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Promises & Prophecies

Page 35

by Lee Watts

  "Mei," he chided as he pointed to the damage. "You're blowing holes in the ship."

  Exasperated, she looked at him in unbelief of the statement.

  "Sorry," she said, shaking her head, and then they continued forward.

  Reaching the far door of the cargo bay, it slid open, and Sosimo stepped out. Before he finished his first step, a bolt of energy punched him in the thigh.

  "AAAH," he called out in pain as he fell.

  Two more shots came at them but missed. Mei loosed a few rounds at the shooter to cover them and noticed it was Crimson who had hit the captain. The murderous traitor spun and ran down the hall to avoid Mei's counterattack. She knelt down to check on her adoptive father.

  "SOSIMO," she called out. "Are you alright?"

  "I'm-" he stopped and winced from the pain. "I'm alright." He looked down on his leg.

  "I think it's only a flesh wound," Mei said in relief.

  "Yes, but I like my flesh. I'm rather attached to it and don't appreciate Crimson or anyone else blasting it off thank you very much."

  The quip reassured Mei that Sosimo was still his old self.

  "Come on," she said as she helped him to his feet. "I think we've taken out all his men. My guess is he's alone."

  "Then he's even more dangerous," Sosimo said. "He's desperate. Let's go."

  With an arm around Mei's shoulder for support, the pair continued after their target. Reaching the corner where Crimson had disappeared, they cautiously checked around the other side. While Crimson wasn't there, something else was.

  "Blast," Mei said in recognition of the device attached head high on the wall. "It's a Vaunling infantry mine."

  "Can't you deactivate it?" Sosimo asked.

  "I doubt it. These things are state of the art. If it detects the slightest bit of tampering to separate it from the wall, then it'll blow, and this is a high capacity explosive. It could take out the whole ship."

  "I'll see what I can do, Captain," Mei said as she shook her head unsure what she could do to safely remove the bomb.

  "No," Sosimo contradicted. "I can't go after him with this leg. You go. I'll stay here and do what I can to get this thing off the wall. Head for the docking bay. If he's planning on blowing up the ship, he'll try and find a way off first. Good luck."

  "You too," Mei replied then headed down the hall to stop her father's killer.


  Koraden's black eyes bore into the being he most loathed in the universe. In sheer delight, he gripped the two burning short swords he carried as he stalked toward his opponent. At last, his vengeance was full at hand. All he had worked for, for millenniums - the fated prophecy, the death of the last keyholder, the opening of the portal, it all came down to this delicious moment. Victory, at last, was his and he knew Roq-mordak would reward him greatly.

  Merrick, his battlestaff long since lost to him, had no weapon from the spirit realm to defend himself from the fallen one, but then something occurred to him. He didn't need one. Raising his blaster rifle, he held he leveled it at the Dridmor and squeezed the trigger. The shot slammed into the approaching warrior of darkness who cried out in pain and surprise. Merrick loosed two more shots and advanced on his nemesis. Recalling what Koraden had said to him the last time on Dalban II Merrick said, "What was it, Koraden... never bring a knife to a gunfight?"

  He sent two more blasts squarely into his opponent. Any mortal would be dead from the shots, but Koraden was anything but mortal. With a final blast, Koraden staggered back then collapsed. One of the battlestaff swords loosed from his grasp causing its flames to extinguish. Reaching down, Merrick grabbed it, and the sword reignited. The ship suddenly rocked and the entire vessel tilted as the shockwave caused by the shrinking of The Cloud impacted it. Merrick almost lost his foot and wound up taking several steps to keep his balance. Normally the ship's inertial dampers would compensate for such a sudden change in pitch, but Quisling had deactivated that system to make their ruse more convincing. The shockwave overloaded some of the power systems and caused the interior lights to go out. Emergency lights came online, but they did little but illuminate the exit.

  By the time Merrick steadied himself he'd lost track of Koraden's position. The maddened energy within the gate, and the torrent of wind it caused, added confusion to the situation. Pulsing with quick and random flashes, the gate provided microseconds of illumination in the room. Merrick knew there had to be only minutes left before the gateway was stabilized and the legions began pouring into the physical realm. A thought occurred to him.

  I don't have to get all the keystones to stop the gate, I only need one. Without all twelve the power can't be controlled enough to maintain a passage.

  Inspired, he worked his way around the gate. In the moments of light, he tried to keep an eye out for Koraden while also making his way to where one of the stones were embedded in the gateway.

  NO, Merrick thought as he noticed the metallic covering placed over the keystones. Over each of the stones, Koraden had secured a heavy plate to prevent them ever being removed. Merrick's mind raced. If I had enough time maybe he could loose one, but Koraden is tracking me, and the gate will probably stabilize before I can get the coverings off even if Koraden wasn't here. There's got to be another answer, he thought. Oh Elder, help me. The dark ones are about to come through! As he prayed, an idea came to him. The thought of dark made him consider what always makes it retreat... light.

  If I can't stop the portal from activating then maybe I can put the device where the Dridmor's could never use it. "A star," he said aloud in a moment of epiphany. I'll fly this ship into a star then even if the gate is active, the Dridmor will never be able to use the passage because not even they can withstand that much power of light.

  Looking about the room, he noticed the emergency light panel showing him the way out. Running, he made his way out the door and toward the bridge. When Merrick exited, light from the outside corridor let Koraden see the Guardian leaving. Where could he possibly be going? Koraden wondered. With the gate still a cacophony of power, wind, and sound, he was certain Merrick had not somehow managed to loosen a stone. He considered staying with the gate in case Merrick was trying to draw him off for a later attempt to disrupt the gate. Discounting such a ploy, he decided to head after him.

  Reaching the bridge, Merrick blasted the lift tube ensuring that Koraden would be unable to use it so couldn't get there to stop him. Looking about the room he desperately searched for the navigator's position knowing that any second the legions may arrive.

  Uncertain where Merrick went, Koraden wasn't sure where to start, but then he felt a rock of the deck plates and knew the ship was moving. He must be on the bridge, Koraden quickly deduced. Reaching the lift tube, it took only seconds for him to realize what Merrick had done. Control of the ship grants him nothing, Koraden thought in bewilderment. Crossing to a computer access panel on the wall he activated it.

  "Computer, what is our heading?"

  "Heading zero-two-five by one-seven-zero."

  The information did him no good, so he rephrased his question.

  "What is our destination?"

  "Destination is the Kohath system star."

  In a split-second, Koraden realized what Merrick was up to.

  "NO," he shouted in defiance. He hadn't come so close just to have the Guardian burry the gate in the heart of a star till the end of time. Seeking inspiration, he struck upon an idea. The service tubes. Yes. Sprinting to the closest maintenance hatch, he crawled inside and with maddened energy made his way toward the bridge. It would take a few minutes to reach the system's star. He knew if he hurried, he could make it to the bridge before then.

  As Koraden raced through the service crawlspace, in the cargo bay, the wild energy of the gate began to coalesce into a steady pattern. The passageway for the legions was stabilized, and they started pouring through.


  "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at h
and. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."

  - II Timothy 4:6-8

  Reaching the top level, Caedmon made his way to the doorway leading to the open-air bridge connecting the capitol towers. As the doors parted, a stiff breeze of desert air wiped his beard and cloak. He saw his rival standing at the center of the bridge blocking his path. The two guards, normally positioned on either side of the entry to the throne room were gone. Whether Jambrek ordered to leave or they had abandoned their post when the collapsing Cloud shockwave hit the planet, Caedmon didn't know. All he knew was this emissary of evil must be eliminated. Using his walking staff for strength. The Faithful Voice took a step onto the bridge.

  Looking to the Kohath sky that was in a perpetual state of dusk, Jambrek raised his hands and shouted an incantation. Caedmon didn't understand the words, but when the gargantuan onyx image of Dylimek rose to its feet, he knew the purpose. The chief deity in the Ramillie pantheon brought to life by Jambrek and now indwelt with both the Ka Tchar and Cyketh looked down on the minuscule mortal. The sheer power and hatred of the demonic forces could be felt in Caedmon's very soul and for the first time... he feared.


  "The Carnotaurus and the Thalassomedon have been destroyed," Crex reported. "The Dauntless is closing fast, damage reports coming in from all decks, and our shields are at thirty percent!"

  Though he was loathed to do it as he wanted the glory for destroying the Realm fleet for himself, Ra'daq found it necessary to call for the reserve forces.

  "Send the signal," the warlord reluctantly said. "Bring them in."

  "Aye, Warlord," Crex answered. He was greatly relieved he was finally given the order, quickly crossed to a console in the command cubical and sent the signal.

  Shimmering into sight, hundreds upon hundreds of Hateeg warships appeared at the edge of the battlespace.

  "ADMIRAL BALIN," called out one of the sensor operators.

  "My word," Balin said as he saw the sheer number of the enemy craft. "I see them," he called back then turned to Commander Iglesias, "It must have been the Ramillie helping them all this time. At last, we know." He hit a switch on the HPT and called out his orders. "Helm, veer off from the Tyrannus. Bring us about to form up with our ships that are nearest the Hateeg lines.

  Jade hued ships with star icons painted on their hulls zoomed to join the battle. With the entry of the Hateeg fleet, the Realm and Chinix ships were again outnumbered by more than two to one, and the rest of the Coalition fleet was still hours away.


  Shen Mei caught up to Crimson before he could make it to the shuttle bay. Squeezing the trigger as she ran, her aim was off. Blasts hitting the wall beside him, Crimson knew he had to find cover, did a quick turn, and headed into the galley. When Mei reached the door, it automatically slid open, but she hesitated to enter. Cautiously, she looked about, not seeing her quarry, she stepped inside while keeping her blaster at the ready. There was only one other door to the galley so she would know if he tried to slip out that way. She also knew he didn't have enough time to make it over there before she entered, so he was definitely in there somewhere. To her right, there were a few tables he might be hiding under. On the right was the galley's bar. It was almost chest high. Behind it was a narrow walkway that led to the kitchen section. There used to be a door there but when it broke Sosimo chose to have the door removed instead of using resources to repair it.

  He might be in the kitchen, she mused. Almost as she had the thought, she dismissed it as she doubted Crimson would allow himself to get cornered like that. That opening's the only way in or out. He wouldn't try that... unless he panicked. Quietly, she took a few more steps and eased her way toward the bar. If she couldn't see him, perhaps he couldn't see her either. Sweat trickled down the pale skin of her angular face as he stalked her prey.

  Using his cybernetic eye, Crimson sent an almost invisible beam boring into the panel controlling the room's lights. After a few seconds, the panel popped, Mei spun around at the sudden sound, but before she even finished the move the lights went out, and the room was instantly shrouded in utter darkness. There was a grunt then Crimson tackled her. The two tumbled in the dark, smashing into one of the tables. Plates crashed to the floor, glasses shattered from the fall, and Mei lost grip of her weapon from the force of Crimson's attack. In the black of the room, they struggled on the floor. Mei kicked hard and felt it her boot sink into his gut and heard a satisfying, "OOF!"

  Far from blind, Crimson's droid eye gave him night-vision ability so he could see in varying shades of green. The power pack of his pistol exhausted, he'd hoped to pry Mei's weapon out of her hand, but it got loose in the fight and struggling with her on the ground, he couldn't look around to tell where it was. They grappled with each other and rolled on the ground knocking into the leg of another table. Crimson was able to get on top of her. He had one of her wrists pinned down, but she pounded at him with the other. Trying to grab it, he settled for her free shoulder, which forced her free arm down. Grasping in the dark, she felt the handle of a fork and cried out as she used every muscle she could to jab it into him. The utensil stuck in her attacker.

  Crimson rolled off of her and onto his back as he reached to pull the stinging item from his arm. Mei quickly stood and headed for the door. She knew he had the advantage in the dark, and the light of the corridor would help even things out. A hand grabbed her ankle, and she toppled down, crashing into a table on the way. Bowls and plates rained down on Crimson as Mei fell. When she was on the ground, she used her free leg to kick as hard as she could. In rapid succession, she hit him twice in the head. Releasing his grip on her, he got to his feet and stepped away. Looking around he found a chair, picked it up and as she tried to stand, he smashed it over her. Mei collapsed motionless to the floor. He didn't know if he'd killed her or knocked her out, but he didn't have time to check. He knew LaRouche must be working on the bomb, and if Crimson didn't get off the ship in time, he might be blown up with the rest of them. He left the galley and made it to the shuttle bay. Activating the thrusters, he lifted from the deck and blasted the bay doors off then zoomed out into space.


  Knocking the service grate off, Koraden slid out of the maintenance tube and landed on his feet in the bridge. Merrick turned in surprise to see his enemy had found a way there. Running toward the Guardian, Koraden pulled his half of the battlestaff from the sheath on his back, which bought the blade to life.

  Reaching to the command chair where Merrick had leaned his portion of the sword, he grasped it and moved to block as Koraden's weapon came crashing down. In a frenzy of motion, the two immortal warriors lashed at one other, each blow was perfectly deflected and instantly followed by another strike. Koraden screamed in rage as he struck at the Guardian. He let his bitterness flow from him. Since before time began, he had blamed Merrick for their defeat.

  If only Merrick would have joined our side then enough of the others would have followed. It's Merrick's fault we lost Paradise. It's Merrick's fault we'll be banished for eternity in the Vortex. It's MERRICK! MERRICK! MERRICK!

  Koraden screamed in hatred as one of his blows got through Merrick's defenses, and a searing blade cut deep across one of the Guardian's thighs.

  "AAAH," Merrick cried out in pain as the blade sliced his flesh. There was no relenting in the attack. The children of fire clashed weapons, spun, struck again and struggled to find any advantage. As they each swung for the other's head, their blades collided and they pushed against the other with all their might to gain dominance. Merrick was starting to force Koraden's weapon down when the Dridmor pulled his neck back then sent his forehead smashing against Merrick's nose. Blood splattered, Merrick stepped back to clear his vision, but Koraden charged and chopped down hard on the Guardian's ar
m that held the weapon. Merrick cried out as the hacking blow severed his right hand. His battlestaff fell from his control, but Koraden pressed on and sliced Merrick's uninjured leg, causing the Guardian to fall to his knees.

  "It's over," Koraden panted. "I've won! I'VE WON! The gate is open," he gloated as he got closer, and used his free hand to pull the back of Merrick's hair exposing his enemy's throat so he could sever his head. He drew back his flaming battlestaff to finally kill his rival and shouted "FOR ROQ-MORDAK!"

  "No," Merrick gasped in a whisper. "For Shania." With that, he used his remaining hand to quickly grab the fangblade sheathed at Koraden's chest. Freeing the blade, he immediately plunged the fiery instrument deep into the Dridmor's heart.

  Koraden staggered back with the burning blade buried in his torso. Disbelief washed over his face then his black eyes turned back to that of a human, rolled up in his head and he fell lifeless to the deck.

  Still gasping for air, Merrick struggled to stand. At last, getting to his feet, he looked at the body of the being he had once called brother and stared at him in a mixture of satisfaction, sorrow, and pity. Light was flooding the room as the ship was nearly at the sun. Radiation from the star caused the ship's systems to start malfunctioning. A cannon fired off a random shot, the docking bay doors exploded - ejecting all the contents into space, and gravity on deck four went offline. Merrick could hear the sound of the Dridmor beasts coming through the portal and ripping their way through the ship in a futile attempt to stop him and course he had set for the heart of the star.


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