The Four Tales

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The Four Tales Page 76

by Rebecca Reddell

  Scared, her panicked gaze looked up into his. The darkness wrapped around her and pulled her back. Forcing the words out, Maezy told him all she could before she disappeared.

  “Get me out. No spell. True Love’s Kiss.”

  Then, she saw and heard no more.

  This can’t be happening.

  Brandalfr did a three-sixty spin around the room, but she was gone. His only hope at freedom and answers, and now she had disappeared. Head going backward, he groaned. His hands fisted, and if he could have thrown something, he would. King Ingvar would be back soon, and he had no more answers.

  “What did Maezy say?” he whispered.

  Something about ‘no spell’ and ‘true love’s kiss’. True love’s kiss? What’s that?

  The words were familiar, but he couldn’t place the significance to any particular thought, and he didn’t know what they could mean. “Search for it,” he told himself, lunging for the books strewn out on the desk.

  Searching and flipping through the pages, he hunted for the truth. He grabbed a book of ancient lore and turned to the index. Combing through, he examined the list and found what he was looking for labeled just as she’d told him. True Love’s Kiss. Flinging the spell book open to page 379, Brandalfr read what the text provided, hoping for a clearer answer.

  * * *

  The reader will find substantial evidence of the theory of True Love’s Kiss as defined by the gods. It is known that such a spell once enacted cannot be undone or outdone by the counter spells typically found in the text of King Quarnatium. The soul collective of unified minds has seen the destructive acts when working magic against this particular spell.

  Only those familiar with True Love can acknowledge the bounty and curse of this spell.

  To break it, you must find the lover of the intended victim. Their freedom from the sleep-like death cannot be reversed without this special someone. Due to the inaccuracy of this belief, True Love’s Kiss may or may not be found. Use with extreme caution as the intended may never rise. We advise against its use unless no other methods can be obtained.

  * * *

  “No. No, no, no, no, NO!” Slamming the book closed, Brandalfr screamed at it. He would have no choice. They’d have to search for her True Love. Did she have one?

  Maybe there’s a locator spell?

  Fingers ripping through the books and pages, he tried to find locator spells. He knew a few but wanted to specifically pinpoint a True Love. If Maezy had one, it would take a bit of work to find him. Now he was stuck between finding Maleficent and waking Maezy. He didn’t know which would be more helpful right now. He knew he couldn’t drag her body out of the castle by himself.


  Think, Brandalfr, think. You know these spells. What did your father teach you?

  Before he could figure out the correct spell, the door was opening, and King Ingvar entered. The king was young in appearance despite his centuries worth of years. The white hair cascading over his purple robes was straight, his brows dark, his face pale, and no wrinkles marred his complexion. It was his eyes which commanded attention. Bright, blue, and searing. They were turned, staring, at Brandalfr.

  Even though no words were spoken, the warlock knew what the king wanted. A voice entered his mind and spoke. “Is it found?”

  Exhale, “No, King Ingvar. I found out what the spell is but have no answers on breaking it, yet. I wanted to know if you would like me to find the answer first or is finding Maleficent priority?”

  “You know? How can we break it? What is the spell?” King Ingvar’s voice was eager.

  Deep breath. “Maleficent put a True Love’s Kiss spell on Maezy. I might have success in finding the answer faster than locating the witch, now that we know what the spell is.”

  Curses split the air, King Ingvar shook his fist. “That witch is responsible! I should have known she’d do something like this! True Love’s Kiss! How will we find her true love? Do you know?”

  “I’m working on it. It will take a little while. Do you want me to work on it first?”

  “Yes! The next step will be to get the witch. I’ll put a Seeker on trying to find her while you concentrate your efforts on waking her.” Heading to the sofa, King Ingvar glanced at the young woman lying there.

  Her long, red hair hanging off the side of the couch and sweeping the floor. Pale skin and pointed ears alluded to her elfin background. Taking a moment, he watched his daughter, and Brandalfr watched him.

  The King’s mouth softened, relaxed, before a sigh escaped. “She is beautiful, isn’t she?”

  Uncertain if he was supposed to agree or not, Brandalfr stayed silent, watching and listening.

  “She looks like her mother. Her hair is the exact shade. How amazing, she ended up with it.” Reaching out, he ran his fingers through the strands, allowing it to sift through his fingers and fall back over her shoulder and then to the floor.

  “It almost makes one regret the lengths one has to go through to get even a moment with his flesh and blood,” he whispered.

  Tilting his head, the young warlock began to wonder how much King Ingvar just wanted to add Maezy to his collection versus his actual affection for her.

  Straightening, the king turned and looked Brandalfr in the eyes. The pinched lips and narrowed eyes had returned. His gaze raked over the younger man. “How long do you think before we can wake her?”

  “I don’t know, King Ingvar. This is a difficult spell. I will try a few locator spells to see if they will help us.”

  “Good. I’ll leave you to it and check back later. Other business needs my attention, and I’ll have the Seekers see what they can find without your assistance.”

  Brandalfr nodded as the king walked to the door.

  Pausing there, the king turned and gave a half smile over his shoulder. “You know, Brandalfr, I’m aware you sent my daughter to save your mother and sister. A smart tactic, and I applaud your efforts. However, cross me again, and you won’t make it out alive to see them. Plus, you’ll never hear what I know.”

  Swallowing, Brandalfr nodded.

  “Just let the guard know if you need anything,” he added, disappearing through the door.

  Exhaling a long, low breath, Brandalfr looked back at the books on the desk in the middle of the room. His chances of escape, carrying the king’s daughter, were slim with a guard outside the doorway.

  A sigh from the sofa had his eyes traveling back to the girl he’d met only hours ago during her realm walk. He could understand the king’s desire to own her. Of course, Ingvar’s desire to have her powers outweighed his desire to actually get to know her.

  Eyes back on the books, he sat at the table and flipped through one book and another, searching for the exact locator spell. His father had taught him a simplified version of the spell long ago. It was a way to find lost items. This spell would need a bit more to it, in order for him to find a person, and not just any person. A True Love.

  Shaking his head, Brandalfr stopped to rub his eyes and sat back in the chair. His head fell backward, and his eyelids closed as he pictured a time so long ago.

  * * *

  “Brandalfr, you need to focus. Spells aren’t learned overnight. Now, try again.” His father crossed his arms over his chest.

  Brandalfr’s brow wrinkled and tightened as he put all of his energy into the thought. Closing his eyes, he focused on the object his father had asked him to find. A ring of black onyx which was said to have magical properties. Thinking only of the ring, his mind shifted the darkness and brought him to a cave. He heard the name inside his mind.

  Excited, he opened his eyes and shouted, “Earth Realm! It’s on Earth in a cave underground in South Dakota!”

  “Great, my boy!”

  The slap on his shoulder made his insides feel light. He smiled up at his father. Black eyes stared down at him, then, “Well, now, let’s work on the transference spell. This way the ring will come to us.”

  * * *

; Brandalfr could still feel the clap on his back. The smile his father gave him had been wide and toothy. His black eyes had been shining, bright, and happy. His long, black hair the same length Brandalfr wore his own, as many elves did.

  Brandalfr had been seven then. Two decades later, and he would do anything to see his father look at him the same way again. The only thing he could do right now was wake up the sleeping beauty.


  All three spells were unsuccessful. He just couldn’t seem to find the correct one. Location seemed fruitless. The girl didn’t seem to have a True Love. Each time he created the spell and sent it out to find the man, the spell glowed and expired within seconds. He must be doing something wrong!

  Brandalfr walked around the sofa and sat on the edge of a table, perched near the side where Maezy’s head was angled. “Do you think you could wake up and tell me the name of your True Love?”


  “I’m not having any success finding him. I could use your help right about now.”

  No sound.

  “Do you even have a True Love?”

  No movement.

  Stopping to consider this, he wondered if she might not even have a True Love. If not, this would be more complicated than he had previously judged. It meant he would be stuck in this castle even longer than planned. He couldn’t leave her behind. It wouldn’t be right.

  Thinking about it, he recalled the spell book had said it was a possibility that someone might not have a True Love. Where were the optimists when he needed them? The ones who always spouted off such things about there being a True Love for everyone.

  “Is that it? You don’t have a True Love? Maezy, I wish you would do your realm walk thingy already. I can’t figure this all out on my own. Any minute, King Ingvar is going to return and demand results. He isn’t going to like me telling him I have no idea where your True Love is. He won’t like me telling him you don’t have one either.”


  “You’re going to be pigheaded about this, I see.” Sighing, Brandalfr stacked his hands on top of his head, and then raked them through his hair, minding the braids along each side and tucked behind his ears. “They say karma always comes back to haunt you, but this is ridiculous.”

  Touching her shoulder, he gave it a shake. “Maezy? Maezy?”

  He stood from the table and did a loop around the couch. He tried to think of another spell. If the locator spells wouldn’t work, he might be able to try a detector sort of spell. They were slightly different. Or he could do a lost person spell… did he have any sea salt?

  “Nope,” he muttered. He’d have to know something about the person in order to do that one. “I really am bad at this, aren’t I?”

  He didn’t know who he was talking to at this point. Maybe Maezy could still hear him. He wished she could. He rounded the couch and made his way to a chair near her head.

  Sitting back in the chair and exhaling loud and long, he shook his head. If only he knew for certain she did have a True Love. If she would just wake up.

  Staring at her, he found a smile spreading. Her hair was everywhere. Trailing onto the floor, strands covered her face, and bunched underneath her head, it resembled a red whirlwind.

  Scooting to the edge of the chair, he reached out and brushed the red-gold pieces from her cheeks and forehead. He untangled it from her long eyelashes and pulled a few from her pale, pink lips. Her skin felt soft beneath his fingertips. The milky tone contrasted with her fiery red locks.

  He noticed her pointy ears as well. A trait from her father, he knew. Adjusting her pillow, he hoped the angle would be better for her neck and pulled her head up to readjust her hair across the pillow. Knowing what it was like to fall asleep on your hair, and wake up from an ill-timed turn, Brandalfr pulled as much of it from under her body as he could, and swept the strands over her right shoulder.

  Lying her head back against the pillow, he took time to braid her hair and tied it off with a random band he found in his pocket. “There. At present, you won’t awake and find yourself buried in hair. It looks good, by the way, if I do say so myself. I have practice, you know.”

  There was a part of him hoping she would wake up any second. Or realm walk back. It was a futile wish since he knew she wouldn’t without the kiss.

  “Your mother continually has to make life difficult, doesn’t she? Did she happen to mention what you would do if your True Love wasn’t found?” Sighing again, he plunked back in the chair and pounded the arms with fists.

  “That’s it! There has to be something I missed!” Standing, Brandalfr stalked back to the table and sifted through the locator spells he had found.

  Grabbing another book, he used his powers to flip through until it stopped on the correct page. Locator spells of various energy. Pausing, he scanned the page.

  “Worth a try,” he muttered, putting the book down on the table and beginning the incantation.

  At first, his words met air and dispersed upon his breath. Next, the words began to mix and twirl and create a light energy all their own. Continuing the spell, the light built. Casting it out into the atmosphere, he commanded it to find the object of Maezy’s heart’s desire.

  For seconds, it burned a bright, blinding mass. He repeated the last phrase, hoping for the best. Hanging upon the wisps of air, the light twinkled and blinked. Then, it shifted and pulsated through him.

  Feeling the energy advance, elapse, and transpire through his being left him hot and cold at the same time. The light transcended him through time and space, and for an instant, he could see Maezy. He heard her, felt her within his soul. Her essence filled his reality and left him empty when it ceased filling every corner of his core. A flashing smile, a multitude of memories, and subsequently, she was gone.

  The light disappeared. The heat and cold left him. The memories evaporated.

  His feet touched the floor, and his eyes widened.

  Turning, Brandalfr approached the sofa once again. Instinct led him to her side, to kneel down, and to lean forward. He knew what was going to happen, and what he was going to do, before the thought even broke through the surface of his understanding.

  Her lips were cool, dry, soft. His own met hers, connected, gentle and smooth, before pulling away. Eyes stared down, waiting, for the world to right itself and the tingles to evaporate.

  Eyelashes fluttered and lids skimmed upward as green eyes stared into his own. They were ringed with a darker green and filled with a bright jade. He hadn’t noticed the concentrated viridescent glow surrounding the pupil until this moment.

  He was so close to her.

  Her breath was his, and vice versa.

  Leaning back on his heels, he waited for her to acknowledge him. Her deep inhale seemed excessive. Her eyes widened, pupils dilated, and then returned to normal. The green globes veered to his.

  “You figured it out? You found how to break True Love’s Kiss?”

  He nodded.

  “How’d you do it?” She glanced around the room, as if expecting someone to be there.

  “I kissed you.”


  Swallowing, Maezy was uncertain she’d heard Brandalfr correctly.

  I kissed you, ran through her thoughts a few times as she processed their meaning. Opening, closing, opening her mouth repeatedly, Maezy blinked long and hard.

  “What do you mean you kissed me? I think I’m misunderstanding.”

  “It means, I kissed you.”

  “Well, then.” Heart speeding up, Maezy sat up posthaste and took a glance around the room.

  They were alone. She had time to think about his words, except for the fact the words didn’t want to be processed. They twirled around in her brain until she felt dizzy and confused.

  “You kissed me?” she tried again.

  He nodded.

  “How is that even possible? I don’t understand. Did you find a way around the spell?”

  “No.” He shook his head and continued to stare at her

  Yes, he was beautiful. He had the elfish magnetism and hypnotic gaze. She could fall under his spell. Just as her mother had fallen under her father’s.

  Perhaps the comparison wasn’t quite fair. After all, Brandalfr wasn’t all elf, just like her, and he hadn’t tried to take advantage of the situation, when she’d appeared to him in her realm walk. Despite his own troubles, he’d actually been willing to help her.

  Refusing to look directly at him, she stared at the opposite wall lined with books and swallowed. “How can that be possible?”

  “I don’t know,” his voice sounded strained, deep, tentative.

  Nodding, Maezy tried again, “But I don’t know you. Not really. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I know,” he sighed. “I just know I tried different versions of the locator spell hoping to find your True Love. They fizzled out before giving me any idea. It was frustrating. I kept hoping you’d appear out of nowhere again.”

  Maezy met his eyes, then altered her gaze to look past him.

  “Unfortunately, you were asleep and not returning any time soon. So, I went through one last book. It used a Celtic based word for love instead of an Elvish or Collective or Latin or Greek. I thought I was going to have to give up,” he told her.

  “Alright, but I don’t see how your explanation gives me an answer.” She tried to understand.

  “The last spell made it clear I was the only one who could break the spell. It led me to believe I was the one who would have to kiss you.”

  “Have to kiss me? That makes me feel better since I didn’t ask you to be. So, we should probably plan our escape. Where’s my father?” Maezy tried to not be irritated over his lack of enthusiasm.

  Here he was her True Love, and if that wasn’t enough of a strange revelation, she now had to deal with his apparent disgust over being her True Love.

  “Maezy, I didn’t mean it the way you seem to be taking it.”


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