Renovation 4th Edition

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Renovation 4th Edition Page 4

by Michael Litchfield

  heads—a tedious undertaking.

  Discoloration of siding along the base of the wall

  could be caused by any of several factors: (1) siding

  that’s too close to the ground, (2) nearby plants that

  keep the siding damp, (3) splashback from roof run-

  off, or (4) a badly positioned lawn sprinkler. All are

  easy fixes themselves, but moisture may already

  have caused the underlying framing to rot.

  Imitation wood siding that delaminates or

  sprouts fungus is probably exterior hardboard

  that’s been discontinued because of class-action

  lawsuits. Replace the siding.

  Chronically peeling paint on the exterior walls

  of bathrooms and kitchens is usually caused by

  excessive room moisture migrating outdoors.

  The remedy is usually to add a vent fan.

  Stucco is strong and relatively maintenance-

  free, but it will crack if the building shifts (see

  “Tattletale Cracks” at right). Loose or bulging

  stucco has separated from the lath behind it.

  This is a modest repair, unless the problem is

  Stepped cracks in mortar joints above doors

  widespread. If you see extensive patching, be

  and windows usually are caused by rusting steel

  suspicious. Loose, crumbling stucco is common

  lintels. Support the bricks above the opening

  if the base of a wall is close to the soil or in con-

  before replacing the lintel.

  tact with it. This repair usually requires cutting

  Vinyl or metal siding doesn’t require much

  back the loose stucco and adding a weep screed

  maintenance and protects the structure if it’s

  (see p. 173) so water can drip free.

  properly installed. However, if there are gaps

  Newer homes with rot in the walls may have

  between sections or where siding abuts trim, sus-

  incorrectly installed “synthetic stucco,” or EIFS

  pect a sloppy installation and hidden rot.

  (exterior finish insulation system); this is espe-

  cially a problem in the Southeast. Have an EIFS

  WINdoWS aNd dooRS

  specialist certify that the house is sound; this is a

  headache you don’t need.

  Is there flashing over doors and windows? If not,

  Brick is strong but its joints may crack if the

  suspect water damage behind.

  foundation moves, whether from settling, frost

  Examine windows and doors very carefully.

  heave, or earth tremors. If a brick veneer half-

  Are frames solid? Deteriorated window sashes

  wall is pulling away from an exterior wall or if a

  should be replaced, which can be expensive. Also

  full-story brick facade is bowing outward, the

  inspect doorsills and windowsills, which are rot-

  metal ties holding the brick to the wall sheathing prone if water collects there.

  may have rusted out. Repairs will be expensive.

  Carefully inspect doors for fit and function.

  This condition may also signal water damage

  Look for signs of warping, sagging, or separation

  and foundation problems. Eroded mortar joints

  between rails and stiles. Examine the jambs of

  can be repointed with mortar if the bricks are

  exterior doors for damage from abuse, hardware

  sound, however.

  changes, or even forced entry.

  Reading a House


  Doors and windows badly out of square sug-

  P R O T I P


  gest a house that has shifted and may still be

  Armed with your outdoor observations, go inside.

  shifting. This can result from poor drainage and

  In areas with heavy rainfall and

  Start with attics and basements, which are prime

  an inadequately sized foundation.

  expansive clay soils, it’s best to

  places to look for signs of water damage, espe-

  Swollen or rotted basement windows will

  connect downspouts to solid

  cially if they’re unfinished.

  need to be replaced with durable all-vinyl units.

  drainpipes that carry roof runoff

  away from the foundation.

  But first you’ll need to attend to drainage prob-


  Flexible plastic drain extensions

  lems that have allowed water to collect.

  that run along the surface are

  Review the notations you made about the roof,

  also effective, though unsightly.

  aRouNd THe HouSe

  chimney, and eaves. Now look for outdoor–

  indoor relationships such as missing flashing and

  Walk around the house. Although you will be

  stains on the underside of roof sheathing.

  able to see more of the foundation inside, damp

  basements and cracked foundations are often

  Water damage is often visible in the attics of

  caused by faulty drainage outside.

  older homes.

  Does the ground slope away from the base of

  Water stains around plumbing vents, dormers,

  the house? Or would runoff from the roof collect

  and chimneys are more likely caused by failed or

  next to the building? Is the soil damp or com-

  missing flashing. If the wood is damp after a

  pacted next to the house? Although drainage may rain, the leaks are active.

  seem a minor factor, faulty drainage can cause

  Dark brown stains around the chimney that

  wet basements and even foundation failure.

  smell of creosote are probably caused by cracked

  Where do downspouts empty? Is runoff carried flue tile, which allowed caustic creosote com-

  away from the house by drainpipes or, at the very

  pounds to work their way through mortar joints.

  least, are there splash blocks beneath downspouts

  Such a chimney is unsafe to use and must be

  to direct water away from the foundation?

  either relined or replaced.

  Mark the positions of foundation cracks on

  Cracks in the chimney’s mortar joints may

  your graph paper, especially cracks greater than

  be caused by an undersize or shifting chimney

  1⁄4 in. wide. Also look for signs of foundation

  footing—another major cause of flue failure.

  settling or leaning around downspouts, water

  Ventilation and insulation are vital to a healthy

  sources, and areas on the uphill side of the house.

  house but are often misunderstood. Attics that

  Inspect chimney bases closely, both where

  lack adequate ventilation will be excessively hot

  additions join the main house and where loads

  in the summer. In winter in cold climates, inad-

  concentrate on foundation bearing points. If

  equately ventilated attics allow rising water

  there’s cracking where the chimney base joins the vapor from the living area to collect as frost on

  main house foundation or if the chimney base is

  the underside of roof sheathing. The frost eventu-

  tilting, it may be undersize and need replacing.

  ally melts, soaks the sheathing, drips onto

  Do bushes or dirt touch the siding? If so, prod the attic floor, and perhaps soaks through top-

  the siding and splashbo
ard (also called a water

  floor ceilings.

  table), using the awl on your pocketknife. If the

  Also in winter, inadequately ventilated attics

  wood is soft, it may be retaining a lot of mois-

  can trap warm air from below, which warms the

  ture. Dirt can also be an avenue for termites, so

  roof, causing snow to melt and run into

  look for the telltale dirt tubes that termites con-

  unwarmed overhangs where it refreezes, result-

  struct, further discussed on p. 203.

  ing in ice dams that can damage roofing and leak

  P R O T I P

  behind the siding. Adding soffit, gable, and ridge

  vents sometimes alleviates these problems.

  If you see tar or roof cement

  Discolored rafters along the roof–wall joint

  slathered around chimney bases,

  Bricks and earthquakes and delaminated roof sheathing, coupled with

  plumbing stacks, roof valleys,

  and other roof joints, assume

  stains at the top of interior walls below, are usu-

  In earthquake country, brick chimneys may

  leaks may have occurred there,

  ally caused by warm, moist air migrating upward

  break off at the roofline, fall through the roof,

  either because flashing failed or

  from living spaces. Often, that air escapes via

  and harm inhabitants. A structural engineer can

  was never installed. Tar can be

  holes in the ceiling—whether recessed light fix-

  analyze the chimney and suggest remedies,

  a functional, though ugly, short-

  tures, plumbing and wiring chases, or gaps

  term fix, but be sure to replace

  such as seismic steel bracing of the chimney to

  around the chimney. Once you’ve air-sealed these

  old flashing when installing a

  the roof or removing the chimney above the

  holes, then add insulation to the attic floor,

  new roof.

  roof and replacing it with metal flue pipe.

  upgrade bath and kitchen vent fans, and other-

  wise reduce excess moisture in living spaces.


  Chapter 1

  stories. Water stains on interior outside walls,

  P R O T I P

  especially above windows, may have multiple

  causes: missing flashing, gaps between siding

  In the attic, walk on the ceil-

  and exterior trim, and leaks in the gutters or roof.

  ing joists or use plank walkways

  Crumbling drywall or plaster and extensive

  across them. It’s unsafe to step

  mold at the top of walls may be caused by

  anywhere else. Wear a hard hat

  exterior leaks or, just as likely, by excessive mois-

  so roofing nails above don’t stab

  ture in the living areas. If the problems are severe,

  your head—another good reason

  mold may be growing on framing inside the walls.

  for that tetanus shot. You’ll likely

  In extreme cases, after correcting the sources of

  get dirty crawling around, so

  moisture, you may need to tear out drywall or

  dress down.

  plaster and replace studs and plates.

  Large diagonal cracks in drywall or plaster

  at the corners of doors and windows may

  correspond with cracks on the house exterior.

  Such cracks suggest structural shifting and

  Here, rafter rot, mildewed ceilings, and delaminating roof

  foundation distress.

  sheathing were largely caused by inadequate ventilation.

  Door and window trim that tilts toward a

  P R O T I P

  common low point suggests failure in the sub-

  Air-sealing, types of attic insulation, and

  structure (girder, post, or pad) or in the founda-

  methods of installing insulation are addressed in

  tion itself.

  people selling a house often

  chapter 14.

  spiff it up with a new coat of

  paint—except inside the closets.

  Water-stained attic floors and discolored attic


  So it’s smart to inspect clothes

  insulation often show roof leaks clearly. If mois-

  Squeaky floors may take two minutes to repair

  closets if they’re not too clogged

  ture is making its way up from living spaces, the

  or, if the cause is elusive, two days. Isolated floor

  with clothes. That’s also an area

  insulation’s underside may be moldy. Pull up

  squeaks are annoying but rarely a sign of any-

  you’ll often find exposed lead

  affected sections and see if water has collected

  thing serious.

  paint in older homes. If you test

  there and caused damage.

  Excessively springy floors suggest subflooring

  for lead paint, be sure that’s one

  structural condition may be an issue if a roof

  or underlayment that’s not strong enough to span

  area you investigate.

  was overloaded.

  the distance between joists. Additional layers of

  If the roof sheathing is bellying (sagging)

  subflooring or flooring should firm things up.

  between the rafters, it’s probably too thin and

  should be replaced with thicker plywood when

  you replace the roofing.

  Are the rafters and ridge sagging? If so, you

  should hire a seasoned contractor or a structural

  engineer to see what the remedy might be. If this

  zzzzzz Reinforcing a Roof

  condition resulted from too many layers of roof-



  ing, stripping what’s on the roof may be all that’s

  needed. However, deformed framing may need

  Collar tie


  replacing or additional support, as shown in

  “Reinforcing a Roof” at right.


  Roof trusses must not be cut or modified or

  their structural integrity will be compromised. If

  you note cuts made to accommodate air ducts

  and the like, the truss system should be inspected

  by an engineer.

  Load transferred

  Ceiling joist


  to walls below

  Most homebuyers repaint or repaper walls to suit

  their tastes. Instead of concerning yourself with

  paint colors or wallpaper patterns, focus on sur-

  faces that suggest underlying problems that may

  require remedies.

  Tired roof framing sometimes needs additional support

  After consulting the notes you recorded out-

  to keep rafters from sagging or spreading.

  side, study wall–ceiling joints, which also can tell

  Reading a House


  Deteriorating flooring near an exterior door-

  sill suggests that rain or snow has soaked the sill

  and subflooring. You’ll need to replace damaged

  materials and install an all-weather doorsill.

  Widespread cracking in tile floors may result

  from insufficient adhesive between tile and sub-

  flooring or an underlayment that’s too thin and

  thus not rigid enough. Repairing it may mean

  tearing out the tile and perhaps the underlay-

  ment before replacing both.

  Cracked stair treads may be worn, undersize,

  or inadequately supported by the carriages

  underneath. If the problem is widespread,

  remove the treads and examine the substructure.

  Stairs sloping badly to one side with cracked

  walls along the stair suggest a stair carriage that

  is pulling loose from wall mountings or other

  Any crack that runs through a foundation is serious.

  framing members. If the underside of the stairs is

  not accessible, repairing the problem can be

  complex and costly.

  Handrails and newel posts that wobble exces-

  sively should be resecured. If balusters are missing,

  P R O T I P

  it can be costly to have replacements hand-turned

  to match. As a cost-saving alternative, you might

  To test whether a toilet is

  be able to find replacements at a salvage yard.

  securely mounted, bend over the

  toilet, grab the edges of the bowl

  (while wearing work gloves), and


  try to rock it from side to side. If

  If there are stained, springy floors around the

  the bowl moves slightly, tighten

  base of a toilet, the subfloor and the joists below

  the toilet nuts at the base—

  may be water damaged. The cause of the leak

  don’t overtighten or you’ll crack

  may be simple—just a worn-out wax ring gasket

  the porcelain—and then try

  under the toilet. But if damage is significant, you

  again. Next, try shimming

  may need to pull up flooring and replace it.

  the base. If it still rocks, the

  subfloor may be spongy and need

  Old resilient flooring that’s worn around the

  The base of this wall was kicked out by a rotating


  edges is common and needs to be replaced.


  Damaged linoleum or vinyl around the base of

  cabinets, shower stalls, tubs, and other fixtures

  often foretells water damage below. If there’s an

  If bathrooms or kitchens smell musty or are

  unfinished basement beneath those fixtures, look mildewed, especially at the top of walls, there’s

  there for damage. Otherwise, look for water dam- inadequate ventilation. Scrubbing walls and add-

  age in finished ceilings below.

  ing vent fans will probably cure the problem,

  If tiled tub enclosures are in poor repair, test

  unless the drywall is crumbling as well (see chap-

  the firmness of the substrate behind by pushing

  ter 14 for repair information).

  with the heel of your hand. If the walls flex, the


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