by Brown, Beau
I moved to hug her, and she wrapped her arms around my waist.
“I don’t like it when life makes decisions for me.” Her voice was muffled against my shoulder.
Rubbing her back, I said, “I know. But this might be a good thing.”
“I’m afraid Doug isn’t ready.” She sniffed. “This might break us up.”
I pulled back to study her pale face. “No. He loves you. You’ve been together for four years.”
“You were with Jerry a long time.”
“Not as long as you and Doug. And Jerry was never as loving with me as Doug is with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s not doting.”
“Priss. He makes you breakfast in bed every morning.” I hesitated. “Did he do that today?”
She looked sheepish. “Yes.”
She laughed, her cheeks pink. “He even gave me a massage.”
“What a bastard.”
She frowned. “Shut up.”
“He loves you. He just also likes video games.” I smirked. “I’m pretty sure he loves you slightly more.”
Her lips twitched. “Maybe.”
“You need to tell him about the baby. You two need to make this decision together. You know I’m right.”
“Yeah. Unfortunately.” She moved away from me, and she finished off her juice. “I’m terrified.”
“Of what?” I gave her a sympathetic look.
“What if I’m the worst mother ever? I’m complaining about Doug, but the truth is at least he’d be a fun dad. I’ll probably be a boring, bossy bitch of a mother.”
I chuckled. “No way. You’re going to be that cool kind of mom.”
She rubbed her face. “I guess I’m a little excited. I mean, I do love kids.”
“You always have.”
“There are lots of nurses at work who are married and have a family. They make it work.”
“Exactly. You’ll be fine. You have Doug. You have me. Mom and dad will be over the moon crazy for their first grandchild. I mean, you have plenty of support, Sis. You’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” She blew out a shaky breath. “I’m probably just freaking out because it’s a shock.” She touched her stomach. “But this could be great.”
“That’s right. Think positive.” When I said that, it reminded me of my conversation with Liam last night. I tried to ignore the twinge of nervousness that he might not call. I didn’t want to be that guy who fell for every guy he had sex with. If Liam called, great. If he didn’t, I’d live.
The kitchen door opened and Doug walked in looking disheveled. But he smiled warmly at Priscilla and he slipped his arm around her waist. “Thanks for letting me play, Babe. I finally got to level forty. I’ve been trying to get there for a year.”
“No problem.” She smiled wryly at me.
Doug met my gaze. “I heard you and that new doctor are hot and heavy.”
Heat rose from my neck, and I glared at Priscilla. “Oh, really? And who told you that?”
He grimaced. “Oops.”
“He’s my boyfriend. I can’t keep secrets from him.” She laughed.
I narrowed my eyes. “Okay, then on that note, I think I should go.”
Doug looked surprised. “Already?”
“Yep.” I moved toward the door. “I believe Priscilla has something to tell you.”
“Hey.” She scowled. “That’s not fair.”
“Life isn’t fair, baby sister. I thought you knew that.”
“What’s this baby sister stuff? You’re five minutes older than me.”
“Five minutes is five minutes.” I grinned. “And that’s not the point. The point is you need to talk to Doug.”
Doug rubbed his stubbled chin. “What about, Babe?”
She bit her bottom lip. “Well… um…”
“Call me later.” I pushed out through the kitchen door and let myself out of the apartment. They needed privacy for this conversation. Even though I believed they would work this out, what they didn’t need was an audience.
The late afternoon sun was warm on my shoulders. It was pleasant now, but would be much hotter later in the season. Summers in Sweet Water were brutal, and I often wished I had a pool. But I had student loans to pay off so springing for a pool wasn’t in my budget at the moment. I’d just slipped into my car when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I dug it out, and my pulse skipped when I saw it was Liam.
With my fingers trembling I answered. “Hello?”
“How would you like to come to a barbecue later today at my house?”
“A barbecue?” I asked blankly.
“Yes. You said you had today off, right?”
“I do.” I was surprised he remembered that.
There was an awkward silence, then he said, “I have a pool. Does that sweeten the deal?”
I laughed. “You don’t have to sweeten the deal. I’d love to come over later.”
“Excellent.” He sounded relieved. “I thought we could grill steaks and swim.” He hesitated. “And other things.”
My body warmed at his husky, suggestive tone. “I like the sound of that.”
“Good. How about four-thirty?”
“Perfect. If you’re sure.”
He chuckled. “I wouldn’t have called you and suggested it if I wasn’t.”
“I guess that’s true.” I felt lighthearted as I started my car. “Well, I guess I’ll see you then.”
“I’ll text you directions.”
Duh. I had no idea where Liam lived. “Oh, yeah, right.”
“I look forward to seeing you.” He sounded sincere.
“Same. I’ll see you soon.” I hung up, and sat staring out the windshield at the quiet street. It had been a long time since I’d really liked the person I was sleeping with. Jerry and I hadn’t been on the same wavelength for most of our relationship. Priscilla’s words about Liam not wanting a relationship came back to me. That was probably true. I did need to remember this was all fun for him right now because it was new. But he was popular at the hospital. He would no doubt have plenty of opportunities to sleep with whomever he chose. Just because he’d invited me over for a barbecue didn’t mean this was going anywhere. I needed to keep that in mind.
Sweet Water only had one gated community, and that’s where Liam’s sprawling two story was located. The sight of his home was intimidating to a middle-class guy like me. The immaculate, expansive gardens were another reminder that we came from very different income brackets. Maybe he enjoyed fucking me, but Liam could do much better than me. I reminded myself of that fact at least ten times as I walked up the long stone pathway to his door.
When the door opened, Liam stood there in tan shorts and a blue shirt. His auburn hair was damp and the scent of coconut shower gel reached my nose. “You made it.”
I smiled. “I did.” He smelled and looked so good, it was hard to keep my hands to myself. “You have a beautiful home.”
“Thanks.” He stepped aside. “Come in.”
I entered the house, noticing how nice and cool it was. There was beige tile and white walls, but other than that, it was rather sterile. No art was hung and the furniture, while expensive looking, was also in bland tones. “You don’t have any art hung.”
He laughed. “Nope. I’ve been lazy.”
“It’s not very attractive in here. You should hire a decorator.”
He closed the door. “I can always count on you to be blunt, Fox.”
I winced. “Sorry.”
“No. You’re right. This place needs help. But I don’t have a lot of free time, and I definitely don’t have any decorating skills.” He led the way into the kitchen. The kitchen was warmer because of the walnut cabinets and gold flecked granite counters.
I nodded approvingly. “This room is nice.”
He grinned. “I’m glad you give it your blessing. Your house is nicely decorated. Maybe I should hire you as my decorator.”
He w
as joking of course, but I liked the idea he’d want my help. “I doubt you could afford me.”
He laughed. “Did you bring swim trunks? I forgot to tell you to do that.”
I frowned. “No. Damn. It didn’t even occur to me. I guess I should have thought of it because you mentioned you have a pool.”
Shrugging, he said, “No problem. I have plenty of spares.” He eyed my body, sending pleasant shivers through me. “I think you’re a medium.”
His smile was slow. “I’ll be right back.”
I watched him leave, admiring his long, sinewy legs. I almost had to pinch myself that I was actually in his home. I smiled and walked to look out the french doors that led out to the backyard. His backyard was huge, with a sparkling pool smack in the middle. There was a barbecuing area with what looked like a state-of-the-art grill, and under the counter refrigerators. I’d never seen such a cool set up anywhere but in a magazine. I was tempted to open the door to investigate further, but I decided to wait for my host.
Liam was back quickly, and he handed me a pair of bright green swim trunks. “These should fit.”
“Thanks. I’ll change in a bit.” I smiled up at him.
He hesitated, and then he cupped my cheek and kissed me softly. My breath caught in my throat at the feel of his warm lips on mine. God, just the taste and touch of him was addicting. He pulled away, licking his lips. “If I don’t behave, we’ll never get to the dinner and swimming part.”
I laughed weakly. “Fine by me.”
His lips twitched. “No. I want to spend time with you fully clothed for a change. At least the first part of the evening.”
I was flattered he wasn’t immediately dragging me into his bedroom. Although, I was confused too. If he was just using me for sex, he sure as hell didn’t have to feed me first. I was glad he wanted that, but every time he did gestures like this, I wasn’t sure how to take them.
He grabbed a platter of raw steaks from the refrigerator and led the way out onto the patio. The air was warm and the scent of star jasmine filled the air. “This is amazing.” I admired the wide expanse of his yard. “Really an entertainer’s dream.”
He nodded. “And yet, you’re the first person I’ve invited over.”
Pleasure rushed through me. “Really?”
He watched me, looking uncertain. “I’m not a hugely social person.”
“You work a lot.”
“I do. But that’s not the only reason.” He laughed sheepishly. “Most people bore me.”
I smiled. “You can’t be too choosy if you like hanging out with me.”
He pulled his brows together. “That’s not true. You’re great, Fox.”
My face warmed. “Thanks.”
“I mean it.” He shrugged. “We’re on the same wavelength in many ways.” He turned and headed for the grill.
I was in shock he felt that way about me, but I followed him to the grill area.
He lit the grill and placed the steaks carefully on the grate. I had to smile at his precision on placing the meat on the grill. They were all evenly spaced apart. He noticed me smiling and he paused. “What’s so funny?” he asked.
“Well, you’re smiling for some reason.”
“It’s Just that you put meat on a grill very precisely.”
He frowned down at his handy work. “I do?”
I pointed. “See, each steak is exactly two inches from the next.”
“It’s not a criticism.” I moved closer. “Doctors need to be precise.”
“I guess.” He frowned.
I grimaced at his unhappy expression. “It was just an observation. Ignore me.”
He picked up one of the steaks with the tongs, and arranged it at an angle to the other steaks. “There.”
“Wow.” I grinned, glancing at the steak he’d moved. “What a rebel.”
He chuckled. “You have to start somewhere.”
“That you do.” I met his gaze, and without giving myself too much time to think, I put my arms around his neck, and kissed him.
He hesitated as if surprised, but then he managed to set the platter and tongs down without them ending up on the ground. He put his hands on my hips, pushing his tongue into my mouth. He slid his palms down my spine, to cup my ass.
He broke the kiss, his cheeks flushed and his eyes glittering. “I’m trying so hard to be good,” he said quietly.
“What if I want to be bad?”
He swallowed. “Let’s eat. Swim. We have all evening.”
I was definitely pleased that he really did want to be with me for more than just sex. I’d never been with a guy who was willing to put getting to know me in front of fucking me. “Whatever you want.”
His smile was enigmatic. He trailed a finger down my cheek, tracing my lower lip. “I want you. Don’t doubt that. I just want you to know I like other things about you besides your ass.”
I laughed. “That would make a great T-shirt.”
Deep dimples appeared in his cheeks. “I was thinking black with pink lettering.”
“Definitely. See, you do have an artistic sense.”
“For T-shirts maybe. I doubt that color combo would be a hit in my living room.”
I forced myself to move away from him, missing the heat of his body the second I did. But he was right. It was good to get to know each other as people too. Although, I had to admit, a part of me was afraid that if I got to know him better, it might be even harder to accept when he finally stopped calling.
Because eventually, he’d stop calling.
Chapter Seven
I surprised myself when I pulled back from taking Fox to bed immediately. But as much as I was tempted, I truly did want to know more about him. I tended to the steaks, basting some wine and garlic on the meat, and Fox stood near me, chatting about his sister.
“Doug and her have been together a while now. They make a good pair because he’s very chill and she’s a little higher strung.” He finished his beer and tossed the empty in a trash can near the grill.
“Sounds like they balance each other.” I closed the lid of the grill and faced him.
“They do.” He smiled.
“Another beer?”
“Sure.” He watched as I grabbed a fresh bottle from the built in fridge under the barbecuing area. When I handed it to him, our fingers brushed.
Just the touch of his skin against mine had my heart rate spiking. There was something about him that just got to me. It was hard to remember he was the guy who’d pissed me off so much the first day we’d met. “You said your parents live in town. I know you and Priscilla are close, how about you and your parents?”
“We’re a tight-knit family.”
I nodded, feeling a little envious of the obvious affection in his voice. “That’s great.”
He met my gaze. “It is. Will you fly out to be with your mom on holidays?”
“You mean because Dad died?” I frowned.
I shook my head. “I doubt it. She’s welcome to come here if she’d like.”
He frowned. “You’re not going to go there even for the first Christmas after your dad died?”
“I never spend holidays with them.”
“Oh.” A line appeared between his brows.
I gave a gruff laugh. “Is that a problem?”
“No. Obviously none of this is my business.”
“Maybe so, but you seem to disapprove.”
Shrugging, he sipped his beer and didn’t respond.
“I told you, me and Dad didn’t really have much in common. He didn’t like to hear about my job, so that made it kind of hard to have a conversation.”
“I see.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Mom doesn’t expect to spend the holidays with me.”
“Hey, it’s your family. Everybody has their own way of doing things.” His expression was pleasant, but
there was a hint of something in his tone.
“You think I should just drop everything when the holidays come around, and fly out to be with Mom?” Even I could hear how incredulous I found that idea.
“I would.”
“Ahhh. Well, if you would do it, then it must be the right thing.” I laughed.
He pulled his light brows together. “No need to mock me. Family is important.”
“I never said it wasn’t.”
“No. You didn’t actually say that, that is true.”
I grunted. “Fox, I love my mom. But I can visit her anytime during the year. It doesn’t have to be during the worst season for traveling.” I finished off my beer and grabbed another. Maybe he was getting under my skin more than I liked because I had always been a bit guilty about not seeing my family enough. Now that Dad was gone, I couldn’t fix that with him. Perhaps he was right and I needed to make more of an effort with Mom. “I’ll visit her. I’ll make sure of that.”
He held up one hand. “I’m overstepping. Sorry.”
“I guess we just can’t help but bicker.” I studied him. Why was I so drawn to hang out with someone who I butted heads with so much? I’d invited him over to get to know him better, which made no sense because I didn’t plan on seeing him long term. I never saw anyone long term. Why was I wasting time getting to know him? My career was my priority, and relationships tended to interfere with that. I liked being single and free. If a promotion or job opportunity came along, I could take it if I wanted, without consulting the guy I was fucking.
“I’m butting in where I don’t belong.” He sighed. “I just got the feeling the other night you regretted not spending more time with your dad. Now it’s too late. I’d hate for you to feel that way about your mom too.” He grimaced. “I’ll shut up now.”
My chest tightened at his sincerity. “I appreciate you care.”
He shrugged. “Hey, I’m a caring guy.”
I smiled. “I’m probably too touchy about the subject of my mom because I do feel a little guilty.”
“Yeah?” His gaze sharpened.
“A bit.”
“Either way, it’s not my place to lecture you.” He moved toward the pool. “This yard is so beautiful.”
It was obvious he was trying to change the subject, so I followed him. “The backyard is why I rented the house.”