams—literally—climbs out of the driver’s seat, clipboard in hand. Tyler, following behind him, glances up and notices me.

  “Kendall!” he yells out my name.

  This causes Ridge to stop walking and look up. Tyler steps around him and continues toward me. “You live here?” Tyler asks, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

  “Uh . . . no. My . . . my grandparents live here.”

  “Kendall,” Ridge’s deep voice greets me.

  Looking up, I see those dark eyes of his trained on me. Tyler throws his arm over my shoulders.

  “This is her grandparents’ place. Small world, huh?” he says to Ridge.

  “Tyler,” Ridge growls. He doesn’t seem too happy with him at the moment.

  Tyler just chuckles and drops his arm.

  “Morning.” I wave awkwardly at Ridge, and a small smile tips his lips. It really is too early to be subjected to this man and that dimple. The rest of the guys are now gathered around, so I smile and wave to them as well. “So, my grandparents are out of town, as are my parents.’ My dad sent me—not that I can be of much help,” I explain quickly.

  “No problem, we know what he wants done. Your grandfather, I mean. We do need a set of keys though,” Ridge says.

  “Right. Sorry, I have them. Come on in.” I open the door and go inside. Grabbing the envelope on the table with the keys, I hand it to Ridge, who’s now standing right next to me. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you. So, if something does come up, should we call you?” he asks.

  “Yeah, for the next couple weeks anyway. My grandparents will be gone longer, but my dad will be back in town after that.”

  Ridge pulls out his phone. “Number?” he asks.

  He’s not asking because he’s interested in you, it’s for work purposes. I rattle off my number and he types it in his phone.

  “Thanks, beautiful,” Tyler says, shoving his phone into his pocket.

  I just smile and laugh at his antics. Ridge, however, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’m not paying you to stand around,” he says, irritation lacing his voice.

  Tyler smacks him on the shoulder, laughing as he and the rest of the guys—who were oddly silent—head back outside.

  Chapter 17

  I spent the remainder of my weekend trying to work out my reaction to Kendall in my head. Why all of a sudden do I feel this pull to her? She’s beautiful, with long dark hair, and big blue eyes. There’s something about her, something I can’t quite figure out, but whatever it is, it pulls me to her.

  Now here she is.

  “Small world,” I say once the guys are out of earshot.

  “Yeah.” She tucks a curl behind her ear. “How’s Knox?”

  I can feel the smile as my lips tip up. “He’s good. He’s with my mom. She’s going to be watching him for me.” I’m rambling now.

  “You’re lucky he’s with family. Most are not that fortunate.”

  “Yeah, I feel bad, though. Dad’s only been
retired a couple of years, and I feel like I’m tying them down again.”

  “Doubtful. First of all, he’s adorable, and from how your mom was talking this weekend, she’s flying high being Grandma. Seems like your dad is as well.”

  “You talked to my mom?” When was that? How did I not know this?

  “Yeah, Dawn and I had lunch with her and Reagan at the mall. I thought we told you that.”

  Well, shit. Reagan said she ran into them, but she didn’t mention Mom being with her. Why do I hate the fact that she got to see Mom, but I wasn’t there? It’s not like Mom never met her—she and Reagan graduated together, and this is a small town—but still, I feel like I should have been there with her, like I should have been the one introducing her, not Reagan.

  “Yeah, that’s what they tell me.”

  “Well, if you ask my parents,’ that’s the point of retirement. However, I seem to be throwing a wrench into their plans.” She grins.

  “Not ready to settle down?” I ask. What the hell? Why am I prying into her life? It’s none of my damn business, but I want the answer.

  “That’s not it. Just keep hitting roadblocks.”

  Her eyes seem to lose some of their sparkle. Now I want to know what—or who—the roadblock is. Or has been, anyway. Is she seeing someone? Why does the thought of her being someone else’s bother me?


  She chuckles. “Yeah, you know, dating one loser after another. Falling for the lines, finally seeing the smoke through the mirrors.”

  “Boyfriend?” I have to know.


  “He’s an idiot.” I blurt the words out without thinking. No truer words have been said, but I still should’ve kept my mouth shut.

  She blushes.

  Sweet girl.

  “I would have to agree, although I’m sure it’s for different reasons.”

  “Regardless, he’s an idiot,” I say again.

  “Yo, Ridge, we doing this?” Kent yells through the front door.

  “I should get started. We’re good here, but I’ll call you if something comes up.”

  “Sounds good.” She looks down at her watch. “Shit, I need to get to work. Have a good day, Ridge.”

  I watch her grab her purse and rush out of the house, and then I stare at the door for several minutes, transfixed by her. It’s not until Seth comes into my line of sight that I snap out of my Kendall trance.

  “You good?” he asks.

  “Yep. You all got everything unloaded?”

  He nods. “She’s cute.” He motions his head toward the door.

  “She is,” I agree. She’s more than cute—she’s fucking gorgeous, and sweet as hell.

  “You think you can give me her number?”

  What. The. Fuck.

  “No,” I growl.

  “Dude, come on. It won’t interfere with the job, promise.”

  “What’s taking you two so long?” Mark asks.

  “I’m just trying to get Ridge to give me Kendall’s number,” Seth tells him.

  “Hell yes.” Kent holds his fist out to Seth and they bump.

  “Not fucking happening,” I say, my voice low and stern.

  “Come on, man. Why are you being stingy?” Tyler asks.

  I glare at him.

  “Unless . . .” Mark taps his finger against his chin. “You want her for yourself.”

  Yes. “She’s a client’s granddaughter,” I say instead.

  “I call bullshit,” Seth fires back, the peanut gallery voicing their agreement.

  “What the fuck business do I have getting into a relationship right now? My son needs me. I have to be both Mom and Dad, and it’s a fucking daily struggle. I don’t have room for anything else right now.”

  Kent crosses his arms over his chest. “Who said anything about a relationship?”


  “That’s not your MO, man,” Mark points out.

  “Like I said, I’m calling bullshit.” Seth smirks.

  “We’re wasting time,” I say, trying to get them off the subject of Kendall. Of me and Kendall.

  “You didn’t seem to mind so much when you and the sexy Kendall were chatting it up,” Kent accuses.

  “We have a schedule to keep,” I say, ignoring his jab.

  “Ridge and Kendall sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S—” Tyler sings.

  I punch his shoulder, effectively cutting him off from finishing his little song. “Work,” I grit out. I don’t stick around for more of their ribbing, stomping out of the house to my truck. I grab the folder that holds the details of the renovations and try like hell to wrap my mind around what needs to be done. The here and now—that’s what I need to concentrate on. Kendall is beautiful, but I was serious when I said I need to learn how to take care of my son. Sure, I’ve been doing okay up to this point, but it’s been a week. One whole week, and only three of those days did I have him on my own. It’s tiring and scary as hell. I’m man enough to admit that.

  I need to learn how to take care of him, make sure he has what he needs. Maybe then I can live a little for me. Right now, though, I live for him—my little man.

  Chapter 18

  I’ve managed to avoid my grandparents’ house all week. After Monday and seeing Ridge, I decided to let them do their thing. Dad wanted me to check on them, but I trust Ridge and his crew. In my defense, on Wednesday I had all intentions of going over there, but Reagan called and mentioned she was going to Ridge’s later that night to see Knox. I asked her to ask him if he needed anything. She texted me a couple hours later; he, of course, said no. And just like that, I had successfully filled my obligation to my dad, without having to actually see Ridge.

  Today, however, I have to go. Grandpa called me first thing this morning and asked to send him pictures. I’m sure it’s just demolition, but he still wants to see them. Mom got him and Grandma a smartphone for Christmas, and believe it or not, they’re doing better with it than I ever thought they would.

  I’m off work today, since I work Saturday this week, which means I don’t have work as an excuse. I stay in my room until I hear Dawn leave for the day. Once the door clicks shut, I climb my procrastinating ass out of bed and head to the shower. I take my time, enjoying the hot spray, not getting out until I feel the water turn cold. Dressing in a pair of jean capris and an old Def Leppard concert T-shirt, I blow-dry my hair and pull it into a topknot. I don’t want to appear to try too hard. Although, with all my curls, the style is cute, but I would never admit that.

  After a quick breakfast that consists of a bagel and cream cheese, I slide into my flip-flops, grab my purse, keys, phone and hit the road. On the drive over, I mentally prepare myself to see Ridge. I have to keep reminding myself that he’s mourning and his life is chaos right now; I should be offering my support, not thinking of ways to get him in my bed. Not to mention that those thoughts aren’t me—well, not usually. For Ridge Beckett, I can make an exception.

  Pulling into my grandparents’ driveway, I see both Beckett Construction trucks. I don’t see any of the guys, but the sound of power tools lets me know they are indeed inside the house. I’m excited to see what they’ve done. Grandma insisted the house be ‘modernized’ before they put it on the market. My parents’ agreed that if it were ‘move-in ready,’ they would get a much better price for it.

  Making my way inside, I follow the noise to the kitchen and see Kent, Mark and Tyler. The three of them have their shirts off as they work together to install the new hardwood floor. The kitchen is gutted of all cabinets and flooring, but the image of the three hot guys bending over distracts me from the sadness that my grandparents are doing this to sell and move to another state.

  I stand just inside the doorway and openly stare at them. The music is loud so they don’t know I’m here, and I’m taking full advantage of the view. I walk further into the room, getting ready to alert them to my presence, when Kent stands and grabs another piece of flooring. He holds it on his shoulders, swin
ging around. I feel two large hands grab my hips and pull me out of the way. I land with a humph against a firm chest.

  “Careful, sweet girl,” a deep voice whispers in my ear.

  I shiver, though I’m not cold—no, his hard body pressed against me ensures that. It’s Ridge causing my body to react this way.

  “Ridge.” His name falls from my lips in what sounds like a breathy moan. So much for the pep talk on the drive over.

  His grip on my hips tightens. “You need to be careful around here. I don’t need you getting hurt.”

  I swallow hard, trying to control my body’s reaction to him. “You all have been busy,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “We have.” His lips are still next to my ear, his hands still on my hips.

  “Well, look who it is. Hey, Kendall,” Seth says from beside me.

  I turn my head to look at him, which places Ridge’s lips next to my cheek. “S-Seth,” I manage to greet him.

  He smirks then reaches out and grabs my hand, giving a gentle tug. Ridge is two steps ahead of him, his firm grip preventing my body from moving. Seth throws his head back in laughter.

  “What the . . . ? Oh, hey, Kendall,” Mark says.

  This causes Kent and Tyler to turn, and my face heats when their eyes roam over me in Ridge’s possessive hold. I move to step away, and he holds me still.

  “No,” his gruff voice whispers.

  “What brings you by? You missing me?” Tyler asks, walking toward us.

  “I . . . um . . . my, uh, grandpa wanted to see some pictures of the remodel. He asked me to stop by.” I hold up my phone to prove that’s my true motivation for being there.

  “Here, let me.” Tyler reaches for the phone and grabs it from my hands.

  I watch as he swipes the screen, and I regret not having a password. I stand frozen with the sexy Ridge Beckett holding me against him, while one of his hot best friends and employees makes himself comfortable as he sifts through my cell phone. A slow grin tips his lips, and then I hear his phone beep in his pocket. Tyler looks up. “You never know when I might need some company for dinner. I hate eating alone.” He bites his lip to keep from grinning.


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