The Wizard Book

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The Wizard Book Page 28

by Radu Aldea

  “There would be no consequences,” Alexandra finally spoke.

  “You don’t know that, I don’t know that and even senators can’t know for sure, mind-reading aside. Sometimes, you don’t know how someone would react in a situation until that particular situation arises. For most humans, he is the emperor. There is nobody else ready to take his place. There will be a vacuum of power for the first time.”

  The late emperor, Sem’Dhar’s father, was the first to call himself emperor. The name was relatively new, but the office and the power weren’t. Out of the wizard wars the position of first-wizard emerged. He was the leader of the wizards, usually the most powerful of them, and the unquestioned ruler of the empire. The squabbling continued, first-wizards were removed in one way or another, but there was always someone there to take over the office. Tamzin was right. Now, with the wizards destroyed, there was no clear successor.

  “The senators will step in, as they should. Or maybe it’s time for an empress.”

  “The Order would never allow that. Besides, humans won’t take orders from a woman. They would do the same to women senators if they could get away with it.”

  That was true. Human women had no rights. They were subject to their senior male family member, usually the father, or to their husbands. They could inherit or own, but all the decisions about their wealth were made by men. Few human women had been able to rise above the limitations imposed on them by society. Sorceresses and women senators were a constant itch in human men’s minds, which they couldn’t scratch.

  “Your husband is useless. Humans hate him. They would celebrate his death. In Veneguard they think he has an alliance with Cuttland senators to enslave them all.”

  “He has a very good use. My husband is the guarantee that the emperor is not under the control of senators. This is something no other man can do. Without that, there is no authority. Humans would just accuse each other of being taken over by senators. If we kill him, or even if there is a small suspicion about his death, humans might turn against us. One could envision the moment when they destroy us. And I don’t think we can count on senators to help. They would just watch, enjoy the bloodbath and celebrate the elimination of another opponent. We have to tread carefully.”

  “So what are we going to do about that rodent, Edwin?”

  “Until we are sure what kind of games senators are playing in Veneguard I don’t think we can do much. It is very likely Edwin is under the control of one.”

  “I thought you didn’t believe the imperial council was compromised.”

  “Of course I think it’s compromised. I think all of them are taken over, but I didn’t think it was something my husband should know. I was managing him. So, just how bad are things?”

  Alexandra told the empress everything she knew, which wasn’t much. She did chase rumors and assess the mood of the city, though. Her sisters weren’t really interested in this and had let the humans do the spying. They thought it was beneath them, but Alexandra started to realize they needed their own network of informants.

  “Do you think all the unrest in Veneguard is the senators’ doing?”

  “No! Some of it is, though, but they found a fertile environment to work with.”

  “You have contacts among the senators. Perhaps we should go talk with them.”

  “That’s where we were heading. But he is a senator and he might not be forthcoming.”

  “Even so, it’s still a good idea to talk to him. We might find out something even if he is not willing to share. Now I am going to sleep.”

  Tamzin was out instantly. Alexandra could tell because her breathing relaxed as soon as she turned her back. She would’ve loved to do the same and her bedroll looked very appealing. She fantasized of lying on it and closing her eyes, but she didn’t.

  She realized just how much more difficult it was to stay awake when you were alone. Even if she and Tamzin didn’t speak much there was another person with her, one she had considered a threat, and that made her alert. Now that she no longer believed the empress dangerous to her, it was more difficult.

  Alexandra extended her senses to get a feel for her surroundings. There was nothing alive out there except plants and small animals. She wished she was in an inn and had humans to entertain her. Watching them with her senses would’ve kept her occupied. Humans, if not in large numbers were not a threat to her, but they would provide a distraction.

  Hours later, with nothing even mildly entertaining to do, she was bored out of her mind. Alexandra was ready to give up and wake Tamzin so she could rest too. She scanned the area one more time. There wasn’t much hope things would be different this time, but she tried anyway. To the south, she sensed them. Alexandra wasn’t sure what they were, at first. Then, when she focused, she realized they were humans, about fifteen of them. She woke the empress.

  “What do we do?” Alexandra asked when it was clear the humans were coming to them. The two sorceresses weren’t hiding, but weren’t using the main roads either.

  “They aren’t that many and came from the south. I don’t think there is reason for alarm. This just might be a coincidence. Besides, it is still night.”

  She didn’t want to admit it, but that’s what worried her. Who traveled at night? And who didn’t take the roads? They obviously didn’t, but they had a lot of power. Humans, on the other hand, faced numerous dangers, wild animals and robbers included. There was no shortage of both here. “All right! They are easily dealt with.”

  Alexandra wasn’t surprised to see fifteen men appear at their campsite. Two looked like lords, or rich merchants, and the rest were guards. They were all armed, which was a little unsettling. One of the guards brought a torch to them and they pretended to wake up.

  “What are you two doing here? Are you senators?”

  These men didn’t know anything about senators, otherwise they would be aware senators didn’t travel without protection. Tamzin told the lie they agreed on. “We were attacked by brigands. We managed to escape, but we are lost. We don’t know what happened to the rest of our group.”

  “Things like this have been happening a lot lately. With all the trouble in the south, brigands have become bolder.”

  “You are safe now. We will protect you,” one of the leaders told them.

  “Thank you, thank you so much.” Alexandra sounded like a drowning victim they had just rescued. “How did you find us? We are here in the middle of nowhere.”

  “We are hunting, which is lucky for you. Our villa is not far away.”

  “We’ll have to wait ‘till morning. You two lovely ladies don’t mind if we camp here and keep you company?”

  “Of course not,” Tamzin answered. “We feel safe with you here. We were so scared we didn’t dare sleep thinking they’re going to find us, but we were so tired.”

  “We are here now, so there is nothing for you to worry about. You can sleep and we will protect you.”

  Alexandra had no intention of trusting these men and making herself vulnerable. She hadn’t slept in days, but right now she was on edge. Armed men did that to her. The two women did have a plan and they were sticking to it. They pretended to sleep, waiting to see what the men would do. It was one way to learn their intentions. All the while their senses were focused on the men. At this distance, even with their eyes closed, they could tell everything about them, especially if they were drawing their weapons. Which Alexandra absolutely thought they would.

  And they did, two hours later. The bastards had been patient, she had to give them that. They moved, they talked, they laughed. Everything they did was perfect. Nothing raised her suspicion. She almost fell asleep, thinking Tamzin was going to deal with them, if necessary. Then, it happened. The chatting went on as if nothing was happening, but she could sense six of them had their bows out and arrows ready. They were really, really good. Another second, they’d be dead. She unleashed her power and lightning hit the six bowmen. They were dead before they hid the ground. She hadn’t b
een alone in her attack, Tamzin hit them, too.

  She restrained the rest with air. Any sorceress could control all the four elements, but they did have an affinity to one or more than one. Hers was air. They could not escape from her invisible ties. Alexandra felt them struggling against them to no avail.

  “I can’t believe you were right. How did they find us?” Tamzin asked.

  “Let’s ask them! I think they will be pretty eager to tell us. Who wants to go first?”

  No one did. Apparently her implied threat didn’t resonate with them. They were going to talk. Everybody talked unless they were of power or controlled by senators. And these were humans, not beings of power.

  “Who do you think is their boss? I think we should start with their boss.”

  “I don’t think they have a boss. We should just pick one and begin.”

  “These two look like lords, they are dressed nicer. I like to start with them.”

  “So, does anybody want to answer any of these questions? How did you find us? Who sent you? Do you know who we are? Who are you? Why do you want to kill us?”

  Still no answer. Alexandra created a ball of fire and she started to incinerate the hand of one of the two pretending to be lords. Alexandra was sure now they were just pretending. The smell of the burning flesh, the sounds of his scream and cracking bones almost made her sick. Almost! There was no mercy in her. They had tried to kill them. The man had passed out long before his hand finished disintegrating before their eyes.

  “Well, he’s not going to talk to us any time soon.” Alexandra turned to the other fake lord. “How about you? Do you feel cooperative?”

  “Screw you, bitch! You will burn in hell and suffer the god’s eternal punishment.”

  “You’ll burn in actual fire.” Since the man was worse than uncooperative she decided she should start with his leg. Alexandra was careful not to harm his genitals, she would get to them later, but for now they stayed intact. This one didn’t give them anything. He didn’t even scream. What he did do was pass out from the pain, just like the first one.

  “This isn’t working. I’m going to try something now,” the empress whispered to her.

  Tamzin’s best element was water and she made good use of it. She encased the head of one of the guards in water so he couldn’t breathe. Every time he tried to inhale he was just swallowing liquid. Alexandra had heard of this type of torture. It was highly effective. When Tamzin felt he had enough she removed the water. The men tried to spit out the water from his lungs when he could breathe. He must’ve been in a lot of pain, but didn’t say anything. Tamzin tried it again and the result was the same. They weren’t talking. Either these were the toughest men in the whole empire or the two women were in trouble and running out of time. The sorceresses started whispering to each other.

  “These guys aren’t talking. We have to leave this place now!”

  “They found us once, they will find us again. This is senators we’re talking about.”

  Alexandra had no doubts Tamzin was right. One human who resisted torture like this was one in a million. Fifteen of them in one place was an impossibility. The only viable explanation was they were under the control of a senator and he ordered them not to speak.

  “I am not afraid. The gods will reward me in the afterlife. I am doing their work.”

  Another religious fanatic, just what she needed right now. Alexandra burned both his arms just to keep him quiet. His screams were less annoying than his preaching.

  “Why would senators want to kill us?” Tamzin asked her.

  “I don’t know. I wish I did understand their machinations, but I don’t.”

  “Do you think this is somehow connected to what Edwin was doing?”

  “I don’t know! Maybe!”

  “Should we still go to your contact and speak with him?”

  Tamzin’s questions were exasperating, especially when they both knew she didn’t have the answers. “I think we should. This might not involve the whole Order. We may be only dealing with a faction of senators and maybe we can do something about it.”

  Tamzin nodded. “Then we should get rid of them immediately and leave.”

  “I want to question all of them. I know, it’s unlikely they will talk, but I’d like to try. Besides, I think I recognize one of them. He’s in Polyan’s gang.”

  “And you’re only telling me now?”

  They both knew Polyan was a crime boss from Veneguard and his gang was one of the most ruthless in the city. Even the imperial guard avoided tangling with him. But Alexandra didn’t think any underworld boss, no matter how powerful, would risk a conflict with them.

  “I wasn’t sure. I’m still not sure. I only saw him once.”

  “Then we should finish here and send a message to Yvonne to have a chat with Polyan.”

  “After we get to my contact and we will know more.”

  It was decided. They acted quickly and were on their way in half an hour. Unfortunately, they didn’t get any answers.

  Chapter twenty-four

  “And you just happened to be there?”

  “No, I followed you here and was trying to decide if I should come in when I saw Marcel and the two soldiers and I decided to act.”

  “And you just happen to have the skills to take out two trained soldiers.”

  “My father wanted a son. I was all he got and he treated me as such.”

  Aleyna was tired of answering the same questions over and over again. The female follower was starting to get on her nerves and her high-pitch voice was hurting her ears. Aleyna wanted nothing more than to slap and teach her a lesson. The follower had been hostile from the start and the most determined to mistrust her. The rest of them, even the priest, had accepted her story. She didn’t understand why that woman was quickly becoming her nemesis. It didn’t matter the lunatic was right about her intentions, Aleyna had had enough.

  “Why were you at the market?”

  “I was buying fruit. I wasn’t looking for you, if that’s what you’re thinking. Sure, I heard some rumors, but, to be honest, I think you are all insane.”

  “Marianna, she has answered all your questions. She helped us. If not for her, we would probably all be dead.”

  Marianna. So that was that woman’s name. Aleyna had been told before and had forgotten. “You would’ve been dead, there’s no doubt about that. I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourselves into. Senators are going to find you and are going to kill you slowly and painfully. If you are thinking this will end any other way, you are fooling yourselves.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have come here,” Marianna snapped at her.

  “Believe me, I’m regretting it already. At the market, I thought you were something else, but I was wrong. All you have is his promise he can resist senatorial control and I’ve seen nothing to substantiate that claim. My guess is you have all been very, very lucky.”

  “You think I’m lying?” The priest of the Sun wasn’t angry, more curious.

  The priest of the Sun, Ilan, was difficult to read. Aleyna wished she knew what he was thinking. Christian would’ve known, but he wasn’t here with her. Perhaps she should introduce him somehow to this group. She could definitely use her friend’s help. No one had to tell her the priest’s opinion was of the utmost importance. During the questioning he remained silent, looking mildly interested. When he would finally speak up, his decision would be accepted by all of them. So Aleyna had to make sure Ilan would accept her.

  “I think you believe it. I also know I’ve seen no evidence for it and you’ve seen no evidence for it. The moment you’ll get your confirmation is the moment you’ll die. The only way you can get it is by facing a senator and you’ll die no matter if you were right or wrong.”

  The priest gave a rare smile. “That’s likely to be true. If the Sun God wills it I gladly accept my fate. Yet until now we brought our message to the people without any problems.”

  “As I said, lucky.” />
  “It’s more than luck. If a greater force hadn’t protected us, senators would’ve found us.”

  Senators did find you. All you do is give these naive fools hope for a future that would never come and lead them to their deaths. That’s what Aleyna was thinking. What she said was something completely different. “Maybe they were busy with something else. There are rumors something is going on with them.”

  This wasn’t exactly secret. Since every senator in the province wanted more soldiers they started disappearing from the garrisons. It didn’t take a genius to realize why. Humans might not know why the senators were militarizing, but they knew they were.

  “You are something incredibly rare and valuable. You are a warrior,” Ilan told Aleyna.

  “There are plenty of soldiers out there.”

  “Yes, but very few true warriors. There are differences, you know. And you have the skills. Our family, although enthusiastic, doesn’t. You are welcome to join us.”

  Exactly what Aleyna wanted to hear, yet she didn’t want to sound too eager. “I don’t think so. I thought I would find someone able and willing to fight senators. You may be willing, but you certainly aren’t able.”

  “It’s not our intention to challenge the senators. I offer a teaching, a way for people to be free and gain some control over their lives. I can’t help it if senators think me a threat.”

  Aleyna burst into laughter. “You could stop preaching!”

  “That is something I cannot do because I would be defying the Sun God.”

  “This teaching of yours, how does it work? I’m guessing it’s not for everyone because your disciples don’t claim to be immune to senators. What is the Way?”

  “The Way cannot be spoken of. The Way that can be put into words is not the True Way. Words would define and limit what is indefinable and limitless.”


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