Taming the Royal Beast (Royal House of Leone Book 6)

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Taming the Royal Beast (Royal House of Leone Book 6) Page 15

by Jennifer Lewis

  The brothers pushed out of the waiting area into the surgical hallway, royal privilege on their side. She hovered behind, not sure what to do. Rigo couldn’t die, could he?

  The thought filled her with horror. Her heart ached with the depth of her feelings for him. Feelings that had been quietly growing since their first encounter when he rescued her in a crowded airport.

  And whoever shot at him was still out there. Emma burst in through the doors. “Oh, my goodness, Bella! You’re so lucky you weren’t shot.”

  “I didn’t even hear a bullet.” Her voice was shaking. “I don’t know what happened. I feel so useless.” She hugged Emma tight, grateful for the reassuring human contact.

  “The police have apprehended the shooter. They stormed every building on the surrounding blocks, and he was caught escaping over a roof on Croix Street.”

  “Who was it?”

  “I don’t know yet. How’s Rigo doing?”

  “He was still unconscious when they brought him in, and I haven’t heard any news. Darias and Sandro are back there. They didn’t find a bullet wound. What if he never wakes up? I’d just accused him of having no feelings.”

  She hoped the confession would give her a sense of relief, but it only twisted the knife in her gut.

  “Let’s go back there.” Emma grabbed her hand and headed for the door to the surgical suites. No one tried to stop them, and they soon found Darias and Sandro talking to a doctor.

  “You’re not going to believe this.” Darias’s smile shocked Bella. “Rigo was knocked unconscious by his cell phone. He has a big knot on his forehead. They found the cell phone down behind his seat.”

  “Is he awake?” asked Bella, breathless.

  “He’s pretty dazed. The first thing he did was ask about you, though. Go in and see him.”

  Bella’s heart swelled with joy. At least he hadn’t died with her cold words wringing in his ears.

  She opened the door gingerly. Rigo lay in bed in a hospital gown. A purple bruise darkened his temple. His gaze hit her with force as she entered. “You’re wrong, you know.” His voice was gruff.

  Her heart sank. “About my father?” Did Rigo think her father had shot him? Panic flashed through her.

  “About my feelings.” His mouth hitched on one side. “I thought I was too objective, too…logical to have feelings. I thought I’d pushed them aside along with procrastination and sleeping in and other enemies to my productivity.”

  His dark gaze rooted her to the spot. “But unfortunately I discovered I was wrong.”

  “How unfortunately?” Her heart filled with irrational hope.

  “I find that I have feelings that are most inconvenient and unprofessional.”

  “How annoying.” She battled a smile. Really he was being quite rude. Which meant he was being Rigo. Which made him oddly and infuriatingly irresistible to her…

  His mouth tightened. “Naturally I would never allow my feelings to interfere with my royal duty.”

  Her belly tightened. “Of course.” His feelings weren’t going to stop him putting her father behind bars. Again, Rigo to the core.

  “But I would never hold it against a certain young lady that she had divided loyalties. I quite understand how you can love someone even when they’ve committed acts you find reprehensible.”

  He watched her with those cool, dark eyes. Was he talking about his father’s secret affair with Francine Petrie?

  “He is my father.”

  “As my father was mine. It’s in the nature of men to be greedy—for money, for women. It doesn’t make them evil. I do think your father was involved in shady financial transactions, but I don’t think he murdered my father and grandmother. And the murderer in South Africa just confessed to killing the accountant for his wallet and phone. He said that with his lawyer’s help he picked your father’s name off a list of company directors to try for a plea bargain. It was in alphabetical order so Beauvoir was first.”

  Relief fell over her like a rainstorm. “Really? So my father had nothing to do with it?”


  Bella blinked. This was almost too good to be true. “But what about the murders here?”

  “We still have to identify the true culprit, but I have a feeling that tonight’s announcement will flush him out.”


  “I’m pretty sure I know who it is, but first I have something more important to address.”

  “What?” She stepped forward, wondering if he expected her to whip out her phone to take notes. It was probably still in the car. She realized with a chill that it was likely her phone that knocked him unconscious. He usually kept his in his back pocket, whereas she always put hers in the cup holder.

  Rigo looked at her with a deadly serious expression—as if he was interrogating a witness. “Will you marry me?”


  Bella stared at him. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Have you ever known me to be anything else?”

  “No, but you did just get a hard knock on the head.”

  His smile lines crinkled. “I assure you I am in full possession of my faculties.”

  She blinked. This didn’t make sense. Of course she was crazy about him. He was brilliant, determined, passionate, principled, and damned sexy. But she was—

  “I’m probably the worst assistant you’ve ever had. I bring a ferret to work.”

  “I adore you for bringing a ferret to work. It shows that you take your responsibilities to your animals seriously, that you have a caring heart, and that you’re not afraid to stand up to authority.”

  She had to laugh. “I suppose that is true.”

  “And I swear I’m not just entranced by your beauty but by your whole character. You’re kind and warm and get on well with everyone—utterly unlike myself.”

  “They do say that opposites attract.”

  “Indeed they do. And being a practiced judge of character I have a pretty good idea that you’re attracted to me.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Maybe I flatter myself and you were just trying to seduce me to spare your father.” The crinkled laugh lines in his face suggested he didn’t believe it.

  “Maybe I was.” She lifted a brow, trying to look mysterious but couldn’t suppress her smile. “Then again you probably have already figured out that I’m not that cagey.”

  “One of the many things I admire and adore about you. You’re a straight shooter.”

  “With a taste for ruffles and lace.”

  “I enjoy your originality.” He shifted on the pillows. “But you still haven’t answered my question.”

  Anxiety spiked in her gut, warring with the joy that had surged through her at his unexpected compliments. “I’m not sure you’ve thought this through. You live in New York, and I need to open an animal sanctuary in Altaleone. There isn’t a single sanctuary in the whole country.”

  He looked surprised. “You wouldn’t move to New York for me?”

  She bit her lip. “I tried New York, remember? It’s too intense for me. And I think Squiggles would find the noise level stressful.”

  “True.” He stared at her for a moment, dark eyes roaming over her face. “Then I’ll have to move my practice to Altaleone. I know my brother Darias would appreciate the help, and some of our laws need to be rewritten. I could also do work for the United Nations and other international organizations based in Europe.”

  He seemed to be trying to convince himself—which amazed her. “You’d really consider uprooting your whole life for me?”

  He looked perplexed. “You don’t seem to understand that I’m madly in love with you.”

  “I had no idea.” Her mind spun. “I’ve been falling in love with you since the first time you scowled at me. I thought you found me exasperating and incompetent.”

  He looked stunned. “We’ve made love…”

  “Some men will do that even with women they despise.”

ot me.” He studied her intently. “As you well know I’m quite willing to kiss a total stranger, especially if she’s a damsel in distress, but I draw the line at sleeping with them. I think you’d be surprised by how few women have shared my bed.”

  “Intriguing. May I join you?” She gestured at his narrow hospital bed.

  “Please do.” A wolfish grin spread across his mouth. She eased in next to him, enjoying the way her body seemed to come alive in his presence. She kissed his cheek very softly. “You’re full of surprises.”

  “Not as many as you. I suppose no one expects me to have any surprises, like I’m a steel filing cabinet or something.”

  “You certainly are made of steel.” She poked playfully at his hard chest. “Do you hurt anywhere?”

  “Well...” He narrowed his eyes playfully. “I am becoming uncomfortably aroused.”

  “I don’t think we can do anything about that until we get you out of here.” Desire sizzled inside her. Making love to Rigo was the easiest thing in the world. She could do that all day and all night.

  But marrying him? “So, if I marry you?” She assumed a very serious expression, like Rigo wore much of the time. “Do I become a princess?”

  “Yes. I’m afraid you do.”

  “Hmm.” She pretended to look thoughtful. “Is there a tiara involved?”

  “You’d have to check with Emma and Serena, but I suspect there might be.”

  “What if it gets tangled in my hair?” She gestured at her long, loose curls that had exploded out of their bun some time between the gunshot and now.

  “That’s a risk you’d have to take.”

  She couldn’t imagine their lives together. It was such a huge leap from all-powerful boss and clueless ferret-carrying admin to… “Wait a second. Is this why you had them move me into your house? Is that where we’re going to live?”

  “Where we’re going to live. I like the sound of that. And you have to admit, it does make sense.”

  “My animals are probably wondering where I am. It must be getting close to dinner. I suspect they want to keep you here, but do you think they’ll let me observe you myself instead of using all these annoying machines?” She gestured at the monitors hooked up to him.”

  “I’m going to take the risk of declaring myself fully recovered.” He peeled off a sensor that was taped to his chest. “But we still have a problem. I’m finding you as evasive as some of my most prickly and difficult defendants. Are you ever going to answer my question?”

  Bella bit her lip. Was it really possible? Could she marry Rigo and live happily ever after? The situation was fraught with pitfalls—neither of them knew what would happen with her father, and unlike Emma and Serena, who were effortlessly elegant and poised at all times, she wasn’t really cut out to be a royal bride.

  But could she ever be happy again if she didn’t?

  “Would it be okay if we had a long engagement so we can be sure we’re not both crazy?”

  He stared at her for a moment, then a smile creased his mouth. “I think that could be arranged.”

  “I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m questioning your sanity right now, but you’re a grown man—and a very intelligent one at that—so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Especially since I’ve also fallen madly in love with you.”

  “Thank God.” She watched Rigo’s chest heave, then he took her in his arms and enveloped her in a kiss so long and hard that she saw stars and started to wonder if maybe she’d been hit on the head as well.

  When they finally parted he looked long and hard into her eyes. “I love you.”

  Her chest swelled with joy. “I’m still wondering if you’re going to recover from this head injury and take it all back, but I really do love you, too.” She realized they’d been left alone a long time. “Where’s your family?”

  “I told them to go home and give me some time alone with you.” Mischief shone in his eyes.

  “Once again you exhibit an alarming level of self-confidence.”

  “It’s one of my best assets.” He shot her a cheeky grin that heated her insides.

  “You forgot one thing: Our car isn’t drivable due to being filled with broken glass and other evidence.”

  “Not to worry. I had Darias arrange for another to be brought to the hospital.”

  “What if someone tries to shoot us on the way home?”

  “This one has bulletproof glass so we’ll continue on our merry way.”

  “How are you so cool and composed in every situation?”

  “Royal blood.” He winked.

  They found the bulletproof SUV outside, being guarded by security staff, who also followed them home, one car driving in front of them and one behind them. Rigo spent much of the drive on the phone following the progress of the Altaleone police arresting all members of the Cross of Blood and some of their associates. Bella drove, wondering if she was going to wake up from this dream and laugh at herself for believing it.

  The animals were beside themselves when they finally arrived home. They ran around Rigo and jumped up on him, the dogs barking and the cats purring and even Squiggles making his excited squeaky noise. She put Sapphire on her shoulder, then let Pepe out of his cage and let him flap around in the great hall downstairs. “I don’t think they’ll believe me if I tell them we get to live here for good.”

  “They’ll discover it day by day as they settle in here and get used to it. And we can build some nice outdoor enclosures for them.”

  “I was oohing and aahing over the walled garden when I visited here before the wedding. That’s the perfect place for them to roam. And there’s plenty of room for more animals.” She snuck a glance at Rigo. “Are you okay with my animal sanctuary being right here or do you want me to keep the animals somewhere else?”

  He looked confused. “How would we take care of them if they’re somewhere else? There are five hundred acres of pasture and woods. You could rescue every animal in Altaleone if you wanted.”

  She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “It’s too perfect. I’m not used to that.”

  “Don’t worry, stuff will go wrong.” He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “And we’ll figure out how to fix it together.”

  She rested her head against his chest and let her weight sink into him for a moment, while Sapphire climbed from her shoulder onto Rigo’s. For the first time in…maybe her whole life, she felt like she could rely on someone for support. It still felt too good to be true, but she decided to go with it.

  The next day at the palace, Rigo announced their engagement to the rest of the family, who seemed to have magically all gathered there for lunch. Rigo suspected the female Leones of anticipating the need for a party and silently admired their intuition. The women couldn’t hide their excitement, and Darias, Sandro, and Lorenzo clapped Rigo on the back and congratulated him on joining the club.

  After they’d toasted with champagne, Rigo had to get down to business. “Darias, has Gibran questioned the Cross of Blood members?”

  “Yes, and they’re falling like dominoes. All of them admit to taking large payouts from an account that’s disbursed tax-free profits for hundreds of years in secret. While none of them has directly accused anyone of the murder, they all fingered Artelgard Vernis as the mastermind behind their activities.”

  A thrill of satisfaction warmed him. Francine had thought she’d overheard his father talking about Maurice, but perhaps it was Vernis—the name sounded similar when pronounced in her accent. Vernis was from an ancient Altaleone family with several unprofitable vineyards and a lavish lifestyle. “What did Artelgard Vernis say?”

  Sandro chimed in. “He said Darias had ordered the murder of his father and grandmother so he could be king.”

  Rigo stared. “You’re kidding me.”

  Darias lifted a brow. “I think you all know me better than that.”

  “We do,” said Rigo with a sigh. “So it looks like we have our man. Have you frozen
the funds?”

  “It’s underway. And I intend for the funds to be transferred to Altaleone, where they will become part of the public trust and fund schools and roads and our future, rather than just lining the pockets of a few rich aristocrats for centuries.”

  “What’s the plan for the Cross of Blood members?” Out of the corner of his eye Rigo could see Bella tensing.

  “We’ll have to determine which were involved in the murders, and they’ll be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. For those involved only in the financial transactions, we’re thinking a hefty amount of community service might be appropriate.”

  Rigo glanced at Bella and saw her eyes brighten. He couldn’t quite imagine her father planting daffodils in the public square or picking up trash after the summer concerts, but it would certainly be better than prison.

  “And the sniper who shot at us?”

  “In custody. He’s not talking but we’re looking for the source of funds that entered his bank account yesterday. Signs point to Artelgard Vernis again.”

  “I want to talk to him?” Rigo wanted to question him.

  “Good. I have a feeling that once you square off with him he’ll tell us everything.”

  “That’s my plan.”

  Lina pressed her hands together. “Do you think we’ll really have peace again after so long?”

  “Yes, Mama, I really believe we will,” said Darias. “And the millions—possibly billions—stashed away in the secret account, will help ensure a bright future for everyone in Altaleone. Now all I have to do is convince Rigo to stay here to be our attorney general.”

  “Good luck with that,” quipped Beatriz.

  “Funny you should mention it,” said Rigo, with a sly glance at Bella. “But Bella and I are planning to stay here so I find myself in need of a new job.”

  “You’re moving back to Altaleone?” Lina’s eyes widened.

  “Bella has important work to do saving all the animals in Europe. I couldn’t interfere with that. And there’s a lot of human rights work to do here.”


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