Doc (Ruthless Kings MC Book 7)

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Doc (Ruthless Kings MC Book 7) Page 15

by K. L. Savage

  Honestly, when I found out she was pregnant, the first thing I thought about was that I was too late to try to make her fall in love with me because her heart belonged to someone else.

  That’s all I ever wanted.

  I can deal with everything else, but her heart, that was always meant to be safe with me.

  “Eric,” her chin wobbles, and I realize my focusing on her stomach is making her emotional, so I lower my head and tug her pants off each leg. Her panties match.

  Her panties fucking match.

  She’s going to be the death of me.

  I dip my fingers into the waistband and pull them free too.

  “Your turn,” she says, keeping her legs shut.

  I grunt and kick off my jeans quickly, along with my underwear. I don’t want her keeping that cunt from me any longer. If being naked finally gets me where I need to be, then damn it, I’ll be nude every day.

  “Oh,” she gasps when she sees me for the first time.

  I’m not cocky. I’m confident. I’m not a guy with a ten-inch dick. It’s seven to eight inches, normal length, but the girth is what I’m blessed with. My cock is as wide as my damn wrist and by the way she’s staring at me, she’s nervous, turned on, and wants it.

  I want her to have it.

  I pry her legs open and smirk when she spreads them without question. Her pink folds are wet with lust, and my mouth waters for a taste when I see her cream leak from her tight hole. My eyes lower further, and her asshole winks at me, daring me to enter her with my fat dick.

  Oh, I’m fucking going to. I’m going to make sure she can’t sit straight for a goddamn week. I’m going to fill this pussy, and when I’m done coming, I’m taking her ass next.

  First, I need to taste her.

  My mouth locks onto her clit, and she’s coming again, pulling on my hair and wrapping her legs around my neck, making the most pornographic sounds I’ve ever heard. I’m keeping her pregnant if she’s like this.

  I don’t stop or give her time to rest when she comes down from her orgasm. I latch onto her swollen nub and pierce her cunt with two fingers, pumping in and out of her tight heat. My eyes roll to the back of my head when I feel how warm she is, how tight. I lift my mouth off her clit and sit up, watching as my fingers slide in and out of her hole. I speed up, going harder and faster until my palm is smacking against her seductive lips. I hook my fingers in deep and give her insides the come hither motion. It isn’t long before her thighs are trembling and another orgasm rips through her, milking my fingers and soaking them in her slick.

  “Oh god, Eric. No more. I can’t. I don’t think I can.” She shakes her head in a state of bliss.

  I remove my fingers and smirk. I’m about to lick my fingers clean when I realize I can use her cum to stretch her forbidden star. I dip them down below and rub the tips over the muscle to coat them with her juice. Without warning, I slide one finger in, and my lips part when she sucks me in. “Oh, Jo, I can’t wait to get in here,” I growl, wishing I could slide in now. “Has anyone been in here?”

  She shakes her head and palms her tits, moaning when I add another finger without protest. “Another first,” I add, and my cock jerks at the thought of being the only one in her succulent ass. I look between her legs again and slow my fingers when I see faded white lines.

  They aren’t stretch marks.


  I want to kiss every single one of them.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, her stomach rising with her wild intakes of air.

  “Nothing, just teasing you,” I wink and move my fingers again.

  “So full. I can’t wait to feel your cock stretching me there. I never thought this would feel so good.”

  “You’re going to let me have this ass whenever I want, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, anytime, Eric. Anytime,” she moans.

  I know the moment I get inside her, I’m not going to last. I’m too worked up. I add another finger in her ass and align my cock to her tight pussy. I sink in, groaning when our flesh meets and slides against one another for the first time.

  “Eric,” she whines, and her eyes squeeze shut as my girth stretches her to the brink.

  I watch as her lips mold to me, stretching as far as they can to accommodate my size. “You’re so tight. Oh god, Jo.” I fall over her and take her lips in a messy kiss. There is no finesse. Pure. Fucking. Need.

  “So big,” she says while I’m already too close to coming. “Never felt so good before.”

  “Me either, babe, me-fucking-either,” I groan when my sack presses against her ass. I pull out, then in, and out, letting her get used to me before I increase my thrusts.

  Her hands shake around my shoulders, and she’s the only woman who can touch my scars and all I’ll feel is acceptance. Our bodies move as a constant wave. My cock plummets into her depths, touching her womb, knowing that one day, I’ll get my turn. Right when I’m about to come, I pull out, lift her legs to her shoulders and with my cock dripping with her cum, I push inside her ass. The muscle gives, and both of us hold our breaths.

  Me from the tight grip.

  Her from the intrusion.

  And because she’s mine, she takes every inch of me.

  “Give me a second, baby,” she pleads, squeezing her eyes shut from the pain.

  It’s killing me not to move.

  Like I said earlier, her pace.

  Never in my life have I ever felt so stretched and full. His cock is big, wide, and for never having anal, I feel every inch of him. I have a feeling I’m going to be feeling him for weeks after this. He presses my legs together and waits for me to give him the go ahead.

  “More,” I beg when the stretch turns into a delicious pinch of pleasure that has me aching for him.

  He grunts, a drip of sweat falling from the tip of his nose, and he pulls out an inch and pushes in. I clutch onto the mattress from the unexpected sensation of an orgasm creeping up my spine, only the feeling is more intense. The barrier between my ass and my pussy must be thin because I can almost feel him rubbing against the inner walls of my cunt too. It’s a dual sensation, like the ghost of his cock is still fucking the other hole.

  “Jo,” Eric snarls, leaning his head against my ankle before lowering my legs and turning me to my side. He falls behind me and curls his entire body around mine. His arms wrap around my chest, his front is plastered against my back, and his cock is deep within a part of me I never thought possible. He’s slow, careful, and kisses my shoulders. It’s like he’s savoring being inside me.

  His hands are magnets as they drift to my ass and grip the flesh, then he yanks my hips against him. “Oh, fuck. This ass, it’s going to be the death of me. So fucking tight.” He thrusts harder than before. “So fucking big.” He fucks himself in again. “So fucking mine.” And with that, he lets loose, savoring and careful quickly blown out the window. It’s like when his hands felt my ass, all bets were off.

  I reach around us and lay my hand across his ass as he fucks me. “Ohhh, Eric. I’m close. Oh, more. Harder.”

  “No, not harder. Don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Hurt me. I like it. I like being hurt.”

  “No. Don’t want to hurt you or the baby.”

  But I need it. I need the hurt and pain. “Please,” I beg. “More. Harder.” I press my ass against him and fuck him myself. “Do I need to do it myself?” I growl, and I guess talking back earns me a smack across the ass because my left cheek is on fire from the slap.

  “Mouthy.” He bites the flesh of my shoulder and picks up the pace, fucking my ass so hard, it hurts, burns, and yet I can’t get enough.

  “More.” I don’t know why I’m begging for more. He’s being relentless.

  His fingers fuck inside my pussy once more, and my body tightens. Yes! I wanted another hole filled by him.

  “You like this? Holes filled? I’ll need to find something for that goddamn mouth. Maybe I’ll get a gag; would you like that? Would you like moanin
g and drooling, unable to speak,” he teases, biting my earlobe, and then he lays a hand across my mouth. “Go ahead, scream, babe. Scream as loud as you can as I fill this ass with my cum, but you won’t be able to get as loud as you want to let everyone know what I’m doing to you.”

  I mumble against his palm and sneer at him with attitude, but he’s right. I do like it. I want everyone to know how good he makes me feel, and he’s denying me.

  I feel him everywhere, and when his fingers curl inside me again, sliding against his cock that’s fucking my ass, it’s all I can handle. I toss my head back and rest against his shoulder, and my stomach drops as my orgasm threatens. He’s a rollercoaster that takes me higher, higher, and higher, until I can’t see the ground, and when I peak and fall over the edge, I’m flying.

  “Yeah, baby, milk my cock. I feel it. I feel you. Come for me. Come,” he orders, plundering me with his girth. I know I won’t be able to sit for a week. I lift my arm over my head and drag my hand down his shoulder, feeling his scars. “I’m going to come. Keep touching me. Oh, fuck, keep touching me,” he begs, and I continue to stroke along the edges of his scars, but then I’m unable to think when my last and final orgasm completely ruins me.

  From head to toe I tingle, and my muscles clench tight around his fingers and cock. My entire body spasms out of control. I can’t stop shaking.

  “Jo!” He thrusts in one last time, and the warm splash of his cum bathes the inside of my ass. He moans loudly, his body jerking from how strong his orgasm is. “Jo,” he repeats my name, tired and spent as the last shock works its way through his body, pumping one last spurt inside my filled ass.

  I feel like I’ve run ten miles. I want to sleep.

  “You know what? I wish I had a butt-plug for you.” He grins as he peppers kisses along the slender muscle of my shoulder. “I’d make you wear it after we fucked to keep my cum inside you so when I want that ass again, which I will always want to fuck this ass—” he grunts in appreciation and spanks me again—“I can slide in, and you’ll already be wet.”

  The dirty words have me getting turned on all over again. I had no idea how much he liked my ass until this moment. The praise is an aphrodisiac.

  Eric moves my hair off my shoulder, kissing up my neck until he lays his chin in the crook. He holds me close to his chest, our skin sticking together, and after a few minutes of calming down and catching our breaths, he slides out of me. A gush of his cum leaves me, dripping down the crease of my ass. The bed dips as he rolls away from me, and a small pinch of panic forms. Is he leaving? Is he done with me?

  “I’ll be back,” he says in the next instance and kisses the back of my neck. I turn to my back and watch him get up and walk toward the bathroom. I get a good look at his scars for the first time. All of them. Every long, jagged, puckered line. I sit up, and tears spring to my eyes when I see they travel from the base of his neck all the way down to the back of his thighs. They remind me of an animal attack, like claws sinking into his skin and ripping it.

  I know he thinks he’s a monster, but all I see is beauty.

  His body is a work of art, hard lines and perky firm cheeks of his ass flex as he walks. He pauses when he feels my eyes on him, like he might have forgotten about his scars for a moment. He grips the frame of the door, and his shoulder muscles move and dip. His scars come to life and slither across his skin. The light catches the edge of his jaw as he peers over the muscular bulge of his shoulder. His Adam’s apple moves up and down.

  “This is me,” he despises. “Frankenstein’s monster. I’m carved up and only put back together for more torture. What do you think of me now?” Eric takes a step into the bathroom and comes out with a towel. He kneels on the bed and crawls forward. He spreads my legs and cleans me up.

  I try to close my thighs, to stop him from doing something so personal, but he warns me with a growl and forces my legs apart. “I want to take care of you,” he says, wiping the combination of our love away.

  He tosses the towel on the ground and goes to spoon around me, but I lay a hand on his chest and sit up. I slide my hands around his back, and he tenses as I inch around him until I’m face to face with his back. My heart breaks as I take in the massacre in front of me. How could a father do this to their child? I gasp, emotion brimming my eyes.

  I cry for him.

  I cry for the little boy who had to endure such hate.

  I cry for the man who feels like he has to hide himself.

  “You are not Frankenstein’s monster. I never want to hear you say that again. You’re the bolt of lightning that brings the dead back to life, just like what you did for me, remember? What you did for us,” I add, reminding him that he didn’t just save me, but the baby.

  He spins around and grabs my jaw with his hand, staring at me as if he’s in pain before his lips fall against mine, kissing me like his life depends on it. His tongue is gentle and not as demanding as before. The wide palm of his hand engulfs my neck as he holds on tight to control the kiss.

  “I’m going to fall in fucking love with you, Jo. I just thought you should know,” he admits against my mouth.


  Before I can say anything, his mouth is on me again, and his hands slide down my torso, passing the swell of my tits. He digs his fingers into the meat of my hips until there are bruises, and with desperate grunts, he yanks me onto his lap and the groans in frustration.

  “What?” I gasp, wondering why he’s stopping.

  He rolls out of bed and runs to the bathroom. I hear the faucet going, and I lay there in the middle of the mattress, wondering what just happened. He comes out of the bathroom and is drying off his cock. “I needed to clean myself before I’m inside you again.”

  I giggle, remembering why he had to clean himself.

  “Now, where were we?” he asks, pulling me into the exact position I was in before. His cock is still hard, and I reach for him. Wrapping my fingers around the stalk, Eric moans and thrusts his hips forward. I watch the plum-colored crown vanish in my fist before sliding out. Even as I tighten my grasp, my fingers can’t touch around the girth.

  He cups the back of my skull with his hand and brings our mouths together once again, and the longer we kiss, the harder I fall in love with him. Eric’s fingers dig into my hips again, bruising me, and I realize it’s these marks that matter most.

  They touch me with want, with love, with need, and safe-keeping.

  They do not bring pain or blood, but peace and promise.

  He picks me up by my ass and slowly lowers me on his girth; inch by wide, intruding inch, he spears me.

  “Joanna,” he says my name in broken syllables as his cock impales me fully. He pulls out until only the tip is remaining and thrusts in until I feel his pelvis against my clit. My shoulders bunch as he wraps his hands around me and presses against me harder.

  We clasp onto each other as every rock is more intense than the last.

  And if the world chooses, when the time comes, the only death I’ll face is a peaceful one, and it will be in his arms.

  “Eric, Eric, Eric,” I chant his name into his mouth as I slide against his cock with every tantalizing thrust he gives. “Don’t ever stop.”

  “I can never stop when it comes to you.” He supports his head against mine as he grunts. “God, I can never stop. Never get enough of you. Never.”

  I realize now my compass isn’t broken, and my sense of direction might have been lost before, but not anymore. I’m right where I need to be.

  In the arms of a healer.

  A man who’s saved the remaining light of my soul.

  Best sleep I’ve ever gotten in my life, and while I know I’m supposed to take the next four days off, I can’t. Not only are my patients important, but they are my friends. I roll over and come face-to-face with Jo. She’s sleeping, eyelashes fluttering over her cheeks. She tries to slide her hands under her cheek, but she whimpers, forgetting about the bandages.

  The cuts and stitc

  Everything seems okay right now, but I’m fucking scared.

  I’m scared I’m going to love this woman so much, and she still won’t realize her worth, and she’ll start cutting again.

  Checking the time, I roll out of bed and see it’s seven in the morning. She groans as she moves to the middle and spread eagles across the entire mattress.

  “Bed hog,” I say with a grin, bending down to kiss her forehead. “Hey,” I coax her awake by stroking her cheek. “Jo-love, wake up for a second. I’m going to the clubhouse.” I don’t want to say I’m going to the interrogation of the guy Tongue dragged home.

  “No, I want chicken,” she mutters and buries her face in the pillow, eyes still shut.

  “What the…?”

  “Chicken…” She sighs as she yanks my pillow to her chest and cuddles it.

  I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the baby is craving chicken. I press my palm against her belly, and a surge of excitement, nervousness, and fear rolls through me. I want her to have this baby so bad, but it’s selfish of me to ask that of her if she doesn’t want this, especially with how the baby was conceived.

  She says she doesn’t know, but instincts don’t lie. When I ask her about it, I see it in her eyes, and when I find the son-of-a-bitch who took her without permission, I’m cutting him open.

  From his neck to his stomach, then I’ll flip him over and do the same to his back. I want to hear his screams as he realizes no one is coming to save him, just like no one could save Jo from his hands.

  Jo gasps, and it yanks me from my thoughts. I check her over to make sure she’s okay, and she grins as she cuddles into the blanket. “Nuggets,” she whispers and then bites into the air as if she’s eating them in her dreams.

  I’m glad she isn’t having nightmares.

  I chuckle and press a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll bring you back chicken nuggets; don’t you worry.” I stay there for a moment, my nose against the soft curve of her neck, and simply breathe her in. Her long hair tickles my cheek and the sandalwood of my bodywash lingers on her skin, but it smells sweeter. I don’t want to leave her, but I have to.


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