Gay Dads- All His Son's Friends

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Gay Dads- All His Son's Friends Page 22

by Fantasia Moan

  “Oh,” he moaned with desire, and she wrapped one foot around the back of the chair, then the other, so that her petite body was in his lap. She leaned back and ran a hand through her hair, the long hair that drove him so wild, and he groaned.

  “You like that?” she asked, and he kissed her in response. She could feel his hard penis between her thighs, and she maneuvered her hips so that she could take it inside her. She rocked forward and backward on his penis, like she were riding a wild bull, and he thrust in time with her body. As they fucked, someone jiggled the doorknob, confused as to why it would be locked, then knocked on the door.

  “Ignore it,” she breathed.

  “Quiet,” whispered Clark into her ear from behind her. “We can’t let anyone find us in here. We’d be in big trouble.”

  “We’re doing something very bad, after all,” Anthony whispered, digging his fingernails into her back hard enough to leave dark red lines against the small of her back. She hummed in agreement, not trusting herself to speak.

  The knocking came again, and Tasha bit Antony’s neck, challenging him to stay quiet through the worst she could do.

  “Not fair,” he said in a husky, hushed voice.

  “Who said I’m trying to play fair?” she asked deviously. He thrust harder inside her, and she bit back a moan, gasping as quietly as she could.

  “Well, if you’re not playing fair,” Anthony said, and Clark pressed himself firmly against her.

  The person at the door tried the knob again, then knocked.

  “Is someone in here?” asked a quiet, female voice. Clark reached around Tasha’s body with a long, muscular arm and began to play with her clit, rubbing it in circles with a gently pressure. Tasha let her head lull backward in pleasure, trying hard not to make a sound and risk whoever was outside finding them out.

  “Come on, guys,” she whispered desperately, between huffed gasps of stifled pleasure. “I don’t want to get in trouble,” she finished.

  “You won’t,” Clark assured. “We just want to scare you.” He rubbed her clit harder and with more pressure, back and forth now, and her breathing hitched, knowing that she could not make a sound or she could lose her job for having relations with patients, and on hospital grounds, no less, in the middle of her shift. Anthony reached up and pulled her hair again, something that was quickly becoming so signature of him that it in itself turned her on further, while Clark refused to let up on her clitoris, rubbing with such ferocity that she knew she’d lose control any second.

  The knocking at the door and the rustling of the doorknob stopped, and the person outside the door muttered some kind of expletive under her breath before walking away. As soon as she could not hear the footsteps anymore, Tasha let out a moan of pleasure, so deep and so raw that Anthony felt himself near finishing just from her voice.

  Anthony thrust faster and harder, rocking the chair dangerously.

  “You’re going to tip this chair over and break your other arm,” Clark warned.

  “Who gives a fuck,” Anthony muttered into Tasha’s hair, not breaking pace with his thrusts.

  “Good thing we’re in a hospital,” Tasha provided. “I’ll fix you back up.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Clark said against the back of her neck.

  Anthony’s thrusts gained speed until Tasha could say nothing but his name, deeply in orgasm, and finally, he felt his own orgasm burst inside her. She moaned and reveled in the final few thrusts that he pumped against her, felt his fingertips release their grip on her hips and his other hand release her hair from its tight hold.

  Anthony leaned back in his chair, breathless and happy, and Tasha climbed off him, allowing Clark to take her hand and help her down, still a bit dizzy from the orgasm.

  Anthony finally caught his breath enough to ask for his pants back, and Clark kissed him softly on the lips as he handed the wrinkled ball of clothing which was his clothes back to him. Clark and Tasha dressed, as well, but it was a long process--twice, Anthony undid her bra as she turned to grab her shirt from Clark, and Clark grabbed her once she finally did have the bra on and kissed her neck tenderly.

  “Don’t start again,” she moaned. “I’ve got to get back to work.” He sighed, but agreed, letting her go and handing her shirt back to her.

  Tasha fixed her scrub top self consciously.

  “So, be more careful with the motorcycles, yeah?” she scolded Anthony, and she smiled.

  “Only if we can get your number. If this is the only place that we can see you, I will make no promises.”

  “Then I guess I have to. You know, do no harm. Hippocratic oath and whatnot.”

  “Exactly,” Clark agreed. “It’d be irresponsible otherwise.” She took a pen from her pocket and wrote her number down on Anthony’s hand, drawing a small heart at the end of it.

  “We’ll be in touch,” Anthony winked. Tasha peeked out the door slowly and quietly, making sure that no one was around before she opened it and ushered them out. Anthony and Clark walked toward the door, waving to her once more before she turned around and made her way back to her desk.

  “Looks like you had one hell of a coffee break,” Jean joked. Tasha looked at her confusedly, but Jean handed her a hand mirror and a comb, and she looked at her hair--a rat’s nest.

  “Damn it, Anthony,” she muttered, brushing it back to normal with a fond smile.

  Story Twenty

  Chapter 1

  I was a hopeless romantic. Yes, I was. At least, I thought so. My only mistake was looking so desperately for romance, and thinking I found it every night. And not always did I find it with the same person. I was an irregular. I looked for love, tenderness, care. Passion and sex just came with it.

  After freaking out when I realized I was a lesbian, I just decided to go with it. I knew there was nothing I could do, so why bother denying or hiding it? After all, women are fucking hot. Why not enjoy myself?

  At first, I went specifically to gay bars with my college friends every weekend. Everybody either left accompanied by a total stranger, or ended hooking up with someone from our same group. Everything was allowed. Sometimes, we added someone in to the group, and it was amazing. Other times, I went back to the bar after hooking up with someone and not caring much about it. I felt on top of the world, not minding waking up alone and cooking my own breakfast. That was the rule; never spend the night, or you lose the game. That’s what we thought it was, a game.

  Afterwards, we decided to expand our horizons, and try preaching and converting straight women, or as we tried to call it, “potentially gay”. It was actually easier than one would imagine. I went for older women every single time. Either divorced or just neglected by their husbands for a long time, they were women that needed attention and relaxation after such a stressful moment in their lives, or who simply needed something or someone to fight loneliness with. I was there for them, every single one of them. Some lasted more than others; our first rule was abolished as I realized they always pay for dinner or drinks. They were the cuddling type, trying to spoil you or throw more sex on the table just so you would be there for them a bit longer.

  Needless to say, experience and discretion were my biggest weapons. I knew how to make a woman’s toes curl out of pleasure. How to incite the sweetest sounds come out of their mouths, as they grasped the sheets forcefully and moaned out my name. It was bliss, and I was always available. Morning, afternoon, night… I had a large list of contacts, and was never bored during the weekends. I never felt love, but the embrace of a woman after a love-making session was what got me going. I looked for it, and I received it tenfold. It didn’t matter who it was, I just cared about that feeling at the end of the day.

  Until I met Claire. And then everything changed in me. I was walking through the supermarket, finding some groceries for the week, when I spotted her out of the corner of my eye. She had just turned her cart into my aisle, and stood a few feet away from me, deciding which cookies to take home. I took a quick glance at
her shopping cart: wine, ice cream, and some frozen food. I worked out she was alone, hence the ice cream and the wine. Gotcha, I thought to myself. I stood closer to her, and told her that Oreos were my favorite. She looked up at me and smiled. They were her favorite, too. We exchanged a few tips on what makes them even better (she liked hers with ice cream, I sprayed some fudge on top).

  We talked a bit more about the usual subjects, and she made a funny remark on something. We both laughed and looked away. When we looked back at each other, I sensed something. It was different. We looked into each other’s eyes, and said nothing. She then stumbled something about how she was going to pick some more things, so we exchanged numbers, in case we’re ever tired of eating Oreos alone.

  I didn’t think much of it afterwards, but when I got home and checked my phone list, I received a message from her, simply saying it was her, so that I could add her to my contact list. I looked at the name. Claire. Such a pretty name. For such a pretty girl. Woman, was more like it. She was definitely in her forties, but she could’ve fooled anyone with her looks. We kept on texting each other a bit, but I kept on sleeping around. I wasn’t as into it as I was before; as if I had my mind somewhere else all the time. All my thoughts ended up leading to her. So I did the one thing I was scared of doing: I asked her out. Not as a date, of course, but I told her if we could meet up one afternoon.

  This went on for a while. The more we saw each other, the more I wanted to be with her. I stopped sleeping around so much, out of respect to her, even though we hadn’t even talked about “us”, or having given her even a peck on the lips. One day, after dinner, I was walking her home, and I decided I needed to come clean. I told her exactly how I felt. She knew I had been with other women, as I thought she should know me completely, instead of being fooled that I was another one of her best friends. She was taken aback, and was silent for a few moments. I felt like just running away forever, embarrassed and ashamed that I had forever ruined our relationship. How did we go back from where we already were? But then she spoke.

  “I like you too, Angie. I just… it’s the first time I’ve felt this, for you… I mean, for a”, she stumbled

  “For a woman. I get it. I’m not asking you to marry me, Claire, I just want you to know. I felt you should know how I feel. I’m glad you like me, too.”, I replied. She smiled, and stepped towards me to hug me. “I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want. But I want to keep on seeing you. Okay?”

  “Okay.”. I stared at her, and knew I had permission to give her a small kiss, so I did. She smiled, and then went inside her apartment. I stood there, for a while and, smiling to myself, went home.

  A few days passed after that lovely moment. That Saturday, I was at home, watching TV, all alone to my thoughts, when my phone rang. It was her. I hesitated for a fraction of a second. We hadn’t texted after that night, except for a few memes and asking how our day went. Nothing out of the ordinary. But maybe it was time to face the truth. I picked up.


  “Hey. It’s-it’s me”

  “Hey. What’s up”

  “I, uh, I just wanted to check up on you. How are you?” She sounded so nervous, it was really cute. I smiled.

  “I’m good, thanks, you?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine as well.”


  “So, uh, I was wondering if you were busy tonight.”

  “No, not really.”

  “Really? I do recall you boasting about your busy nightlife.”

  “I really don’t remember doing that.”

  She laughed.

  “Anyway, did you have anything in mind?” Now I felt her smiling through the phone.

  “Maybe you wanted to come over?”. I smiled again. She wasn’t exactly calling me to hang out; we both know what we were getting into.

  “Sure thing. I can be there in an hour.”

  “Great! I’ll be waiting”.

  Chapter 2

  I arrived at her place an hour later. I could tell she was expecting me because she answered the doorbell a few seconds after I knocked.

  “Come in”, she said, and opened the gate for me. I went in, and into the elevator. I pushed the button for the fourth floor and waited. The elevator doors opened directly to her apartment. I stepped in, and she came towards me.

  “Hey”, she said, smiling nervously.

  “Hey”, I replied. She was anxious, I knew. I was, too. I didn’t want to treat her like I used to treat other women I’ve been with in the past. She was beautiful, she was nice, she didn’t deserve the old me. But I knew she was expecting me to behave that exact way. So I had to prove myself- my better self- before anything else happened.

  “Come in. Are you thirsty? Hungry?”, she asked.

  “I… I could use a glass of water”, Normally I would’ve asked for booze straight away, but maybe we needed a sober conversation for once.

  “Cool. Follow me”, she said.

  We walked into the kitchen, and I sat down on the table. She got a glass from a cabinet and poured me a glass of water, and placed in front of me, alongside a napkin. Details, I thought. I thanked her and took a sip. She leaned backwards on the counter. We stayed in uncomfortable silence for a few moments. What was there to actually say, I didn’t know. Hey, I just wanted to let you know I love you and it’s the first time I can honestly say that. Can we fuck now? That didn’t sound right. I wanted her. Needed her. But I had to wait until the moment was right. She hadn’t had any sex for a long time, much less with another woman. Before either one of us could speak, my phone buzzed in my purse. I grabbed it and unlocked it.

  “Where are you? I could use you tonight”. I couldn’t help but smile. I wasn’t proud, but just slightly amused. I put the phone on do not disturb to avoid any further interruptions.

  “Sorry about that”, I said, “not supposed to happen”. I smiled. Her expression had changed.

  “Not something you have to tend to immediately?”, she inquired.

  “No. It’s…”, I paused. Do I tell her? Does she even care? Maybe she knows already. Will she be mad if I change the subject?

  “It’s a someone.”, she stated, amused.

  “It’s a someone I have no interest in replying”, I stated. She laughed and looked down. She didn’t believe me. I stood up and walked towards her. I needed to let her understand.

  “Claire, look at me.”, she raised her head, and our eyes met.

  “I’m here, aren’t I? I could’ve gone somewhere else tonight, but I’m here. Because I want to. I want to be with you. Trust me.” I kept on looking at her, as if staring at her would make her finally trust me.

  “Wow. Did you come from like a cheap rom-com or something?” She said. I thought she was serious, until she let out a snort and laughed. I laughed as well. “Look, it’s fine. I don’t care about the things you’ve done before… that’s you. It may be weird for me, some of it, because this whole situation is weird. I told you I’ve never been with a woman before, Angie. I like you, I really do. But some of this seems funny. Like the way you want to explain yourself for everything you’ve done before. I like that you’re honest but it’s fine.”. It was my turn to act all shy and childish, smiling and looking all stupid. Unable to resist myself, I gave her a small quick peck on the lips.

  “I’m sorry. I just… don’t want you to think I’m this horrible woman-eater that takes everything for granted.”, I told her, looking down at the floor. She cupped my face with her hands and made me look at her.

  “I don’t want before. I want now, ok?”, she said, smiling.

  “Ok”, I smiled. She leaned in and kissed me. A sweet, loving kiss. We took our time with that one, tasting each other. She had the softest lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss, while I embraced her, my arms on her lower back. We stayed like this for a while, until we broke apart to get some air. We looked at each other and chuckled a bit, like teenagers. She then moved even closer to me, pecked me on
the lips and smiled sheepishly.

  “So… that thing you said just now, about being a woman-eater. You want to stick with that name?”, she quipped.

  “Maybe not the best play on words I’ve ever done. But if you like it, I’ll take it”, I smiled. She took a breath.

  “I think first you’re going to have to… prove it. Don’t you think?”, she teased. I immediately felt a hint of wetness between my legs. I smirked.

  “Whatever the lady wants”, I replied. She smiled and kissed me again, this time with more passion than before, our tongues wrestling against each other. I pulled her closer to me and I grabbed her ass, and she moaned into the kiss. She sucked on my tongue and it was my turn to moan, almost dying of pleasure. She broke the kiss and grabbed my hand.

  “Bedroom. Now”. I nodded and let her guide me inside.

  Chapter 3

  Once we shut the bedroom door we toggled between kisses and taking our clothes off. We both wanted to savor the moment, but at the same time we wanted each other badly. Shirts, pants, bras… off in a matter of seconds. I picked her up and took her towards the bed, while she kissed and sucked on my neck. I lay her gently on the bed and kissed her in the mouth, our tongues swirling around endlessly. I placed myself on top of her, and started making my way down, kissing her jawline, sucking on her earlobe, her neck and collarbone, and then proceeded to suck on her breasts, focusing my attentions on one at a time, while my hand massaged the other one. I looked up at her, and her eyes were closed, her lips parted, letting out small gasps and moans. I smirked to myself, wanting to stay there all night long, but she was probably expecting something more. So I kept going, kissing and licking her bellybutton, which made her giggle and moan at the same time. It was the sexiest sound I have ever heard in my entire life, I had to go back up just to kiss her one more time.


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