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Shocked Page 29

by David Casarett

hamsters, 93, 102

  Hawes, William, 22–23, 40

  Hayworth, Ken, 162–64

  heart, 48–55

  aorta in, 54–55

  atria in, 48, 50–54

  atrioventricular node in, 50, 51

  cardiac arrest and, see cardiac arrest

  chest compressions and, 29, 64, 66, 72, 81, 82, 185, 187–90, 192–93, 211, 212

  chordae tendineae in, 54

  electrical impulses of, 52–53

  electrical shock applied to, 57–59; see also defibrillators

  epinephrine and, 35, 64

  functional syncytium of muscles in, 52

  hypothermia and, 38

  preserving during surgery, 74

  QRS complex in, 51–52

  in rabbits, 105

  sinoatrial node in, 50, 51, 65

  valves of, 53, 54

  ventricles in, 48, 50–54

  heart attack, 53, 56

  heartbeat, 50, 56

  EKG and, 51–52

  heart block, 51

  heart bypass machine, 114

  heart failure, 44

  heart rate and rhythm, 38, 44

  arrhythmia, 53, 203, 204, 206

  asystole, 63–64, 65, 199, 200

  defibrillators and, see defibrillators

  gag reflex and, 36–37

  hibernation and, 96–98, 101

  hypothermia and, 38

  sinus, 198, 213

  sinus tachycardia, 67, 199

  ventricular fibrillation, 5, 56, 59, 65, 66–67, 199, 203, 212

  ventricular tachycardia, 198, 205

  heart surgery, 7, 55, 56–57, 60, 61, 74, 111–16, 225

  hemoglobin, 132, 135

  hibernation, 91–93, 96–97, 104, 105, 141, 145

  in bears, 119, 121, 128–29

  DADLE and, 101, 103–5, 120, 121

  differences in, 120–21

  enzymes and, 103–4

  ghrelin and, 122–23

  hypometabolism research and, 124–27, 130–38

  in lemurs, 116–23, 226, 230

  in primates, 119

  in thirteen-lined ground squirrels, 93, 95–105, 116, 117, 120, 121, 226, 230

  hibernation, human, 106–16, 123

  space travel and, 90, 106, 137, 226

  hibernation induction trigger (HIT), 100–101

  Hibernatus, 90

  high-pressure liquid chromatography, 126

  Hippocratic Oath, 232

  Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, A (Adams), 91

  Hoffman, Rudi, 167–69, 171

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 57–58

  Hyde Park, 21–22, 27–28, 180, 181

  Serpentine in, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27–28

  hydrogen sulfide, 227–29

  hypometabolism research, 124–27, 130–38

  hypoxia, 104

  see also oxygen deprivation

  hypothalamus, 98, 122

  hypothermia, 38, 76–78, 80, 89, 127

  induced, 109

  see also cold

  hypothermic circulatory arrest, 113–16

  ICDs (implantable cardiac defibrillators), 204–8, 231

  ice, 141

  cooling the body with, 108–11, 114, 129

  cryopreservation and, 154–57, 159

  vitrification and, 154

  Ikaria, 228

  Illustrated London News, 21–22

  I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, 224

  immortality, 168

  Tithonus and, 9

  implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs), 204–8, 231

  “Inconnue de la Seine, L’” (Nabokov), 183

  inflammation, 70

  ions, 69, 70

  It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, 224

  Jude, James, 182

  Kite, Charles, 58–59, 199

  Klopfer, Peter, 117–23

  Knickerbocker, Guy, 182

  Kochanek, Patrick, 79

  Kouwenhoven, William Bennett, 182

  Kurlansky, Paul, 194

  Laborit, Henri, 107, 114, 129

  Laerdal, Asmund, 183

  Lampe, Josh, 81–86, 191–93

  lemurs, 116–23, 226, 230

  Lind, BjØrn, 183

  lipids (fats), 69, 70, 137, 154–55

  liquid ventilation, 148–50

  London, 21–22, 23–24, 28

  lungs, inflation of, 25–26

  lytic cocktail, 109, 110

  Magic Fingers bed, 193–94

  Marok, Greg, 64, 67

  Merchant, Raina, 202

  metabolism, in hibernation and suspended animation, 91, 96, 102, 108, 116, 119, 120, 128, 129

  hypometabolism research, 124–27, 130–38

  mice, 124–27, 130, 136–37, 227, 230

  Mission to Mars, 149

  mitochondria, 70–72, 74, 104, 126

  monkeys, 74–76, 230

  Monts, John, 148, 166

  Moon, 90

  moral hazard, 232–33

  More, Max, 164–66

  mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, 19–20, 22, 180, 181

  mouth-to-nose resuscitation, 180–81

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 183

  Næsheim, Torvind, 47

  Nelson, Robert, 160

  nicotine, 34–35

  Night of the Living Dead, 76, 162

  obestatin, 122

  ocean pout, 156

  opioid receptors, 101

  Outland, 90

  oxygen, 48–49, 54, 55, 72, 134, 135

  hibernation and, 106

  oxygen deprivation, 38, 68

  cells and, 69–70, 72, 73, 102, 104

  CPR and, 193, 194

  Funk and, 4

  Pandorum, 90

  paramedics, 209, 212

  do not resuscitate orders and, 219, 220

  “Penultimate Trump, The” (Ettinger), 149

  perfluorocarbon (PFC), 85, 149

  PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), 80

  Petty, William, 42

  Petunia the pig, 80–82, 84, 86, 191

  pigs, 227, 230

  CPR and, 191–92

  Petunia, 80–82, 84, 86, 191

  Planet of the Apes, 90

  Platoon, 224

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 43

  polio, 180

  potassium, 57, 69, 102, 142, 143

  Prader-Willi syndrome, 123

  premature burial, 38–44

  “Premature Burial, The” (Poe), 43

  preproghrelin, 122, 123

  proteins, 69, 132

  peptides, 101, 122

  Pursell, Thomas, 39–40

  QRS complex, 51–52

  rabbits, 105, 156, 157, 159

  radiation, 93

  rats, 105

  Reddit, 170

  reptiles, 91, 119

  Rescue Annie (Resusci Anne), 183–84, 186–91


  costs of, 231–35

  crowdsourcing of, 179–80, 198–99

  after cryopreservation, 143, 151, 153

  do not resuscitate orders and, 219, 220

  moral hazard and, 232–33

  mouth-to-mouth, 19–20, 22, 180, 181

  mouth-to-nose, 180–81

  see also CPR

  rhesus monkeys, 74–76, 230

  RhinoChill, 85–86, 149, 233

  Romero, George A., 77

  Rostand, Jean, 149

  Roth, Mark, 227–28

  Royal Humane Society, 21–29, 32, 34, 37, 40, 58

  Russian Method, 37–38, 48, 73–74

far, Peter, 77, 180–83

  Safar Center for Resuscitation Research, 77–81, 85, 180

  safety coffins, 42–43

  safety net, 232–33

  Saghin, Brooke, 194–96

  Saghin, Tristin, 194–96

  Satinoff, Evelyn, 98

  Sato, Shinichi, 89

  science fiction, 88, 90, 97, 124, 149

  Seine, 183, 184

  Serpentine, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27–28

  sheep, 227

  Shelley, Mary, 57

  sinoatrial (SA) node, 50, 51, 65

  sinus rhythm, 198, 213

  sinus tachycardia, 67, 199

  Sleeper, 90

  sloshing theory, 192–93

  smoke, tobacco, 15, 18, 19, 22, 29, 34–36, 44

  Society in Favour of Drowned Persons, 17–21, 22, 23, 26, 179, 180

  space travel, 90, 106, 137, 226

  Spider-Man 2, 224

  Squires, Mr., 58

  squirrel blood, 97, 99–100

  squirrels, thirteen-lined ground, 93–104, 116, 117, 120, 121, 226, 230

  Srikameswaran, Anita, 77

  Star Trek, 224

  Straits Times, 47

  stress, 104

  sugar (glucose), 133–34, 136, 154

  Suozzi, Kim, 169–71

  suspended animation, 88, 90–91, 100, 109, 116, 124, 127, 226–27, 229

  space travel and, 90, 106, 137, 226

  Uchikoshi and, 88, 89, 137, 225

  see also cryonics; hibernation; hibernation, human

  Suspended Animation, Inc. (SA), 146–47, 150, 152

  Sweetland, Mary Beth, 80

  tachycardia, 67, 198, 199, 205

  Tebb, William, 40–42

  temperature, 37–38, 98, 107

  hibernation and, 129, 134

  insulation and, 83, 85, 125

  medical procedures and, 113

  see also cold

  Texas Heart Institute, 150

  Thing, The, 149

  thirteen-lined ground squirrels, 93–104, 116, 117, 120, 121, 226, 230

  Tithonus, 9

  tobacco smoke, 15, 18, 19, 22, 29, 34–36, 44

  Toien, Oivind, 128

  Toonbergen, Jacob, 13–14

  Trans Time, Inc., 160

  2001: A Space Odyssey, 90, 100

  Uchikoshi, Mitsutaka, 87–89, 105, 137, 225

  Undertaker’s Journal, 41

  University of Pennsylvania, 62

  University of Pittsburgh, Safar Center for Resuscitation Research at, 77–81, 85, 180

  vagus nerve, 36

  Venter, Craig, 230

  ventricular fibrillation, 5, 56, 59, 65, 66–67, 199, 203, 212

  ventricular tachycardia, 198, 205

  vitrification, 154, 157

  Walker, Charles, 41

  Willis, John, 101–2

  Wizard of Oz, The, 225, 226

  wood frogs, 140–42, 154–56

  Wortman, Anne, 13–20, 37

  Yogi Bear, 127, 128

  Zeus, 9, 10

  zombie dogs, 76–80, 180




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