Coming Home

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Coming Home Page 10

by Judith Keim

  Bernard studied her. “You really mean it, don’t you?”

  Cami gave him a steady look and nodded.

  His expression contrite, Bernard opened the office door and turned back to her. “I don’t know who’s the bigger fool. You or me. Either way, I’m going to prove to you that I don’t need you. I can be a success on my own.”

  The door closed softly behind him.

  Cami walked to the window and gazed outside, her thoughts whirling. In France, Bernard had been so attentive, so charming. Would things have been different if she hadn’t been called home? Or would she have eventually seen this side of him?

  The phone rang, and as Cami went to answer it, she realized she’d never know.


  As Cami showed Justine and George the property, she saw it with fresh eyes. Chandler Hill Inn offered many choices to the bride and groom who wanted to make a simple wedding, uniquely theirs. She saw how effectively her grandmother had placed several arbors, and had added colorful flowering foliage to different locations for beautiful wedding photos. Even in the cold of the winter, it was easy to see how nice everything would be come spring.

  Inside Chandler Hall, staff was decorating it for the Valentine’s Day Dance. Twinkling lights dangled from the open beams in the ceiling like snowflakes suspended in the sky.

  A sound of delight escaped Justine’s lips. She turned to Cami with a smile. “I want something like that for my wedding.”

  “I’ll note it,” said Cami, writing it down on a checklist she’d put together earlier. “Anything else?”

  “Baskets of flowers everywhere. My small wedding party will be wearing pink, so I’d love to have the color of the flowers be compatible.”

  Cami was thankful that, before she left, Lisa had enlarged the flower garden for just this kind of use. “We’ll take photos of what your arrangements might look like and send them to you for your approval ahead of time. I’ll make that notation.”

  By the time the tour was over, Cami had a better idea of the work they needed to do. She spoke to Becca. “How long before Vanessa comes here? We need her sooner than I thought. Justine’s wedding is the first of the season, but we have several others planned through the summer and into the fall. I want her well trained before then.”

  “I spoke to her last night. She should be here by March 1st. She’s going to share my apartment, though it will be more or less hers.” A pretty pink washed over Becca’s cheeks. “I’m moving in with Dan this weekend.”

  “Oh, nice. I’m happy that things are going well for you. I like Dan.”

  Becca beamed at her. “I’m not sure, but I think he’s going to give me a ring for Valentine’s Day.”

  “Wow! You guys move fast.”

  “It may seem that way, but I felt from the beginning we were meant to be together.”

  Cami could feel her eyebrows lift. “You did? How do you know?”

  Becca shrugged. “You just do. Don’t worry. It’ll happen to you.”

  Cami wasn’t sure it would ever be that way for her. She was not about to rush into any relationship.


  The next two days grew busier as they completed final preparations for the Valentine’s Day Dance.

  All guests of the inn would receive invitations to the occasion, which included a gourmet buffet dinner. Other winegrowers in the valley would also attend and display bottles of wines from their different vineyards so guests could sample wines from places they hadn’t crammed into their tasting tour schedules. It was Cami’s favorite inn event.

  “What are you wearing to the dance tonight? I can’t decide what to choose,” Becca said, taking a seat in Cami’s office.

  Something fun, and maybe a little fancy. It’s a rare opportunity to dress up,” Cami replied. “I’m wearing a long red dress, but you’ll see a bit of everything. Some of the men will be in tuxedos, others in sport coats.”

  “Thank you for inviting me,” said Becca. “Jonathan didn’t allow any of us to join him for this event.”

  Cami pressed her lips together. “Without you and Imani, I couldn’t run the inn. It’s only right for you to come to the party, enjoy yourselves and our guests, and meet the other winemakers in the valley. It’s our way of thanking them for their support.”

  Becca rose to her feet and faced Cami. “I’ll let Imani know what you told me. I don’t know how I could be so lucky to be working here now. Believe me, with Jonathan running the show, I often thought of quitting.”

  “We’re both lucky. We have a lot of work ahead of us, so get ready!”

  “Aye, aye, Captain!” said Becca with a saucy mock salute that made Cami laugh.

  Before she went home to change clothes for the party, Cami talked with Darren about timing, checked the arrangements in Chandler Hall, and called Rafe to make sure he was on schedule to help her host the event. In the past, he and Nonnee had greeted guests as they arrived.

  “No problem, we’ll be there,” Rafe assured her.


  “Drew and I. He’ll need to see how it’s done if he’s going to take over for me in the future.”

  “But ...”

  “I’m not going to be around forever, sweet girl,” he said softly.

  Her stomach did a flip-flop. “Don’t talk that way.” Even as she said the words, tears stung her eyes.

  “Don’t worry, cariño, I’m not leaving you for a long time, but I am getting old enough that I sometimes need help.”

  “Of course. I understand. See you later.”

  Cami hung up the phone realizing that Drew was going to have to play a part in her life whether she was ready for him or not. The idea both excited and worried her. She’d been honest about wanting only to be friends, yet she was attracted to him.

  At home, Sophie sat at Cami’s feet, ears cocked, listening to what she was saying. Seeing her expressive face and alert eyes, Cami stopped talking to the dog about her worries, leaned down, and scratched her ears. “You know what? It’ll all work out as it’s supposed to be. At least, that’s what Nonnee would say.”

  Later, Cami checked herself in the mirror, taming the curls as best she could, and slid the diamond earrings into her earlobes. Then she hooked the grapes necklace behind her neck and studied her reflection. The jewels on her ears and the necklace settling in the vee of her dress’s neckline sparkled like Nonnee’s smile, bestowing gracious wishes for a lovely evening.

  Straightening, she told herself that she had business to take care of. This was her first big social event at the inn as owner and manager.

  She left the house, drove to the inn, parked her car, and headed for Chandler Hall. The sparkling lights among shrubs outside the building looked like stars fallen to earth. A few red mini-lights twinkled among the many white ones.

  Cami entered the building and stood a moment gazing at her surroundings. A welcoming fire glowed in the large, stone fireplace, soft mood music came through strategically placed speakers, and the buffet table looked inviting with its crisp white linen cloths, rows of chafing dishes, and stacks of serving plates. An ice carving of a heart backlit in red and small, flower bouquets added color and elegance. Around the perimeter of the room, round tables of six covered in black linen awaited the guests. The bar at the opposite end of the room from the fireplace had a number of wine bottles on display. Champagne and sparkling wines sat in ice buckets ready to be served. Carefully hidden spotlights highlighted key focal points. The serving staff, dressed in special, red knit shirts with the Chandler Hill logo, gathered in a group, talking softly as they waited for guests to appear.

  A young staff member hurried over to her. “May I take your coat?”

  She smiled as he helped her remove it. Service at every level was important.

  Becca and Dan arrived a moment later.

  “Wow!” Becca said to Cami. “You look beautiful! Love that dress.”

  “Thanks.” She’d chosen to wear a sleeveless dress that followed the contours of
her body and then fell to her ankles in gentle folds. The lines of the dress were simple, and the silky, deep-red material was the perfect background for showing off the grapes necklace and her creamy skin.

  After removing her coat, Becca twirled in front of her. “Bought this dress for a friend’s wedding. What do you think?”

  “It’s perfect!” The short black dress fit Becca beautifully. She complained that she was chunky, but Becca was fine just as she was. And by the looks of it, Dan thought so too as he wrapped an arm around her.

  Cami turned as Imani and her date arrived.

  Imani looked wonderful in a long-sleeved, ankle-length green dress. She was a striking woman with caramel-colored skin, sharply defined features, and dark eyes that sparkled. The man beside her, introduced as Hank Danvers, matched her appearance in size and quiet demeanor. A handsome couple, Cami thought. Better yet, Imani was a bright, capable assistant who was fast becoming a friend, along with Becca. “The Three Musketeers” Darren had once called them.

  Rafe and Drew were the next to arrive.

  Cami hurried over to greet them. She hugged Rafe and tweaked his bright red bowtie. “Looking mighty handsome!” she teased. In truth, he looked fabulous in his tux.

  She stepped away from Rafe and smiled at Drew. “Glad you could make it. This is a fun party.”

  “Thanks.” He pulled at the collar of his crisp, white tuxedo shirt. “Not used to wearing this, but Rafe insisted. All part of the deal.” His tawny-colored eyes filled with humor.

  Cami and Rafe exchanged amused glances. If Rafe was handsome in a tux, Drew was absolutely delicious.

  “Hi, everyone.” Rafe introduced himself to Hank and smiled at the group of staff. “This is an evening for fun, but remember you represent Chandler Hill, and Drew, here, represents Taunton Estates. Enjoy!”

  As Rafe continued talking with the group, Cami went into the kitchen to check on things. A lot of the food had already been prepared in the inn’s kitchen, but several items were being cooked here. Satisfied that everything was in order, Cami returned to join Rafe to greet the guests.

  Fifteen minutes later, guests began to arrive in droves. For others, the fun would begin. But Cami and Rafe would spend most of the evening talking to guests and introducing winegrowers to her assistants. It was important for Becca and Imani to meet them. The success of the many different wineries in the valley depended on cooperation between the vineyards. It wasn’t uncommon for a tractor man to work for more than one vineyard. And sometimes staff members of one vineyard were called upon to help with an over-abundant harvest at another.

  Cami had just introduced Imani to Mark and Jean Pierce, fellow winegrowers, when Mark mumbled. “Here he comes. Can’t stand the guy.”

  Sensing a commotion at the entrance, she turned to see Rod Mitchell and a voluptuous young woman enter the building. Cami froze when she realized the man behind them was Bernard.

  Letting out a long sigh, Cami gathered herself and went over to greet them. Rod Mitchell was someone Nonnee and Rafe had always disliked. In his seventies, he, like Rafe, was a striking man who had managed to irritate almost every other winemaker in the valley by some act of rudeness or worse.

  The young, voluptuous woman accompanying Rod looked to be about Cami’s age, much too young for him.

  “Hello, Rod,” Cami said coolly. “Good evening. And this is?”

  “Cookie McDonald.” Rod smiled at her and waved Bernard forward. “And this is Bernard Arnaud, a French winemaker who is going to help me develop some new wines.”

  “I see,” Cami said evenly willing herself not to laugh at the way Cookie was fluttering her eyelashes at Rod nor react to the triumphant look Bernard was giving her. Drawing upon years of being in situations like this beside her grandmother, she managed to say, “Welcome. Please come in. We have several tables set aside for winemakers. You’ll see your name at one of them along the wall.”

  As she watched the trio head for the tables she’d indicated, Rafe came up beside her. “What bimbo is Rod with now? And what’s the deal with Bernard?”

  “Bernard is now working for Rod. What a pair they’ll make.”

  “I’ll keep my eye on them. I don’t want anything to ruin this evening for you or our guests.”

  As the wine flowed and people became more comfortable with one another, the volume of noise increased. Cami didn’t hear Bernard speak until he was right behind her.

  “Thought you could get rid of me, huh? I’m going to prove to you what an excellent winemaker I am. Rod Mitchell has the resources to create a world-class vineyard, and I’m going to help him.”

  “Good for you,” Cami said, edging away from him.

  She started toward Rafe, but Bernard grabbed her arm, preventing her from walking away.

  “What are you doing?” Cami asked, pulling her arm out of his grasp.

  “I just want to talk to you, that’s all.” He gave her a pleading look. “I made a mistake letting you go. You’ve got to give me a second chance. I’ll make it up to you.”

  Cami shook her head. “It’s not going to happen. Now leave me alone.”

  She felt a presence beside her and turned to face Drew.

  “Thought you and I would hit the dance floor. A few couples have already started.”

  “Thanks.” Cami’s smile couldn’t begin to show her relief at his presence. Bernard must have had a few drinks before coming to the party. He hadn’t wanted her months ago. She didn’t believe he really wanted her now. For him, it was just a bruised ego.

  Drew took her arm and led her onto the dance floor. A jazz band had arrived earlier and was now playing appropriate music for dancing. Slow numbers were scheduled during dinner, and then livelier music would happen.

  In his arms, gazing up at him, Cami felt some of the tension leave her. “Thanks for rescuing me.”

  He grinned. “I’m always ready to help a damsel in distress.”

  Looking across the room at Bernard, Cami said, “He would give any damsel distress.”

  Drew chuckled and pulled her closer.

  When the music stopped, Cami stepped away and smiled. “Thanks. You’re a great dancer.” What she meant was simply “Wow!” She had felt so fabulous in his arms, protected from the likes of Bernard.

  Becca hurried over to her. “Rafe asked me to tell you it’s time for the annual speeches.”

  Cami said goodbye to Drew and made her way through the crowd milling about, sipping wine and chatting while they waited for the opening of the buffet.

  On the small stage, Rafe waited for her. She climbed up next to him and accepted the hand microphone he offered.

  He winked at her. “Ready?”

  “All set. You first.”

  Rafe shook his head. “No, Nonnee always went first. Now it’s your turn.”

  Cami clicked on her mic and said, “Good evening! Welcome to Chandler Hill Inn’s tenth annual Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance. We hope you’re having a great time. The buffet will be open shortly, but before then, let’s have a little fun. Which couples here have been married longer than twenty-five years? Please step forward.”

  Two couples walked through the crowd to come to the front.

  “Now, which of you has been married longer than thirty years?”

  Everyone clapped when Mark and Jean stepped to the stage and announced they’d been married forty-four years.

  The other couple, from Canada if Cami remembered correctly, and looking much younger, applauded with the others. “Only twenty-six years for us,” the gentleman said, and gave his wife a kiss.

  Becca slipped Cami a note with the names of the couple Cami didn’t know.

  “Every Valentine’s Day, we like to recognize those people who’ve made it through many years together. So, Mark and Jean Pierce, here’s your prize!” Cami handed them an envelope. “And a special Happy Valentine’s Day to Randy and Susie Bennett.”

  “Thank you so much,” Mark said. And then as they’d done the last few years,
Mark handed the envelope to Jean.

  Jean smiled and handed the envelope to Susie Bennett. “We’d like you to have this prize to encourage you to stay together and be as happy as we are.”

  The applause grew louder.

  “What is it?” someone asked.

  Susie opened the envelope and let out a squeal of delight. “Airline coupons for two first class tickets for anywhere in the U.S.”

  Rafe and Cami exchanged happy smiles. Nonnee had decided to give away airline tickets as the Valentine prize some time ago. She said it gave her pleasure to give others wings when she was unable to fly.

  Cami introduced Rafe, who told the story of the love he and Nonnee had shared and how this celebration was a favorite of theirs. “When love and kindness so often seem to be lacking, we hope you enjoy this special evening with us.” He lifted his wine glass. “Here’s to you! All of you!”

  When the response settled down, he announced, “The buffet is now open. Help yourself to our chef’s delicious food.”

  As people hurried back to their tables and got into line, Cami went over to Mark and Jean. “Thank you for sharing the prize again this year.”

  Jean chuckled. “Lettie and I made a pact a few years ago. I’m a lot like her with my fear of flying. So, we made a game of Mark’s and my winning, knowing the prize would go to whomever was next in line.”

  “That’s so kind.” Cami gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  She left them and went over to the buffet, making sure food was replenished in chafing dishes and on platters as needed, and all was going smoothly.

  “Nice party,” said Rod, coming over to her. “I didn’t realize you knew the new guy I hired. I hope you don’t mind he’s now working for me.”

  Cami ignored the snide tone of his voice and gave him her best smile. “Not at all. Competition is good for everyone.” Rod Mitchell’s winery—Lone Creek Winery—was not that successful. It wouldn’t hurt Chandler Hill one bit to have his wines become better.

  Before he could engage her in further conversation, she turned away. Spying Imani and Hank waiting at the end of the line for the buffet, she went over to them.


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