Book Read Free

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 31

by Kaylee Ryan

I tap away on the app, adding a checklist of items I know he’s going to need. When I’m finished, there are at least twenty items shining bright on the screen as I hand it back to him. I watch as he reads through the list and finally his eyes meet mine. “You said you would help me, right?”

  “Yes, but I need my studio ready beforehand.”

  “Let’s do this. What’s next?” I instruct him on the blinds and he gets to work. I would love to say I work just as diligently right along beside him, but that would be lying. Instead, I make a halfhearted effort. I spend the rest of the time stealing glances at him. I think it’s a rite of passage that all little sisters have a crush on their brother’s best friend. Time has been good to Evan. He’s going to make some girl one hell of a husband someday. This baby is lucky to have him.

  Even with my slacking, Evan and I are able to finish all of the last-minute projects in the studio. “This place looks great,” Evan says as he hangs the final blind.

  “Thanks. I’m fortunate to have the space. I’m excited to get started, but I didn’t want a studio in town. I don’t want to have structured hours. I want to be able to plan shoots on location. Next week, I’m shooting an eight-year-old’s birthday party. Her parents are buying her a horse and they want me to be there to capture it all.” I stop my rambling to turn and look at Evan. He’s watching me with rapt attention, a grin lighting his face. “That’s what I love about photography, capturing life’s moments. Studio work is great and necessary for some shoots, but I don’t want that to be my main focus. I want to be able to be there to capture memories for my clients.”

  Evan is still watching me and I can feel my face heat with embarrassment. I just rambled on and he let me.

  He takes a few steps forward, and suddenly, he’s standing in front of me. I have to tilt my head back to look up at him. His chocolate eyes are boring into me as he lifts his hand as if he’s going to touch me, but then drops it. “Will you do that for me? Help me capture memories for my baby. I’m going to be both mom and dad, and I don’t want to forget to take pictures and videos while getting wrapped up in being both parents. I’m going to need you there to help me catch it all.”

  I know he’s talking about me taking pictures, but from the intense look on his face, it feels like something more than that—something I can’t describe and don’t know if I really want to. Today has been filled with simple touches and looks. Obviously, I’m attracted to him. How could I not be?

  Taking a step back, I nod. “Absolutely. I would love to take pictures for you.” Taking another step back, the distance eases the thickness of the air between us. “Thanks for your help today.” I offer him a smile.

  “You’re welcome. You feel like going to the store? I don’t know that I’ll buy anything today, but I would like to at least look. I’ve never even been in the baby section. I’ve bought all my books online.”

  “Sure. Let me run in and freshen up a little. Give me ten minutes?”

  Evan nods, and I turn and rush down the stairs. I don’t want to keep him waiting.

  Chapter 7


  McKinley sprints out the door like her ass is on fire. Why wouldn’t she? I don’t know what the hell came over me? She’s fucking gorgeous, but she’s Aaron’s little sister. Not to mention, I’m about to be a single father. She doesn’t need my drama. I’m just grateful she’s helping me out. I’m overwhelmed by all this.

  I can’t fuck that up.

  Surveying the small studio, I can see her here. She’s put a lot of effort into it to make it her own. After listening to her talk about photography with fire and passion in her eyes, I wanted to make sure she did that for me, captured my baby’s moments. I won’t deny there was an undertone to my request, something I have no business feeling or even wanting.

  I lock up and decide to wait for her in my truck. As I hit the bottom step, I see her come bouncing out of the house. She’s always been that way, full of life, taking each day as it comes. I used to chalk it up to her being young, but she’s still that same girl. Only she’s not a girl, she’s all woman now.

  “Ready?” she asks as she pulls open the passenger door. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I can’t help but smile.

  “So, where should we go?” I ask her.

  “There’s a Babies “R” Us in town. Let’s go there first,” she suggests.

  “Sounds as good a place to start as any.”

  “So…have you thought about the possibility of getting rid of this old thing?” she asks as she pats her hand affectionately on the dashboard.

  “What? What’s wrong with my truck? This baby has been with me from day one.”

  Laughter escapes her lips. “Yes, I’m well aware. You and Aaron are both attached to your trucks. However, you are going to be hauling precious cargo in just a few months. It’s safer for babies to be in the backseat.”

  Shit! I let her words sink in. “Okay, so it looks like I have something to add to the list.” I hand her my phone.

  “Don’t look so sad,” she teases, handing the phone back to me.

  “It’s not sadness as much as…apprehension. I’m doing this on my own, Kinley. That’s not how I imagined this would play out.”

  “Maybe not, but this is your reality, Evan. Life is messy and unplanned. Very rarely do things work out exactly as we wanted them to.”

  “I know that. Trust me, I do, but I feel like I’m spinning out of control here. I have no idea how to take care of a baby. Gran and Gramps are not in good health. Dad is…not well. Besides, he and Mom need to stay in Alabama to be near his doctors. I’m fucking scared to death I can’t do this.” The words leave me in a rush. I feel ashamed for admitting it out loud, but it is what it is.

  Reaching over, she places her hand on my arm. “Evan, from the minute you found out Misty was pregnant, you wanted this baby, right?”

  With a quick glance at her, then moving my eyes back on the road, I answer, “Yes.”

  “That’s all you need to remember. This baby is a part of you. You will love him or her unconditionally and do your best. Do you think our parents had it all figured out? Not hardly. You take each day as it comes. You face the challenges life throws at you. You make sure your child knows how much you love them. Everything else will fall into place.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I mumble the words. The rest of the drive is spent in silence. It’s not awkward or uncomfortable. McKinley gives me the space I need to process what she said. Space to work through this fear I have of ruining my kid’s life.

  I pull into the parking lot of Babies “R” Us and kill the engine. It’s full of SUV’s and minivans. I can’t see myself driving a minivan.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I point to the silver van parked in front of us. “I don’t think I’m a minivan dad.”

  Kinley throws her head back and laughs. “Of course not. You’ll be the cool dad with a big four-door truck. That’s the most practical for your job, you know.” She winks at me and my jeans tighten just a little. Just enough that I know my body responds to her; to remind me she’s Aaron’s little sister and only here to help me; to bring back that my kid’s mother wants nothing to do with either of us.

  “Let’s go, old man. We have some shopping to do.”

  Kinley hops out of the truck and waits for me by the tailgate. I slowly climb out and join her. Linking her arm through mine, she guides me into the store. Once inside, she stops to get a cart. “Just in case we find any deals.” She grins and again I find myself under her spell.

  Kinley pushes the cart, glancing up and down the aisles. I walk beside her, taking it all in. She leads us to the back of the store where a huge sign reading “Furniture” hangs from the ceiling.

  “Okay, so you will need to decide what color furniture you want. I would suggest going with the color of the trim in your house. Make it all match.”

  “Yeah, that sounds about right,” I say, pulling off my hat and running my fingers through my hair.

nbsp; “There are several designs. I guess you should also decide how you’re going to decorate the room.”

  “Umm….” Decorate the room? Shit! I’m in way over my head. Kinley must notice because the look on her face is one of understanding.

  “Yeah, usually there is a theme, you know—cars, planes, movie characters, things like that. Unless you go completely unisex, you should probably wait to find out what you’re having before making any big decisions,” she rambles on.

  “Yeah, we, uh, we can find out at her next appointment. She doesn’t care either way, and at first, I was on the fence. But seeing all this, I think knowing could only help me prepare better.” I decide.

  “I agree.” A woman with a baby on her hip and too many items in her arms walks by. “Ma’am, would you like this cart? We’re just looking,” Kinley offers.

  “Yes! Thank you. I came in for a few things…” She shrugs her shoulders. “You know how that goes.”

  “Always.” Kinley offers her a kind smile and proceeds to take the items from the woman’s arms, placing them in the cart.

  “Thank you again.” The woman waves and pushes the cart on down the aisle.

  “That was nice of you.”

  “Yeah, she looked like she could use it more than us. Let’s go check out the clothes.” McKinley again links her arms through mine and pulls me to the other side of the store. She rattles on about onesies, sleepers, diapers, bottles, and a million other things that have my head spinning.

  I swallow hard. “Babies need a lot of stuff.”

  Hearing the desperation in my voice, she stops and turns to look at me. “Yeah, but you’ll have a shower. It’s a little unconventional with mom not being in the picture, so maybe we should plan it for after the baby’s born. Maybe a welcome home so everyone can meet the baby?”

  “Nope, too many germs.”

  Kinley laughs. “Already sounding like a dad,” she chides. “Well, I’ll take care of that. I’ll enlist Mom’s help.”

  “Yeah,” I say. My mind is racing; I’m overwhelmed.

  “I think I’ve scared you enough for one day. Let’s go get some food, I’m starving.”

  I let her lead me back out to the truck, my thoughts on everything that lies ahead in the coming months. “What sounds good?” I ask her, forcing myself out of my own head.

  “I’m easy. We can just pick up a pizza if you want. I’m sure Aaron will be home by the time we get back.”

  I nod in agreement. Kinley pulls out her phone and orders pizza. She surprises me when she tells them to just deliver to her house. I can feel myself relax a little. Their house was my second home growing up. Aaron has been my closest friend for as long as I can remember. Their parents are my second family. With my own parents living so far away, being with them is exactly what I need.

  Chapter 8


  Sitting at the kitchen table working on edits is how I’ve spent my day. Over the last month, I’ve done at least two shoots per week, which is more than I could have hoped for just starting out. They have all been referrals. Word of mouth really is the best advertisement.

  “How’s it going?” Mom asks as she carries in a load of laundry that was hanging out on the line. She loves the smell of fresh air-dried laundry. I have to admit I do too, which is something else I didn’t even realize I’d missed until I was away at school.

  “Good. Little Robbie is such a cutie. He was fun to shoot.” My session earlier this week was a two-year-old. It was his birthday pictures and he was such a ham. I love photography. I only hope it never begins to feel like a job. I hope it continues to stay fun. Not many people I know can claim they have fun at work, but I can.

  Mom sets the basket on the other side of the table and walks over to where I’m sitting. “Oh my. He is a handsome little devil. Look at that smirk,” she laughs.

  “Yeah, his parents are going to have their hands full with this one. He’s already got game,” I joke.

  Before she can reply, Aaron comes barreling through the door. “Hey,” he greets us with a smile.

  “What’s got you in such a good mood?” I ask him.

  “Evan just called and we’re going out tonight.”

  “Oookay, and why does that turn you into chipper ‘smile so big my face could crack’ Aaron?”

  He ruffles the hair on top of my head. “Well, apparently Misty showed up for today’s appointment after missing the one on Monday. He was able to find out the sex of the baby,” he explains.

  “Yay! Tell me,” I demand. It’s been killing us all for weeks. Not knowing is just too stressful.

  “Don’t know.” He shrugs. “He said I had to meet him tonight at Mike’s Tavern and he’ll tell me then.”

  He turns to head for the stairs. “I can’t wait that long. I need to shop,” I call after him.

  Stopping, he looks over his shoulder. “I’m leaving in twenty. Be ready,” he says.

  I glance at the time on my laptop. I’ve been at this all day. I could use a break. Luckily, I just need to change and add some lip gloss. My hair is in a side braid today and that is a more than appropriate style for Mike’s Tavern. Saving my work, I shut down my laptop and sprint to my room. I change out my yoga pants into jean shorts and a flowing tank. Grabbing a pair of socks, I rush back downstairs. My cowboy or as I like to call them, cowgirl boots, are by the door where I left them. Just as I slide them on, Aaron’s heavy footsteps get closer.

  “Ready?” he asks, pulling his shirt over his head. His hair is still wet, but he’ll still manage to make the girls swoon. Men, they don’t know how good they have it. Lucky for me, I’m not going in the hopes of picking up a male companion. I just want to see Evan’s face when he tells us what he’s having. I just need to know since it’s essential to my future shopping expeditions.

  I follow Aaron out the door and hear Mom yell, “Be safe you two, and have fun.” I can hear the laughter in her voice. Being two years apart, Aaron and I have a close relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I annoyed the hell out of him and Evan when I was younger. I followed them everywhere, but when push came to shove, my big bro was always there for me. As we became older, he didn’t seem to mind so much. That is unless his friends were hitting on me. Mike, the owner of Mike’s Tavern, has tried many times. Aaron and Evan both made it known I was off limits. It’s not that Aaron didn’t want me to date; he just didn’t want me to date his friends. Guys talk, and he didn’t want to hear or see anything that had to do with me, his little sister, in “that kind” of a relationship. At least that was the excuse he gave me. Obviously, Evan, being his best friend, backed him up in all things.

  Mike’s a good-looking guy. My teenage-self was interested but knew better than to push Aaron when he meant business. All he would have had to do was say the word and Dad would have shut it down anyway. Those two had some type of agreement. If Aaron approved, all was good in my world. If not, there was no use in me even attempting to date the guy. He would have Dad using his veto power. I could have rebelled, but didn’t. I love them both and know Aaron was just looking out for me. To be honest, he probably saved me from a lot of heartache.

  Within minutes, we are piled into his new truck and on our way. “So, I know why I’m excited to find out, but I didn’t expect you to be,” I say.

  Aaron throws a hand over his chest, as if he clutching his heart. “Sister, you wound me. Of course, I’m excited my best friend is going to be a dad,” he replies.

  “You’ve just never been one who’s been much on kids.”

  “Well, I’ve not really been around many. It’s not that I don’t like kids, but guys are different than girls. You want to cuddle, hold, and kiss on them no matter whose kid it is. Me, I’m going to be Uncle Aaron to this kid. Of course, I’m excited. I’ll be the same way when you have kids.”

  “And what about you?” He’s never mentioned really wanting kids before. I know he’s waiting for “the one.” He’s been vocal about that. At first, I used to think it was ju
st a cop-out to keep from getting serious with anyone, but over the years, he’s convinced me to his way of thinking.

  “Yeah, I mean, it’s not like I’m itching for them or anything, but when the time is right.”

  “You know, what happened to Evan could happen to anyone. Not many would handle it the way he has.” It’s true. Evan has fought for his unborn child since the minute he found out about him or her. Gah! I can’t wait to find out what he’s having. This “him or her” stuff is for the birds. Evan took to calling the baby peanut, but it seems odd for me to use the nickname and I hate when people say it. It’s a baby, people!

  “You’re right, it could. I don’t know that there are many guys out there who would have fought as hard as he did.”

  “Would you?” I ask him.

  I watch him as he furrows his brow. He’s really considering my blunt question. “I would like to think so, yes,” he finally says. “It’s hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes though. Walk a thousand miles and all that jazz.”

  Just like that, we’re in the parking lot of Mike’s. My excitement simmers back to the surface; that is until Aaron turns the questioning on me.

  “What about you? What if you were in Misty’s shoes?” he asks.

  “Never!” I say with conviction. “Never would I ever give my baby up. It might be a hard struggle if the dad didn’t want to be in the picture, or my family for that matter. Not that you all would ever turn your back on me; but I can tell you with complete certainty that I would never make the choices she has. I don’t know many women who would.” I end the conversation by climbing out of the truck.

  I stop at the front door and wait for Aaron. As soon as he reaches me, he throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me close. “You’re good people, McKinley Rae.”

  I can’t help but chuckle as I elbow him. “Right back at ya, big brother.”

  Chapter 9



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