Primal Need (Primal Howlers MC Book 2)

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Primal Need (Primal Howlers MC Book 2) Page 14

by Piper Davenport

  I went there, sliding in between his legs, and looping my arms around his neck.

  “I’m gonna say this again, and I’m hopin’ I don’t have to say it again, Dimples, because if it doesn’t sink in, then you and I are gonna have conflict every time it comes up and I don’t like havin’ conflict with you.”

  “Me neither,” I said.

  “I love you. I love Teddy. Both of you are part of our family. Club and blood.”

  I blinked back tears. “God, I love you.”

  “Okay, so if I had a Teddy, would you have a problem accepting him?”

  “No.” I sighed, stroking his hair as I met his eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted. Are we done with the Teddy subject?”

  I nodded, leaning down to kiss him quickly.

  He squeezed my butt and grinned. “You gonna let me finish eating?”

  “Depends,” I said. “Are you going to eat me later?”


  I grinned. “Then, yes, finish your Chinese.”

  He held me tighter. “I love you, baby.”

  “Love you too.”

  I slid into the stool beside him and sipped my wine while he finished dinner.

  “Did you bring some kink?” I asked, once Sundance finished his food.

  “What do you think?”

  I grinned, dropping our dishes in the dishwasher. “Please tell me there’ll be more buzzy buzzy on my clit.”

  He took my hand and pulled me against his body. “How about that, and a little somethin’ somethin’ on your tits.”

  “Oh, my god, yes,” I whispered, sliding my hands under his T-shirt and kissing his neck.

  “You want more of that vibrator in your ass?”

  “Hell yeah, I do,” I said, and Sundance chuckled.

  “Come on, baby, I’m gonna get you good and tired so you’ll sleep.”

  I grinned and followed him to my bedroom. I dipped into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, noticing a man’s travel bag on my counter. I smiled. I liked it. I liked it a lot.

  He walked in and slid his hand to my hip. “I want you on your back, naked and open for me.”

  I grinned. “Okay.”

  I did as he instructed and waited for him to join me. It seemed to take forever, but then, finally, he walked out of my bathroom, buck naked and beautiful. I licked my lips at the sight of his dick, already rock hard and ready, and couldn’t stop myself from squirming a little.

  He smiled, stopping at the edge of my bed, and taking my ankles and tugging me toward him. “Heels to the mattress, Dimples.”

  I lifted my knees and planted my heels to the mattress while he grabbed the TENS unit, but before he placed the pads on me, he leaned down and ran his tongue over my pussy.

  “Jesus, you taste like honey, Wyatt.”

  I groaned, squirming again.

  “Pace yourself, sweetheart,” he suggested. “We’re goin’ all night.”

  “How about you hurry your sweet butt up with those pads, Sunny. More buzzy buzzy, less talky talky.”

  He chuckled, grabbing the gel and spreading it on my clit and my nipples before placing the pads gently on top. “Ready?”

  “I was born ready, big man.”

  He turned the TENS unit on, and I groaned as the vibrations hit all three spots simultaneously, nearly making me come immediately.

  “Too much?” he asked.

  “No,” I rasped. “Oh, god, honey, I want your dick!”

  He obliged, tugging me forward and pressing his cock to my opening. I wrapped my legs around his waist and fisted my hands into the comforter as he surged forward and slammed into me. The vibrations pulsed against my sensitive nubs and I reached for Sundance’s arms as one, then two orgasms washed over me consecutively. His climax followed a few seconds later, and we fell in a heap on top of my sheets.

  “Stay put, baby,” he said, gently sliding out of me, then removing the pads from my body. He stepped into my bathroom and returned with a warm washcloth, cleaning the gel off me before stretching out beside me and pulling me into his arms.

  “I’m gonna need more of that,” I said.

  He grinned. “I’m gonna give you more, but first I need to taste you, so I’m gonna take it slow.”

  “Or…” I kissed his chest, straddling his hips, and leaning over to kiss him. “I’m going to go for a ride before you do any of that.”


  I nodded and lifted my hips slightly. “I’m willing to drop a whole quarter in the slot if you make it a rough one.”

  He guided his cock inside of me and I lowered myself, impaling myself on him. I felt him shift and I planted my palms on his chest. “Do not move.”

  “I kinda have to move to give you your quarter’s worth.”

  “Yes, but you were going to flip me onto my back and I’m liking this view right now.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, baby, you take the reins for now, but you don’t have long, because I plan to fuck you until you can’t move, sound good?”

  I dropped my head back with a sigh. “So, so good.”

  For the next four hours, we did nothing but make love, stopping to eat on occasion. I’d never experienced anything like it before, and I planned to do it more often.


  WEDNESDAY NIGHT, I walked into the war room to find Moses, Wrath, and Rocky playing cards with Snowcone, as planned. Judging by the number of empties in front of Snowcone, Moses had done his job in getting him nice and relaxed.

  After having spent two nights in Wyatt’s bed, the last place I wanted to be was here, doing what I was about to do, but the play was in motion and the timing couldn’t be helped. “Heard you were in here,” I said with a casual smile, approaching Snowcone.

  “You been lookin’ for me, Boss?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I need you to take a look at my Caddy.”

  I’d been restoring a 1957 Cadillac Fleetwood for the last two years, working on it when the mood hit, so my story wasn’t entirely a lie.

  “Oh, yeah? What’s up?”

  “The valve cover won’t seal right, and Ratchet can’t figure out why. He said you had experience with Cadillacs, so I figured I’d ask.”

  “My stepdad was a Caddy guy,” Snowcone said. “He was a fucking asshole that would steal from me and my sister to buy meth, but at least he taught me a shit ton about cars.”

  At that moment I almost felt bad for Snowcone. Almost.

  “It’s probably the valve cover gasket. Most of the new aftermarket ones don’t fit for shit,” Snowcone said, laying his cards down on the table before standing up. “Let’s go take a look.”

  “Thanks. I’ve got ’er out in the shed,” I said.

  Our secondary auto bay, which we called “the shed” was smaller than the main shop and reserved for some of our dirtier work. In the center of the shed’s floor was a large commercial drain used to capture oil and other automotive fluids. I figured it would come in handy tonight.

  “Unless, I’m interrupting a high stakes game,” I said, motioning to the table.

  “Nah, we were just playing for shits n’ giggles,” Moses replied with a smile. “We’ll come with you. Maybe we can all learn something about automotive repair.”

  “The day any of you jackasses learn anything useful is the day I let my bulldog, Bruce, wear the president’s patch,” I said.

  “Bruce has been dead for three years, Sundance,” Moses pointed out.

  “Exactly,” I said, and motioned Snowcone to the door.

  I walked the kid into the shed with my arm around him and felt him stiffen as soon as he saw the place was filled with Howlers. I kept a firm arm on him, just in case he got the dumb idea to try and bolt.

  “What the hell is going on in here, Sundance?” Snowcone asked with a nervous laugh. “We havin’ some sort of surprise party?”

  “We sure are, asshole” I replied, and Wrath and Rocky grabbed Snowcone from behind. “Yo
ur patch out party.”

  “Get the fuck off me,” Snowcone yelled as the two men dragged him to the far side of the shed before throwing him to the ground, directly over the drain.

  I stood above him and the rest of the club formed a circle around us while Moses wheeled over a metal shop cart.

  “Strip,” I said, and the color drained from Snowcone’s face.

  “Whatever the hell this is about, I’m sure we can work it out if you’d just let me—”

  “Take off your clothes right now or I swear on my wife’s grave I will put a bullet in you,” I said pulling my Ruger from my waistband.

  Snowcone swallowed hard and began removing his right boot.

  “Start with the cut. You’re not worthy of wearing it anymore.”

  “Please, Sundance, whatever I’ve done to piss you off. I swear I can make it right.”

  “We’re gonna make things right, don’t you worry about that,” I said, leveling the pistol at Snowcone’s head. “Now, I won’t tell you again. Take off your fucking clothes.”

  Snowcone did as instructed and was then secured, face down on the shop table, with his hands and feet bound to the table’s legs. Wrath wheeled over a second cart handed me a black chef’s knife bag which I unrolled, making sure Snowcone could see me. Inside the bag were a set of chef’s knifes, hypodermic needles, and several glass vials filled with clear liquid.

  “Jesus Christ, please don’t do this,” Snowcone begged.

  “You did this to yourself,” I snapped. “Starting with the first time you laid hands on Ruby.”

  “Ruby? Jesus Christ, Sundance. Is that what this is about? That mouthy bitch?”

  “Ruby is a friend to this club and therefore protected, even from its own members,” I said.

  “Not to mention,” Moses said, leaning down to look Snowcone directly in the eye. “Ruby is a woman and she’s half your size.”

  “Please, Moses. You guys have gotta give me another chance,” Snowcone pleaded.

  “I told you this club doesn’t tolerate men who hit women or children,” Moses replied.

  “Not to mention spies,” I added.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not a spy,” Snowcone said.

  “The hell you aren’t,” I snapped. “You told the Predators exactly when and where to hit our delivery vans after the grow house was torched.”

  Another wave of panic washed over Snowcone’s face. “It’s not like that, Sundance. I swear.”

  I hit Snowcone with a short shot to the ribcage. Partly out of rage but mostly to stop the bullshit from coming out of his mouth. He gasped for air, writhing in pain as I continued, “This goes one of two ways,” I said, picking up the hypodermic needle. “If you tell me everything about your involvement with the Predators, I promise I’ll work quickly. Plus,” I said pointing to the vial on the left, “I will give you a shot of this to help with the pain. Then, when we’re done, I’ll make sure you’re dropped off at the hospital instead of the middle of the wilderness.”

  “I don’t… know… anything about the Predators,” Snowcone sputtered in short gasps.

  “You’re choosing the rough road, pal. Hold out on me and I’m gonna take my time with every single cut.” Snowcone’s eyes widened and I continued, “And when you pass out from the pain, I’ll shoot you up with what’s in vial number two to make sure you wake up again. Of course, if I give you too much of it, your heart will explode, so I’ll try my best not to let that happen.”

  “I swear I don’t have anything to tell you,” Snowcone said, in what could only have been a final, desperate attempt at bluffing.

  “The hard way it is.”

  I made my first cut, taking my time as promised. The razor-sharp blade cut through flesh with ease, leaving me with a perfect, thinly sliced tattooed, filet of Snowcone’s calf when I was done. The blade did such a good job, I’d been cutting for at least one full second before Snowcone even reacted. However, once the pain hit, the sounds he made were unlike anything I’d ever heard.

  “Jesus Christ, Sundance. I swear I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. Please stop,” he screamed as blood dripped down the table, heading toward the drain.

  “I’m not stopping anything. All this club ink comes off no matter what,” I said.

  “Then gimmie the shot,” Snowcone cried. “Please gimmie the fuckin’ shot.”

  I’d only been a part of two patch out ceremonies and both men had only one tattoo each, both on their upper arms. Those were tough enough to witness, but within his five years of riding with the club, this fool managed to get a full back piece, as well as one on the back of his left calf and his right forearm. He was in for a world of shit, even with pain meds.

  “Scooby and Scrappy were driving those trucks. They could have been killed,” I growled.

  “Why the fuck did you sell us out to the Predators?” Moses demanded.

  “I never talked to the Predators, Sundance. You gotta believe me.”

  “Who did you tell about the vans?” I demanded.

  “They told me this would be good for the club.”

  “Who’s they?”

  “Please, Sundance. They’ll kill me”

  I made my second cut and this time Snowcone’s body knew it was coming. He vomited and began to pass out, but I slapped his face until he was present enough for me to continue.

  “Who are you working with?”

  “M…Misty,” Snowcone slurred.

  “Zilla’s sister? The one you’ve been fucking?”

  “You knew?”

  “That’s how we figured out you’ve been working with the Predators. You’re telling me Misty is behind all of this?”

  “No, Misty asked me to talk to Sonja about potentially doing business.”

  “What kind of business?”

  “Sundance. I swear I didn’t know the Predators were involved. I only talked to Sonja as a favor to Misty.”

  “About what?”

  Snowcone hesitated. I started toward his back with the blade.

  “Sonja said she represented a major player who wanted the Howlers out of the weed business in Monument.”


  “She called him the Beast. I don’t know his real name, just that Sonja works for him.”

  It made sense that Sonja wasn’t the one in charge, given her lack of every skill that would make her qualified to do so.

  “Sonja said it would be best for the Howlers if they were out of the weed business before the Beast arrived,” Snowcone said.

  “Why didn’t you tell Sonja to fuck off and then come tell me about her threats?”

  “Because they’re not threats, Sundance.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You heard about what happened in Michoacán?” Snowcone asked.

  “I’ve heard the rumors,” I replied.

  “Those aren’t rumors. That was the Beast, and Sonja had video.”

  A chill went down my spine. There was talk on the street about a recent slaughter of a group of growers in Mexico. No one was sure who had done it or why.

  “They were hacked to pieces in front of their family members,” Snowcone said. “Sonja told me the Beast would do the same to the club if our business wasn’t shut down.”

  I frowned. “Why didn’t you come to me?”

  “Sonja told me this was the only way to avoid bloodshed.”

  “What else did she have besides video and threats? Did she have a briefcase full of cash, did she happen to mention a little something in it for you if you helped her destroy our grow business?”

  Snowcone’s eyes welled with tears. “Please, Sundance. That’s everything I know, and everything I told her. I swear,” he said, shivering in pain.

  “I believe you, Snowcone. And the fact that no one was killed is the only reason you’re gonna leave this room missing only your Howler’s ink instead of your liver as well.”

  I stood up and handed the knife to Moses. “I got what
I need. Finish up with your prospect.”

  “You promised!” Snowcone bellowed but I ignored him.

  “Again, I’m sorry about all of this, Sundance,” Moses said.

  I put my hand on his shoulder. “We’ll talk about it more later. Right now, make sure all club ink has been removed off this pile of shit and then toss him on the curb of County General.”

  “County?” Snowcone moaned.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Moses replied.

  “You’re still gonna give me the pain meds though. Right, Sundance?”

  “A deal’s a deal,” I said, turning to leave. “Moses will give you the shot… as soon as he’s done with your back,” I said before turning and exiting to the sounds of Snowcone’s screams of agony.


  FRIDAY AFTERNOON, I walked into yoga and stalled. YaYa…I mean, Sonja, was in her usual spot and I wasn’t entirely sure how to play this.

  I had my cell phone in my hand, so I fired off a text to Sundance, then casually rolled my mat out next to hers. Today was the day I tried to figure out this bitch’s game.

  “Hi,” she breathed out like we were long-lost besties.

  “Hey,” I said. “Are you doing okay? I texted you a million times.”

  “I know, I’m so sorry. I had a problem with my bill, then I got a new number, and I totally forgot you texted.” She sighed. “I’m a bad friend.”

  “Okay, ladies, are you ready to change your life?” our instructor, Cindy called out, abruptly interrupting my fact-finding mission.

  I was left with my thoughts as we downward dogged the fuck out of the session.

  Once we were finished, I flopped onto my mat in a puddle of my own sweat, and my first thought was how I needed to stop eating Wavy Lay’s and do more yoga. My second thought was how the hell was I going to drill Sonja for information, of course, that was if I could get up off the floor.

  Surprisingly, it was Sonja who restarted the conversation.

  “What happened with that guy you were dating?” Sonja asked.

  Okay, now my interest was really piqued. I’d never told her about Sundance, but she was clearly angling for something, so I decided to give her some leeway. Maybe if I gave her enough rope, she’d do me a favor and hang herself with it.


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