The Rancher’s Devout Bride

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The Rancher’s Devout Bride Page 14

by Maya Stirling

  "No. It'd just be nice to know. In case I bump into her," Emma insisted.

  Jake's shoulders sank. "Lucy," he murmured. "Her name is Lucy. That's all I know. That and the fact she's arriving on tomorrow's train."

  "You don't look too happy about it," she observed, speaking cautiously.

  His eyes narrowed. "I think you already know how I feel about folks trying to find me a bride."

  Emma felt her cheeks flush. "Maybe they're just trying to look out for you. Do the best they can for you."

  He lifted a skeptical brow. "Really? Getting married is the best thing for me? To a total stranger?"

  "From what I hear it happens all the time in Inspiration." She tilted her head. "Didn't some of your cousins find wives, courtesy of Sophie?"

  His mouth twisted downward. "That was different. They had to get married." He dragged the sole of his boot across the dusty ground. "I don't need to."

  A heavy lump settled in her middle when she heard him say those words. Was this the real reason why he'd reacted like that last night? Was he so determined to completely reject the idea of matrimony? If so, why was he so dead-set against it?

  "I'm sure Sophie is only trying to help," Emma suggested.

  "It's not just Sophie," he stated. "My ma and my sister have been trying to persuade me ever since Abigail married Noah, last year." His brows furrowed into cavernous ridges and his lips puckered.

  For a brief moment, she thought Jake looked compellingly attractive when he was annoyed, Emma told herself. Seeing his vulnerability like this, touched her heart. Was he always so willing to show his weakness to others? Or, she asked herself, did he simply reserve that for her? Maybe the fact that he believed she and the children would be leaving soon had encouraged him to open up to her.

  Seeing Jake's brows furrow, her pulse quickened. She knew he had a strong, defiant spirit. She'd seen plenty evidence of that. And she couldn't imagine anyone forcing him to do anything against his wishes. But, when he was indignant, he was even more handsome looking than usual. She wondered if he realized the effect he had on her when he looked like that.

  As Jake fixed his gaze on her, Emma turned her head quickly away. "I saw Foley eyeing you in the church, this morning."

  Emma swung her head back and glared at Jake. "What are you talking about?"

  "Foley's none too good at hiding his interest in a woman," Jake added.

  Emma felt herself flush from chin to hairline. She dragged in a deep breath and leaned forward. "He was not eyeing me, as you so rudely put it. He was just being polite."

  "Just like he was being last night?"

  "What are you suggesting, Jake," Emma demanded.

  Jake sighed heavily. "Nothing." He shook his head. "Guess we both have things to attend to, Emma," Jake added.

  Once again, she felt her heart sink. Did he really believe that? Was this to be the entire extent of her involvement in the life of Jake Buchanan? Was she just passing through Inspiration?

  She heard her name being called and turned to see Bethany and Clara running toward her and Jake. Emma wondered what kind of impression she'd given walking with Jake. Did the girls think she and Jake were more than just friends? How would they react once they knew the truth?

  Emma was pleased to see Jake turn and smile at the girls as they raced toward him and Emma. Even if he and Emma had their differences, he looked determined not to let it touch the lives of the girls. Not yet, anyway, Emma told herself. There would be time enough for disappointment later. Heaviness settled in her middle as she thought about that.

  As Emma hugged both girls, she glanced at Jake. His eyes were filled with that familiar appreciation Emma always saw whenever she, the girls, and Jake were together. Not for the first time, she allowed herself to wonder what it would be like for all four of them to be together. As a family. Was that an impossible dream? After what he'd just told her, it certainly seemed like it.

  "Let's all head back to the ranch," Jake suggested. The girls yelled their agreement. As the four of them started back toward the church, Emma couldn't help asking herself if God had just answered her prayer and confirmed that His will for her did not include being with Jake Buchanan.


  Jake's introduction to the newly arrived Miss Lucy Alexander was finally arranged for the Tuesday. It was to take place at Sophie Cameron's house, at lunchtime. The plan was for the lunch to be a casual arrangement. Just friendly introductions. Jake had heard about these meetings from his cousins. Going to the Cameron house to meet a newly arrived potential bride normally resulted in marriage. Just the thought of that made his heart feel heavy.

  Jake arrived in town and made his way to the Cameron house which was on a street just off Main Street. He dismounted from his horse and paused at the garden gate to the Cameron house. He drew in a deep breath, tugged at the waistcoat of his best suit and touched the brim of his Stetson. This wasn't going to be easy, he told himself. But, there had been no way of avoiding it. There were times when it was impossible to deny his mother and sister. They were enthusiastic about today, even if Jake most certainly was not.

  Since the discussion with Emma at the church on Sunday, she had kept herself away from Jake. It seemed like every time he was in the ranch house, she had to occupy herself with the children, or with some domestic task that needed urgent attention. Of course he knew she was choosing to stay away from him because of what had been said on Sunday. He'd seen the disappointment on her face.

  He'd tried his best to tell her how he felt about the whole situation. But, had she really understood what he'd said to her? Of course, he'd been talking in general terms about his attitude to marriage. He wasn't sure his beliefs had changed that much. Not until he'd tried to explain them to Emma. It was then that he'd realized that his reservations about marrying a stranger like Lucy Alexander most definitely did not apply to Emma.

  Emma was already much more than a stranger to him. The only reason he was going along with this arranged lunch today was so he could politely and firmly state that any possible matrimonial arrangement with Miss Lucy Alexander could not possibly go ahead. That fact would be communicated to Sophie Cameron after today's meeting. Jake was confident Sophie would be able to find a willing potential spouse for Lucy.

  Jake had spent the last two days trying to work out how he could tell Emma his true intentions toward the town's newly arrived bride-in-waiting. That there was no way he would participate in an arranged marriage. He wasn't in the same situation as his cousins had been in. There was no pressing need for matrimony. In any case, this whole situation had been arranged weeks ago, in spite of Jake's frequent objections. Clearly he hadn't been persuasive enough. Or was it that Miss Sophie Cameron would not be deterred? Jake figured that last part was probably the truth.

  As Jake eased the garden gate open, two things happened at exactly the same moment. The door to the Cameron house opened, and Jake heard his name being called out from behind him. He saw Sophie standing at the open door. Dressed in an elegant green gown, she was peering past Jake. She looked puzzled and surprised.

  Jake turned and took in the sight of the last person he'd expected to see. Judd Foley was striding up the street and heading straight for Jake. Judd was neatly attired in a light gray suit, derby hat and very shiny shoes. Judd always looked like he belonged in an office somewhere, Jake told himself. He was the kind of man who wouldn't last five minutes on a ranch.

  "Well. If it isn't Jake Buchanan," Judd exclaimed.

  "Judd. What are you doing here?" Jake asked.

  Judd halted by Jake's side and doffed his hat in the direction of a clearly astonished looking Sophie Cameron. "I was talking with your fine husband, Mrs Cameron. The sheriff told me you have a guest staying with you at the moment. I figured I'd pay a call, if that's convenient," Foley called out to Sophie.

  Before Sophie had a chance to object, Foley patted Jake on the shoulder. "Looks like we picked the same day to pay a call." Foley's gaze was suddenly com
bative. "Just you and me, Buchanan," Foley declared. His eyes met Jake's and lingered for a long moment. Was Foley issuing some kind of challenge?

  Jake turned to Sophie who was advancing down the garden path. Opening the gate, Jake stepped onto the Cameron property. Foley followed close behind. Jake saw a determined look on Sophie's features. Any moment now, it looked like she was going to give Foley a piece of her mind.

  Just at that moment, Jake saw Foley lift his head and peer over Sophie's shoulder. "And you must be the delightful Miss Lucy Alexander, I presume," Foley stated loud enough so that the newcomer now standing at the door could hear him.

  Sophie froze in her tracks and turned. Jake followed her gaze and saw a petite young woman standing at the door to the Cameron household. He guessed she was in her early twenties and wore a blue gown. She had dark hair tied in a neat bun. Her features were even and her eyes had a dark penetrating quality as they regarded the scene in front of her. Jake's assumed this must be Miss Lucy Alexander. He admitted to himself that she was attractive. And, at this moment, she looked startled by the commotion going on in front of the house.

  Foley pushed his way past Sophie and strode up to the porch. Jake followed behind Sophie.

  "Mr Foley," Sophie muttered quietly as she reached him. "I don't recall issuing an invitation."

  Foley reached into his jacket and pulled out a small calling card. "I'd be grateful if you could announce me, Mrs Cameron," he said turning to face Miss Alexander.

  Jake saw Sophie glare at Foley. She didn't take Foley's card. Any moment now she was going to order Foley off her property. Then Miss Alexander stepped onto the porch, reached out, and took Foley's card in her small, delicate-looking fingers.

  Examining it, Miss Alexander smiled at Foley. "Mr Judd Foley?" she asked.

  Foley nodded his head. "The same, ma'am," he replied. "Honored to make your acquaintance."

  Miss Alexander smiled, and her eyes brightened, appearing mightily impressed with Foley's refined ways. One thing Jake always granted Foley was that the man knew how make himself out to be someone special.

  Then Miss Alexander peered at Jake. "And you must be Mr Buchanan," she stated.

  Jake wiped a hand nervously on his jacket and then reached up, scooping his Stetson off his head. "That sure is me, ma'am," Jake replied. "Pleased to meet you."

  The contrast between his folksy introduction and Foley's mannered one struck Jake as faintly ludicrous. Jake had assumed Miss Alexander would be taken with his cowboy manner. Women from the east generally were, he reflected. But, in this instance, he was shocked to see the hint of a disapproving frown crease her brows as he plopped his hat back onto his head. When he grinned at her, Miss Alexander's gaze shifted instantly to Foley. Jake squinted at Sophie, wondering what she was going to do.

  The situation had reached a point where it would have been awkward for Sophie to do anything to force Foley to leave. Realizing that, she invited Foley inside, a concession which seemed to please Miss Alexander.

  Sophie ushered Miss Alexander back into the house. Walking side by side, Jake and Foley exchanged a look that betrayed simmering unease on the part of both men.

  Once inside the house, everyone was guided to the sitting room. Jake saw a table upon which sat a silver tray with cakes and a large teapot and cups. He and Foley sat on the long sofa, while Miss Alexander took a chair next to the empty fireplace. Sophie fussed a while, pouring tea and dishing out cakes.

  Finally, she took her seat opposite Miss Alexander. Jake could tell Sophie wasn't pleased. This hadn't been in her plans. But she was doing a grand job of disguising her displeasure. Jake knew that Sophie was the kind who liked to prepare meticulously. She certainly didn't appreciate those plans being interfered with, he told himself. The day wasn't turning out the way Sophie had intended. Nor was it matching Jake's expectations.

  Seated in her chair, clasping her hands, Sophie forced a smile. Formal introductions were made. Then, Sophie tried to make some polite conversation, explaining that Miss Alexander had newly arrived in Inspiration. And that she had come to the town with high hopes. Jake knew what that meant.


  "How was your journey here from back east, Miss Alexander?" Foley interjected after Sophie had made her brief introductory remarks.

  "Pleasant, Mr Foley," she replied. "Very pleasant, indeed."

  Jake noticed that her accent was pleasing to the ears. It possessed a distinctive quality, suggesting education and some refinement. It was similar to Emma's. Thinking of Emma, even for a moment, while seated here, seemed somehow inappropriate to Jake. He forced his mind back to the moment. "You don't find train travel tiresome, ma'am?" Jake asked.

  Miss Alexander peered at Jake. "It was a long trip. I hope it has been a one-way journey, Mr Buchanan."

  "Jake, ma'am," he insisted. "Please call me, Jake." He smiled at Miss Alexander.

  For some strange reason, Miss Alexander frowned at the idea of getting so familiar, so quickly. Jake figured he'd stepped over some unknown line ruling polite conduct. Plain speaking and ordinary friendliness, which is what Jake was used to, seemed like something about which Miss Alexander didn't approve.

  Sophie proceeded to describe Miss Alexander's background and what had motivated her to come out east. It turned out Miss Alexander had been companion to an elderly lady of some reputation in New York. However, the recent passing of the woman had left Miss Alexander in an uncertain position. Discovering the need for wives in Montana, and driven by curiosity, Miss Alexander had settled on the idea of heading west in search of stability and, perhaps, a good husband in need of a wife.

  All throughout the description of Miss Alexander's recent life, Jake got the distinct impression that, living beneath the roof of a woman of obvious means, with all the comforts which money provided, Miss Alexander had become accustomed to a certain standard of living. As well as a particular kind of life. One not found so easily in the territories, Jake told himself as he listened.

  Miss Alexander spoke enthusiastically of the fine social evenings, the delightful events which had been held in her former employer's home. As he listened, Jake began to nurture the belief that Miss Alexander might not take too well to the outdoor life. That perhaps she was looking for something Jake wouldn't be in a position to provide.

  Indeed, on closer inspection from his position on the sofa, Jake was beginning to see that Miss Alexander, while undoubtedly pretty, appeared to possess the delicate physique of a porcelain doll. Her hands were small and delicate; her frame was slight; her complexion was that of someone who hadn't spent much time in the sunshine. What strength she possessed seemed to reside in her steely resolve to remake her life on her own terms.

  Jake couldn't imagine a woman like Miss Alexander having an interest in living on a ranch. It was so different to what she had been used to, he wondered why she had come to Inspiration. Surely, Sophie had acquainted her with what life was like in the town and surrounding ranches.

  All of these reservations seemed irrelevant to Foley. During the entire meeting, he was the perfect example of politeness and courtesy. In fact, at one point, Foley's ingratiating manner triggered a feeling of mild nausea in Jake's stomach. Foley laughed, rather too loudly Jake thought, at every one of Miss Alexander's jokes; nodded enthusiastically, and too quickly in agreement with every one of her assertions; fawned sincerely over every expression of emotion.

  Jake watched Foley's performance with mild astonishment. He knew Foley wanted a wife. And, that he'd been trying to find one for quite some time. He'd seen the way Foley had descended upon Emma. Jake hadn't liked that one bit. As far as Jake was concerned, Emma deserved better than Foley. Nor would he be any kind of a father to the girls. The whole idea was simply unthinkable.

  And now Miss Alexander had turned up, and Foley was already acting like she had been delivered to him as some kind of answer to his prayers. Maybe she was the kind of woman Foley had been waiting for.


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