Hot & Sticky: Sunset Bay: Book 1

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Hot & Sticky: Sunset Bay: Book 1 Page 5

by Madison Faye

  “You mean ‘shack-ish,’ right?” I chuckle.

  “No, really,” she smiles at me. “It’s so cozy in here.”

  “Make yourself at home,” I murmur, kissing her softly. “Because it is your home, for as long as you want.”

  She bites her lip as I pull away. “Thank you,” she whispers. “For everything.”

  “Don’t even worry about it,” I rumble softly. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to make some calls.”

  She nods and smiles, and I step into my small bedroom and close the door. I call Gerard first. Gerard and I served together in the Corp. He got hit in the same roadside blast I did and took some shrapnel in the legs which got him discharged too. But now he’s local, and has his own private security company. He’s offered me a job about a hundred times, but it’s not for me. All I want is a good woman and some great waves.

  “West, what’s up, buddy?” Gerard growls in his deep voice.

  “Hey, man.” I sigh. I’ve been caught up with Taylor since we roared off. But what happened today was huge, and I know there’s going to be some music to face, and soon. After all, we did just flee the scene of the crime.

  “So, something came up. Something big, and I might need some looking into it.”

  Gerard grunts. “Sounds right up my alley. What’s up?”

  “You know the cinnamon bun shack on the pier?”

  “Buns Out?!” Gerard hisses. “Uh, yeah, bro, I know it. And it’s all over the fucking news right now.” It clicks for him why I’m calling, and he swears. “Oh shit, West. Were you a fucking part of that?”

  “No,” I growl. Then I frown. “Well, I mean, yeah, but not what you think. I was doing a job there for my Gramps when they showed up.”

  “Holy shit, West,” Gerard groans. “News is saying eyewitnesses saw guys with automatics just unloading into the place from the pier. Are you whole?”

  “Yeah, thanks man,” I mutter. “What’s the news saying?”

  “That all the shooters got away but one who was passed out cold when the cops finally showed up.”

  I smile thinly. “Yeah, I clocked the first one when he pulled a gun on the shack employee.”

  Gerard chuckles. “Good man. But the news is saying the poor girl working there is missing. It’s all over my police scanner, too. Cops think she might’ve been kidnapped, and there are witnesses saying they saw a guy dragging her to a beat-up old pickup…”

  Gerard trials off and then swears. “Aw fuck, man. Please tell me I’ve got this wrong.”

  I wince. “Yeah, so, about that.”

  “Aw hell, man!” Gerard groans. “What did you do?”

  “I had to,” I snarl.” Gerard, she was in danger.”

  “So you call the cops, man!”

  “No time,” I shake my head. “They were mowing the place down with full auto rifles, man. I had to act. And also…” I sigh. “Dude, this didn’t smell right. At all. Four heavily armed guys, shooting up a fuckin’ cinnamon bun stand? For what? The place has like, what, three grand cash at any given point? An armed robbery in broad daylight for three grand? Split four or five ways? There are some dumb criminals out there, but this is beyond fucking stupid.”

  Gerard growls quietly. “Shit. I hear what you’re saying, man. That doesn’t click right.” He sighs. “So you’re safe now? Your place, I assume?”


  “And the girl?”


  He whistles under his breath. “You gotta tell the cops man. It’s a matter of time before someone makes your truck and they think you kidnapped her.”

  I nod. “Yeah, I know. Just gotta figure out the best way to approach that. I’m not sure I’m okay with bringing her out in public, even to the police station, bud. I mean it was as if they were a hit squad after her.”

  My friend grunts. “You know what? I’m gonna do you a solid. My buddy Bear is with the force. Let me make the call first, ease him into it, then he can call you direct and smooth it out when you give him all the details.

  My shoulders loosen a little of the tension I’ve been carrying. “I owe you, man.”

  “I’ll look into the Buns Out connection, too. You’re right, that shit doesn’t check out at all. I’ll call you back ASAP.”

  “Thanks, brother.”

  “Take it easy, West.”

  I hang up and open the door to my room. I look through the small house and grin when my eyes take in the sight of Taylor out on my balcony porch. She’s leaning against the railing, her long blonde hair whipping in the sea breeze.

  I step out and pause at the half-open sliding door to the porch. My smile widens as I take it all in. God, she’s perfect, and this view is perfect too. Her, in my house, on my porch, looking sexy as hell with the ocean swelling past her.

  It’s like a glimpse of what could be, too. I know, I know—I don’t even really know this girl. But I know what I feel, and I know how she makes me feel. I know she’s young, but hell, I look at her and I see the future I’ve always dreamed about. I look at her and see the life I’ve always wanted.

  She’s on the phone, and I watch her say something before she hangs up. She sees me out of the corner of her eye and turns to smile at me.

  “Everything okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, just making some calls about earlier.” I purposefully don’t say “the shooting” or anything like that, even though she obviously knows what I mean.

  She nods. “That was my parents,” she smiles wryly. “They’re in Vancouver, but I wanted to call them and tell them about everything and that I was okay before they saw it on the news.”

  She shrugs. “We’re not that close, honestly. They’re a little older than most people’s parents, and I’ve always sort of been more of a roommate than a daughter to them. But I just told them I was okay and safe and all of that, and that the police were on it.”

  She frowns. “Um, about the police?”

  “It’s being taken care of,” I say gently, smiling at her and stepping close. “I called a friend, who’s going to get the wheels moving with the right people so that we don’t have to go anywhere.”

  I reach for her, and she blushes when my hands slide over her hips. I pull her into me, my pulse quickening.

  “It’s good you called them, even if you’re not close. I barely even know my parents.”

  Her face falls, but I smile and pull her tight to me. I reach down and tilt her chin up as the waves crash softly on the beach.

  “You’re safe here, you know.”

  “I do know,” she whispers. Her lips close the distance between us, and I groan when our mouths crush together. I kiss her deeply, soft at first, and then harder and hungrier. She melts into me, gasping and kissing me back almost desperately. Her hands grip my shirt, clinging to me as she kisses me back hard.

  My cock swells and hardens to steel against her, and my desire to shred her clothes off of her tight little body and fuck her into my goddamn mattress is almost overwhelming. I’ve had a taste of that pretty little pussy, and it’s all I want now.

  And then suddenly, my stomach gurgles, loudly.

  I pull away with a groan, but she’s giggling her ass off, beaming at me.

  “Sorry,” I growl, shaking my head and running my fingers through my hair. “Been a day, I guess.”

  She giggles again. “No, that was pretty freaking adorable. And I could eat too, I haven’t really at all today.”

  “I had a snack,” I growl.

  She blushes bright red, her teeth raking over her lip.

  “Yeah,” she breathes softly.

  I groan and pull her close. My hand slides down to cup her tight ass through her shorts, and she whimpers before both our stomachs growl again. I chuckle lowly and pull back.

  “Food first,” I growl, holding her eyes with mine. “But then, I’m having that snack again.”

  Chapter Nine


  “Oh my God,” I gasp, almost orgasmically. My mouth closes ar
ound it, and I moan as I take another utterly heavenly wet bite of the fish taco.

  “Are you serious right now?” I mumble around the bite at him.

  West grins, taking a huge bite of his own taco. He’s just whipped these up on his grill out on the porch, and they’re the single best fish tacos I’ve ever had. Like, ridiculously good.

  “Like ‘em?”

  “Are you fucking for real?” I giggle. “Holy shit, West, these are insanely good.”

  He grins. “Glad you like them. I could live on these things, three meals a day.”

  “Um, same,” I moan, wolfing down the rest of my little taco and reaching for another. I look around as I dig into the next one, taking in the surf shack, the rack of boards and wetsuits sunk into the sand, and the little wooden walkway half buried in sand that winds through the dunes down to the big waves on the shore.

  “So, this is your spot?”

  “This is it, all its glory.”

  “And you surf?”

  I roll my eyes at myself instantly at the stupidity of the question.

  “I know, I’m like a detective, right?”

  He laughs. “I grew up down the shore a bit, and yeah, I’ve been in the water since I was probably three. Do you?”

  A make a face. “A little?” I laugh through a mouthful of taco. “I’m not very good.”

  “Want some lessons?” He winks. “Happy to teach you some things.”

  I blush, instantly, at the filthy thoughts that well up to the surface in me. My dirty mind instantly goes to several things he could “teach me,” literally anytime he wants, at the drop of a hat. I think back to the things he’s taught me so far, even if he might not know he was the first to show me any of that, and my skin tingles.

  My thighs clench, and heat pools between my thighs.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” he chuckles, ripping me out of my fantasies.

  I blush and quickly bite my lip. “Just daydreaming.”

  “Looked like it,” he growls hungrily. “Dirty girl.”

  I gasp, blushing and feeling the heat tingle over me. I freaking want this man, in every conceivable way, and it’s so powerful it almost scares me.

  “I was talking about surfing,” he chuckles. “What were you thinking about?”

  “Surfing,” I answer, very, very quickly.

  He rolls his eyes. “Spill it.”

  “No way,” I giggle, stuffing the rest of my taco into my mouth. “Let’s go surfing.”

  Only it probably sounds more like muffled incoherent mumbles through the taco.

  “Want to go now?”

  I blink in surprise. I was just trying to move past me embarrassing myself, but it also sounds super fun.

  “Right now?”

  “Sure,” West grins.

  “Oh, I…” I blush, swallowing my bite. “I don’t have a suit or anything.”

  He shrugs. “I’ve got a small wetsuit you could wear.” He grins at me wickedly. “I’d welcome you to go naked but surfing naked can hurt like a motherfucker.” He leans across the little table and takes my hand. Electricity tingles through me, and I gasp softly when his eyes burn hotly into mine.

  “I don’t want to damage a single inch of you, baby girl,” he growls.

  I shiver. God does this man have me wrapped around his finger.

  “Come on,” he purrs, pulling me to my feet. He leads me down the stairs to the rack of wetsuits and surf boards.

  “Here, try this one.”

  He hands me a smaller suit. It’s clearly a guy’s wetsuit, but it’s definitely on the smaller side. I blush and pause with it in my hands, and he grins.

  “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  “You…” I blush darker, sucking my lip between my teeth. “You don’t have to,” I blurt out.

  His face darkens with lust, and I gasp when he steps right into me. His huge hands slide over me, cupping my ass and making me whimper as he pulls me close.

  “Yes, I do,” he growls deeply. “Because if I don’t, we’re never gonna get you in the water, because I’ll take you right here and now.”

  I whimper, loudly, and he groans. He steps back, jaw clenched, before he grabs a wet suit and climbs the steps back inside. Part of me is disappointed that he’s not taking me right here and now. But then, I’ve never done this, and maybe pausing so I can actually think this through is a good thing.

  But damn do I want him.

  I slip out of my clothes and pull on the wetsuit. It feels weirdly sexy pulling it up over my naked body, and the way it hugs and teases my skin has me shivering heatedly. I’m still struggling with my arms, the suit half unzipped, when I hear footsteps behind me in the sand.

  “Alright, ready to—”

  I whirl just as he looks up, and his eyes instantly blaze with heat. His gaze drops to my half open wetsuit, to my bare breasts and rock-hard nipples, and he groans.

  “I—it…” I blush. “I couldn’t get it zipped…”

  “Let me,” he purrs darkly. He steps closer, and I gasp when his hands slide around to cup my ass. He pulls me close, and his mouth instantly drops to my chest. I cry out when his lips fasten around one nipple, sucking gently and swirling his tongue around it. It’s like pulling a trigger right to my pussy, and I whimper in ecstasy.

  My head drops back, and West growls when he slides his mouth to my other nipple. He does the same to it, squeezing my ass, and pulling me hard against his thick erection. I moan for more, but he suddenly pulls back, grinning at me.

  He pulls me close, and I whimper when his hands find my zipper and pull it gently the rest of the way up. I pout, and he grins.

  “Oh I’m going to have fun with you,” he growls softly. “A lot of fun.”

  He grabs us two surfboards, and I try my best to push down my raging hormones and desires before I follow him down the wooden walkway to the surf.


  An hour later, I’m no pro, but I’m also not crashing and burning every single time. And oh my God am I having fun. I’m mostly falling, but I’m having the time of my life doing it, and it doesn’t hurt that bad most of the time, West’s hands are all over me, with his body hard against mine in the water.

  And holy shit, he’s good. Like, really, really good. By the time we’re done, he’s got his wetsuit unzipped to the waist, arms free, and his grooved muscles rippling as he tackles a crazy wave. I watch in a mix of being impressed and being completely turned on as he paddles to shore and stands from the surf.

  “Okay, so, you’re amazing.”

  He laughs and pulls me into him. Instantly, my mouth falls to his and our lips are seared together. I whimper, feeling his hands sliding all over me as he utterly claims my mouth with his.

  He pulls me into his arms, and I moan when my legs splay around his waist. He lifts me easily with one hand on my ass, and I cling to him, kissing him. West grabs both our boards with one arm, me in the other, and he doesn’t stop kissing me the entire walk back up the beach and walkway to his house.

  He drops the boards and grabs me with both hands as we climb the stairs to his balcony. I moan into his mouth, and his hands are instantly yanking my wetsuit zipper down.

  He peels off of my top, baring my breasts as he growls eagerly. His mouth descends on my nipples again, and I squeal in pleasure as his tongue swirls over them. He puts me down by the railing and spins me around, bending me over. I moan with excitement as he starts to yank the suit the rest of the way off, and when it peels over my bare ass, I shiver despite the heat of the day.

  He tugs it down my legs and away, and then he stays right there, kneeling behind me. His big hands grip my ass, and I tremble as I feel his hot breath on my thighs.

  “Oh fuck, West…” I moan in excitement.

  He growls and leans in, and I cry out when his mouth suddenly presses between my legs. His tongue drags wetly over my eager pussy, and I squeal in pleasure. His fingers dig into my skin, and his tongue dances over my clit as he spreads me lewdly open for h
is eager mouth.

  “Fuck, such a pretty little cunt.” His voice full of possessive lust. His filthy words have me moaning, and I wantonly push back against his tongue, eager for more. He pushes his tongue deep into me, and I moan my toes curl against the weathered wooden deck beneath them.

  His tongue slides up, over my slit, parting my lips before it dances higher. He swirls the tip around my little asshole, and I cry out gutturally, lost in the filthy pleasure. West groans, pushing his tongue against my little hole, and the pleasure blazes through me.

  He drags it down again to my clit, and this time, he sucks it between his lips. His fingers dig into me, and his growls rumble through me as his tongue mercilessly dances over my clit. I’m seeing double, my mouth slack and my body trembling as I cling to the railing for dear life.

  He pushes me higher and higher, until suddenly, I can’t take it anymore. With a scream, I start to come, hard, wailing out my pleasure to the ocean as the gorgeous man behind me pins me to railing and drags the climax from my body.

  I’m shuddering and shivering when he gently gives me one last lick and pulls away. I hear the sound of his zipper, and I turn and slide my fingers into his.

  “Let me,” I whisper, in what I hope is a sultry tone. This is all new to me, and I want him to think I’m sexy, and know what I’m doing.

  I take the zipper in my hands and tug it down slowly. More and more of his chiseled, perfect abs slide into view. Then a dark trail of hair from his navel, pointing lower. My pulse beats quicker, and my eyes drop to the huge bulge in his wetsuit. It’s not entirely visible, but good lord, the shape of what I can see through the wet black material is making my body ache.

  I pull the wetsuit away from him and tug the zipper the rest of the way. His arms are already free, and I grab the rest of the suit and tug it down, dropping to my knees to help. And then, suddenly, the suit slips over his hips, and something enormous springs free.

  There, on my knees, I look up, and my jaw about hits the ground. Because right in front of me, thick, hard, and swollen, is West’s huge erect cock. And it’s gorgeous.

  “Oh my fuck,” I choke, breathless.


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