him! He screamed, jumping up quickly to hide behind Lizzie. She shook her head, sighed and picked up the small pink bundle that was wriggling around and protesting loudly.
‘What on earth is going on?’ said the piglet ‘I was just having my morning snooze...’
Harry stood there, open mouthed as Lizzie popped the piglet onto the floor and smoothed down its course pink coat.
‘I’m so sorry, it’s just you gave Harry such a fright,’ she explained.
Snorting loudly the piglet proceeded to rummage around in all the other bags and packages that had spilled out of its box. With a swish of its curly tail and a bunch of Bok Choy clamped firmly between its teeth it jumped back into the box and settled down for a feed.
‘What the hell is going on?’ said Harry looking around at his classmates.
‘What are you on about now Watson?’ piped up Podgy Parker as he poured out a second cup of tea for the chicken.
‘What am I on about, you’re kidding right? Has anyone noticed the little fact that there are talking animals in here! Have you all gone completely bonkers?’ Harry’s face was growing redder by the second. With that, a sudden silence descended on the kitchen. Mrs Holden stopped chatting to the rabbit and headed his way. She did not look happy.
‘Harry... are you not sure what you’re meant to be doing? I thought my instructions were quite clear?’
‘Mrs Holden, I don’t think you made it quite clear that some of the ingredients would still be breathing!’
Harry looked around anxiously hoping for some support from his friends. But everyone was busy again. Podgy was now offering the chicken a piece of fruit cake, and the rabbit was deep in conversation with its group explaining the importance of oven temperatures. They’ve all gone flipping mad thought Harry.
‘That’s it... I’m outta here.’ He said running towards the door.
Unfortunately he slipped on a piece of lettuce discarded by the rabbit and crashed into the stools by the bench. All hell broke loose! The chicken took flight and in its panic landed on top of Sara Smith’s head. She screamed and flapped her arms wildly which only made the chicken take off again in a mass of downy feathers and manic clucking. The rabbit leapt from the bench and shot straight into Mrs Holden’s handbag, which proceeded to race around the floor in all directions, like a demented dodgem car. Meanwhile the startled piglet was running around frantically on the stainless steel bench upsetting bowls and breaking eggs - its little trotters slipping and sliding on the shiny surface. As Harry struggled to sit up, he spied it just above his head but before he could budge, it launched itself straight at him with an ear-piercing scream!
Harry’s head hit the desk with a thump. Mrs Holden looked up and glared his way.
‘Well it’s nice of you to join us Harry. I can see that my recipe for scones had your undivided attention this morning.’ Harry opened his eyes and glanced nervously around at the rest of the class.
‘Crap...not again!’
They all stared at him but quickly returned their attention to Mrs Holden’s final instructions. Rubbing his eyes Harry spotted Podgy Parker. He was scribbling furiously, his fat fingers gripping his pen tightly. Lizzie was closing her notebook and chatting to her neighbour. No chatty animals? No Mystery Boxes? Everything was normal, thought Harry.
‘Thank God!’ he sighed.
The class bell rang and the sound of chairs scaping across the floor drowned out Mrs Holden who was trying to attract Harry’s attention. She waved at him, and pointed to her desk at the front of the class. Bugger he thought, here it comes. More time outside the Principal’s office.
‘Now Harry, just remember my kitchen is not the place to have a siesta. You have to be alert at all times. Kitchens can be very hazardous places to work,’ Mrs Holden explained.
‘Tell me about it...’ Harry muttered under his breath. She raised her eyebrows.
‘Yes...well...before you leave I want you to empty all the bins, and wipe down all the bench tops.’
‘Oh Miss!’
‘I’m sorry, but you really do need to wake up a bit and if you move a little more maybe you’ll have less time for snoring.’
Harry dropped his bag on the floor and headed to the back of the kitchen. He could see Mrs Holden packing up her belongings and watched as she stood up and prepared to leave. Oh well, it could be worse he thought. He only had to give the benches a quick once over and then it was lunchtime. No bloody boxes and weird-talking animals to deal with. Jeez, no more daydreaming for him. What a nightmare!
‘Now don’t forget to close the door when you leave Harry.’
‘Yes Mrs Holden, I’ll make sure I do,’ he replied looking up as she passed.
Suddenly a tiny grey head with long velvet ears appeared out of the top of her handbag. It looked directly at him, winked and with a little chuckle shot back down out of sight. ‘See you next week Harry.’ a little voice said.
About the Author
Mystery Box Page 2