“When great enlightening beings dedicate roots of goodness in this way, they should not greedily cling to objects of desire. Why? Great enlightening beings should dedicate roots of goodness free from greed, should dedicate roots of goodness free from anger, should dedicate roots of goodness free from delusion, should dedicate roots of goodness free from malevolence, should dedicate roots of goodness free from pride, should dedicate roots of goodness free from deceitfulness, should dedicate roots of goodness of honesty, should dedicate roots of goodness of diligence, should dedicate roots of goodness of cultivation and practice.
“When great enlightening beings practice dedication in this way, they attain minds of pure faith, joyfully accepting the practices of enlightening beings, cultivating the pure great path of enlightening beings, endowed with the essence of buddhahood, attaining enlightened knowledge and wisdom, abandoning all evil, getting rid of all manias, associating with good spiritual friends, and, fulfilling their own great vows. they invite all sentient beings to partake of their charity.
“Great enlightening beings also dedicate the roots of goodness produced by this giving of teaching in this way: they cause all sentient beings to acquire clear beautiful voices, gentle voices, voices like celestial drums, voices capable of articulating innumerable sounds, pleasant voices, pure voices, voices pervading all buddha-fields, voices adorned by countless qualities, far-ranging voices, sonorous voices eliminating all distraction, voices filling the cosmos, voices able to pick up the languages of all sentient beings; and to acquire knowledge of the boundless sounds of all sentient beings, knowledge of all pure sounds of speech, knowledge of infinite sounds of speech, knowledge of the supremely free sound that enters all sounds; and to acquire all pure adorning speech tones, tones which all beings never tire of hearing, speech ultimately not bound to any world, joyful tones, pure tones of the speech of Buddhas, tones of speech expressing all Buddha teachings, unmuffled by delusion, famed everywhere, tones that cause all sentient beings to acquire the adornment of concentration formulations of all the teachings, tones of speech expressing innumerable kinds of teachings, sounds of speech reaching the infinite congregations at enlightenment sites throughout the cosmos, tones of speech containing indestructible expressions of inconceivable truths, speech revealing all facts, speech able to expound the treasury of knowledge of differences in unspeakably many words and phrases, speech that explains all things without attachment or interruption, speech shining with the light of all truths, speech able to cause all worldlings to be purified and ultimately reach universal knowledge, speech that contains the expressions and meanings of all the teachings, free uninhibited speech maintained by spiritual powers, speech of the knowledge which reaches the other shore of all worlds.
“Also by these roots of goodness, they enable all sentient beings to acquire nongroveling speech, fearless speech, unobsessed speech, speech gladdening all congregations at sites of enlightenment, harmonious, beautiful speech, speech able to explain all the principles of buddhahood, speech cutting off the doubts of all sentient beings and causing them to awaken, speech endowed with all powers of analysis and elucidation, speech awakening all sentient beings from their slumber in the long night of ignorance.
“Great enlightening beings also dedicate the roots of goodness in this way: ‘May all sentient beings attain the pure reality body free from all faults and ills; may all sentient beings attain pure sublime virtues free from all faults and ills; may all sentient beings attain pure sublime characteristics free from all faults and ills; may all sentient beings attain the pure results of action free from all faults and ills; may all sentient beings attain the pure mind of universal knowledge free from all faults and ills; may all sentient beings attain the infinite pure will for enlightenment free from all faults and ills; may all sentient beings attain impeccable skill in means of comprehending all faculties; may all sentient beings attain impeccable pure faith, may all sentient beings attain impeccable pure diligence in carrying out commitments unimpeded; may all sentient beings attain impeccable pure right mindfulness, knowledge, and powers of analysis and elucidation.’
“Great enlightening beings also dedicate roots of goodness for the sake of all sentient beings to the attainment of various pure subtle bodies—the body of light, the body of freedom from pollution, the body of nonobsession, the body of purity, the body of extreme purity, the body of detachment from objects of sense, the body of ultimate detachment from objects of sense, the body of freedom from defilement, the body of beauty, the body of nonobstruction—manifesting images of action in all worlds, manifesting images of speech in all worlds, manifesting images of construction in all abodes, like a clear mirror in which all kinds of images of forms spontaneously appear, showing sentient beings the practices of enlightenment, showing sentient beings the most profound truths, showing sentient beings all kinds of virtuous qualities, showing sentient beings the path of practice, showing sentient beings developmental practices, showing sentient beings the undertakings of enlightening beings, showing sentient beings in all worlds the appearance in the world of the Buddhas of all worlds, showing sentient beings the spiritual powers and mystical transfigurations of all Buddhas, showing sentient beings the awesome power of the inconceivable liberation of all enlightening beings, showing sentient beings the essence of omniscience fulfilling the practical vows of the enlightening being Universally Good. Great enlightening beings skillfully take care of all sentient beings with such subtle pure bodies and enable them to attain the body of all-knowledge with pure qualities.
“Great enlightening beings also dedicate the roots of goodness generated by giving of the teaching to the aspiration to live in all worlds cultivating enlightening practices, so that sentient beings who see them do not do so in vain, but develop the determination for enlightenment without ever regressing, follow the truth unshakably, and in all worlds, throughout all time, live undefatigably by the path of enlightening beings, with great compassion, impartial and universal, as vast as the cosmos, knowing the faculties of sentient beings and ever explaining the truth to them according to the time, always rightly mindful of spiritual friends, never forgetting for an instant, all the Buddhas always appearing before them, their minds always truly aware, never flagging, cultivating roots of goodness without any falsehood, placing all sentient beings in universal knowledge, causing them not to regress, imbued with the light of all the Buddha teachings, holding the clouds of the great teaching, receiving the rain of the great teaching, cultivating the practices of enlightening beings, entering in among all sentient beings, entering all buddha-fields, penetrating all phenomena and principles, penetrating all times, penetrating the knowledge of consequences of all sentient beings, penetrating the knowledge of skillful methods of all enlightening beings, penetrating the knowledge of production of all enlightening beings, penetrating the knowledge of the pure realm of all sentient beings, penetrating the autonomous spiritual powers of all Buddhas, penetrating all the boundless realms of reality, and herein cultivating enlightening practice.
“Great enlightening beings also dedicate the roots of goodness cultivated by giving of teaching to the aspiration to purify all buddha-lands and adorn them with inexpressibly many embellishments, each buddha-land as vast as the cosmos, purely good, without obstructions, with pure light, the Buddhas manifesting the attainment of true awakening therein, the pure realms in one buddha-land able to reveal all buddha-lands, and as of one buddha-land, so of all buddha-lands, each of those lands adorned with arrays of pure exquisite treasures, as measureless as the cosmos—countless thrones of pure jewels spread with precious robes, countless jeweled curtains and jeweled nets draping, countless precious canopies with all kinds of jewels reflecting each other, countless jewel clouds raining jewels, countless jewel flowers all around, completely pure, countless pure arrays of balustrades made of jewels, countless jewel chimes always emitting the subtle tones of the Buddhas circulating throughout the cosmos, countless jewel lotuses of various jewel colo
rs blooming with glorious radiance, countless jewel trees arrayed in rows all around, with flowers and fruits of innumerable jewels, countless jewel palaces with innumerable enlightening beings living in them, countless jewel mansions, spacious, magnificent, long and wide, far and near, countless jewel ramparts with exquisite jewel ornaments, countless jewel gates hung all around with strings of beautiful jewels, countless jewel windows with pure arrays of inconceivable numbers of jewels, and countless jewel palms, shaped like crescent moons, made of clusters of jewels—all of these embellished with myriad jewels, spotlessly pure, inconceivable, all produced by the roots of goodness of the enlightened, replete with adornments of countless treasuries of jewels. There are also countless jewel rivers from which flow all pure good principles; countless jewel seas filled with the water of the teaching; countless jewel lotuses always emitting the sound of the lotus of the sublime teaching; countless jewel polar mountains, monarchs of the mountains of wisdom, standing out completely pure; countless eight-faced jewels, strung on precious threads, incomparably beautiful and clear; countless jewels of pure light always emanating the unimpeded light of great knowledge illumining the entire cosmos; countless jewel chimes striking one another and producing wonderful tones; countless pure jewels filled with jewels of enlightening beings; countless jeweled streamers of many colors hung all around, with radiant, clear colors; countless jeweled banners adorned with jewel crescents; countless jeweled pennants, each one able to shower innumerable jeweled pennants; countless jeweled sashes hanging in the sky, beautifully adorned; countless precious mats able to produce various kinds of subtle pleasant feelings; countless jewel wreaths showing the enlightening beings’ eye of universal knowledge; countless jewel garlands, each garland the superb adornment of a hundred thousand enlightening beings; countless jewel palaces, absolutely peerless; countless jewel ornaments embellished with diamonds; countless ornaments of all kinds of jewels always displaying all pure wonderful colors; countless jewels with different shapes and colors, their lights reflecting with thorough clarity; countless jewel mountains surrounding like a fence all around, with unhindered purity; countless precious scents perfuming all worlds; countless precious magical events, each one pervading the cosmos; countless jewel light beams, each beam manifesting all lights; there are also countless jewel lights, the lights of pure knowledge, comprehensively illumining all things, and countless unimpeded jewel lights, each pervading the cosmos; there are countless jewel places where there are all kinds of precious substances, and countless jewel treasuries revealing all the treasuries of the true teaching; countless jewel banners emblematic of the enlightened standing out on high; countless precious saints, images of saints of great knowledge, thoroughly pure; countless gardens of jewels producing the bliss of meditation of enlightening beings; countless precious sounds, the wondrous voice of the enlightened teaching all the world; countless jewel forms, each one emanating countless lights of sublime doctrines; countless precious marks, each one transcending common characteristics; countless precious modes of bearing, all who see which develop the joy and rapture of enlightening beings; countless collections of jewels, all who see which develop a collection of jewels of wisdom; countless precious peaceful abodes, all who see which develop a precious well-stabilized mind; countless precious garments, those who wear which develop the peerless concentration of enlightening beings; countless precious vestments, those who wear which attain the spell of good vision as soon as they wish; countless jewel practices, those who see which know that all ‘jewels’ are results of action, definitively pure; countless precious unhindered insights, those who perceive which can realize all pure objective vision; countless treasuries of jewel lights, those who see which immediately can attain the treasury of great knowledge; countless jewel thrones with Buddhas sitting on them like great lions roaring; countless jewel lamps always radiating the light of pure knowledge; countless jewel trees arrayed in rows, wound with jewel ropes, their adornments thoroughly pure, also having countless jewel trunks, standing high, straight, round, and clean, countless jewel boughs, thick with adornments, with inconceivable numbers of birds flying around and gathering there, always warbling beautiful songs expressing the true teachings, countless jewel leaves emitting the light of great knowledge pervading everywhere, countless jewel flowers, with innumerable enlightening beings sitting on each blossom, traveling throughout the cosmos, and countless jewel fruits, those who see which will attain the fruit of nonregression from all-knowledge; also there are countless jewel villages, those who see which give up the ways of worldly habitats; countless jewel cities filled with free beings, countless palaces with monarchs in them who are endowed with the godlike body of enlightening beings, courageous and steadfast, wearing the armor of the truth, their minds unshrinking; countless jewel houses, those who enter which can eliminate the mind of attachment to house and home; countless jewel garments, those who wear which can foster the understanding of nonattachment; countless jewel palaces filled with enlightening beings who have left home; countless jewel curios which bring immeasurable joy to those who see them; countless jewel wheels emanating inconceivable lights of knowledge, turning the wheel that never turns back; countless jewel trees adorned with Indra nets, all pure; countless jeweled grounds, inlaid with inconceivably many jewels; countless jewel pipes, their clear sounds filling the cosmos; countless jewel drums, their wondrous sounds beating in harmony unbroken throughout the eons; countless jewel sentient beings, all able to bear the jewel of the unexcelled teaching, with countless jewel bodies replete with innumerable jewels of virtuous qualities, countless jewel mouths always uttering the voice of the jewels of all the sublime teachings, countless jewel minds endowed with the jewel of pure intention set on great knowledge, jewel mindfulness cutting off all folly and ultimately solidifying the jewel of universal knowledge, jewel superknowledges reciting and retaining the jewels of all Buddha teachings, jewel intellects understanding with certainty the treasure of all Buddha teachings, jewel knowledges attaining the jewel of great complete omniscience, jewel eyes mirroring the treasure of the ten powers without obstruction, jewel ears hearing the infinite sounds of the whole realm of reality clearly and without obstruction, jewel noses always smelling the pure jewel fragrance of harmony, jewel tongues able to enunciate countless rules of speech, jewel bodies traveling unhindered throughout the ten directions, jewel minds always diligently cultivating the practical vows of Universal Good, jewel voices, clear and beautiful, pervading the worlds in the ten directions, jewel acts guided by knowledge, jewel speech always explaining the cultivation of the jewel of unobstructed knowledge, and jewel thought attaining the treasure of unimpeded great knowledge, which is ultimately complete.
“The great enlightening beings vow that in all those buddha-lands, in each direction of each buddha-land, in each and every place, even so minute as a hairtip, there be incalculable, boundless, unspeakable numbers of great enlightening beings, all accomplished in pure clear knowledge, filling everywhere, in every point of space in every place in every direction of every buddha-land throughout the cosmos. This is great enlightening beings’ dedication of roots of goodness vowing that all the buddha-lands should be replete with all kinds of precious adornments, as extensively told of the jewel ornaments, that they should have such adornments of fragrances, flowers, garlands, perfumes, incenses, aromatic powders, robes, parasols and canopies, banners, pennants, crystals, and so on, a hundredfold more, all like the ‘jewel’ ornaments.
“Great enlightening beings dedicate the roots of goodness amassed by such practices as the giving of teaching to nurturing all roots of goodness; to purifying all buddha-lands; to fully developing all sentient beings; to causing all sentient beings’ minds to be pure and imperturbable; to causing all sentient beings to enter the most profound Buddha teaching; to causing all sentient beings to attain unsurpassable pure qualities; to causing all sentient beings to attain indestructible power of pure virtue; to causing all sentient beings to attain inexhaustible power
of knowledge, liberate all living beings, and enable them to enter buddhahood; to causing all sentient beings to attain impartial, inexhaustible, pure speech; to causing all sentient beings to attain the equanimous unobstructed eye and achieve knowledge equal to the entire cosmos throughout space; to causing sentient beings to attain pure recollection and know all worlds of past ages; to causing all sentient beings to attain unobstructed great knowledge and be able to comprehend with certainty all treasuries of truths; to causing all sentient beings to attain unlimited, immeasurable great enlightenment, pervading the cosmos without any hindrance; to causing all sentient beings to attain impartial, nondiscriminatory, homogeneous roots of goodness; to causing all sentient beings to attain pure physical, verbal, and mental action adorned with all virtues; to causing all sentient beings to accomplish action the same as Universally Good; to causing all sentient beings to be able to enter all homogeneously pure buddha-fields; to causing all sentient beings to examine universal knowledge, penetrate it, and fulfill it; to causing all sentient beings to be able to avoid partial roots of goodness; to causing all sentient beings to attain equanimous, unvarying will, gradually fulfilling all-knowledge; to causing all sentient beings to be able to live steadily by all good principles; to causing all sentient beings to instantly realize universal knowledge and reach the ultimate; to causing all sentient beings to be able to fulfill the pure path of omniscience—this is wherein they dedicate their roots of goodness.
The Flower Ornament Scripture Page 87