“Beyond the sea of fragrant water Treasury of Accumulated Precious Incense is another sea of fragrant water, called Light of All Jewels Shining Everywhere, with a world system called Adornment of Undefiled Reputation. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Flowers of Many Jewels Blooming, with a world system called Form of Space. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Tent of Glory Shining Everywhere, with a world system called Everywhere Adorned with Unimpeded Light. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Sandalwood Tree Blossoms, with a world system called Whirl Appearing Everywhere. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Producing Jewels of Exquisite Colors, with a world system called Supreme Banner Traveling Everywhere. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Everywhere Producing Diamond Flowers, with a world system called Displaying Inconceivable Adornments. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Mind King Crystal Wheel Ornaments, with a world system called Manifesting the Unobstructed Light of Buddha. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Necklace of Masses of Jewels, with a world system called Clearing Away Doubt. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Everywhere Adorned with Rings of Pearls, with a world system called Flowing from the Vows of the Buddhas.
“There are as many such seas as atoms in unspeakably many buddha-fields. The one closest to the surrounding mountains is called Circle of Jewel Mines, with a world system, called Universal Sound Banner, composed of the sounds of enunciation of ways of entry into omniscience. At the bottom of this world system is a world called Flower Pistil Flames, with a Buddha called Energetic Generosity. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in ten buddha-fields, parallel to the world Diamond Banner, is a world called Lotus Light Banner, with a Buddha called Supreme Mind King with All Virtues. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in three buddha-fields, parallel to the world Endurance, is a world called Ten Directions Adorned, with a Buddha called King Skillfully Manifesting Innumerable Virtuous Qualities. At the top of this world system is a world called Crystal Fragrance Mountain Banner, with a Buddha called Vast Benevolent Eyes Removing Doubt.
“Beyond the sea of fragrant water Jewel Array is a sea of fragrant water called Treasury of Light Supporting the Polar Mountain, with a world system called Producing Immense Clouds. Next to that is a sea of fragrant water called Variously Adorned Realm of Great Power, with a world system called Adornments of Unobstructed Purity. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Thickly Spread Jewel Lotus Blossoms, with a world system called Supreme Lamp Array. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Resting on Adornments of All Jewels, with a world system called Treasury of Sunlight Webs. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Manifold Beatification, with a world system called Resting Place of Jewel Flowers. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Exercise of Extremely Brilliant Intellect, with a world system called Array of Superlative Forms. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Mountain Peak Holding Beautiful Precious Stones, with a world system called Universally Pure Treasury of Space. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Great Light Illumining Everywhere, with a world system called Sapphire Torch Light. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Filled with Delightful Jewels Illuminating Everywhere, with a world system called Ubiquitous Roar.
“There are as many such seas as atoms in unspeakably many buddha-fields. The one closest to the surrounding mountains is called Producing Sapphires, with a world system called Everywhere Undifferentiated composed of the booming voices of all enlightening beings. At the bottom of this system is a world called Exquisite Treasury, with a Buddha called Supremely Virtuous Mind. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in ten buddha-fields, parallel to the world Diamond Banner, is a world called Embellishments, with a Buddha called Great Transcendental Light. Above this, parallel to the world Endurance, is a world called Everywhere Adorned with Lapis Lazuli Globes, with a Buddha called Polar Mountain Lamp. At the top of this world system is a world called Flower Banner Sea, with a Buddha called Cloud of Sublime Wisdom Capable of Endless Transmutations and Productions.
“Beyond the sea of fragrant water Mass of Diamonds is another sea of fragrant water, called Reverently Adorned Jewel Parapets, with a world system called Outstanding Jewel Banner. Next to that is a sea of fragrant water called Array of Jewel Banners, with a world system called Manifesting All Lights. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Cloud of Sublime Jewels, with a world system called Universally Shining Light. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Adorned with Jewel Tree Blossoms, with a world system called Decorated with Beautiful Flowers. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Array of Raiment of Wonderful Jewels, with a world system called Ocean of Light. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Jewel Tree Peak, with a world system called Jewel Flame Cloud. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Displaying Light, with a world system called Entering Diamond with No Resistance. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Lotuses Adorning Everywhere, with a world system called Oceanic Abyss with Boundless Shores. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Array of Beautiful Jewels, with a world system called Treasury Displaying All Lands.
“Such seas are as numerous as atoms in unspeakably many buddha-fields. The one nearest to the surrounding mountains is called Indestructible Sea, with a world system called Lotus Blossom Setting Decorated With Beautiful Discs composed of the sounds produced by all the powers of Buddhas. At the bottom of this system is a world called Most Sublime Fragrance, with a Buddha called Producing Innumerable Light Beams. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in ten buddha-fields, parallel to the world Diamond Banner, is a world called Ornamental Gates of Inconceivably Many Distinctions, with a Buddha called Immeasurable Knowledge. Above this, parallel to the world Endurance, is a world called Beautiful Flower Treasury of the Light of the Ten Directions, with a Buddha called Lion Eye Light Flame Cloud. At the top of this world system is a world called Ocean Sound, with a Buddha called Gate of Light Flames of the Heaven of Waters.
“Beyond the sea of fragrant water Jewel Ramparts of Celestial Cities is another sea of fragrant water, called Brilliant Light of a Wheel of Flames, with a world system called Unspeakably Many Adornments of All Kinds. Next to that is a sea of fragrant water called Jewel Dust Road, with a world system called Everywhere Entering Infinite Spirals. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Containing All Ornaments, with a world system called Jewel Light Shining Everywhere. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Spreading Jewel Nets, with a world system called Arrayed Deep and Thick. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Beautiful Jewel Array Banners, with a world system called Sound of Clear Understanding of the Ocean of Worlds. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Pure Reflection of the Palace of the Sun, with a world system called Entering Everywhere in Indra’s Net. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Beautiful Sound of Music of All Drums, with a world system called Round and Full, Level and Straight. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Various Beautiful Adornments, with a world system called Cloud of Flames of Pure Intense Light. Next is a sea of fragrant water called Lamp With All-Pervasive Jewel Flames, with a world system called Various Forms According to the Original Vows of the Buddha.
“Such seas of fragrant waters are as numerous as atoms in unspeakably many buddha-fields. The one nearest to the surrounding mountains is called Raiment of Assembled Ornaments; its world system, called Magically Produced Beautiful Raiment, is composed of the sound of the voices of all the Buddhas of past, present, and future. At the bottom of this system is a sea of fragrant water called Indra Flower Treasury, with a world called Producing Joy, surrounded by as many worlds as atoms in a buddha-field, all uniformly pure. The Buddha is called Stable Enlightened Knowledge. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in ten buddha-fields, parallel to the world Diamond Banner, is a world called Adorned with Jewel Nets, surrounded by as many worlds as atoms in ten buddha-fields, all uniformly pure. The Buddha is called Light of Infinite Joy. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in three buddha-fields, parallel to the world Endurance, is a world called Jewel Lotus Lion Throne, surrounded by as many worlds as atoms in thirteen buddha-fields. The B
uddha is called Most Pure Unwasteful Learning. Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in seven buddha-fields, at the top of this world system is a world called Jewel Lotus Dragon Light, surrounded by as many worlds as atoms in twenty buddha-fields, uniformly pure. The Buddha there is called All-Illumining Light Pervading the Cosmos.
“In these seas of fragrant water, as many as atomic particles in ten unspeakably large numbers of buddha-fields, are an equal number of world systems, all resting on lotus blossoms adorned with diamond banners in the forms of all enlightening beings, each with unbroken boundaries of ornaments, each radiating lights of jewel colors, each covered by clouds of lights, each with their particular adornments, particular time period differences, particular Buddhas appearing, particular oceans of teachings being expounded, particular beings filling their particular entries in the ten directions, particular supports by the spiritual powers of all Buddhas. All of the worlds in each of these systems rest on various adornments, connecting with each other, forming a network of worlds, set up, with various differences, throughout the Flower Bank Array ocean of worlds.”
Then, to recapitulate, the enlightening being Universally Good, receiving power from the Buddha, said in verse,
The Flower Bank ocean of worlds
Is equal to the universe.
Its adornments are extremely pure,
Resting peacefully in space.
In this ocean of worlds
Are inconceivably many world systems;
Each one independent,
They are not all mixed up.
In the Flower Bank world-ocean
The world systems are well arrayed
With different shapes and adornments
Varying in appearance.
The sounds of Buddhas’ displays
Are the substance of various systems;
Seeing according to the power of acts,
The world systems are finely adorned.
Polar Mountain city networks,
Circular shapes of whirlpools,
Immense lotus flowers blooming,
They circle one another.
Mountain banner palace shapes,
Whirling diamond shapes:
Like this are the inconceivable
Vast systems of worlds.
Flames of pearls from the ocean,
Inconceivable nets of light:
The world systems like this
All rest on lotus blossoms.
The webs of light of each system
Cannot be fully described:
In the lights appear all the lands
Throughout the seas in ten directions.
Into the ornaments adorning
All the systems of worlds
Enter all the lands,
Making all visible everywhere.
The world systems are inconceivable,
The worlds are boundless;
Their various fine embellishments
Derive from the Great Sage’s power.
In each of the systems of worlds
The worlds are inconceivably many;
Some forming, some decaying,
Some have already crumbled away.
Like leaves in a forest,
Some growing and some falling,
So too in these systems thus
Do worlds form and decay.
Like according to the forest
The various fruits are different,
In these world systems too
Do various beings live.
Just as when seeds are different
So are the fruits they produce,
Because of differences in the force of acts
Living beings’ lands are not the same.
Just as the mind-king jewel
Appears in different colors to different minds,
When beings’ minds are pure
They can see pure lands.
Like great dragon kings
Creating clouds filling the sky,
So does the power of Buddhas’ vows
Produce the various lands.
Just as the magicians’ arts
Can make various things appear,
Due to the force of beings’ acts
The number of realms is inconceivable.
Just like pictures
Drawn by an artist,
So are all worlds
Made by the painter-mind.
Beings’ bodies’ differences
Arise from the mind’s discriminations;
Thus are the lands varied
All depending on acts.
Just as the Guide is seen
In various different forms,
So do beings see the lands
According to their mental patterns.
The borders of all the worlds
Are draped with lotus nets;
Their various features different,
Their adornments are all pure.
In those lotus nets
Rest networks of lands
With various adornments,
Inhabited by various beings.
Some lands
Are dangerous and uneven;
Because of beings’ afflictions
They see them in this way.
Innumerable kinds of worlds,
Defiled as well as pure,
Develop according to beings’ minds,
Maintained by enlightening beings’ power.
In some lands
Is purity as well as defilement;
This arises from the force of deeds
Under the influence of enlightening beings.
Some lands are made of pure jewels
Radiating light,
With various fine adornments
Purified by the Buddhas.
In each system of lands
Are eonic fires, inconceivable;
While it appears disastrous,
The places always remain secure.
By the force of beings’ acts
Are many lands produced,
Supported by wind atmospheres,
Or resting on water spheres.
The phenomena of the worlds
Are thus variously seen;
Yet they really have no origination
And also no disintegration.
In each moment of mind
Are infinite lands produced;
By the Buddha’s spiritual power
All are seen as pure.
Some lands are made of dirt,
Their substance very hard;
Dark, with no light shining,
They’re inhabited by evildoers.
Some lands are made of thunderbolts,
Mixed up and terrifying,
With much misery and little happiness,
The abodes of those of scant virtue.
Some are made of iron,
Some of ruddy copper,
With stone mountains, steep and fearsome,
Full of animals.
Among the lands are hells
Where beings cannot be saved from pain:
Always in the dark,
Burnt by seas of flame.
Some, again, have animals
Of various wretched forms;
Because of their own evil deeds
They always suffer affliction.
Some see a nether-world,
Oppressed by hunger and thirst;
Climbing great mountains of fire,
They suffer extreme pain.
There are also some lands
Composed of precious elements,
With various kinds of mansions;
These are realized by pure deeds.
You should observe these worlds,
The humans and celestials therein:
Developed by results of pure deeds,
They feel happiness all the time.
In each and every pore
Are unthinkable billions of lands,
Adorned in various ways,
With never any cramp.
p; By the individual acts of beings
These worlds are infinite in kind:
Therein are born attachments
And differences of misery and happiness.
Some lands are made of jewels
Always radiating boundless light;
Diamond lotus flowers
Adorn them, totally pure.
Some lands are made of light
Resting too on spheres of light:
Golden, with sandalwood scent,
Flaming clouds illumining all.
Some lands are made of lunar discs,
Draped with fragrant robes,
In a lotus blossom,
Filled with enlightening beings.
Some lands are made of many jewels,
Their colors without impurities,
Like the imperial net of Indra,
Always shining with light.
Some lands are made of fragrance,
Some are diamond flowers;
Their forms of crystal light
Are most pure when looked into.
There are also inconceivably many lands
Made of flower wreaths,
Filled with phantom Buddhas
And radiance of enlightening beings.
There are some pure lands
All of flowering trees,
Beautiful boughs spread over sanctuaries,
Shaded by crystal clouds.
Some lands are made
Of diamond flowers with pure light;
Some are sounds of Buddhas teaching,
Forming boundless networks of arrays.
Some lands are like the jeweled crowns
Of enlightening beings;
Some are shaped like thrones
Issuing from magical light.
Some are sandalwood powder,
Some like emanated light,
Some the sounds in Buddha’s aura
Formed into a wondrous land.
Some see pure lands
Adorned with a single light;
Some see many ornaments,
All variously superb.
Some have for adornments
The marvelous things of ten lands;
Some are adorned with everything
In a thousand lands.
Sometimes one land is embellished
With the things of a billion lands,
Their various features unalike,
All appearing as reflected images.
The things of unspeakably many lands
The Flower Ornament Scripture Page 32