by Owen Cole
bhangra form of dance traditionally performed by men
bhog concluding ceremony of a Path
brahma vidya knowledge of Brahman
brahmacharya student; first stage of life in Indian tradition
Brahman Hindu name for the impersonal Supreme Reality
brahmgiani one who has knowledge of Brahman; an enlightened person
brahmin purist Hindu varna from whom priests are drawn
chamar leather worker, so impure as to be outside Hindu caste system
chanani canopy over Guru Granth Sahib
chauri fan waved over Guru Granth Sahib to show respect for it
chuhra member of sweeper class so impure as to be outside Hindu caste system
Darbar Sahib the name of the complex of buildings in Amritsar popularly known as the Golden Temple
darshan grace-giving glance or sight of a guru or Guru Granth Sahib
Dasam Granth compilation of writings attributed to the tenth Guru
dehra settlement of a spiritual teacher where his followers gather
dharamsala early name for a gurdwara; now often a hostel for pilgrims
diwan Sikh act of public worship
diwan hall room in a gurdwara where diwan takes place
dohli departure ceremony at the end of a wedding
gaddi a guru’s seat of authority
gayatri mantra most sacred Hindu scriptural verse
giani a person learned in Sikh teachings
gidda form of dance traditionally performed by women
gora white; used of Western Sikh converts
got exogamous within a zat group
granthi reader of the Sikh scriptures during services
grihasthi householder, second stage of life in Indian tradition
gurdwara Sikh gathering for public worship
gurmat Sikh teachings
gurmatta decision based on Sikh teachings
gurmukh one whose life is inspired by the Guru’s teachings
gurpurb anniversary of a Guru’s birth or death
Guru Granth Sahib the Sikh scripture
gutka a small book containing the chief hymns used in Sikh devotions
halwa a pudding
Harimandir Sahib the gurdwara in the centre of the pool at Amritsar, popularly known by Westerners as the Golden Temple
haumai self-centredness; a major vice in Sikh teaching
Hola Mohalla a Sikh festival
hukam order; divine command
hukam nama a decree issued by the Sikh community
Ik oankar Sikh symbol for the oneness of God
izzat pride
Janamsakhi collection of stories about one of the Gurus
Japji important hymn composed by Guru Nanak
Jat Punjabi farmer zat
jatha army; group of touring musicians
jathedar military leader
jati endogamous caste group
jivan mukt state of spiritual liberation while in the present body
jot light; the divine spirit inside a person
jura topknot
kaccha underpants or trousers; one of the five Ks
Kal yug the fourth and present corrupt age according to Hindu teaching
kala pani the ‘black ocean’ which Hindus consider polluting to cross
kalima Muslim statement of belief that God is one and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his prophet
kam pleasure, lust; one of the five evils
kangha comb; one of the five Ks
kara iron wristlet; one of the five Ks
karah parshad food which Sikhs share when they attend a gurdwara
karma work; action; the consequences of action influencing rebirth
Karta Purukh a Sikh name for God, Creator
katha lecture or sermon given in a gurdwara
Kaur literally ‘princess’; name taken by initiated Sikh women but used by many others
kesh uncut hair (including a man’s beard); one of the five Ks
keshdhari Sikh who keeps the hair uncut
keshki covering often worn between hair and turban or, by children, instead of turban; see also pattka
Khalsa community of initiated Sikh women and men
khand stage on the path to liberation
khanda Sikh symbol, double-edged sword
khande-da amrit initiation
khatri mercantile caste to which the Gurus belonged
Khuda a Muslim name for God
kirpan sword or sheath knife; one of the five Ks, never called a dagger
krodh anger; one of the five evils
kshatriya second Hindu varna; the warrior class
kurahts vow made on initiation, breaking of which requires re-initiation
langar meal served in gurdwara and/or place where it is served
Lavan marriage hymn
lobh covetousness; one of the five evils
logos Greek philosophical term; the creative word
man mind, heart, soul
man mukh self-reliant
mandir Hindu temple
manji sahib stool on which Guru Granth Sahib is placed
masands administrators first appointed by Guru Amar Das
mattha tekna bowing before a person, Guru Granth Sahib or nishan sahib
maya delusion of regarding worldly goals as real and permanent
mela fair; occasion of some Sikh festivals
milni the meeting of two families before a wedding
miri temporal power
moh attachment; one of the five evils
mona clean-shaven Sikh with short hair (abusive, not to be used)
mukti spiritual liberation
Mul Mantra a short verse encapsulating the essence of Sikh teaching
mullah Muslim religious teacher
murti representation of deity found in Hindu temples and homes
nagar kirtan open-air procession carrying Guru Granth Sahib
Nam meditation
nam simran meditation using hymns of the Gurus
Namdhari follower of the nineteenth-century Sikh reformers Baba Balak Singh and Baba Ram Singh
Nanak Panthis devotees of Guru Nanak as distinct, often, from Khalsa principles
nihangs warriors who defended gurdwaras in past time
Nirankar the Formless One; a name of God
Nirankari follower of nineteenth-century Sikh reformer Baba Dayal Singh
nirguna without physical form; used of God
nishan sahib flag flown from gurdwara
Panth the Sikh community worldwide
panj kakkar the five Ks worn by initiated Sikh men and women
parkash karna daily installation of the Guru Granth Sahib
Parmeshur/Parameshwara the Supreme Being, God
patit a lapsed Khalsa Sikh
pattka head covering often worn by sportsmen
pir Muslim holy man
piri spiritual power
pothi book usually containing hymns of the Gurus
qazi Muslim legal authority
Radhasoami Indian group founded in nineteenth century; strong in Punjab and with a modern international membership
rag musical form
ragi musician (who usually plays in gurdwara)
Rahit Maryada Khalsa Code of Discipline covering religious rites and ethical observances
Rahit Nama manual of conduct
Rama name of a popular Hindu deity
Ramgharia a distinctively Sikh zat of members of artisan castes, named after Jassa Singh an eighteenth-century military commander
Rig Veda the main Hindu scripture
Sabha association
sadhu Hindu holy man
saguna having physical form; used of God
sahajdhari Sikh who does not keep the uncut hair or wear the turban
samsara rebirth of the soul into another body until liberation is attained
sangat local Sikh community; gurdwara congregation
sangatia overseer of one of 22 gro
ups into which Guru Amar Das divided the Panth; servant of the community
sannyasin a man who has entered fourth stage of Hindu life
sant Sikh holy man
sant sipahi saint-soldier; what a Khalsa member should be
saropa honour given by Panth or sangat
sati immolation of wife on husband’s funeral pyre (illegal, always opposed by Sikhs, and by many Hindus)
seva service voluntarily rendered
SGPC acronym for the Shromani Guadwara Parbandhak Committee (see Chapter 14)
shudra lowest of four Hindu varnas or classes; servant
sidharan path non-continuous or interrupted reading of Guru Granth Sahib
Singh Literally ‘lion’; name taken by initiated Sikh men but used by many others
sufi Muslim mystic
sukhasan laying to rest of Guru Granth Sahib
Sukhmani Sahib Pearl of Peace; famous hymn of Guru Arjan’s
swayya a poetic form found in the Guru Granth Sahib and Dasam Granth
takht one of five Sikh seats of authority
tankah breach of Khalsa discipline not requiring re-initiation; a kind of punishment involving community service
Upanishad Hindu scripture based on discourse of a guru with his disciple
Vahiguru ‘Wonderful One’; popular Sikh way of addressing God
vaisakhi Sikh festival coinciding with new year
vaishya third Hindu varna, merchant class
vak advice received by randomly opening the Guru Granth Sahib
vanaprastha third stage of Hindu life, semi-recluse
var epic poem
varna class division of Hindu society
Veda principal Hindu scripture
Vishvakarman Hindu god of craftsmen
zat punjabi form of jati; occupational caste group
Abekh, 52
abortions, 59, 121, 126–7
accessibility of God, 117
adi, 139, 203, 235
Adi Granth, 3, 93, 94, 103, 132–5, 137, 182, 203, 204, 209
Adi Guru, 139, 203
Adiya, 201
adoption, 127
afterlife, 83–4, 160
Agni, 201
ahankar, 163, 235
ahas, 16
ahimsa, 200
ajiva, 197
Akal Purukh, xii, 150, 151, 154, 235
Akal Takht, 182
Akali Dal party, 188
akamakita, 25
Akbar the Great, 5, 92, 197, 204, 205
akhand path, 103, 104, 143, 235
alcohol, 14, 124, 175, 215
Allah, 151, 194
alms giving see Dan
Ambedkhar, 187
amniocentesis, 59, 121, 126–7
amrit, 18, 39, 45, 46–9, 97, 108, 120, 174, 213, 215, 235
amrit pahul, 47, 48, 51, 143, 179, 235
amritdhari, 187, 235, 215, see also Khalsa
amritpan karna, 47, 235
Amritsar, 182
Amritsar Mission School, 176
Amritsar Singh Saba, 176
Anand, 4, 48
Anand Marriage Act, 178
Anand Sahib, 8–12
Anandpur Sahib, 101, 108
Ardas, 10, 12, 47, 77, 124, 179, 227, 235
Armitsar, 92, 106
arranged marriage, 55, 56, 60, 63, 217
artificial insemination, 127–8
Arya Samaj, 176–8, 191, 207
ascetics, 53
ashram, 221
ashramas, 54
atman, 96, 148, 235
attachment, 163
Aurangzeb, 94, 122, 140, 205
avatar, 98, 177, 235
baba, 235
Baba Allah, 195
Baba Balak Singh, 175, 186
Baba Dayal see Dayal Ras
Baba Mohan, 133
Baba Ram Singh, 175
Babaji’s room, 61
Babur, 22, 33, 34, 90, 123
Bai Gurdas, 202
Baisakhi see Vaisakhi
Balmiki see Valmiki
Balwant, 90
Banda Singh, 171, 173
Bangla Sahib, 100
bani, 8, 118, 133, 138, 139, 163, 165, 235
baoli, 92, 235
bathing, 3, 27, 118, 199
Bedi, 116
begging, 219
bhagat bani, 135–6, 203, 210
bhagat Surdas, 140
Bhai Banno, 140
Bhai Buddha, 133, 137
Bhai Gurdas, 114, 120, 132, 134, 137–8, 151
Bhai Jaita Ranghreta, 186
Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha, 178, 207
Bhai Nandlal, 137–8
Bhai Phaira, 133
bhai sahib, 18, 235
Bhaini Sahib, 175
bhakti, 193
bhangra, 78, 236
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 189, 190
Bhatra jati, 214
Bhatras, 55, 219, 224
bhog, 104, 236
biradari, 202
birth, 98, 99
BJP party, 189, 190
Black Ocean see kala pani
Brahma, 98
brahma vidya, 196, 236
brahmacharya, 54, 236
Brahman, 26, 96, 148, 149, 196, 236
brahmanishtam, 25
brahmgiani, 236
brahmins, 17, 27, 28, 115, 117, 156, 220, 236
bride deaths, 59
Brimful of the Nectar of God’s Name, 161, 169, 170
British Army recruitment, 212, 225
British Sikhs, 213–19
Buddha, 22, 197
Caitanya, 203
calendars, 102, 104
caste, 27, 28, 29, 33, 39–40, 46, 63, 66, 73, 115, 116, 117, 118, 156, 175, 177, 181, 185, 193, 219, 220
chairs, 3
chakra, 16
chamars, 66, 118, 184, 236
chanani, 4, 142, 143, 236
Chandi Chowk, 206
Chandra, 201
charity in God’s name, 195
Charles, Prince of Wales, 2
Chaupa Singh Rahit Nama, 179
Chaupai, 48
chauri, xiv, 2, 3, 173, 236
chela, 25, 26
children’s behaviour, 61–2
chola, 108
chuhra, 118, 185, 186, 236
circumcision, 42
civil weddings, 74, see also marriage
Code of Discipline see Rahit Maryada
commensality, 21
congregational worship, 14, 15
content of worship, 7–8
converts to Sikhism, 65, 70, 216, 222
Council of Khalistan, 189
covetousness, 163
cremation see funerals
critical universalism, 194, 210
cultural changes in Britain, 216–17
culture clashes, 221–2
Dalip Singh, 213
Damdama Sahib, 182
Dan, 199, 200, 202
Darbar Sahib, 109, 188, 209, 236, see also Operation Blue Star
darshan, 165, 166, 236
Dasam Granth, 137, 145, 236
Datu, 133
Daulat Khan Lodi, 195
Daya Ram, 39
Dayal Das, 173, 186
Dayananda Sarasvati, 207
Dayananda Saraswati, 177
death, xiv, 54, 82–8, 93
Dehli Gurdwaras Act, 178, 181, 184, 186
Dehli SGPC, 184
dehra, 18, 221, 236
delusion, 164
deuotion, 193
Dev Ji, 97
devotion, 163
dharam, 174
Dharam Das, 39
dharam khand, 166
dharam yudh, 122
dharamsalas, 132, 165, 237, see also gurdwaras
Digambara, 200
discrimination, 115
dispersion, 211–31
Divali, 92, 103, 105, 108–11, 112, 143, 209, 218
diversity in religion, xv, 201
diwan, 4, 7, 8–12, 228, 237
diwan hall, 4, 142, 163, 173, 237
doab, 214
dohli, 78, 79, 237
dowries, 45, 72–3, 81, 121, 175
drugs, 175, 215
duality, 202
dum, 33
eclectic views on scripture, 136
eighteenth century armed struggle, 206–7
equality, 2, 4, 14, 17
ethics, 113–29
Europe, 222–3
extravagance, 175
families, 52–63
family ceremonies, 61
famine, 225
Farid, Sheikh, 135, 136
female infanticide, 59, 121, 126
festivals, 102–12
finance, 60
five evils, 163
five gurdwara takhts, 182
five khands, 166
five Ks see panj kakkar
five prayers, 195
five stages on path to enlightenment, 166, 170
five takhts, 181
food, xiv, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 21, 78
foot covering, 3
force as last resort, 123
functionaries, 17–18
funerals, xiv, 54, 83–8, 93, 126, 140, 172, 174
gaddi, xiv, 132, 204, 205, 237
Gandhi, Indira, 188, 189
Gandhi, Mahatma, 28, 187, 200
Gandhi, Rajiv, 188
Ganges, 27
Garutman, 201
gayatri mantra, 237
genetic engineering, 127
giani, 17, 18, 237
Giani Gian Singh, 176
gidda, 78, 237
Gobind Rai see Guru Gobind Singh
as all-encompassing term, 150
as all-pervading, 148–9
as creator, 154–6
as divine teacher, 156, 158
God’s will see hukam
as guru, 156–7, 158
as immanent, 148–9
names of, 118–19, 151–2, 158
nature of, 152–4
as One, 147–8
as seen by Sikhs, 147–58
as self-revealing, 150
as sovereign, 150
as Word, 149–50
God’s admiration and praise, 195
Golden Temple of Armitsar, 18
Gopal, 151, 193
gora, 237
Gora Sikhs, 41, 215, 216, 237
Goraknath, 98, 149
gotras, 115, 116
gots, 46, 66, 73, 74, 115, 237
grace, 165–6, 168, 170
granthis, 17, 18, 47, 69, 220, 237
greetings, 19–20
greetings cards, 111, 112
grihasthi, 54, 237
gurasling, 90
gurbani, 174
gurdwaras, xiv, 1, 2, 6, 7, 14–15, 17–18, 21, 50, 73, 100, 114, 136, 142, 165, 180, 219, 237
Gurdwaras Acts, 178, 181, 183, 186
gurmat, 18, 237
gurmatta, 141, 237
Gurmit Singh Aulakh, 189
Gurmukhi alphabet, 131
gurmukhs, 114, 164, 194, 202, 237