The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2 Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh


  Where do we get succulent fruit from; scores of raspberry attached to fresh green leaves,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the tall and finely corrugated tree.

  Where do we get flocculent wool from; clusters of fur curled up in bountiful heaps,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the rotund and blissful mountain sheep.

  Where do we get salt from; tones of white powder to impregnate favor to our meals,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the magnanimous

  and turbulently swirling ocean.

  Where do we get milk from; immaculate curd dribbling to consume; for blissfully commencing every morning,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the sacrosanct and robust cow.

  Where do we get glistening leather from; sleazy chunks of cloth to make our pocket purses,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the slithering and tantalizing reptile.

  Where do we get scintillating pearls from; impeccable jewels untouched by adulteration,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the delectably molded shell of oyster.

  Where do we get loads of illumination from; dazzling rays to fumigate the profusely moistened earth,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than celestial body of the blazing Sun.

  Where do we get mesmerizing fragrance from; gorgeous scent profoundly besieging our nostrils,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the crimson colored and dew drop coated lotus.

  Where do we get rain from; pelting globules of liquid blended with streaks of white lightning,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the colossal expanse of the ominously black sky.

  Where do we get bountiful blessings from; tones of unsurpassable success in every sphere of life which we undertake,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the omniscient Almighty.

  Where do we get insurmountable love from; the exuberant spirit in life to contentedly exist,

  The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the impeccable beloved.

  And where do we get an outlet to uninhibitedly express our emotions; informally blurt out the most inconspicuous problem of our mind,

  The answer to this is as ubiquitous as ever; for it is none other than the divine mother.


  Lunch boxes filled with spicy delicacy,  

  Children dressed in neat uniform,  

  Stitched badges identifying institution,  

  Spacious coarse bags filled with textbook volumes,  

  On innocuous shoulders of budding youth,  

  Polished footwear projecting from cream pant,  

  Shoelace tied in immaculate fashion,  

  Plaits of hair brushed with coconut oil,  

  Red tie dangling from shirt collar,  

  Secured to shirt cloth with metal cufflinks,  

  Luminous watch dial displaying scrupulous time,  

  Elastic socks of white conclude attire,  

  As scores of children boarded the school bus. 

  Shouts of laughter, chorused rhymes,  

  Plodding of feet, biting of nails,  

  Twinkling smiles, comic faces full of glee,  

  The children were having a gala time,  

  With dead drunk driver hands on steering wheel,  

  Flashing demon smiles through rear view glass,  

  Meeting personal frustration on gas pedal,  

  As the bus sky rocketed into daylight,  

  Leaving whirlwinds of dust behind,  

  Swerving wildly like an African panther,  

  Ultimately crashing into the wrought iron posts,  

  Marking the outlines of river bridge,  

  Shouts of ecstasy transited to breathless horror,  

  Metal screeched against solid concrete,  

  Multiseater bus took a hundred feet plunge,  

  Chorused rhyme converted to imprisoned cries,  

  As innocent lives plummeted into the ghastly waters,  

  Eventually drowning into the savage waters of the Amazon

  23. 9 MONTHS 

  9 months of painstaking labor, 

  9 months of confinement in Luke warm recesses of womb, 

  9 months of parasitic nourishment from mother food, 

  9 months of luxury cushioning in chambers of slime, 

  9 months of oblivion from vagaries of life, 

  9 months of proximity with rich mass of intestine, 

  9 months of blissful sleep sheltered from light, 

  9 months of swim in bountiful fluid encapsulating body, 

  9 months of gentle caress by her hands occasionally gliding over inflated part of her belly, 

  9 months of complete suspension in elastic skin pouch, 

  9 months of developing skin and formation of calcium bone, 

  9 months of perpetual ecstasy moving tiny legs and hands, 

  9 months of incessant heat ensuring future health, 

  9 months of carrier comfort in perambulators of flesh, 

  9 months of pitch dark existence with blurred premonitions of beautiful mother, 

  9 months of perspiration blending profusely with gastric juice, 

  9 months of anxious wait for an encounter with all living and created, 

  the time is up; multiple day wait seems concluded, 

  dazzling light of the sun blinds me in entirety, 

  compassionate soft hands of my mother raise me to the Almighty, 

  as I open my eyes; emit my first incoherent scream, 

  silencing worldly commotion with innocent cries of fresh birth.


  It doesn't matter at all if you didn’t clamber up the corporate ladder to success; prepared appetizing food in the domestic kitchen instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t earn exorbitant heaps of money; waited with a glimmer of hope in your eyes for your husband to arrive back from office instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t pioneer spurious conferences; relaxed in the blissful shades of the lawns; catering to each plant with astronomical love and empathy instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t march towards work at electric pace 9 'O' clock every morning; profoundly engrossed yourself in meticulously cleaning the entire household instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t surf the web for hours on the trot chatting with Business magnates; acerbically scolded the Milkman for not delivering milk on time instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t enter the bank ever in your life; busied yourself safeguarding and refurbishing your husbands assets at home instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t adorn glamorous clothes and an ocean of ostentatious scent; handsomely chopped a plethora of vegetables for afternoon lunch


  It doesn’t really matter if you didn’t speak in bombastic English all day; recited sacrosanct hymns in front of the deity you worshipped instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t wander in and out of sleazy restaurants to entertain a bunch of baseless clients; nostalgically browsed through the collection of your childhood photographs instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t use pompous interjections like "sorry"; "excuse me"; "thank you", "please"; every minute; merrily played with scores of infants seated on the golden sands instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t change cars as frequently as your clothes; molded toys of delectable clay to amuse those orphaned instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t blow your entire life in extravagant clouds of cigarette smoke; narrated enchanting stories to
your entire family at late night; to ease off their tensions and put them off to tranquil sleep instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t function like clock work all throughout the day; meeting a series of deadlines, fantasized about making this Universe a paradise to

  live and exist instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t use manipulative jargons in your speech; displayed pure passion in your eyes to help your counterparts and siblings instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t bark orders in your sonorous voice to your team of snobbish compatriots; engaged yourself splendidly knitting for your grandchildren instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t drink inebriating pegs of scintillating whisky in the

  contemporary bar; fed your pet cat with loads of rich cream and milk affectionately instead,

  It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t have contacts spread all over awaiting to execute your every command at the mere tap of your finger; satisfied yourself tremendously in bathing your children clean of their incorrigible dirt instead,

  And It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t achieve any target in your life; didn’t earn even a single penny of your own irrespective of your age; remained a complete recluse without intermingling the slightest with the pompous society,

  As I would still "consider you the mortal greatest " dear biological mother ;  for

  bearing me 9 months in your belly; evolving me to admire all the beauty that philandered in this world; making me capable of confronting any difficulty that

  came my way; and granting me the privilege to enjoy all that I was today


  I wanted to have breakfast on the Himalayas; profoundly admiring and captivated by the brilliant morning light,

  I wanted to perform yogic exercise; sit with my legs crossed in blissful meditation on the 100th floor of the colossal building,

  I wanted to breathe whirlwinds of exotic air; wholesomely engulfed by twinkling stars of the sky and the enigma of the night,

  I wanted to dance exuberantly under the scintillating moon; swaying my body rhythmically with the mystical tunes of air,

  I wanted to masticate succulent chunks of raspberry; in an ambience of dense shrub and enchanting wilderness of the mountain,

  I wanted to drink gallons of reinvigorating water; standing at the base of the virgin chain of corrugated rocks,

  I wanted to witness my reflection in the mesmerizing eyes of the angel; drown profusely and forever into the ocean of empathy she radiated,

  I wanted to laugh standing in the midst of the steep gorge; hearing each giggle reverberate boundless number of times before striking me back in the ear,

  I wanted to perspire lazing on the grass; with the majestic rays of the Sun fomenting globules of golden sweat to trickle down my skin,

  I wanted to write while seated royally on the cocoon of pearly clouds; metamorphosing each fantasy of mine into a perpetual reality,

  I wanted to run along with the battalion of Kangaroos; picking up spurts of speed and expending every iota of power lingering in my leg,

  I wanted to give orders sitting on the Princely cushion; seeing to it that the entire nation was prudently synchronized and listened to even the most minuscule of my commands,

  I wanted to play incessantly with the dolphins; fondle their ravishing snouts to feel entrenched with waves of unprecedented excitement,

  I wanted to sketch and paint seated on the deck of the ship; stroking the barren sheet of canvas with resplendent shades of enamoring color,

  I wanted to violently fight in the heart of the pugnacious battlefield; brandishing a shimmering sword in my palms; and an overwhelming ardor to conquer sunk deep into my blood,

  I wanted to bathe in a tank of pure honey; allowing it to trickle tantalizingly through each pore of my skin,

  I wanted to dig a tunnel prolifically embedded with pearls; savor the opulence and glow that emanated as my pickaxe burrowed a way of its own,

  I wanted to pray diligently to the creator; in a century old temple hidden handsomely within the murky camouflage of the dispersed coconut trees,

  I wanted to love for fathomless times in the lap of my beloved; intermingling each breath of hers; each heart beat of hers that arose; completely with mine,

  And in the end I wanted to sleep; rest in blissful silence far away and oblivious to the tensions of this world; escaping all death and pain; escaping all evil and satanically dark; breathing deeply and feeling invincibly secure; clinging tightly to the body of my



  We welcome you with tears of unprecedented empathy in our eyes; wishing you tumultuous luck and success in your future life to unveil,

  We welcome you with ardor in our rubicund tongues; blessing you with sacrosanct hymns that diffused from our mouths,

  We welcome you with the blistering intensity in our blood; earnestly wanting you to rise to the most astronomical limits in your life,

  We welcome you with the passion profusely embedded in our bones; insatiably desire that you keep living blissfully without the slightest of scratch to your scalp,

  We welcome you with uninhibited love in our hearts; ardently wanting to wholesomely blend your beats with ours,

  We welcome you with our open arms open like the colossal sky; imparting your persona with all the love that we could ever savor or salvage on the circumference of this planet,

  We welcome you with profound feelings lingering deep down our soul; fighting till our last breath to wade away even the most tiniest shadow of evil from around your impeccable demeanor,

  We welcome you with compassionate smiles engulfing our lips; deluging your future with bountiful spurts of laughter,

  We welcome you with overwhelming exuberance in our minds; with an inexorable propensity to enlighten every moment of your life to unveil,

  We welcome you with fathomless gifts sandwiched in our palms; hoisting you up and down in the air; umpteenth number of times,

  We welcome you with unprecedented mysticism in our voices; blessing you by singing all the divinely prayers we had imbibed till the present time,

  We welcome you with clusters of silken sheets and pillows on the floor; an insurmountable yearning in our pulse to make you feel wholesomely at home,

  We welcome you with a festoon of ingratiatingly scented flowers in our fists; showering them delectably over the innocuous contours of your new born face,

  We welcome you with a profusely enamoring charm in our visage; tickling you playfully in your softly molded ribs,

  We welcome you with boundlessly effusive feeling in our chests; casting on your quota of good luck on your spell binding and heavenly form,

  We welcome you with the spirit of magnanimous sacrifice embodied in our philanthropic bodies; supporting and propelling you to move forward with all the power we possessed in our entity, 

  We welcome you with a nostalgic longing in our countenance; transporting ourselves way back into innocent childhood; cuddling you indefatigably in our palms,

  We welcome you with all the warmth that we had amalgamated in the tenure of our short lives; disseminating it benevolently for your's as well as the prosperous growth of; several other children of your kind,

  And in return to all this we don’t want even the slightest of favor from your side; our only request to you is to call us "Mother" just once perhaps in your entire lifetime; making us more happy than God could ever have been; making us forget that we could never ever have our own blood; an entity whom we could address as our very own child.


  Never snatch the Omnipotent Sun; from the fathomless expanse of mesmerizing

  blue sky,

  Never snatch the poignantly ravishing salt; from the belly of the tantalizingly undulating ocean,

  Never snatch the triumphantly scintillating tip; from the gorgeously invincib
le silhouette of the gigantic mountain,

  Never snatch robustly crimson blood; from the boundless conglomerate of intricately bustling veins,

  Never snatch the boisterously humming bee; from the heart of the resplendently blossoming flower; philandering merrily with the exuberant breeze,

  Never snatch the rhapsodically ebullient melody; from the victoriously drifting and tantalizing breeze, Never snatch the immaculately Heavenly Moon; from the voluptuously titillating wilderness of the enchanting night,

  Never snatch the vibrantly flamboyant wings; from the majestically soaring and uninhibitedly innocuous bird,

  Never snatch the thunderously impregnable roar; from the throat of the royally ferocious and unequivocally supreme Lion,

  Never snatch celestially ingratiating innocence; from the impeccably frolicking and pristinely princely child,


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