Celebrity Snow Bunny

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Celebrity Snow Bunny Page 1

by Jen Eastwood



  Jen Eastwood


  This is a work of erotic fiction and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18. Please enjoy this story, but be advised that it contains sexual themes and explicit language. Please exercise personal discretion if you believe you may find this content objectionable. If you proceed further you accept full liability for your actions and consent to reading adult material.

  The characters and events in this story are intended for titillation purposes only and in no way represent any real people or transpired events. Any similarity to actual individuals or events is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are the age of 18 or above.

  In summary, if you are above the age of 18 and do not find heavy erotic themes offensive, please read on. If you fail to meet either condition, scram.



  Winter break had me bored as all hell. Two weeks in and four weeks to go. I was already restless. Maria did her job well enough, giving me a new way to wear her out every night, but I was ready for something else again.

  As I walked around the corner from my house for coffee it hit me: Why not hit the slopes for a one night/week stand? I had the extra money from selling my textbooks from the previous semester, and I had nothing to lose but my dignity trying to ski. I could pull some fun with a tail or two, no matter how many times I fell on my ass.

  So I had it booked. One week in the motel just below Apoli Peaks, only a step above the roach level accommodations. Not that I planned on sleeping in my room many nights. There were plenty of snow bunnies spending daddy's money on cabins and nice rooms.

  I made sure to cram plenty of ice packs in my bag. I didn't plan on busting my rump on the slopes, but chafing was a foreseeable issue.

  I arrived early in the afternoon. The roads were mostly passable, but the incoming snow later that night would keep everyone from coming or going. The rolling hills blinded you on sight with not a cloud in the sky. My cheap aviators did jackshit-all to keep me from having day blindness out there.

  The lodge was full of rich college girls from other places in all directions. I took my time renting my skis, knowing every turn through the lower corridors might net me a dream girl to bring under my control for a while. When I finally got my gear and headed to the upper floor, the grand fireplace called my name with a huddle of coeds trying to dry their fleece around the burning coals.

  Plenty of girls I'd draft in a heartbeat if I were bored and heading home from classes, but the average quality had me hopeful. Big tits and tight asses abounded. When the floor on selection bottoms out with filet mignon, you don't order the first cut that trots your way. You bide your time, hoping to find the juiciest piece around.

  I spent my time hitting the slopes and embarrassing myself. I had been skiing before, but stopping was never my strong suit. After a good amount of snow made its way down my pants to freeze my ass, I decided on my priorities: Blonde, a good figure, and smart enough to hold a conversation over the next week.

  That's when I noticed a small crowd forming at the top of the bunny slope. I took the rope lift back up to check it out for myself. That's when I recognized her.

  Veronica Schmidt. She had gone from small-time model to making a name for herself with a swimsuit spread in Axiom Magazine earlier in the year. Why she bothered to come to such an obscure ski resort I couldn't figure out, but she looked just as amazing in her down jacket and tight ski pants. I decided to aim high, knowing another shot like this likely wouldn't happen along in my lifetime.

  I decided not to try getting into it with the semicircle behind her. I made my way down the bunny slopes and waited. Veronica slid down, slow and unsteady as any virgin to skiing.

  As I made my way over, I thought I had her. She stared down the trail of the easiest green circle and set off before I could close the distance. I wasn't ready to let this kind of opportunity slide downhill and out of reach.

  I followed, going only slightly faster than Veronica. The first turn took my breath away as I saw her go wide, barely missing the wooden fence at the edge. When she came to the second, tighter turn, I knew I had to close.

  The noise from my skis picked up as I pointed them straight ahead, pulling my body down to gain speed. The bruise on my arm reminded me that a hidden bump was just ahead, my target closing fast on its position. I slowed myself as Veronica got right upon it.

  A small cloud of powder erupted as I watched one of the most graceful figures on Earth face plant in the snow. It may sound dishonest coming from me, but my first thought was to see if she was alright. Veronica wasn't moving, and my mind raced straight for the worst possibilities.

  I pulled off my usual stopping maneuver of falling on my ass. After getting my bearings I heard laughter coming from her still body. Looking just behind me, I could see her beautiful face covered in the fresh powder, giggling away at my misfortune.

  Her voice drifted through the snow like a chorus of angels. “It looks like it got both of us.”

  My heart skipped a beat. I had gotten used to approaching women and ordering them to let me do unspeakable things to them, but this was different. Veronica wasn't just a random coed with a nice ass. Her picture was spank material for men the world over.

  I tried to come up with words as I picked myself up. They failed to materialize. I slid my skis to close the ten feet between us and offered Veronica a hand.

  She put her glove in mine and dropped onto her bottom. Her skis rested several feet away, knocked clear from her boots. “Thanks. I guess we both need some practice.”

  Veronica's large breasts pushed in and out as she breathed, giving her jacket a wonderful form. I turned my eyes back to her face before she could look directly at me. A deer in headlights would have been downright mobile compared to myself.

  She grabbed a handful of snow and let the solid mist fly in front of her. “So what's your name?”

  “T-Trent.” I wanted to kill myself for the stutter as soon as it got out.


  My body wouldn't move. My eyes flashed over to the skis missing from her feet. It took every ounce of determination to shift my feet to turn in their direction.

  I finally got my legs to work, angling the skis for the small run downhill. I stopped with a quick turn, painfully slow as I was going being the only speed at which I could stop. The clips on my boots popped as I flipped them open, figuring it would be easier to pull off my trick crouching at her level.

  The awkward gait of ski boots made me feel undignified, if not a straight jackass. I used all four skis for support as I bent down and sat the skis beside us. She had already wiped the snow from her face, revealing how she didn't even need makeup to have such a glowing complexion. But swimsuit shoots in Acapulco and Jamaica can do that to a person.

  “You're the first person I've met here who hasn't irritated the piss out of me,” she said. For a brief second, I hoped the smile came from attraction, but the warmth of appreciation came through to dash that dream.

  “So what was the big crowd up there all about?” I sat down next to Veronica, not quite ready to enslave her yet.

  She patted the hand resting on my thigh. “Like I said, you're not pointing, asking for an autograph, or trying to hit on me. I like that in a guy your age.”

  Sunnuvabitch she touched me! My jitters calmed a bit. “I know who you are, but you looked like you needed help more than an entourage.”

  A few skiers flew past, turning their heads at the guest celebrity. “I came out here to get away from people who recognize me. I figured I'd have better luck in flyover country than in Aspen. I fucking blew it, didn't I, Trent

  “It's winter break for colleges. You should have come during finals week.”

  Veronica leaned back on her hands, taking in the blinding, but cold, sun. I couldn't help noticing the priceless mounds present themselves even further. “I'll keep it in mind next year if I do this again.” I leaned forward, trying not to look the part of a creeper. “So what about you?”

  “What about me? There's not much to tell.”

  Again with the contact, she patted me on the back and leaned up to speak at my level. “You act like you know about me. What's your bullshit article nobody reads?”

  I never bothered reading the articles in her spreads myself. “I'm a junior in college, I hate my major, and life's alright.”

  “So no plans for the future?”

  I really didn't have any, other than seeing how far the hynosis could get me. Including down her pants. “Not really. I might change majors soon. Electrical engineering is boring the hell out of me.”

  Veronica chuckled and laid her legs flat. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave. “I majored in math. They said it would get me a good job. It worked out, but not the way my adviser said it would.”

  Trotting around a beach almost naked and looking that hot wasn't a skill? It was news to me. “I'm thinking about doing literature or philosophy. Something useless, but interesting.” When every interview I could weasel my way into meant a chance to control someone into hiring me, I wasn't worried about my future.

  “An intellectual? I like that in a man.”

  I'm not really all that smart. I just hate being bored. “That's one hell of a compliment.”

  “You mean—coming from me?”

  Yes. “No, from anyone.”

  Veronica rose up and offered me a hand. “I'll race you to the bottom.”

  Do I win or lose? Which'll get me a better shot? I wasn't really thinking like a college student who could hypnotize any woman into sleeping with him at that point. “You're on.”

  We clipped our skis back on, taking the slope at an easy pace. Neither of us seemed in any hurry, gliding past onlookers. Grown men stared, but not at me.

  Approaching the end, we stayed even with one another. The question of winning or losing gnawed at my brain. I thanked my lucky stars or what-the-fuck-ever for being able to stay upright all the way. Unable to make up my mind, I let it end in a tie.

  We made our way to the ski lift, the attendant making me flash my pass as Veronica passed him without a hitch. I figured I had lost my chance as she got ahead, the next chair turning around the bend. Clocking the guy for pushing his minimum-wage authority seemed appropriate, given the opportunity he was blowing for me.

  Veronica waited, letting the open seats pass until I could catch up. She planted both poles in the snow and asked, “You coming?”

  Who was I to deny her my company? “Yeah, I just had to deal with being treated like a crook.” I made sure the guy could hear me, if only because he knew who my partner was.

  We readied our asses for the next chair, doing the goofy sit-down maneuver that felt like taking the throne on a moving commode. Within seconds, we were a couple of stories up in the air.

  The thought of bringing Veronica under my control struck again. I knew getting her to look me in both eyes would be difficult at best. I finally got up the nerve to ask, “So, how long are you here?”

  “Are you asking me out?”

  Sort of. “Just curious.”

  At the very least, she didn't scoot away. “The next two weeks. I'm from some podunk town in northern Montana, so I kind of miss the snow after so many beaches this year.”

  White girl problems, the definition. “I'm sure it gets to you.”

  Her voice took on a sentimental tone. “Yeah. I hate going to all these places, just to do my job and never enjoy the scenery. Fields and cold weather are kind of what I'm at home in.”

  I knew better than to scoff at her disliking a paid visit to every vacation destination known to man. “I can understand that.”

  “And how long are you here, Trent?”

  Two weeks instead of one at this point. “I leave tonight.”

  “With that big snowstorm coming in? You're insane.”

  Fucking hell. Playing the man card almost seemed tempting, but doing the opposite seemed to be working. “Is it gonna get that bad?”

  The end of the lift was approaching. “Ten inches tonight. What the hell are you thinking?” I caught Veronica staring right at me out of the corner of my eye. Opportunity presented itself.

  It was now or never. I turned my head and whistled my C note. Do as I will it be, for it is service I call you to. Veronica's famous hazel eyes went blank. “Where are you staying?”

  Her eyes gradually returned to normal as she answered, “A cabin, just downhill from the lodge.”

  “Do you want me to stay there with you?” A pang of guilt struck me. She really was proving to be a sweetheart, despite how high and mighty she could have acted. I knew I'd have to be kind to my new pet if I wanted to live with myself after going back home.

  “Of course. I can't let you try driving in all of that.” Our skis made contact with the ground as we slid off the lift platform. We pulled off to the side of the exit trail.

  “So should I get my things from my room and get to moving them to your place?” I'd had enough of skiing, given the plans for later.

  Veronica gave me a playful jab in the arm. “It won't be dark for another few hours. We've still got some slopes to go down.”

  What were a few hours compared to my new timeframe of two weeks?

  The first torrent of snow was just beginning as I pulled my car up to the cabin. It was one of those snazzy A-frame places, full of glass in the front. Just looking at the wood construction and amber light through the windows warmed me up in the freezing wind.

  I pulled my one suitcase out of the backseat and crunched my way through the drifts. I could already see Veronica, lounging on a chaise and taking in a book. The tank top, panties, and leg warmers rivaled any swimsuit I'd seen her wearing in a magazine.

  The door was unlocked. The warmth enveloped me as I slung the case over the doorstop. It felt just right for getting out of all three layers, and staying out of them for the next fourteen days.

  Veronica sat her book down and said, “Just sit it down there. We'll figure out what to do with it after you warm up.”

  I took the open invitation she may or may not have given. The toboggan and coat fell from my body as I made my way over. The lack of a flame in that big, stone fireplace in the center of the room seemed a downright shame.

  I knelt next to the lounger holding my prize catch and asked, “Care if I get a fire going?” My ass was next to frozen, even if the central heat was doing its job.

  Veronica sat up and pulled her knees into her breasts. “I was about to ask you to start one. I couldn't do it myself.”

  I bent down for to see what the problem was. Cords of wood were piled in the middle, a few burnt out matches littering the ashes. I got to pull my man card after all. “There's no kindling or tinder in there. You'd never light one of those logs with a match.”

  The soft patter of her socks against the hardwood stopped right behind me. “But you can get it, right?”

  “Yeah. Just a second.” I pulled out my pocketknife and grabbed the skinniest piece of cedar in the wood bin. I put the end of the stick on the stone hearth and peeled tiny shavings off. I let them get progressively larger until I had gone through about half of my piece of softwood.

  My little pile seemed ready. It had been a few years, but my time camping as a teenager had left me handy enough with fire. Veronica's hands rested on my shoulders. “Trent, is that all it takes?”

  “Not quite.” I pulled my receipt from filling my car up out of my pocket. “If it's small and not very dense, it burns easily. You need that stuff to light first. Then your logs will catch after you work your way up.”

  I grabbed another piece of cedar and mad
e some nicks on the corners. “And what's up with this piece?”

  “Once this catches, it should get your bigger logs going.”

  I stood up, Veronica's hands never leaving my shoulders. My heart almost stopped when I felt her tits rest against my back. “I'll have to thank you after you get the fire going.”

  The girl knew how to get me to do her bidding, and I was the one with the powers of mind control. “Stand back a little. I've gotta restack this wood. There's too much, and it'll have a hard time catching like this.”

  I put most of the pile back in the bin. I knew we'd need more if we wanted a fire past tonight, but that was a problem to deal with in the morning. Veronica took her seat on the chaise lounger again as I stacked the smallest pieces in a pyramid around the paper and cedar shavings. I knew it would burn faster than I'd ever allow a campfire to, but I was going for speed over efficiency.

  One match is all it took. The little flame steadily grew until the smallest logs caught. I tossed the first of the fuel logs on and got back to stripping redundant layers of clothing. I piled it all on top of my suitcase and walked back over to Veronica.

  She patted the lounger right beside where she sat with legs folded up Indian style, not bothering to scoot over to clear some room. “I guess you're wondering why I'd invite a stranger to stay with me for the whole trip.”

  It was my order. “It's a bit of a mystery.”

  Her eyes looked frustrated, if not bitter about the world. “I wanted to get away from people. It might sound awful, but I hate having people point and stare wherever I go.”

  I went ahead and pulled my sweater off. The fire had already overpowered the furnace. “You had a big crowd today. I'm sure it gets old pretty quick.”

  Veronica leaned my way a bit. The creamy silk of her thigh rested against my bare arm, igniting the holy shit response in my brain. “You're the only person who didn't treat me like a sideshow or a goddess today, so I decided I'd let you stay instead of driving through this weather.” I looked back at the window, noticing the snow whiting out even the view of my car. “Plus, I knew I'd get lonely out here in two weeks.”


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