Sentient beings therein are innumerable:
Showing great spiritual powers, he conquers them all.
The Buddha’s spiritual powers are unhindered;
He sits under all the enlightenment trees in the ten directions
And expounds the truth like a cloud filling everywhere:
Jewel Topknot, hearing this, does not oppose.
The Buddha did various practices in the past,
Universally purifying great means of transcendence,
Giving offerings to all the enlightened:
This the Swift king deeply believes.
In each pore of the Buddha
Boundless practices are shown in an instant;
Such is the realm of Buddhahood:
Adorned by Nonregression clearly sees all.
The Buddha’s boundless wisdom light
Can destroy the net of ignorance and illusion,
Saving all beings in all worlds:
This is the teaching held by Stable Light.
The citadel of truth is immense, endless;
Its gates are various and uncountable—
The Buddha, in the world, opens them wide:
Here Beautiful Crown Topknot clearly enters.
All the Buddhas are one reality body—
True suchness, equal, without distinctions;
The Buddha always abides through this power:
Immediate Manifestation Everywhere can fully expound this.
The Buddha in the past saved beings in all realms,
Shining light throughout the world,
Teaching and taming by various means:
This supreme teaching Ocean Surveyor realizes.
The Buddha sees all lands
All resting on the ocean of doing,
And rains the rain of truth on them all:
Dragon Sound’s liberation is like this.
Furthermore, the titan king Rahula found the door of liberation of appearing as the honored leader of the masses. Bhimacitta found the door of liberation making countless eons manifest. The titan king Skillful Magical Arts found the door of liberation extinguishing the sufferings of all sentient beings and purifying them. The titan king Great Following found the door of liberation of self-adornment by cultivation of all ascetic practices. The titan king Bhandhi found the door of liberation causing boundless realms in the ten directions to quake. The titan king Universal Shining found the door of liberation of securely establishing all sentient beings by various techniques. The titan king Wonderful Adornment of Firm Action found the door of liberation of everywhere gathering unbreakable roots of goodness and clearing away all attachments. The titan king Vast Causal Wisdom found the door of liberation of leadership with great compassion free from confusion. The titan king Manifesting Supreme Virtue found the door of liberation causing all to see the Buddhas, serve, make offerings, and cultivate roots of goodness. The titan king Good Sound found the door of liberation of the practice of sure equanimity entering into all states of being.
At that time the titan king Rahula, imbued with the power of the Buddha, looked over all the titans and said in verse,
In all the great masses in the ten directions,
The Buddha is most unique among them.
The radiance of his light is equal to space,
Appearing before all sentient beings.
Billions of eons’ buddha-lands
Clearly appear in an instant;
Shedding light, he edifies beings everywhere:
This Bhimacitta praises with joy.
The realm of Buddhahood has no compare—
With various teachings he is always giving aid,
Annihilating beings’ pains of existence:
King Kumara can see this.
Practicing austerities for countless eons,
He aids sentient beings and purifies the worlds;
Thereby is the Sage’s wisdom universally perfected:
Herein does Great Following see the Buddha.
Unhindered, incomparable great mystic powers
Move all lands in the ten directions
Without causing sentient beings to fear:
Great Power can understand this.
The Buddha appears in the world to save the living,
Revealing the way of complete knowledge,
Causing all to give up suffering and attain peace and bliss:
This teaching Universal Shining expounds.
The ocean of blessings in the world
Buddha’s power can produce and purify;
Buddha can show the realm of liberation:
Adornment of Firm Action enters this door.
Unequaled is the Buddha’s body of compassion,
Extending everywhere, unhindered, causing all to see,
Like a reflection appearing in the world:
Causal Wisdom can express this quality.
Rare, incomparable great mystic powers
Manifest bodies everywhere throughout the cosmos,
Each sitting under a tree of enlightenment:
Superior Qualities can explain the meaning of this.
The Buddha has cultivated practices for all times,
Having passed through every state of existence.
Liberating sentient beings from distress.
This is praised by the King Good Sound.
Furthermore, the day spirit Displaying Palaces found the door of liberation entering into all worlds. The day spirit Bringing Forth the Fragrance of Wisdom found the door of liberation observing all sentient beings, helping and benefiting them all, causing them to be happy and content. The day spirit Delighting in Superb Adornments found the door of liberation emanating boundless pleasing light beams. The day spirit Exquisite Light of Fragrant Flowers found the door of liberation arousing the pure faith and understanding of boundless sentient beings. The day spirit Everywhere Collecting Marvelous Herbs found the door of liberation of power to assemble and array all-pervading lights. The day spirit Liking to Make Joyful Eyes found the door of liberation universally enlightening all sentient beings whether they be suffering or happy, and causing them to realize the enjoyment of truth. The day spirit Observing the Directions and Appearing Everywhere found the door of liberation of different bodies of the worlds in the ten directions. The day spirit Majestic Power of Great Compassion found the door of liberation saving all sentient beings and making them peaceful and happy. The day spirit Radiance of Goodness found the door of liberation of the power to produce the virtues of joy and contentment in every way. The day spirit Garland of Beautiful Flowers found the door of liberation of universal renown and bringing benefit to all who see.
At that time the day spirit Displaying Palaces, imbued with the power of the Buddha, surveyed all the day spirits and said in verse,
The Buddha’s knowledge is like space; it has no end.
His light shines throughout the ten directions.
He knows the mental patterns of all sentient beings.
There is no world he does not enter.
Knowing what pleases all sentient beings,
He expounds an ocean of teachings, according to suitability;
The expressions and meanings, great and far-reaching, are not the same:
Complete Wisdom can perceive them all.
Buddha radiates light illumining the world;
Those who see it rejoice without fail—
It shows the vast, profound realm of pure peace:
Delight in Pleasing Adornments understands this.
The Buddha showers the rain of truth without bound,
Able to make witnesses greatly rejoice;
Supreme roots of goodness are born from this.
Such is the realization of Exquisite Light.
Entering into all aspects of teaching with enlightening power,
Ages of cultivation and discipline thoroughly pure—
All this is for the salvation of beings:
This is what Wonderful Herbs understands.
> Edifying sentient beings by various means,
All who see or hear receive benefit,
Causing them all to dance for joy:
Joyful Eyes sees in this way.
Appearing responsively throughout the world,
Throughout indeed the entire cosmos,
Buddha’s substance and nature neither exist nor do not:
This the Direction Observer enters into.
Sentient beings wander through difficulty and danger—
Buddha appears in the world out of pity for them,
Making them get rid of all suffering:
In this liberation Compassion Power dwells.
Sentient beings are shrouded in darkness, sunk in eternal night;
Buddha preaches truth for them, bringing the dawn,
Allowing them to find happiness, getting rid of distress:
Light of Goodness enters this door.
The extent of Buddha’s blessings is like that of space—
All blessings in the world arise therefrom.
Whatever he does is not in vain:
This liberation Flower Garland gains.
Furthermore, the night spirit Pure Light of Universal Virtue found the door of liberation of great courage and strength in the bliss of tranquil meditation. The night spirit Observing the World with Joyful Eyes found the door of liberation characterized by great pure delightful virtues. The night spirit World-Protecting Energy found the door of liberation appearing everywhere in the world taming sentient beings. The night spirit Sound of a Tranquil Sea found the door of liberation accumulating a spirit of immense joy. The night spirit Everywhere Manifesting Splendor found the door of liberation of the sound of profound independent pleasing speech. The night spirit Everywhere Causing Flower Trees to Bloom found the door of liberation of a vast store of joy full of light. The night spirit Egalitarian Protector and Nourisher found the door of liberation enlightening sentient beings and causing them to develop roots of goodness. The night spirit Sporting Happily found the door of liberation of boundless compassion rescuing and protecting sentient beings. The night spirit All Senses Always Joyful found the door of liberation everywhere manifesting the magnificent gates of great compassion. The night spirit Producing Pure Bounty found the door of liberation causing all sentient beings’ desires to be fulfilled.
At that time the night spirit Pure Light of Universal Virtue, imbued with the power of the Buddha, looked over all the night spirits and said in verse,
You all should observe the Buddha’s action,
Its vastness, serenity, and space-like character;
The shoreless sea of craving he purifies completely,
His undefiled majesty illumining all quarters.
All beings like to see the Buddha,
Met with but once in countless eons,
Compassionately mindful of all beings, extending to all:
This liberation door World Observer sees.
The Guide saves and protects all worlds;
All beings see him before them,
Able to purify all realms of existence:
This World Guardian ably observes.
In the past Buddha cultivated an ocean of joy—
Vast, boundless, beyond all measure;
Therefore those who see are all delighted:
This is realized by Silent Sound.
The realm of the Buddha is immeasurable—
Tranquil yet able to preach throughout all quarters,
Causing all beings’ minds to be pure:
The night spirit Splendor, hearing, rejoices.
Among sentient beings who have no blessings,
Buddha’s arrays of great blessing majestically shine,
Showing them the way of serenity, beyond the dusts of the world:
Causing Flowers to Bloom Everywhere realizes this way.
Displaying great mystic powers everywhere,
Taming all sentient beings,
He makes them see various physical forms:
This the Guardian Nourisher perceives.
In the past, Buddha spent every moment
Purifying the ocean of means and compassion
To save all beings in all of the worlds:
This is the liberation of Blissful Happiness.
Sentient beings are ignorant, always muddled—
The stubborn poisons of their minds are much to be feared.
The Buddha appears for their sake, out of pity:
This Enemy Destroyer realizes with joy.
The Buddha’s past practice was for sentient beings,
To let them satisfy their aspirations;
Because of this he has developed virtuous characteristics:
This is what Bounty Producer enters into.
Furthermore, the direction spirit Dwelling Everywhere found the door of liberation of the power of universal salvation. The direction spirit Ubiquitous Light found the door of liberation perfecting the practice of mystic powers to edify all sentient beings. The direction spirit Array of Light Beams found the door of liberation destroying all barriers of darkness and producing the great light of joy and happiness. The direction spirit Traveling Everywhere Unhindered found the door of liberation appearing in all places without wasted effort. The direction Forever Ending Confusion found the door of liberation revealing names and epithets of Buddha equal in number to all sentient beings, producing virtue and merit. The direction spirit Roaming Everywhere in Pure Space found the door of liberation continuously producing exquisite sound causing all who hear to be pleased. The direction spirit Great Sound of Cloud Banner found the door of liberation bringing rain everywhere, like a naga, causing sentient beings to rejoice. The direction spirit Topknot and Eyes Undisturbed found the door of liberation of the independent power to show the doings of all sentient beings without discrimination. The direction spirit Universally Observing the Doings of the Worlds found the door of liberation examining the various actions of beings in all realms of existence. The direction spirit Traveling Everywhere Watching found the door of liberation fulfilling all tasks and bringing happiness to all sentient beings.
At that time the directions spirit Dwelling Everywhere, imbued with the power of the Buddha, looked over all the direction spirits and said in verse,
The Buddha freely appears in the world
To teach all living beings,
Showing the ways to truth, having them understand and enter,
Putting them in a position to realize highest wisdom.
His spiritual powers are as boundless as beings,
Displaying various forms according to their desires;
And all who see are freed from suffering:
This is Ubiquitous Light’s power of liberation.
Buddha, in the ocean of beings hindered by darkness,
Manifests the great light of the lamp of truth for them,
That light shining everywhere, so none do not see:
This is the liberation of Light Beam Arrays.
Commanding the various languages of all worlds,
Buddha teaches so that all can understand,
And the afflictions of his hearers disappear:
This is the realization of Traveling Everywhere.
As many names as there are in all worlds,
Buddha names emerge in equal numbers,
Causing all beings to be free from ignorance:
This is the sphere of Ending Confusion.
If any sentient beings come before the Buddha
And hear the Buddha’s sublime sound,
They will all be greatly delighted:
Traveling Throughout Space understands this truth.
The Buddha, in every single instant,
Everywhere showers the boundless rain of truth,
Causing all beings’ afflictions to perish:
This is known to Cloud Banner.
The ocean of doings of all worlds
The Buddha equally shows,
Causing all beings to be rid of delusion b
y actions:
This is what Undisturbed Eyes understands.
The stage of omniscience has no bounds;
All the various mentalities of beings
The Buddha perceives with complete clarity:
This immense door the World Observer enters.
Buddha cultivated various practices in the past,
Completely fulfilling infinite transcendent ways,
Compassionately aiding all sentient beings:
This is the liberation of Universal Traveler.
Furthermore, the space spirit Pure Light Shining All Around found the door of liberation knowing the mentalities of sentient beings in all realms of existence. The space spirit Traveling Everywhere Deeply and Extensively found the door of liberation entering everywhere into the cosmos of reality. The space spirit Producing Auspicious Wind found the door of liberation comprehending the physical forms of boundless objects. The space spirit Abiding Securely Beyond Obstruction found the door of liberation able to remove all beings’ obstructions by delusions caused by actions. The space spirit Broad Steps and Beautiful Topknot found the door of liberation observing and contemplating the vast ocean of practical application. The space spirit Unhindered Light Flames found the door of liberation of the light of great compassion rescuing all sentient beings from danger. The space spirit Unobstructed Conquering Power found the door of liberation entering into the power of all virtues free from attachment. The space spirit Spotless Light found the door of liberation able to cause the minds of all beings to remove their veils and become pure. The space spirit Deep and Far-Reaching Sublime Sound found the door of liberation of the light of knowledge seeing everywhere. The space spirit All-Pervading Light found the door of liberation manifesting everywhere without moving from its own place.
At that time the space spirit Pure Light Shining All Around, imbued with the power of the Buddha, surveyed all the space spirits and spoke the following verses,
The vast eye of the Buddha
Is pure and clear as space,
Seeing all beings
With complete clarity.
The great light of the Buddha body
Illumines the ten directions,
Manifesting in every place:
Traveling Everywhere sees this way.
The Buddha body is like space;
Unborn, it clings to nothing,
It is ungraspable and without inherent nature:
This is seen by Wind of Good Omen.
The Buddha, for countless eons,
The Flower Ornament Scripture Page 15