Jackson: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 2)

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Jackson: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 2) Page 8

by Sheridan Anne

  Jackson groans with the impact while Kaylah cheers in victory, throwing her hands in the air while keeping her foot firmly against Jackson’s chest. “Fuck, yeah,” she hollers. “Who’s the fucking baddest bitch around?”

  “You are, babe,” comes yelled from the other side of the arena, sounding a bit like Jesse, though somewhat muffled making me wonder what kind of situation he’s in with Tora.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone’s chest as puffed out as what Kaylah is now as she throws her gun over her shoulder and struts back into the game like a fucking warrior queen.

  I laugh at her confidence the look back down at Jackson to see his eyes already on mine and realize that Brylee is long gone. Where the fuck did she go? One minute she was here, the next…vanished.

  “That’s really not how I thought all this was going to go down,” Jackson tells me with shame masking his features.

  “Oh, really?” I ask, striding towards him as a plan begins forming which has a devilish smirk creeping over my face. “I’m curious. Did you really think you stood a chance against us?”

  “Kaylah? No,” he says, shaking his head as he gets to his feet. “But you? Definitely.”

  I suck in an outraged gasp. “I resent that.”

  “Oh, really?” he says, mimicking my earlier comments. “And did you think you stood a chance against me?”

  I grin moments before shooting three purple paintballs into his unsuspecting stomach.

  Jackson’s mouth drops as his eyes bug out of his head. I’m screaming and taking off like a bat out of hell before he even gets a chance to really register what the hell I just did. “You better run, babe,” he roars, bounding after me.

  Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I did not think this through.

  Howling laughter pulls from within me as my feet pound against the dirt. What was I thinking? Of course, I don’t stand a chance against Jackson. He’ll probably shoot me in the ass, but then, he might get distracted staring at it.

  He’s a freaking quarterback and can practically run at the speed of light, so considering he hasn’t caught me and thrown me down to the ground yet just tells me he’s playing with me. Cat and freaking mouse.

  I’m screwed.

  I race around the arena, hating on myself for not keeping up with my training. It’s only been a few months since I’ve been off the team, but it’s more than enough to have my fitness levels sliding. The fact that it’s impossible to stop laughing really isn’t helping either.

  I look back over my shoulder and blanch. He’s gaining on me and quick.

  I spot a small shack up ahead and hope to whoever lives above that I can make it in time before this machine comes barreling down on me. “Try all you’d like, babe. I’m still going to get you.”

  I scream out as I feel his fingers nip my butt and realize I’m doomed. I just need to get inside that shack and close the door behind me then I’ll be good.

  Fuck. It’s never going to happen. Though knowing Jackson, he’ll let me get as close as possible before ending this.

  Just as I thought, Jackson allows me to curl my fingers around the door handle and tear it open before his arms curl around my waist. Basic survival kicks in and I throw myself down, grazing my knees in the process. Jackson’s momentum has him flying right over the top of me and through the open doorway before he very ungracefully comes slamming down in the center of the shack.

  A loud gasp has both our heads flying up and I gawk at the sight of a nearly naked Brylee with a very naked Tyson between her legs, and my God, I’d nearly forgotten how big that thing was. Way to go, Brylee.

  “GET OUT!” she shrieks before fumbling around, trying to cover her bits.

  Jackson’s wide eyes come to mine as Tyson grins proudly. I slap a hand over my mouth, trying to keep myself from bursting into a fit of giggles once again. Bry is probably embarrassed enough. She doesn’t need my laughter adding to it.

  I throw myself back out the door and have Jackson come out behind me, tumbling straight into me in the process before he slams the door shuts it behind him. “Holy, fuck,” he laughs. “Did you see that?”

  “How could I not?” I say as Jackson takes my hand and starts leading me away from the shack, hopefully far, far away, somewhere that I can burn the images of Bry and Tyson getting it on out of my head. Like seriously, when did this even become a thing? Are they a thing?

  Jackson grins down at me. “Tell me you saw the size of-”

  “Tyson’s dick?” I laugh, cutting him off. “Trust me, I know! It’s huge. It gives all new meaning to the term ‘anaconda.’”

  Jackson gags. “If you’d let me finished, you would have heard me referring to Bry’s tits, not Tyson’s dick. As if I was looking at that.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Well, you should have been.”

  He shakes his head, unable to stop grinning at me and I realize that without a doubt, I’m having one of the best days of my life, but more than that, Jackson Millington is getting under my skin and worming his way into my heart.

  I think I’m in trouble; I’m falling for the quarterback.

  Chapter 10


  I’ve done the girlfriend thing before and quickly realized that it wasn’t for me. I like the single life. I like not having to deal with some chick’s drama and I like that I can screw around with whoever the fuck I want and not have to worry about my actions hurting someone’s heart. Except Elle has me reconsidering.

  She dances with Courtney and Brylee, and fuck, she looks absolutely radiant. Her blonde hair is like a halo around her face and her bright blue, beaming eyes are like a window into her soul, a soul filled with nothing but innocence. Don’t get me wrong, I know she has a shady past and is known to get a bit wild, but that’s not who she is anymore and damn it, from now on, I want to be the one she gets wild with.

  I have to do something about this, but what? She’s already said that she’s not interested in getting involved with someone, especially someone like me, but I’m not sure I can accept ‘no’ as an answer.

  I find Tora getting a refill and decide a little female advice will probably go a long way. “Water?” I ask, throwing my arm over the birthday girl’s shoulders, knowing I’m going to have to warm her up a little to get the answers I’m looking for. “What the hell are you drinking that for? It’s your birthday, you should be finishing the night by hurling in the bushes. Give something for that douchebag of yours to clean up in the morning.”

  “Can I help you?” she asks, popping a few ice cubes into her cup and taking a quick sip before moaning at the refreshing feel of the water traveling down her throat which is no doubt sore from all the screaming and laughing that’s been going on today.

  “You good?”

  “Yeah,” she beams up at me. “Is there something you need?”

  I nod. “Yeah, actually, a few things,” I tell her, unsure how this first question is going to go, but unfortunately, I can’t help myself from asking. “For starters, you can tell me where the hell Jesse has taken my little sister. I can’t find her anywhere, and I swear, if I find out that he has her locked in his bedroom somewhere, I won’t be able to control what I do to him.”

  “Okay,” she says thoughtfully. “Pick something else.”

  My brows furrow. “What?”

  “Let’s be honest,” she says with a tight smile. “Kaylah isn’t a little girl and if she’s managed to get Jesse’s attention, then that little girl you once knew is now a wild, foxy, minx. So, it’s probably best you don’t know where they are because I can guarantee that Jesse is probably buried balls dee-”

  “Stop” I demand, my eyes widening at the horrors of her words. Does she realize this is my innocent baby sister who I used to help sneak candies from above the fridge when mom wasn’t looking? “I cannot hear this.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she says with a teasing glisten in her eyes. “Now, what else do you need?”

  I look over at the dance floor
and realize that Tora’s question is right on. She’s a need, not a want. “Elle,” I say, oozing confidence.

  “What?” Tora says, scrunching up her face, confused by my declaration.

  “Look at her, dude.” I grab her by the shoulders and spin her until she’s got the perfect view of Elle dancing with Courtney and Brylee while making me ache with need. Tora nods, clearly seeing what I’m seeing. After all, she’d have to be blind not to. Elle is simply stunning.

  “You realize she isn’t an object?” Tora says flatly. “If you want her, then you have to win her over and fast because she’s not going to stay single for long. I mean, every guy here is staring at her like she’s their next meal. In fact, you better get in there and save her from them.”

  And there’s my issue. “How?” I whine, knowing better than anyone that Elle isn’t someone a man can just claim.

  Tora shrugs, taking another sip. “Figure it out, dude. I’ve got my own problems.”

  I let out a sigh before leaving Tora alone to enjoy her party, though it may have a little something to do with the fact that Nate’s eyes are piercing into the back of my head and if I stay here a second longer than necessary, I’ll end up at the bottom of the pool.

  So instead, I sit back and watch my girl have the time of her life. She dances with her friends with a smile on her face that would bring any man to his knees. She does shots, she sings at the top of her lungs, and she pushes every asshole who dares come near her away.

  She’s everything. Abso-fuking-lutely everything.

  I can’t resist her any longer. I’ve got to have her.

  Elle catches my eyes as I stride towards her and not once does she prepare herself to blow me off, as I reach her, my arms instantly circle her waist and I glue myself to her back so she can continue dancing. She looks back over her shoulder and grins up at me as her sexy little body grinds against me. “This is the best day.”

  “Damn fucking straight, it is.”

  A giggle bubbles up her throat and she turns back before letting herself get lost in the music. I’ve never quite seen her like this. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen her dancing at parties, but she’s always maintained some kind of control. Right now, she’s letting herself go and finally allowing herself to truly have fun, and fuck, I love it.

  We dance and party before each refilling our drinks. There’s talking, laughter, ridiculous little dares, and at one stage, there’s even one hell of an adorable little snort that has her eyes bulging in embarrassment.

  The night goes on and over the past few hours, she’s not once left my side. She sits on my lap with her fingers laced through mine and while it’s just me and her, I can’t help but need more. I want to be alone with her and tune out the rest of the world.

  My fingers squeeze her waist. “Hey,” I murmur, nuzzling into her neck. “Do you want to go for a walk?”

  Elle nods before silently jumping off my lap and tugging on my hand to pull me up behind her. We get lost in the crowd and finally come out the other end to where the music is just a distant buzz.

  We end up walking out around the back of the pool house and as we approach the back door, I pull her towards it. “We can’t go in there,” she laughs, pulling back on me. “There’s about a 100 percent chance that there’s an orgy going on in there and if anything, Brylee and Tyson are the masterminds of it.”

  “No way,” I tell her with a chuckle, still finding it amusing what we walked in to find in that shack earlier today. I open the door before sticking my head in and peering around. Elle does the same and before I know it, we’re both creeping in and double-checking that we’re not about to see some random couple getting their rocks off.

  We make our way into a small kitchen and Elle turns into me, grabbing my other hand in hers so we’re caged between one another. She looks up at me, searching my eyes for something. “Why did you bring me in here, Jackson?” she whispers.

  I pull her into me, not once taking my eyes off hers. “So I can kiss you without the eyes of everyone at this party wondering what the fuck is going on between us.”

  “And what is going on between us?” she smiles as her eyes brim with excitement.

  I shake my head, not really sure of the correct answer. “All I know is that I can’t get you out of my head, but at the same time, I don’t want to.”

  Elle pushes up on to her tippy toes, inviting me in as she tries to get closer. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  I’ve never heard sweeter words.

  Elle’s hands free from mine before they come around my neck while I take her waist and lift her up onto the counter. She wraps her legs around me and draws me in as my lips dance against hers, enjoying every little second of our stolen moment.

  Elle’s nails glide up into my scalp and I almost die with the satisfaction and have no other choice but to step in closer, pressing myself right up against her. Needing to touch her, my hand slides up under the back of her shirt, only to feel the softest skin known to man. She arches her back at my touch and raises her chin, offering her neck with an open invitation.

  I dive in and revel in the feel of her nails digging into my shoulder. My mind goes completely blank of anything except for her, and when her fingers grip my shirt and begin tearing it over my head, I realize that she’s made her decision. This is happening. Me and her. The only question is, in her mind, is this just for tonight or does this mean something so much more?

  All I know is that if this is only for tonight, I won’t be fucking this up and without a doubt, I’ll be giving her my everything.

  Elle gets my shirt over my head as I slide my hand up her waist, bringing her shirt along with it and loving the feel of the goosebumps that spread over her perfect skin. Her arms come up as I remove her shirt and I hate the brief moment of not having her hands on me.

  The second her shirt is gone; I grab her perfectly plump ass and scoop her off the counter. Her legs tighten around my waist and I walk us over to the bed. I lay her down as though she’s the most precious piece of heaven that I’ve ever had the honor of laying my eyes upon before I come down on top of her. She arches her back up off the bed, needing to be closer, so I give her exactly what she needs.

  I slide down her body, letting her know just how much I appreciate every inch of her skin, nipping, squeezing, worshiping as I go. Elle moans, urging me on. I reach the top of her shorts and take hold of the button as I look up at her. “Are you sure about this?”

  She bites down on her lip and I see the anticipation building in her eyes. “If you stop now, there are going to be problems.”

  I grin. What Elle wants, Elle’s going to get.

  Her button is popped and I slide her shorts down her legs, groaning as I see her black, lacy thong. It’s like unwrapping a gift on Christmas morning and realizing you’ve been gifted the one thing you wanted.

  I kiss the inside of Elle’s thigh before peeling her thong down her legs and watching as her eyes sparkle with excitement. “You better hurry up,” she warns me, “or I’ll have to do it myself.”

  I raise a brow. Now that’s something I wouldn’t mind watching.

  Elle shakes her head, clearly knowing where my mind has gone, but I don’t dwell on it, because honestly, as hot as it would be watching Elle touch herself, there’s nothing I want more than to do it myself.

  With that sorted, I duck my head and work her body until her legs are wrapped around my head, suffocating me as her fingers tangle into my hair and she’s screaming out my name, making me feel like a fucking champion.

  Elle relaxes back into the pillow as I climb my way back up her body and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck, holding me to her as she grins against my lips. Before I even know what’s happening, Elle flips us until she’s straddling my waist.

  I look up at her in surprise. Who would have known she’d have the strength to do that?

  “What?” she laughs, grinding down against my very hard erection. “You didn’t think the fun was over, di
d you?”

  I shake my head, sliding my hand up her thigh and around her hip until I’m grasping her perfect ass. “No fucking way. The fun is only just getting started.”

  Chapter 11


  I push my way through my front door after dropping Elle home this morning. It was a huge night, but a fucking incredible one. We fell asleep in the pool house only a few short hours ago after spending the night getting lost in the pleasure of each other's body. And, shit. I’ve been with plenty of chicks before, but Elle is like a little firecracker; always ready to detonate.

  Waking up with her was something else. It was so much more than I thought it would be. She had this sleepy little look in her eyes and her usually perfect hair was a mess, but what was better was the way she instantly climbed on top of me and started the fun all over again.

  We showered while I had her pinned against the cold tiles and then we reluctantly got dressed and out of there before Tora, Nate, and Jesse realized they had a few partiers who forgot to leave. Though, what were they expecting to happen in a pool house during a party like that?

  I wipe my hand down my face. I hate that I only got a few hours of sleep, but it was so worth it. I’m most likely screwed for school today. Well, the school part is fine, but the after-school football training part that’s really going to suck.

  Maybe a day off to sleep would do me good, but then, I wouldn’t mind seeing Elle. Girls tend to think too hard about this shit especially after the fact. I need to know this wasn’t just a ‘for now’ kind of thing. I want so much more than that with her and last night proved it.

  I find Kaylah sitting at the breakfast bar, narrowing her eyes on me as I walk past. “Where the hell have you been?”

  I stop and turn toward her, raising a brow in curiosity. “All of a sudden you’re talking to me?” I question.

  Kaylah’s lips flatten into a tight line. “No.”

  I watch her for a moment and realize that this is her reaching out. She’s never cared when I stayed out before, so why now? I walk forward and lean against the breakfast bar. “Come on, Kaylah. When can we go back to how it used to be?”


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