Bitter Thorns (The Entwined Book 1)

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Bitter Thorns (The Entwined Book 1) Page 20

by Chrissy Jaye

  “They scared me when they arrived, and I dropped my glass. It’s all over the stairs.”

  “On it,” Liam said, looking relieved to have something to do. He went to a door on the other side of the kitchen that I hadn’t explored and came back with a broom before heading toward the stairs.

  “Ouch,” I snapped when another piece of glass hit the counter. Luc squeezed my shoulder.

  “Princess, stop healing yourself!” Flynn snapped.

  “I’m not,” I spit back. I didn’t know how, and he knew that.

  Kieran stood up and looked at me. “I don’t think she’s doing it on purpose.” He grabbed my hands, and a flood of electricity zipped through me. It reminded me of the time Vian had talked me into putting my hand inside a lamp when it was plugged in without a bulb. He’d turned it on and wanted to see what would happen.

  My body shook for a moment, freezing me in place, just like when I’d electrocuted myself, but it didn’t hurt. I just couldn’t move. The sensation was actually sort of pleasant and if I could have, I would have snapped my legs together to keep myself from getting so turned on. Jesus.

  “Uhh, I wouldn’…” Luc started to say but it was too late. The pressure built in a familiar way and even though I couldn’t move, I panicked. No. Please no… My body skyrocketed with pleasure, on the brink of release when Kieran dropped my hands.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about it,” he said quickly, trying not to look at my pebbled nipples that were popping through my bathing suit.

  “I got the glass,” Flynn said, standing. He was probably the only one who didn’t realize what had almost happened and I sat there still frozen, for an entirely different reason. My breathing was labored as heat rushed through me for the thousandth time that day. Flynn took me in with one sweep of his eyes before he burst out laughing. “You look like a lobster, Princess.”

  “I hate you,” I breathed, not really meaning it. “Can I leave, please?”

  No one answered me so I shrugged out from under Luc’s arm and raced out of the kitchen. Passing Liam on the stairs, he called out to me, asking me what was wrong, but I ignored him, instead sprinting for my room. I couldn’t lock the door, so I threw myself into the bathroom, bolting that door behind me and started a shower, leaving it cold.

  These men were going to kill me, I thought as I stepped under the spray, still wearing my suit. I stayed there for at least thirty minutes before I started washing my hair so I could braid it to dry.

  When I left the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, I found Kieran and Liam lounging on my bed. I blinked at them for a second, completely unprepared to deal with any of them after the scene in the kitchen.

  “Livvy, I’m so sorry,” Kieran said, sitting up quickly. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. It’s such a rare reaction and I didn’t even think about it.”

  “Can we not talk about it?” I begged. I really didn’t want to even think about it. Ever again. I went to my closet and stepped inside, closing the door firmly before turning on the light to find something to wear.

  “I told you not to bring it up, dude,” I heard Liam say. “She’s got enough shit on her plate.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You didn’t practically rape someone with your energy,” Kieran responded with heat.

  Is that what he was thinking? I took a deep breath and pulled down a shirt and some dark jeans. I didn’t have any underwear in here, but I wasn’t going out there in my towel to get some.

  “You know that isn’t how an exchange works,” Liam tried to placate. “It has to be mutual or else it wouldn’t—”

  “She doesn’t know that!” Kieran snapped. It was always a shock for me when he got angry, he was always so quiet and steady.

  Buttoning my jeans, I opened the door and stalked toward the bed and summoned my courage. “It’s fine Kieran. You didn’t hurt me. It just…” I struggled for a moment. “It surprised me is all and there were—Let’s just forget about it, please?” I climbed up onto the bed and settled between them on the spread.

  “How are your feet?” Liam asked after a few minutes of silence.

  “They’re fine now,” I answered, wiggling my toes to emphasize my point. “So, is that something everyone can do? Heal themselves?”

  “No. Healing is one of the harder skills,” Kieran said. He collected one of my hands in his. “But I’m starting to think we might have your affinity pegged wrong. You and Vian should share the same skill, but he can’t heal like that.”

  “Then what am I?” I asked, confused. I was relieved that someone else had noticed the issue with my Arts. I didn’t know enough to dispute their claims.

  “I don’t know, but Ben’s been researching it.”

  “Why didn’t anyone say anything before if this was a concern?”

  “We’re as lost as you are, in some regards,” Liam answered honestly, turning into my side. He placed his head on my shoulder, his blonde hair tickling my chin. I turned my head slightly, trying to covertly smell his hair. He smelled like citrus and brine, a strange combination, but still alluring. All the guys smelled good, but something about his intrigued me.

  We lay there in silence and my eyes drifted closed. With Liam’s scent heavy in my nose and Kieran’s warmth on my other side, I feel asleep. I woke much later to a soft sensation against my neck that spread warm tingles through my body. Someone trailed their lips back and forth across the exposed skin. It was feather light, raising goosebumps. I moaned softly, arching into whoever it was. From the scents in the air, it had to be either Liam or Kieran. Dimly, I thought I should know the difference between them—the two were so different from one another—but I was too wrapped up in the warmth their touch brought me. I could feel the energy exchange between us which only muddled my head where they were concerned.

  The single noise that rippled from my throat was all they needed before they pressed against me, kissing my throat. He leaned into me from behind, suckling on my neck before nipping at me with his teeth. His pelvis ground against me, letting me feel how aroused he was. One of his hands snaked under my shirt and came to rest on my ribcage, just under my breasts, crushing me back against him.

  “Fuck,” I heard someone whisper. I opened my eyes to see Kieran up on one elbow, watching me with heated eyes. I hadn’t felt him move to sit up, but his front was against mine as my chest heaved. From behind me, Liam bit down again on my neck, just underneath my ear, making me moan again.

  The fire inside me grew hotter, pooling at the apex of my thighs. My body bucked forward, rubbing against Kieran. He leaned forward, capturing my lips with his, sweeping his tongue inside my mouth as I gasped.

  He swallowed my passion, expertly tangling our tongues together. His hand came up to cradle my face, angling my head so he could deepen our kiss.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Liam whispered in my ear as he ground against me. His hands skimmed up and down my stomach, teasing me, never going higher or lower, to the places that ached to be touched.

  My head swam with the sensations that rippled through me. I was on overload, unable to make coherent thoughts. Every time my brain would form one, it would slip away. Kieran’s lips left mine to trail down my chin to my neck. I turned to give him better access, only for Liam’s hand to skim the edge of my jeans. My body begged him to go further, but I didn’t know how to ask. Another hand moved up my waist, over my shirt to gently caress my breasts. I turned more, seeking Liam’s lips with a whimper of need.

  “She’s so responsive,” Kieran groaned against my neck. “We should probably stop though.” Several kisses covered my collar bone. I arched into him, not wanting him to stop. “Fucking hell,” he muttered.

  I’d never been so turned on in my life. If we stopped now, I would combust.

  Liam leaned in to kiss me, devouring my mouth with his own. Where Kieran had kissed me with languid motions, Liam was more needy, kissing me so hard, our teeth practically clashed, working me over with a new frenzy.

bsp; “Liv,” Kieran groaned. I could feel how erect he was against my front, but I couldn’t seem to angle myself while kissing Liam to build up any friction between us. A hand was on my hip, keeping distance between us.

  “Shit,” Liam said against my lips before kissing me hard one last time.

  When he pulled away, I was gasping. My limbs trembled with the spike of adrenaline and arousal. The absence of Liam’s body against mine woke me up fully and with it came horror.

  “Oh God,” I groaned, pulling away from Kieran as I scrambled off my bed.

  Kieran followed me, trying to stop me, but I wrenched away from him. “Liv, it’s fine. Don’t—”

  “Shut up, Kieran!” I screeched. I spun in a circle on the carpet, trying to find a place where I could curl up and die from embarrassment. It was my room, but I didn’t even think to make them leave.

  A door crashed open in the hall before pounding feet sounded and my own door burst open. Luc stood in the doorway, light flooding in behind him. Kieran kneeled on the edge of the bed, a devastated look on his face. It was too much for me to deal with right now. I didn’t want to hurt him, any of them, but that’s what I was doing. Hurting them. And myself. There was no way I could be with all of them.

  I shoved past Luc and fled, stumbling as I went and slammed into Flynn. I looked up at him in horror. His eyes met mine for a second. “What the fuck is going on?” he asked quietly. I started shaking my head, begging him not to ask.

  “Nothing,” Luc said, coming up behind us. “I’ve got it. Go back to bed. We’ll talk later.”

  “No, we’ll talk now,” Flynn said heatedly. I stared at his chest, unable to meet his eyes. “She looks like she’s about to cry. What the fuck did you idiots do?”

  “You know what?” Luc barked, completely unlike himself. “Fuck this. Go deal with your brother. I’ve got her. You’re probably freaking her out more.”

  “What’s wrong with Kieran?” he demanded as Luc threw an arm around me and guided me down the hall. Two doors down, he opened his door and guided me inside without turning on the lights. I’d never been in here before, but his familiar scent all over the place started to calm me. Luc knew that I liked all of them. He wouldn’t judge me.

  Yelling started up, sounding like it came from my room. I clamped my hands over my ears, trying to block it all out while Luc guided me to his bed. He left me momentarily and music started up. It helped drown out the sound of arguing. The bed dipped for a second, followed by a cold rush of air before Luc pulled me down next to him and wrapped his arms around me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, teeth chattering. “I don’t know how it happened.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he said. “Is this okay? Do you want your brother? We can call him.” I shook my head no. No, definitely not after this.

  “Don’t let them fight over me,” I said quickly. “I… It’s not okay.”

  “Let them deal with it. This isn’t on you, Doll. Just try to relax.”

  I didn’t. I couldn’t. Eventually the shouting did die down, but guilt ate at me. The illuminated clock on Luc’s bedside table told me it was barely midnight when we came in. By two am, I was still wide awake. I was certain Luc had fallen asleep so when I tried to slip out of his arms to find something to do, I was caught by surprise when his arms locked around me and he spoke.

  “Our first and only priority is always going to be our family. That includes you. Have no delusions about this. Everyone in this house has one goal in mind and that is keeping our family alive. Not even you could destroy it. You need to trust us to own up to our own mistakes and to fix them without making it about you.” The anger in his voice stunned me. “Now, please get some sleep or I’ll have Flynn put you into another coma. I’m sick of seeing the bags under your eyes.”

  I swallowed hard and lay back in his arms, saying nothing. Despite his threat I didn’t fall asleep. It was impossible. But I did rest, even though I slept most of yesterday, and waited for the sun to come up.

  Chapter 28

  Sometime around dawn, I pulled myself carefully out of Luc’s bed and ambled downstairs. I was tired after spending the entire night lost in my own thoughts.

  I felt a bit stupid about my actions the last few days though not unjustified. But Luc wasn’t wrong, and neither were the rest of them. They’d been telling me over and over to trust them and at every turn, when push came to shove, I thought of only how all of this was impacting me. While I did have guilt over how the guys would react to me liking all of them, the real underlying issue was that I was scared I would ruin what I had going here. Support, stability, love. They were such precious ideas that I’d let go of years ago. I was alive for the first time in years and it was tied to them.

  After so long with having so little, I had finally started to get everything back. A family or the beginnings of one. People I could trust, vouched for by my brother and loved by Emma. Something I knew she didn’t—hadn’t—done well either.

  I moved about the kitchen, searching through the cabinets for something to make for breakfast. Luc and Flynn always did the cooking, and while I didn’t cook well, I could at least try.

  That’s really what I needed to do. Try. In everything. In a few short weeks, these people had done nothing but try for me. And I returned it all with attitude and distrust. That was going to change today. It took Luc’s anger, the most playful of my new family, to jump start my brain. If this had been Emma, I never would have treated her this way.

  I settled on scrambled eggs and toast since it was easy. Flynn walked into the kitchen as I was mixing the eggs and smiled at me sleepily. His hair was mussed, with his shorts slung low on his hips and without a shirt. I paused, drinking him in as he moved to the coffee pot.

  “Morning, Princess. What are you doing?”

  “Breakfast,’ I muttered, turning away to hide my blush.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Do you want coffee?” I thought about it for a second and shook my head, setting the bowl down to add salt and pepper. The fridge opened behind me as Flynn rooted around inside. He came out with a bag of shredded cheese. “Add a cup of this. They’ll love it.”

  I grinned at him, taking the bag. It dawned on me how domestic and normal this was. Probably the most normal thing I’d done in weeks. I stared down at the beaten eggs, smiling to myself, lost in the feeling.

  Arms snaked around my waist, pulling me back into a hard chest. Lips landed on my neck as Flynn’s scent wrapped around me. “Seriously, Olivia, thank you for this.” My heart skipped a beat as warmth spread through my chest. He let me go, leaving me bereft for a moment.

  My hands trembled as I added cheese to the mixture and moved to the heating stove. Sound trickled down as the others roused, getting ready to start their day. Every few minutes, I peeked glances at Flynn who pretended not to notice.

  Something sparked inside me, an intrusion that tugged at my mind. It was followed by a sense of dread that I was all too familiar with. His head snapped up suddenly, his cup of coffee frozen in front of his face.

  “Flynn,” I whispered. “I think someone’s here.”

  “I know.” He set his cup down then threw a hand into the air. Four balls of silver-blue fire sparked into existence and streaked out of the room.

  “Who is it?” I asked, hoping he would know as I watched the unnatural fire leave the room. I wanted to learn how to do that.

  “No one good. Stay by me,” he demanded, pulling me into his side as we left the kitchen and moved to the front door. He peeked out the glass window at the top that I couldn’t reach. I hated being so damn short. “There are four of them.” He cocked his head to the side. “No, five. There’s someone further back in the trees.”

  Footsteps pounded down the stairs moments before Luc and Ben joined us. I blinked at Luc for a moment, he was wearing only his boxer briefs, my mouth went dry and I tore my eyes away.

  Flynn ran a hand roughly through his dark hair. “What are they waiting for? They’re
just standing there…”

  More heavy footsteps signaled the arrival of Liam and Kieran. I glanced at them and did a double take. Liam had a pair of swords in each hand while Kieran hefted a crossbow. I’d never seen either of them with weapons before. Didn’t even know we had weapons.

  “What do you feel?” Luc asked, directing his question to Kieran.

  Kieran sidled up to his brother to look out the window and cocked his head to the side. “Two elementals and three witches.” Liam stiffened, his brown eyes growing dark as he glared at the door. Kieran’s face took on a look of horror as he continued. “Blood magic. They’ve got someone’s blood.” He turned to me and grabbed my chin. “Close your eyes and find the line. Ben, check on Brooke.”

  “The what?” I asked, confused, reaching up to grasp his wrists.

  “He means your tether to Vian,” Luc explained. “Through the tether you can tell whether he’s okay or not. In time, you’ll be able to communicate through it.”

  “Fuck,” Liam muttered. “We should have taught her that first instead of going directly into Arts.”

  My heart was already clenched in fear at the idea of my brother being hurt. I clutched at Kieran’s hands on my face. “What am I looking for exactly?”

  “Just close your eyes and think of him. Put your will behind it.”

  Immediately, I closed my eyes and pulled up a mental image of Octavian. Something purred in the back of my mind and wrapped around me. “Cat, help me,” I whispered. He leapt forward grabbing the reigns of my will and showed me what I was looking for. In my head, a bright gold line appeared.

  He is fine. Do not let the witches take you. Above all else.

  Cat’s awareness slipped away, and I opened my eyes. “Vian’s fine,” I told them firmly.

  “So is Brooke,” Ben said.

  My guys let out a collective breath. An arm snaked around my waist as someone pressed their face into my neck. “We need a plan,” Luc said, his words muffled in my hair.


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