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Promises & Prophecies

Page 25

by Lee Watts

  Edna Finch, Vivica seethed to herself. I'll destroy her for this. Pasting on a smile as she conceived vicious things to do to the Finch dress shop, Vivica began down the stairs. When she reached halfway down, the cameras ceased flashing at her as the second- level herald called out a late arrival.


  Aulani stepped toward the opposite staircase of Vivica in hopes that she could slip down to the main level as all eyes were on the soon-to-be queen. Surprised by a camera flash, Aulani stopped before taking the first stair. There were several hushed oohs from the main floor as the media and officials looked to the newcomer.

  Unlike the sea of blue and white dresses, Aulani's stunning silk gown was shimmering lilac. It billowed from the waist to the floor and sported an elegant train. The dress had no slit and was form-fitting at the top. The cowl neckline draped gracefully into folds, as did the back of the dress, which reached to her mid-back. The bodice had intricate lacework, and the entire gown gave the sense of being from history's classical era of philosophy and art. Her dark hair was half pulled up and kept in place with lavender-hued flowers. The rest of her hair was in loose curls extending down to between her shoulders.

  Never the center of attention, especially when Vivica was in the room, Aulani was unprepared for the cameras that shifted their focus from Vivica to her. She smiled shyly then proceeded elegantly down the stairs, her gown trailing gracefully on the steps.

  "Wow," Alexander whispered extra quietly to himself as he watched Aulani glide down the grand staircase. His heart beat faster as he saw her. She's gorgeous, he thought then quickly remembered he had better center his attention to the woman coming down the other side of the staircase. Taking a few steps forward, he extended his arm to welcome Vivica. She took his hand and proceeded to slip her arm around his. They paused for the cameras that snapped wildly at the royal couple.

  "I want her out of here," Vivica said behind her smile so that only Alexander could hear.

  "She's leaving tomorrow, my little Dalla Tree" he answered using the moniker he often called her.

  Arm-in-arm, they made their way back to where they could greet the soon arriving foreign dignitaries.

  "No, tonight," Vivica insisted. "She's ruining everything."

  "No, she's not," Alexander said while still smiling.

  "Don't think I'm letting her get away with that little stunt she pulled."

  "What stunt?" Alexander said as he waved to the crowd.

  "Waiting until I was halfway down the stairs then showing up. It shows how desperate she is. She's just trying to steal attention. I'm glad you're finally getting rid of her."

  "I'm not getting rid of her; she's leaving on her own if you must know. She's going to work for the Ilan administration on Entauri."

  Vivica smiled snidely while thinking, We'll just see about that.

  Giving a curtsey upon arrival, Aulani purposely avoided eye-contact with Vivica.

  "My apologies for being late, Your Highness."

  "It's alright, only Realm delegates have arrived so far," he said while studying her face. This was the first time he had seen Aulani with cosmetics.

  "You look… amazing... stunning," he said, and Vivica firmly squeezed the arm she was holding. Alexander got the hint. He turned to his fiancée and smiled.

  "As do you of course," he added. Seeing this comment was too late, he was grateful upon hearing the upper herald announce the first alien guest.

  "Ah, let's get in position shall we," he said as he withdrew his arm from Vivica's. "I'll greet them first. Aulani, I'll need you here to my side and Vivica next to her."

  "Oh, I don't think so," Vivica snipped. "How would that look - her next to you instead of me?"

  "But she will need to-" Alexander began to explain, but Vivica had no use for explanations as she moved around Aulani and back to Alexander's side.

  Thinking it best to give some distance, Aulani moved back a few steps, as Vivica gave her a disapproving glance through narrowed eyes. As the off-world guest approached, Alexander gave a slight bow as did the alien couple.

  "Waldra com tilli ver smitoken," the alien man said with a beaming smile.

  Alexander turned to Vivica.

  "Care to translate?" he prompted.

  Her lips pursed, but she quickly recovered with a forced smile.

  "I'm going to go see to our other guests, Dear," she said then excused herself. Ignoring Aulani, she suddenly stopped, though kept her eyes forward as she whispered, "Get over there and translate, Jungle Girl, but you better be out of here in the morning. Oh, and don't set your heart on that Entauri job. For some reason, I don't think you'll be able to find a place for you anywhere in Realm after tonight."

  With a smile of satisfaction and sway of her hips, Vivica moved on into the crowd of officials and waiting reporters. Aulani tried to push the vixen from her mind. Stepping to Alexander's side, she used her unique abilities to aid in greeting the myriad of alien dignitaries.


  Hearing this announcement, Aulani turned anxiously to see her friends.

  "Miss Aulani! Miss Aulani," little Hannah excitedly said.

  Aulani spread her arms and crouched as the young girl ran toward her then gave a big hug.

  "I'm so glad you're here, Hannah."

  "Oh, me too. See my pretty dress Mommy got me; it's twirly," she said and proceeded to twist back and forth to demonstrate her claim as accurate.

  "Hannah that's enough," her mother said.

  "And I'm wearing blobby pins," she announced proudly.

  "That's bobby pins," her mother corrected.

  "So nice to see you again, Elsa," Aulani said as she stood up.

  "And you too. Thank you for getting us the invitations."

  "When I told His Excellency about the idea of honoring the veterans during the gala, he thought it was a wonderful idea," Aulani said.

  "Oh, this is the woman you told me about," Alexander said while extending his hand to her. "It is my great honor to meet you Ma'am, and may I personally thank you for all your family has given for the Realm."

  Thinking of her husband Imre, who died during The Battle of Oosay, Elsa's eyes moistened.

  "Thank you, Your Highness."

  "Mommy says you're getting married tonight," Hannah said exuberantly to Aulani.

  "No, I'm afraid you're mistaken, Sweetheart."

  "But, Mommy, you said-"

  "Hannah, it's His Excellency who is getting married," Elsa explained, "but that's another night."

  "Can I come to you and the King's wedding, Miss Aulani, can I?"

  Aulani paused and exchanged nervous glances with Alexander and Elsa.

  "Hannah, the King isn't marrying me. He's marrying Lady Canton."

  "Lady Canton?" Hannah said in loud disbelief. "But Mommy, you said Lady Canton was a-"

  Elsa placed a quick hand over her daughter's mouth to muffle the end of that sentence.

  "We should really find our seats and let you greet the other guests," Elsa said with flushed cheeks. The King gave her a bow while stifling a laugh.

  "You're really not going to marry the King?" Hannah asked sadly.

  "No, Sweetheart, that… well, it wasn't meant to be. He's going to marry Lady Canton, and I'm… I'm sure things will turn out for me the way they are supposed to."

  "For honest?"

  "For honest," Aulani said then added a wink.

  As Elsa and her daughter walked away toward their assigned table, Aulani and Alexander stood alone in the awkward silence by each other. The honesty of the child had reopened the fresh wounds they were trying so hard to ignore.

  None of them knew it, but Aulani was wrong. As she was speaking, an assassin was setting the timer of a bomb powerful enough to kill them, little Hannah and everyone in the palace before the gala was through.


  "…jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hat
h a most vehement flame." - Song of Solomon 8:6

  Entering from the lower level tunnel to the main hall, the guard hurriedly looked for the King. Alexander and the lady translator were speaking to some alien dignitaries, and the guard thought it might raise too much attention if he interrupted. Desperately searching for a way to get the information to the king without causing panic, he caught sight of the royal vizier. Moving with purpose to the aged man with the head-high staff, he informed him of the threat.

  "We must tell his Highness immediately," Caedmon said. "Come with me."

  Making his way through the crowd, Caedmon caught Alexander's eye as the King was greeting an arriving dignitary. Excusing himself, Alexander walked over to his long-time advisor and the guard with him.

  "What is it, Caedmon?"

  "Sire, there is a problem; a big one."

  "What problem?"

  "A bomb, Sire," the guard answered in a hushed tone.

  "Bomb? …in the palace," Alexander asked in shock.

  The guard nodded.

  "I thought every door or possible entrance into the palace was secured."

  "Yes, Highness; except one."

  "Which one?"

  "The front door," said the guard.


  "Sire, I monitor all the access points from security control; we haven't had a breach. It is my belief whoever brought the bomb in came right through the main doors."

  "You mean one of the dignitaries?"

  "I wouldst seem so, Highness," Caedmon said.

  "Should I sound the alarm and organize the evacuation, Sire," asked the guard.

  "Better not," Alexander reasoned, "if we let it out that we know about this it will alert the bomber we're onto him. He might set the bomb off right away. Contact Commander Rayne, have him arrange for security teams set up on the second level and scan the hall discreetly. Where is Cale anyway?"

  "I haven't had a chance to inform the chief yet. When we detected the bomb from the control station, we thought the bomber might be listening in to our security channels; so, I came to get you right away."

  "Perhaps thou should leave the palace, Sire."

  "Leave all these people here while I run away? I can't do that; besides, it would tip our hand." Turning to the guard, he asked, "You're sure the bomb is in the hall?"

  "No, Sire. There's some sort of scattering field keeping us from getting a lock on the exact location."

  "Then we'll have to find it the old-fashioned way. Inform Cale and have him set up search teams immediately."

  "Yes, Sire," the guard said then did a quick bow and hurried away.

  "If that thing goes off… well, I don't even want to think what might happen," Alexander said to Caedmon. "The entire High Council is in there, and as far as the aliens… even if it doesn't kill everyone, it will shatter their confidence in the resistance and will tear the Coalition apart."

  "Aye," Caedmon agreed, "and we must discover not only the bomb but who amongst our allies hast betrayed us."

  "Keep an eye out to see if anyone tries to leave early," Alexander said. "Unless it's a suicide mission, whoever it is isn't going to stick around. Since they don't know we're on to them, chances are they think they can quietly slip out."

  "Well reasoned, Excellency. I shall inform the door guards."

  With all the guests arrived and seeing Alexander and Caedmon were in some sort of private, intense discussion, Aulani decided to go to her seat. Since the King might need her services, she was to be near him at the head table. Walking to the table, she noticed Vivica was already there and laughing with one of the senior councilors. Baroness Montay, who never laughed, was also there discussing something with the dowager queen, Cheyenne. Aulani was glad to see that Elsa and Hannah Kovacs were placed at the adjacent table seated with Admiral Balin and other military officials. She overheard some of their conversations as she passed.

  "Confound it," grumbled the gravelly voice of the admiral as he spilled a dot of drink on his clothing. "The white of these uniforms shows everything."

  "Don't worry," Hannah said. "My Mommy can spit on that and get any stain right out."

  Aulani tried not to laugh as she made her way around the large circular table where she was assigned and discreetly checked the name markers for her place. One of the empty seats was marked for the Marquis of Estrada, Councilor Nathan Matthews. Continuing around the table to the empty spaces she saw the name marker for the King and the final one, which was for… Munford Pinwick.

  Who's Munford Pinwick? she thought to herself in confusion and surprise at not seeing her name.

  "Lost, Jungle Girl?" Vivica said so only Aulani could hear. "It seems you're not supposed to be up here. Everyone at this table speaks Realm Standard, so you're not welc- I mean needed. I have an idea, why don't you go check for somewhere you might actually belong, though I really don't know where that could be." With a wave of her fingers and a smug smile, she added a not-so-subtle prompting for Aulani to leave with, "Bye."

  Aulani wanted to scratch the vixen's eyes out but restrained herself. Vivica held all the cards, and they both knew it. Deciding it best to not dignify her rival's taunts, Aulani looked about the room for empty places at tables where her name marker might have wound up. Her heart sank as she saw there were still a few thousand seats still vacant. It would be embarrassing wondering around the hall looking for her place, which is precisely what Vivica intended. Taking a moment to think, she lit on an idea and approached one of the wait staff.

  "Excuse me, I'm looking for a Mister Pinwick. Could you tell me which table he's assigned to please?"

  The man checked his datapad and indicated a table in the very back of the hall where Mister Pinwick was initially to be seated. Aulani thanked him and started toward the table reserved for the Groviths delegation. As she made her way to the back-corner table, she encountered Nathan Matthews. The Marquis, having sought the woman out, ensured it was no chance encounter.

  "Miss Suchet, how lovely you look this evening."

  "Thank you, Marquis, or should I say Councilor? I'm afraid I'm not sure which one to call you."

  "I would be delighted if you would call me Nathan."

  "Very well, Nathan," she said with a slight blush.

  "May I escort you to our table," he said while extending his arm to her.

  "No, I'm afraid not. I've been, well... I'm to dine over there," she said while pointing to the far end of the room.

  "What? I wouldn't hear of it. There must be some kind of mistake I'm sure."

  He was quite sure something was amiss having moved his own name marker to be next to Aulani's at the head table earlier that night.

  "Attendant," he politely called out, getting one of the men's attention.

  "Yes, Marquis Matthews, how may I serve?"

  "If you please, I would like you to set an extra place at the head table for Miss Suchet here. There's been a terrible mix-up. In fact, place her right next to me."

  "As you wish," the man said with a bow and left straightway to make it so.

  Turning back to Aulani, he smiled warmly.

  "While they are getting things ready, would you honor me with a dance?"

  Remembering the last dance she had with the dashing Marquis she hesitated.

  "You're a brave man to dance with me again after that event on the moon of Shinar."

  He leaned in and whispered, "I'm wearing shin pads this time."

  She froze in embarrassment of making the man feel the need to do such a thing then stopped and smiled as she realized he was teasing.

  With a small curtsy, she said, "I would be delighted, Nathan."

  Extending his white-gloved hand, she took it as he led her from the table area to the dance floor. The orchestra was just finishing the previous song as they took their positions. Vivica noticed them going to the floor and smiled as she also remembered the fiasco the last time the Jungle Girl tried to dance. Already seated at the head table, Cheyenne too noticed the pair heading to the f
loor. When the music began, Nathan extended his hand and Aulani gently placed one of hers in it. As he put his other hand softly on her waist, she took hold of her billowing gown, and all three women held their breath anxious to see what would happen. With the sweeping build of the music, the pair glided gracefully across the floor as if it were ice. After several elegant turns and sways, Vivica was thoroughly disgusted, Cheyenne was beaming with pride, and Aulani was grateful for the hours the queen forced her to practice waltzing in high heels.

  Outside the crowded main hall, security officers gathered in a dimly lit corridor and encircled Cale as he issued orders for the bomb search.

  "We'll split up into two-man teams. Me and Sergeant Harmon will take the eastern corridor of this level. Master Sergeant Gibson, you and Johnson take the rooms on the west," he said then proceeded to assign various areas of the palace to search. "Report to me the moment you find anything. Move out."

  With the dance complete, Nathan and Aulani proceeded to the head table. He pulled out her chair, and she sat. The queen, Baroness Montay, Vivica, Munford Pinwick and a few others were already at the table. Vivica loosely took a sip from her thin glass containing some red drink as she eyed the brunette.

  "Jus' wait till I say I sat next to you at the big party," Munford said to Aulani in his heavily rural accent.

  "Beg pardon," Aulani questioned.

  "Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm Munford Pinwick from Groviths. I was jus' thinkin' about when I git home. My wife, she loves all those high society shows, well, she'll go crazy when she finds out I wus at the same table as you, and the queen, and Marq...Mare... Mister Matthews and all y'all. Between you and me, I think yur her favorite."

  "Me?" Aulani said questioningly. "But I'm not in high society."

  "Sure ya are. Every time they do a piece on the king, they always mention you. Shoot, yur famous, the girl who saved the prince, or is it the prince who saved the girl. I always git that mixed up, which one is it?"

  "We saved each other really," Aulani said. Uncomfortable with being the topic of discussion, she tried to change the subject. "So, Mister Pinwick, what do you do on Groviths?"


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