A Thane of Wessex

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A Thane of Wessex Page 7

by Charles W. Whistler


  Through the woods I reached Bridgwater town before the sun set, andlooking down from the steep hill that overhangs the houses, I could seethe market square full of men, shining in arms and armour, and noisyenough, as I could hear. But every one of the townsfolk knew me, and bythis time also knew what had befallen me, so that as I stood there itseemed not quite so easy to win a way to the levy as before. Thehighways were yet full of men coming in, for from where I stood on theedge of the cover I could see the bend of one road, and straight downanother. If I went on them I must walk like a leper, alone and shunnedby all, with maybe hard words to hear as well.

  While I thought of all this, there crept out from among the woods an oldcrone, doubled up under the weight of a faggot of dry sticks, who stayedto stare at me. I did not mind her, but of a sudden she dropped herbundle of wood, and I saw that it was like to be a heavy task for her toraise it again. So I turned and laid hold of it, for she was but sixpaces from me, saying:

  "Let me help you, Mother, to get it hoisted again. Truly would I carryit for you for a while, but I must bide here."

  "That must you, Heregar the outlaw," said the old woman coolly, withouta word of thanks, and I thought my story and face were better known thanI deemed. Therefore I must make the best of it.

  "Well, Mother," said I, "you know me, and if you know me, so also mustmany others. But I want to join the levy, and fight if need be."

  "Thereby knew I you to be Heregar," said she; "for none but he muststand here with the light of battle in his eyes and his hand clutched onhis sword hilt and not go down to the Cross yonder, as the summons is."

  Then I marvelled at the old dame's wisdom, though maybe it was but aguess, and asked her what I should do, seeing that she was wise, and thewords of such as she are often to be hearkened to.

  "It is a wise man," she answered, "who will take advice; but never aword should you have had from old Gundred, save you had helped her, as atrue man should."

  "Truly, Mother Gundred," I said, "I have no rede of my own, and amminded to take yours."

  "Then, fool," she said curtly, "link up that tippet of mail across yourface, go down to Osric the Sheriff himself, beg to be allowed to fight,and see what he will tell you."

  I had forgotten that I could hook the hanging chain mail of my helmetacross, in such manner that little but my eyes could be seen; but thenthat was never done but in battle--and I had never seen that yet.

  "Thanks, Mother," said I, with truth, for I saw that I might do this."This is help indeed."

  "Not so fast, young sir," answered the crone; "Osric will not have you."

  "How know you that?"

  "How does an old woman of ninety years know many things? When you tellme that, I will say how I know that Osric will send you about yourbusiness; and that will be the best day's work he ever did."

  Now I was nearly angry at that, for it seemed to set light store on myvalour; but there seemed something more in the old woman's tone than hertaunting words would convey, so I said plainly:

  "Then shall I go to him?"

  "Aye, fool, did I not tell you so?"

  "But if it is no good?"

  "Is it no good for a man who is accused of disloyalty to have witnessthat he wished, at least, to spend his life for his country? Moreover,there is work for you to do which fighting will hinder for this turn--go to, Heregar, I will tell you no more. Now do my bidding and go, andnever will you forget that you helped an old witch with her burden."

  "Well, then, Mother," I said, hooking up the mail tippet across my face,"if I must go down into the town, surely I will carry that bundle."

  "That shall you not," she answered, dropping it again, and sitting downon it. "Heregar the king's thane--the standard bearer--shall bend tono humbler burden than the Dragon of Wessex. Go; and Thor and Odinstrike with you."

  And then she covered up her face, and would look no more at me. Ithought her crazed, maybe, but a sort of chill came over me as I heardher name the old heathen gods, and I thought of the Valas of old time,and knew how here and there some of the old worship lingered yet.

  However, good advice had she given, showing me the way to try my fortunein the way I wished, and after that heathenish blessing I had no mind tostay longer, for such like are apt to prove unlucky; so I bid her goodeven, and went my way towards the town. After all, I thought, king'sthane I was once, and may be again; and to bear the standard must be wonby valour, so that, too, may come to pass. Whereupon I remembered thebadger that scared me in the moonlight, and was less confident in myself.

  Many were the questions put me as I passed into the marketplace ofBridgwater, but I answered none, pushing on to where I saw Osric theSheriff's banner over a great house. Mostly the men scoffed at me forthinking that I should win more renown in disguise; but some thought mea messenger, and clustered after me, to hear what they might.

  When I came to the house door, where Osric lay, it was guarded, and theguards asked me my business. I said I would see the sheriff and thenthey demanded name and errand. Now, I could give neither, and was at aloss for a moment. Then I said that I was one of the bearers of the wararrow, and though that was but a chance shot, as it were, it passed mein at once, for often a bearer would return to give account of somethane ill, or absent, or the like.

  They took me to a great oaken-walled hall where sat many thanes alonggreat tables, eating and drinking, and at the highest seat was Osric,and next him, Matelgar. This assembly, and most of all that my enemyshould be present, was against me in making my plea; but as the oldcrone had said, I should be no loser by witness.

  I waited till a thrall had told Osric that one of his messengers washere, and then they beckoned me to go to him. He shifted round in hischair to speak to me, but I was watching Matelgar, and saw his glancelight on my sword hilt. Recognizing it, he grew pale, and then red,half-rising from his seat to speak to Osric, but thinking better thereof.

  "Well; what news and whence?" said the sheriff, who was a small, wiryman, with a sour look, as I thought. Men spoke well of him though.

  "The Danes lie off the Holms, sir," I said, for I would gain time.

  "I know that," he answered testily; "pull that mail off your face, man;they are not here yet, and your voice is muffled behind it."

  I suppose that the coming and going of messengers was constant, andindeed there came another even then, so the other thanes paid littleattention after they heard my stale news, except Matelgar; who went onwatching me closely.

  I was just about to ask the sheriff to hear me privately, when Matelgarplucked him by the sleeve, having made up his mind at last, and drawinghim down a little, spoke to him a few words, among which I caught my ownname.

  The sheriff looked sharply at me, twitching his sleeve away, and I sawthat there was to be no more concealment; so I dropped the tippet andlet him see who I was, saying at the same time:

  "Safe conduct I crave, Osric the Sheriff."

  Then a silence came over the thanes who saw and knew me, looking up tosee what this new freak of mine was. And Osric frowned at me, but saidnothing, so I spoke first.

  "Outlaw I am, Osric, but I can fight; today I bore the war arrow--thatone who neither knew nor believed me gave me--faithfully to Matelgarthe Thane, who is here in obedience to that summons. And when I took itI was on my way out of the kingdom as I was bidden, but I turned backbecause of the need for a trusty messenger. Now I ask only to be allowedto fight alongside your men in this levy, and after that it is over--if I live--I will go my way again."

  That was all I had to say, and when I ceased a talk buzzed up among thethanes. But Matelgar looked black, and Osric made no answer, frowning,indeed, but more I think at the doubt he was in than with anger at me.

  I saw that Matelgar longed to speak, but dared not as yet, and then hecast his eye down the hall, and seemed to make some sign.

  Presently Osric said in a doubtful way, "Never heard I the like. Now Imyself know not why an outlaw should no
t fight if he wills to do so.

  "What say you, thanes?" he cried loudly, turning to those down the hall.

  Instantly one rose up and shouted, "We will have no traitors in our ranks."

  Then I knew what Matelgar's sign meant, for this was a close friend ofhis. On that, too, several others said the same, and one cried that Ishould be hounded out of the hall and town. Osric frowned when he heardthat, and looked at me; but I stood with my arms folded, lest I shouldbe tempted to lay hand on sword, and so give my enemies a hold on me.Matelgar himself said nothing, as keeping up his part of friend bound byloyalty to accuse me against his will.

  As for the other thanes, they talked, but all the outcry was against mybeing allowed to join, and at last Osric seemed to be overborne by them,for voices in my favour were few heard, if many thought little harm ofmy request. But then the offer of the help of one man was, anyway, alittle thing, and if he were doubted it would be ill. And I could see,as Osric would also see, that the matter would be spread through thelevy by those against me.

  Now as I thought of the likelihood of one of Matelgar's men spearing meduring the heat of fight, I wondered if he feared the same of me, for Ihave often heard tales of the like.

  Then Osric answered me, kindly enough, but decidedly:

  "Nay, Heregar, you hear that this must not be. Outlaw is outlaw, andmust count for naught. I may not go against the word of the Moot, andinlaw you again by giving you a place. Go hence in peace, and take yourway; yet we thank you for bearing the message to Matelgar. Link up yourmail again, and tell any man that you bear messages from me; thewatchword is 'Wessex' for the guards are set by now, and you will need it."

  As he spoke thus kindly Matelgar's face grew black as night; but hedared say no word. So I bowed to the sheriff and, linking up my mail,went sadly enough down the hall. It was crowded at one place, and theresome friendly hand patted me softly on the shoulder, though most shrankfrom me; but yet I would not turn to see who it was, that helped me.

  Now I have often wondered that no inquiry was made about my arms, andhow I came by them; but what I believe is, that even then men began toknow that Matelgar and his friends had played me false, but that theywould not, and Matelgar's people dared not, say much. As for Osric, hismind was full of greater troubles, and I suppose he never thought thereof.

  I passed out into the street, but now it was falling dark, and fewnoticed me. The men sat about along the house walls on settles, eatingand drinking and singing. And I, coming to a dark place, sat down amonga few and ate and drank as well for half an hour, and then passing theguards at the entrance to the town on the road to Cannington, struck outfor Stert, that I might be near Alswythe, and wait for the possiblecoming of the Danes, and the battle in which I might join.


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