The Bullet That Killed The World

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The Bullet That Killed The World Page 12

by Alling, Pavel

  and has enough fuel to get to Arizona.”

  “How you say, Frank! You do not go telling me now that you know to drive one of those, do you?”

  Brown you raised an eyebrow and drew a smile on his thick lips.

  They entered a dirt road, though in truth, were more stones than anything else. One of the men suggested not to go ahead for fear that a tire was to break. In situations like these they should think of everything. Frank agreed despite relying on the strength of one military truck. The men waited and saw him enter a barn. Fortunately, he found two fuel cans and a helmet with lenses which wind. In the distance, he made signs to give turned and followed the course. The driver turned back and said:

  “Raise your hand which they think the boss is crazy.”

  All soldiers raised their hands, and even the old and the child also raised their hands with smiles.

  The truck started walking and a few minutes later, they saw the plane appear. They rejoiced with howls when he left the ground. It was the first time that Frank furrowed the air under his own command. However, promising to return with an answer or a we- ll-aimed bullet was stronger than vertigo or failure of the landing.

  After a few hours, he went down near the camp in the middle of desert dust. He was presented with the rank and identification. Entrenched they asked to review the kit and noticed that one of the vials containing the blood had opened.

  “Got damn, I should leave the lid a little loose! She exclaimed angrily.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, you must leave the perimeter or be forced to

  open fire,” they threatened soldiers Arizona.

  “Really, I have flown on that device to get here, and now they

  tell me to leave or shoot me? Is that what I heard?”

  “He must understand, sir. We are one of the few free zone’s

  contagions, and the distance between the city and desert this

  point, it is difficult for an infected can get here.”

  “And the supplies?”

  “A unlike you, we have everything under control. Now it is better to take the plane and go to a safe place.”

  Frank felt humiliated. But the core of Arizona was right. Open blood sample that represented a potential danger. As much as the idea of seeing refused to join the apocalyptic Cadet army would doubt until the blood was examined or until he checked with his own eyes. The truth was that he had promised to return, so filling the fuel tank, started the engine and returned frustrated.

  It was getting dark. It flew over much of the state of Arizona. They are only saw off the streets and abandoned cars in cities. In contrast to the fall of the sun, he saw in the distance a fire that devoured it whole forests. They were no humans to douse the flames. Only a handful of walking corpses looked on the avenues. From the height, the field of vision was broader, and therefore more extensive was the pain of knowing that whole families had disappeared under the influence of the worst viruses known so far. Worst of all, he had painted black blood of the people, who had brought silence to the parks, which left the flags hung at half mast, empty markets and airports without people. Which, in real life, America was consuming at such a rapid pace that soon,

  The last thing you lose is hope, this time, that feeling was ba- thed in black tears. Still, Frank had promised to give an answer to his friend left in the house; armed, but abandoned.

  “How’s it going over there?”

  “Hey, Frank, what joy you call me! To this garbage you are running the battery.”

  “Don’t worry, I have the results of laboratory,” lied. “And?”

  “Easy cowboy, you’re not a zombie.”

  Cadet felt the desolation in the voice of his boss and asked: “If I’m not undead future, why do I feel so dull?”

  Tan was silent for a moment and then told the truth.

  “Sorry. One sample came open, and I was not allowed access to the camp.”

  “Shit.” He cried without encouragingly. “Neglected, at least you tried.”

  “Hey! That does not mean anything. Have you had any pain?

  Feeling dizzy? Do you have abdominal discomfort or headaches?”


  “What room of the house you find?” “I’m sitting in the dining room.” “And the body?”

  “I suppose you still in the same room.”

  “Stop your jokes and check to see if you closed the door at least. This reduces the risk of contamination.”

  Cadet went to the room and peered cautiously. Having to see the damn zombie was a nightmare. It looked a little head, and then half body. He made a gesture of astonishment and reviewed the facts in his mind. I could not believe what I was seeing or rather what was not watching.

  “Frank, do you hear me?” He whispered near the radio speaker. “What occur, Cadet?

  “The dead is not here.”

  “What the hell are you telling me?!”

  “What you heard. Damn he is not in the room he said quietly as he searched elsewhere in the house.

  “How is it possible, Cadet?”

  “I do not know. You saw yourself on the floor after shot him

  three times in the face. “Through a pillow.”

  “Of course, I not want to scare the kid, let alone, blood spla- ttered everywhere.”

  “I’m not questioning. I’m just saying that maybe the shots were not lethal. It seems impossible that the creature has been lifted.”

  “Well he did... Oh!... But still,” breathed calmer. “I just find him lying in front of the fireplace in the room.”

  “Phew! What a relief!”

  “You want me to separate her head from his body?”

  “It is not necessary. Just observe the parts where the shots

  were cast.”

  “Frank, the damned has broken cheekbones and lower jaw.” “You see? If one of the bullets had pierced his brain, he’d be

  where you left off.”

  “The truth, I do not think you get out of here... Wait, I think I moved!”

  “What you say?”

  “The zombie is alive, Frank!” He exclaimed in horror.

  “What are you waiting for? Cover your nose and download a couple shots of head bummer! And this time make sure you stay where he is. It’s an order, Cadet!... Damn! I want to hear those shots now! Cadet! You receive me? Cadet!... Shit son responds! Cadet! CADET!!!

  Frank landed with difficulty in a football field, taking pieces of a fence completely stopped the plane. On both sides, a crowd of walking dead attracted by the noise was coming. They were too many. Tan drew up a plan to exterminate the mass. The idea was

  to wait just enough to escape a few meters, then shoot the fuel tank of the plane. That way, he calculated the distance between them and especially that of his own escape. He jumped, walked away, and as he turned the gun in his hand, noticed that men Z made her screen in front of the firing point. He moved to one side trying to find a space to make visible those convicted were burning on the football field, but zombies chasing him in their direction. To top, not run with uniform pitch. Some were moving faster than others, and thus impossible to blow them up, because it was clear that yes, to that agglomeration of grimy wanted to see engulfed in flames. I had already raised, and when Frank planted an idea in his mind, nothing could start from there. He again approached the plane, and with a high-risk maneuver, passed be- tween some of them. The nearest raised their arms, and clearly saw how they left a greenish foam at the mouth. He again approa- ched the plane, and with a high-risk maneuver, passed between some of them. The nearest raised their arms, and clearly saw how they left a greenish foam at the mouth. He again approached the plane, and with a high-risk maneuver, passed between some of them. The nearest raised their arms, and clearly saw how they left a greenish foam at the mouth.

  He finally managed to form a mass close enough. Gun ready, he traced the trajectory of the bullets in his mind and did not even notice find a place to hide behind. He fired consecutively until the f
uel tank ignited, to cause brutal explosion. Energy expansion drove Frank’s body back. In the event, he puts in fetal position and the head jacket covered. When the fragments of the plane and the rocks stopped falling, he looked to measure the effective- ness of your plan.

  His face loomed inevitable smile when he saw the men Z engulfed in flames. The scene was a nightmare. These creatures walked with the covered body of fire, like walking torches. Under the light of the plane, he saw progress, still in search, with outs- tretched arms, but the flames prevented them face a clear vision, and the smell of burning flesh the completely disoriented. The fire melted her legs, and fell slowly asphyxiated and the charred


  Before they stopped completely, he noticed that some of them complained, moaned; You could say that cried out in pain. Per- haps it was his imagination or stunning explosion, but I could swear that a small group experienced the suffering of his final death. Could it be that the men kept a petal Z humanity in the thorny garden of your mind? Is it possible that a corner of his brain had not given way to the virus? If this was true, there was only one way to find out. He must find Rachel Hayes.

  He shook his head and reminded the Cadet. He ran back and not look back. At every step, he felt the darkness engulfed him as if seep through a tunnel that leads to death. The idea of taking your phone to locate the house where the Cadet was not good. The display light could attract more of those creatures. He was lost. He looked for an open space and looked around. He turned on the phone inside his jacket with minimum brightness and fi- nally got the location of the house with the lights off completely.

  “Cadet,” he whispered. “Are you there? Cadet…”

  Suddenly, he heard a grotesque noise. Tan said blind pupils dilated like a cat in the dark. He begged to hear that voice again hit by whirlwinds. With the other hand, carefully he palpated sur- faces and gripped a glass ashtray. He held his breath a few seconds and all he heard were his fast heartbeat. He threw the ashtray forces and, after the impact, again heard the voice unfortunate. No doubt it was one of those damn converted. He wondered if there was one, two, or more, as in the football field. It could be the zombie with his face broken by gunfire ... O Cadet. Not impossible. He had not gone long enough. But then what the hell had happened to his friend? Immersed in the sea of questions, he noticed footsteps coming towards you.Frank did not want to be surprised by a blow, let alone a bite, so before finally get out of that damn house, he shouted with all his might:


  But nobody responded.

  Chapter 10. The refined art of deception.

  Hurricane warning. Florida, United States.

  The reality is that when things go wrong, they can get worse. Florida was on alert for a hurricane landfall in less than a day, with wind gusts over 306 km / h. Its devastation was total in some Ca- ribbean islands, killing a total of 65 lives and leaving many families homeless. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and eastern Cuba remained without electricity. Nature fought against man and man against converts.

  Despite the colossal meteor, not Florida residents left their homes as before. Actually, he had more fear of contamination than a thousand storms together, and claimed that they preferred drowning to be infected. The idea of any inhabitant was literally struck by lightning that before being turned into one of those things wandering in the streets.

  Unfortunately, time ran its course, and the colossal hurricane lashed out mercilessly against the southern coast of the United States. Sea level rose, causing waves up to 3.5 meters and 30 cen- timeters of rain were recorded. Florida was flooded, landslide and worsened the conditions of the state. The authorities did not dis- close the total number of victims because among the numerous bodies found, most were human beings who had died earlier.

  Inexplicable how many had arrived there. Rivers of mud ran down the road with the bodies of zombies drowned and des- troyed by the scourges of fallen trees during the storm. It seemed crazy, but a massive group of Cuban dissidents were preparing their boats to sail her home country. The story went around, only this time it was not political, but to save his own skin. But before

  starting the engine of the boat, the rumor spread like wildfire, and the Government of Cuba said it would take the measures necessary to prevent entry of any citizen from the United States.

  The country of freedom became a prison. Nobody came and nobody out. After the giant cyclops, inland disintegrated leaving the imprint of his anger atmospheric embedded in the southern region, local emergency service requested direct support to the White House; but the president refused when Florida was de- clared in yellow zone due to the number of men Z that came to light after the storm. The press raised his voice again reigned believed that pollution in the environment.

  “Every dawn one morning this world is less for hope, love and humanity.”

  And they tore the news the next day. United States of America were shown as a defeated team without support from the stands. The fear was so great that the Z banned from writing in red ink. Television and international press mercilessly attacked the nor- thern nation, referring to them as -Zombies States of America-. It was the first time I went against humanity itself, but this war was different. A virus entered the body to return as a killing machine, with the worst weapon of all: the suppression of fear. People were locked in their homes and gradually, they were turning off the lights in their lamps, their hopes and their faith.

  Dr. Rachel Hayes was aware of what happened. He spent more time watching news working. He pondered the possibility of reversing what has happened, or if someone would be able to create the ultimate vaccine virus Z. Miller told him that, in those days, had received an e-mail from the president himself. The head of state asked about the issue of cold chambers in Iceberg. Con- cern was poured in that case to bring alive the frozen bodies. But Miller sent them to hell, him and his beautiful presidential family.

  “Did you lose your head?” Reproached Rachel.

  “Lose money, lose my mind.”

  “You can lose whatever, but do interests me to stay with elec- tricity Iceberg!” She cried thinking about Samantha. “You’ll apo- logize and tell him that we are working on a vaccine.”

  “No do this thing!”

  “Oh yeah! Yes, you will, or will not see me more or your dau- ghter! “She cried the strings detuned on the staff of pain.”

  “Do not you see the news? Here we talk about the end of humanity in America.”

  “I do not care! Iceberg has to stay on.”

  Miller was impressed. For the first time he saw her with that heartrending attitude, like a wild beast whose breeding is threa- tened, precisely, that it was.

  Rachel’s mind had reached a point of no return. That’s when he got the worst of ideas. His power was as brutal as the event horizon of a black hole. On his head he was struck by the utter darkness, and decided to go further.

  Rachel was plunged into a deep sleep, as if to make up every night he had invested in saving his daughter. In his slumber, he felt someone tugging at the sheets, exposing her legs. You were a smooth leg, blond hair. She began to feel excited when those hands stroked her inner thighs, where it is warmer. Panties were completely separated from his body and kissed her lips pubic area. The extreme pleasure when touched prodigious hands kneaded her breast. He exposed his neck to the unknown lover faint brea- thing. He felt the taste butt reveled in single touch, and the proof was in the circle movement of her hips. Finally, slightly she arched her back when he was possessed, and legs were opened in a su- blime angle, like scissors. Then he opened his eyes to recognize the face of who was at his mercy. It was impossible that such a creature had the gift of fully satisfy the desires of a woman. What he saw he was not expected. The first were those colorless eyes, sunk in an abyss between high cheekbones and a cracked front. Veins and arteries, as rotten roots, he furrowed his neck. Black and

  uncontrollable tongue moved from side to side near those big, ye- llow teeth with t
races of rotting flesh. sunk in an abyss between high cheekbones and a cracked front. Veins and arteries, as ro- tten roots, he furrowed his neck. Black and uncontrollable tongue moved from side to side near those big, yellow teeth with traces of rotting flesh. sunk in an abyss between high cheekbones and a cracked front. Veins and arteries, as rotten roots, he furrowed his neck. Black and uncontrollable tongue moved from side to side near those big, yellow teeth with traces of rotting flesh.

  For some reason, Rachel felt no revulsion at such a being nau- seous, so he said soothingly:

  “Love, I go for your medicine.”

  The zombie stood still. She pushed him off carefully to avoid tearing more flesh. Rachel sat on the bed, hair settled down and pulled the nightstand a box with a drug. It was a capsule half cen- timeter long, with a blue sky and the other half of an attenuated red. In the center the letter Z, glossy black appreciated.

  Rachel made her swallow the medicine of the living dead. The converted was lying on some pillows, staring at the ceiling. The blond-haired doctor stood up and walked naked to the bathroom. Soon to feel the warm water sliding over her body, burning him calcined whole being. She wiped her face quickly and perceived skin burns. Almost crawling, he came with twisted legs. With work, he came to bed and when he looked up above the horizon of the mattress, saw that the zombie had consumed so much that was only covered a few very dry tissues. But the strangest thing was that among the bones of the skeleton, had sprung a small garden of wilted flowers. He moved enough to raise her skin, still wet around the body. She hugged him half dead ocher piece of nature and felt very cold. Later, she heard her own heartbeat away, and the light in his eyes disappeared, but before surrendering, saw the flowers recover the color, as when it is spring.


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