Jackson: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 2)

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Jackson: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 2) Page 3

by Sheridan Anne

  “Oh, nothing,” I beam. “Just shut a bitch down.”

  Brylee laughs as Courtney zones out and gets distracted by Puck’s loving attention. “Tell me it was Phoenix,” Brylee begs. “And why the hell didn’t I know anything about this?”

  “Because she cornered me in the bathroom which now means I haven’t had a chance to go and get my morning coffee.”

  “What did she say this time?”

  “You know, just the usual.”

  “And…?” Bry prompts.

  “And this time I didn’t let her get away with it. You should have seen her face, Bry. It was freaking awesome. I don’t doubt that the second I walked out of there, a tiny little tear of shame slid down her twenty thousand dollar cheekbones.”

  “Wait?” Courtney gasps, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me to a stop. “What do you mean twenty thousand dollar cheekbones? Did Phoenix get her face fixed?”

  I grin, not even feeling bad for letting Phoenix’s summer activities out of the bag. “She had her nose fixed too.”

  “You’re shitting me,” Courtney laughs. “What a waste of money. She looks no different.”

  “I know,” I say, “She’s convinced that she looks fiercer, but if you look really close, her nose is crooked. She spent two weeks over the summer hiding out in her bedroom because she had two black eyes.”

  Brylee shakes her head as she comes to a stop outside her homeroom. “I seriously don’t understand girls sometimes.”

  “You and me both,” I tell her. “As much of a bitch that Phoenix is, she has a really pretty face and she’s going to end up ruining a good thing. She used to tell me that she wanted to get her boobs done, a softer jaw, and lip fillers. She already has fake nails, platinum blonde hair which is always breaking, and eyelash extensions. She’s going to look ridiculous by the time she’s thirty.”

  “Well, let’s just hope she finds herself a husband who’ll put up with her shit and pay for all this to get done,” Courtney grumbles under her breath making Puck scoff in distaste.

  Brylee shakes her head. “I’m sure we’ll see her on ‘Real Housewives of Broken Hill’ one day.”

  Somehow, I don’t doubt that.

  I leave the girls and Puck to get to homeroom and make it just moments before the warning bell, saving myself from yet another lunchtime detention. I take my seat and get comfortable before launching into a conversation with the few girls I’ve befriended in here. Only today, they don’t hold my attention long before a familiar body cuts through my vision and captures my curious gaze.

  Jackson hovers outside my classroom window, talking to Coach Marsfield and I find it impossible to look away. He chats with his coach and it’s clear they both have incredible respect for one another. They laugh and chat and it doesn’t go unnoticed that Jackson doesn’t at all seem fazed by the fact that he’s missed the warning bell. Though, that could be a Haven Falls thing.

  I find it impossible to look away. He’s so broad and handsome, and kind of scruffy too. He looks like the kind of guy who’d take you cliff jumping at Broken Hill Lake rather than the guy who wants to take you to sit in a dark movie cinema and cop a feel while no one is watching.

  He looks fun and for some reason, I find that the most attractive quality.

  Who am I kidding? This is Jackson Millington, the very guy who has made life for Nate and Tora a living hell. These thoughts are traitorous. Tora has managed to build me back up into a woman that I can finally be proud of and I wouldn’t dare betray her by checking out Jackson.

  No, he needs to go on my ‘never going to happen’ list. Though, truth be told, there’s really no point in having a damn list. I’m a good girl through and through now. No boys for me until I’m finishing college, but then, what about my needs? Okay, scratch that last thought. I can have boys in my life for a little fun, but nothing serious.

  Yeah, that sounds much better.

  But still, Jackson Millington is off the table. No amount of spontaneous fun is worth the trouble a guy like him would bring. No, Jackson Millington is a bad boy through and through. He’s dangerous. Reckless. But more importantly, since the second I ran into him this morning, he’s had me thinking about things that no good girl should dare think about.

  Chapter 4


  Things are finally starting to look up.

  I’m the king of Broken Hill High. Well, that might be a slight exaggeration. Truth is, I feel like a fraud. I’m the popular jock guy by default. If I wasn’t the new quarterback who secured win after win for Broken Hill High, I’d just be the new dude who chicks like to ogle in the hallways.

  I don’t know how it happened and it certainly wasn’t my intention, but my being here has caused a divide between the students of Broken Hill High. It’s no secret that Nate has made some enemies over the past few years and with my arrival, they’ve all flocked to me as some kind of leader they’re hoping will take him down, but they’ve got me wrong. I’m not interested. I just want to play ball and graduate at the end of my senior year with a scholarship to make my family proud.

  Though, I guess I understand where the wires have been crossed, especially as I somehow ended up involved in a fight with him only a few days ago. This is getting ridiculous. Every step I take somehow looks like a direct hit against Nate and his boys, when in reality, it’s anything but.

  I’ve reeled in my douchebaggery ways and started to clean up my act. I even think I’ve started to form some sort of friendship with Tora and I’m quickly realizing that she’s a pretty cool chick. She no longer scowls at me in the hallways as I walk past which is pretty cool too.

  Though naturally, my budding friendship with her couldn’t come at a worse time. Nate and Tora’s relationship has taken a dive and the more I’m seen with her, the more Nate’s convinced I’m trying to steal her away. Though what does it matter now that they’re over?

  I really don’t know how this keeps happening. I take one step forward and somehow end up taking two back. I’m at that point where I’m ready to say ‘fuck it’ and give up on my plan to make things right. How much is it really worth to me?

  I put the thoughts to the back of my mind. It’s Friday night and I couldn’t be more ready to let loose and have a good night. There’s a party later after the races and all I want is to forget all the shit that’s been going down at Broken Hill. Come Monday, I can work out a new game plan, but until then, it’s not my problem.

  This shit has been bringing me down all week and I realized that maybe all I needed was a little bit of normal, hence why I’m at the races with my old crew from Haven Falls. I’m not going to sugar coat it, some of these guys are rough, especially Rocko, but some of them, if they put their heads down, could actually go somewhere in life.

  Us kids from Haven Falls don’t exactly have a high success rate. Most of the guys will end up working dead-end jobs, some will join the ranks of mobsters like Anton Mathers and end up in prison, while others will try and try for years until the exhaustion of keeping up with the bills finally gets to them. That’s just Haven Falls.

  Kaylah would disagree with me, but we were lucky mom got a promotion at work and has been able to afford to send Kaylah and I to Broken Hill. It’s our second chance at a good future. I just hope that Kaylah has the motivation to change the beliefs that have been ingrained in us since childhood and is ready to make a change. I want her to believe in herself and have a bright future, just like I know she’s capable of. She just needs to let go of this anger first and then she’ll be able to open herself up to a world of possibilities.

  The boys cheer around me for Noah as he dominates the track, representing Haven Falls. Now that kid is going places. He’s got his head firmly on his shoulders and if he can get through junior and senior year without getting himself in trouble, he has a real chance of getting out of here.

  Rocko finishes off his drink and throws his glass bottle down on the ground, despite there being trash cans all over the place. He talks shit w
ith the boys and I zone them out, watching as Noah celebrates his win.

  I should be down there. I haven’t raced in a while and I feel that familiar need pulsing within me. Maybe tonight is the night for me to get back on the track. I jump up off the hood of my Charger and start making my way down to the track as the next race is set up. I don’t know why I’m holding back from racing. The bullshit that happened with Nate isn’t going to happen again. I should just get back out there and get my car around the track.

  I try to find Aaron to get a race set up when I notice a familiar R8 pulling in to race. I come to a stop. Is she fucking lost? What the hell does she think she’s doing?

  Tora’s car sits at the starting line and she starts revving her engine as though she was born to be here and I start making my way toward her. She’s out of her mind if she thinks she’s about to race this track. It’s too dangerous.

  I watch Tora through her windshield and watch as her eyes scan up the hill before coming to a sudden stop. I follow her gaze and find myself grinning as it all starts to makes sense. She’s doing this to get back at Nate for breaking her heart. Maybe this is some big show to prove that she doesn’t need him anymore. Who the hell cares? All I know is that suddenly I’m not so interested in holding her back. If this girl wants to race, then that’s exactly what she’ll do.

  As if reading her mind, Nate comes charging down the hill and I laugh at the scene. Tora is strong-willed, but so is Nate and this is only going to end up a disaster.

  Tora prepares for her race, but Nate puts himself right in the way of her car, making it impossible for her to hit the gas, not unless she feels like bowling him right out of the way, and something tells me that she’s not quite down for that. The two throw insults at one another and I realize that Tora doesn’t stand a chance, not unless she has a little help. So, I do what I do best and intervene.

  I step out onto the track and Nate spots me immediately, turning on me with fury radiating from deep within. “You put her up to this,” he spits before racing forward.

  I stand my ground as he barrels towards me in anger. He turns his back on Tora, confident she’s not about to do anything, but I send her a wink, letting her know that I’m down to help.

  She raises a brow before a wicked grin spreads wide across her face and she gets the party started.

  I keep Nate focused on me, more than willing to get my hands dirty if that’s what it’s going to take, but there’s no need as Tora gets things under control faster than I could have expected.

  The handkerchief is dropped and Tora hits the gas, giving it everything she’s got. My eyes bulge out of my head. If she keeps going, she’s going to take Nate out and while she’s probably pissed off with him now, come tomorrow, she’d probably feel like shit about it.

  I dive for Nate, throwing him off the track with just seconds to spare before Tora’s R8 comes sailing past at speeds that even make me uncomfortable. Dirt spits up under her tires and I throw my arm over my face, stopping the dirt from flying into my eyes.

  “Fuck,” Nate grunts with wide eyes as she passes. He flies to his feet and races out onto the track in a panic. I get up off the dirty ground and before I can even find my footing, Nate’s fist is barreling down toward my jaw.

  I groan on impact and despite how badly I want to return the favor, I can’t as by the time I recover, Nate’s back out in the center of the road, searching out his girl.

  He watches intently as she disappears around the first corner and fear shines through his eyes. “If she gets hurt,” he says, not wasting a second to look back at me. “I swear to you, you’re fucking dead.”

  Nate takes off at a jog surely to meet her at the finish line and I realize this isn’t a place I want to be. Yes, I just made this a shitload worse with Nate, but on the other hand, Tora gets to feel the adrenaline and excitement of being on the track. She probably needs this more than she knows and who am I, or even Nate, to hold her back from that?

  I start heading back to my Charger, but I can’t help but watch her as she speeds around the track. She’s actually not too bad. Her technique is as shit as it comes, but she’s keeping up with her opponent and might even have a chance of winning this thing. Proving once and for all that Tora Roberts has balls of steel.

  I find myself stopping to watch the show and laugh as I spy Nate at the finish line, more than ready to deliver a crowd-pleasing ass whooping. After all, getting involved in illegal racing isn’t exactly a good move, especially when it comes to good girls like Tora. That good nature of hers needs to be protected at all costs

  Tora flies over the finish line and just as I knew she would, she does it like a fucking champion. Her car has hardly even come to a complete stop before people are screaming and shoving their way to get to her, but it’s Nate who’s at her door first. He tears it open and hauls her ass out of the car, but not a second later, she breaks free and starts running.

  I go after her. “Tora?” She keeps going and I realize that she looks freaked out. I pick up my pace and finally catch up with her, grabbing hold of her elbow to slow her down.

  She spins around, looking more than ready to lay my ass out. “Woah,” I say, holding up both hands in a show of innocence. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was calling your name, but I guess you didn’t hear me over the noise.”

  “Oh, um…sorry,” she grumbles, looking away. “I guess I owe you a thank you.”

  I shrug. “No big deal. You wanted to race. Why should he get to stop you?” she gives me a small smile that doesn’t reach her eyes and I continue on. “Where have you been all week? Haven’t seen you at school.”

  “Sick,” she lies.

  “Right,” I laugh, shaking my head. “From what I just saw down on the track, I’m going to go ahead and say that’s a load of shit.”

  Tora sighs and looks up at me. “What do you want, Jackson?”

  “Let me drive you home.”

  “I’m not going home and in case you didn’t notice, I have a car here already.”

  “First off,” I say, indicating down toward the track where Nate is currently dropping down into her R8. “I believe your boyfriend is confiscating your car, and as for the party; Crystal Summers?” I question. She doesn’t respond, but her answer is pretty damn clear. “Come on,” I tell her. “Let me drive you there. You can let Nate sweat a little.”

  Tora reluctantly agrees and by some miracle, I get her all the way to Crystal’s party without any extra drama. Well, there’s always drama with Tora, but the second I get her there, she’s crowded by Jesse and whisked away, never to be seen again. By that, what I mean is that she’s more than likely about to find the bottom of a Vodka bottle.

  I walk through the doors of the party and have a look around. Crystal Summers is one of the cheerleaders and to be honest, this party is really lacking compared to some of the ones I’ve been to over the past few months.

  Most of the guys on my team are here and have the cheerleaders in their sights, but I can’t find the energy to cross the room and spend the night with them. Instead, I find myself heading over to Crystal’s kitchen counter and grabbing a bottle of Jack before walking straight back out the door.

  I think tonight is better spent on my own.

  As I’m walking down the center of the car lined road, I can’t seem to keep my eyes off the tight ass in front of me. I mean, damn. That ass is fine. She’s blonde, petite, and in that skirt, I don’t doubt she’s a firecracker. Perhaps I won’t be spending the night alone after all.

  I speed up my pace and as if sensing someone behind her, the girl looks back over her shoulder. “I have pepper spray,” she says in a panic, grabbing her purse and holding it tight to her body, but not a second later, her eyes come to mine and she relaxes. “Holy shit, Jackson. It’s only you.”

  Only me? Wait. Do I know this chick?

  I quickly catch up with her and get a better look at her face in the dark street before recognizing Elle, the girl I ran into a few weeks ago.
I’ve been looking for her everywhere. I haven’t been able to get that gorgeous face out of my mind and here she is, looking just as beautiful as ever.

  “Hey, where are you going?” I ask, suddenly not wanting to leave this party quite so soon.

  Elle waves her hand around. “I’m tired. I had a big exam this week and spent way too many hours catching up on studies. I thought I’d be fine, but I’m too exhausted for all this.”

  “Really?” I ask, keeping pace with her. “I haven’t seen you around school lately.”

  Elle grins and it blows me the fuck away. She really is beautiful. “I know,” she laughs with a mischievous little sparkle in her eyes, making me want so much more. “I’ve been avoiding you on purpose.”

  “What?” I rush out, staring at her in confusion as I try to think back over our brief encounter to figure out how I could have possibly offended her enough to warrant that. “What the hell did I do?”

  Elle studies me a moment as her eyes light up with playful enjoyment, but that’s not what’s captured me. It’s the slight flush that spreads over her cheeks that makes her look like pure innocence, but something screams that she’s anything but. “Truth?” she questions.

  “Of course.”

  “Well, besides the fact that you’re more trouble than anyone I’ve ever known and Tora and Nate are my friends, making you public enemy number one…” she pauses for a beat, making the moment draw out. “You looked at me like you were picturing exactly how you were going to clear out a classroom and bend me over the teacher’s desk.”

  I suck in a breath and slap a hand over my heart, feigning offense. “I would never,” I tell her. “I’m a gentleman.”

  “Uh-huh,” Elle laughs as she stops in the middle of the road and turns to face me. “Alright, Mr. Perfect Gentleman. Back there when you were stalking me up the road,” she starts, hooking her thumb in the direction we’ve just come from. “tell me you weren’t staring at my ass and thinking about what you’d like to do to it.”


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