Saint & Sinner: A Second Chance Romance

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Saint & Sinner: A Second Chance Romance Page 16

by Georgia Le Carre


  We ended up at a nightclub.

  After an interesting Japanese meal of blow fish and sake, we’d been on our way back to our suite when a cacophony of excitement and loud music had grabbed Willow’s attention from across the beach. She stopped and glanced at the venue's colorful flashing lights and listened to the squeals and shouts of its patrons from afar, then she looked up at me with enormous eyes. “Shall we?”

  I’d never been to a club before.

  I hadn't exactly been a model teen before I was incarcerated, but I had missed all of the official rites of passage into adulthood. No 18th birthday, no 21st birthday celebration. Instead I’d spent those years locked away with bullies who were three times my age and size, hardening my heart even further. The only softness inside me was my love for Willow.

  As we got closer the sound became deafening. I could feel the music beating inside my head, even in my veins. It was exciting and something I’d never experienced before. Inside it was a humid fest. Willow tightened her grasp of my hand and led me through the unending onslaught of pressing human bodies.

  We passed the dance floor and arrived at the bar. There was an enclosure marked VIP with a plush empty seat. I walked up to a waiter, ordered the best champagne in the house, and gave him the biggest tip of his life. He opened the velvet ropes and let us through. We sat on the plush sofa and watched the mayhem while we waited for our bottle to arrive. People stood in clusters drinking and shouting above the music, but most were dancing wildly on the floor. The champagne arrived and we clinked glasses.

  “To tonight,” I mouthed.

  “To tonight,” she mouthed, her eyes filled with a wild light. She leaned closer. Her lips were touching my ear, and her hand on the side of my face.

  “Let’s go dance,” she yelled, above all the sounds around us trying to drown her voice.

  I didn’t know what to say. I was a fighter not a dancer. There had been no opportunity for dancing where I’d been. I was sure I had two left feet and I didn’t really want to humiliate myself just yet. Maybe once I had seen what everyone else was doing. “Maybe later,” I shouted back.

  She responded with an adorable pout and a hard tug at my shirt. Frowning, she pulled her phone out of her purse and wrote something into her notes app.

  Then she held the lit phone screen forward so that I could read her words.

  I’ve always wanted to come to a club

  with someone I cared about.

  So that I could thoroughly let loose.

  I wanted to say yes and oblige, but the more I watched the dancers bouncing around violently as if they were boneless the more convinced I became that dancing was just not for me. As a matter of fact, most of the dancers looked like they were juiced up on drugs. Perhaps if it had been a different kind of music. The kind where I could mold her to my body …

  I watched her subtly from the corners of my eyes. Her head was bobbing to the music as she sipped her champagne. When she was done with her glass, she set it down and turned to me once again. I looked straight ahead and pretended to be engrossed in the dancers.

  “You’re really not going to come with me?”

  I took the phone from her and typed in my response.

  This doesn’t look like my kind of thing.

  She took her phone back and typed in another message.

  Oh, come on.

  I shook my head in response.

  “Just for a few minutes,” she mouthed.

  She must have seen from my expression that I wasn’t exactly excited by the prospect so she jumped up and tried to pull me off the sofa. When her efforts proved completely useless, she scowled at me and joined the crowd. I didn’t feel good about rejecting her. I was torn between wanting to be with her and not making a complete fool of myself.

  I drained my glass and decided to keep my eyes on her, and on everyone that came even remotely close.

  When she got on the dance floor, I noticed she kept to a corner so that she could dance as freely as she wanted to, but then men slowly began to eye her. I noticed them, and scowled. One eventually went up to her and joined her in a dance.

  She ignored him and carried on doing her thing, and I realized what she had meant when she said she had always wanted to dance with someone she cared about. Another man, it seemed as if he knew the first guy, came up and began to dance on the other side of her. She was sandwiched between the two bastards. I saw the discomfort in her face as she tried her best to pretend these two men were not on either side of her.

  I didn’t think. My body moved and suddenly I was pushing bodies out of the way, on my way towards her.

  One of the men came so close to her that one of his hands brushed her hip. She pushed it away, but clearly did not want to make a scene. Then the other one moved in and brought his face close to hers. Her reaction was to lean away, which served to bring her closer to the other dog behind her.

  Both men were smiling widely, trying to make light of the fact that they were taking advantage of her. She turned in the direction I’d been sitting in, and there was almost a hurt look on her face, but I was not there, I was already more than halfway across the floor. That look on her face twisted my heart. Made me lose all reason. I was no longer in a nightclub where people went to have fun. I was in a bear pit fighting rivals off my woman.

  As I reached them they ignored me. There was no reason for them to think I mattered to them.

  I grabbed Willow’s hand and pulled her out of the circle of their bodies. Only one of them had a brain. He saw the look in my eyes and immediately started to back away.

  The other thought that it would be an idea to challenge me.

  He had no idea. No fucking idea.

  It was like sending a two-year old toddler into the ring with a heavyweight boxer. I grabbed him by his scrawny neck. Before he could even figure out what was happening, I’d thrown him forward. He flew across the floor and landed on his ass.

  The crowd gasped and screamed at the altercation and moved out of the way. The man immediately jumped to his feet, incensed, while I stood my ground and stared menacingly at him. I didn’t want to fight him. He was just a kid.

  But when his companion found the guts and came for me too, I let Willow go. Slowly, I began to fold my sleeves up my arms in preparation for them. In a fight confidence is everything. Both men exchanged a look and in that look I already knew I had won. I didn’t blink. My eyes had kept me safe inside and I knew how intimidating they were when I was riled. They waved their arms aggressively and cursed loudly before they walked away.

  Willow grabbed my hand. “Come. Let’s dance somewhere else.”



  After Caleb had tossed a fully-grown man across the floor as if he was nothing more than a bowling pin, and without even seeming to have to exert himself, my desire for dancing dissipated like smoke.

  I wanted him inside me! It was strange though as the very thought of violence would have repulsed me before, but now seeing Caleb switch from his usually calm demeanour was an aphrodisiac like nothing I’d ever known before.

  I pulled him along towards the hotel. He followed without complaint all the way to the elevator. He stood next to me as we silently rode up. The bud between my legs was throbbing with excruciating arousal.

  “I thought you’d always let me get my way,” I said.

  He turned towards me.

  It was incredible, but I felt no shame, I wanted to climb him right there.

  “Most of the time I will,” he said.

  I moved to stand in front of him, and slightly lifted myself to the tips of my toes so that the top of my head could come close to his neck. He had his hands in his pockets, sporting that deceptively cool pose, but tonight I’d found out given the right motivation, he was as dangerous as a tiger protecting its dinner.

  I put my face as close to his as was possible and stared into those beautiful eyes. I got lost in the starburst inside them. My voice was a whis
per. “I wanted to dance with you because I wanted to grind against you tonight.”

  His expression didn’t change, but his pupils opened like the shutter of a camera. It was amazing to watch.

  “The night is not over. You are going to grind on me,” he growled.

  There was so much promise in those words, I felt a flutter in my chest. I moved away when the elevator dinged at its arrival on our floor. I looked up at him flirtatiously from under my lashes. “What’s the fun in that? It’s more exciting when we’re surrounded by other people.”

  Then I swayed out of the elevator.

  He had the key so when I got to our door I leaned on my hip against the door frame and waited for him. Suddenly, I felt the forceful thrust of his hips against me at the same time his big hands came around my body.


  He kissed my neck, which immediately made me go weak at the knees. Before I could protest his hand slipped into the band of my skirt. I was powerless to put a stop to whatever he planned on doing, nor did I want to. My head fell backwards as his hand slid into my underwear to grab my sex roughly. It had been my intention to do exactly this to him the moment we got back to the room, but he had beaten me to it. I jerked my hips restlessly to and fro to relieve the tension between my legs.

  His fingers slipped between the already damp folds of my sex. Then he began to move in a delicious circular rhythm. He teased my clit at just the perfect tempo, and my whole body shuddered. I could only gasp when he slipped a finger inside of me.

  “What if someone comes?” I muttered hoarsely.

  “I thought you said you wanted people to watch,” he said as a second finger joined the incursion. They curved and stroked, and I was certain that I was going to come right there, in front of our door when anyone could pass at any moment and see us. He was right, I didn't care. After all I would never see them again.

  He, however did. There was a sound behind us and he immediately pulled his hand out of me, slipped the card key into the card slot, and pushed open the door. There was a look of extreme protectiveness of me in his eyes as he led me in. He closed the door and leaned against it.

  “Who’s the coward now?” I mocked.

  He didn’t react, just looked at me, as if he was about to devour me.

  I began to walk backwards. “I’m of the mind to refuse you right now. Just like you refused me with the dance.”

  He threw the key card across the foyer’s console table. There was no expression on his face at all. “Sure. I can respect that.”

  I stopped. In that moment, I truly wanted to strangle him. “Caleb!” I groaned.

  A small laugh escaped him. His laughter surprised me. It was in times like this when the less controlled, spontaneous part of him came out that I melted. He was usually attentive and watchful, almost wary, almost as though he was expecting a bomb to go off somewhere close. I always wondered what he had gone through in his lifetime to make him so guarded and non-expressive.

  I cocked my head, and decided then to try my best to understand him so that I could better respect his limits. “Why didn’t you want to dance with me?”

  His response however, once again surprised me. “I wanted to, badly.”

  “So why the refusal? Why are you so averse to dancing in public?”

  “If you want me to dance with you in public, you're going to have to teach me first ... in private.”

  “Ah, you need lessons?”


  “How come you’ve never learned to dance?”

  He shrugged. “Never had the desire or the opportunity.”

  “Do you want your lessons to start tonight?” I asked mischievously.

  “Since we’re not having sex, we might as well dance.”

  I felt as if I wanted to punish him for it and there was only one way that came to mind.

  I untied the sash that cinched my green velvet wrap skirt around my waist and stepped towards him. He slipped his hands back into his pockets at my approach, and stared at me, his lips twisted with wry amusement.

  “Are you going to strangle me with that?” he asked.

  “Why? Do you want me to?”



  I stood my ground as she approached, unblinking, electrified, and hard as fuck. She was beautiful, sexy and vibrating with vengeful ideas … and I loved every bit of it.

  Willow, Willow, Willow.

  From that first day she had arrived at school, alone and sad, she had me twisted around her little finger. I would have become an angry, psychopathic thug if she had not come. I was already halfway there. I carried a knife inside my jacket and I very nearly used it on someone. But after our gazes touched across the canteen, everything changed.

  She became my lifeline, coloring my life with sweetness, excitement, and hope. Taking my mind off what always awaited me at home.

  But that was also when it started, the irresistible desire to dedicate myself to ensuring she was safe. The feeling never went away. Ever. Not for one moment. Not even when I was banged up inside, I used to sit in my cell and worry about her.

  I watched her now, as she came towards me. All grown up, confident, sexually powerful, and unbelievably beautiful.

  As she neared me I had to hold myself back from grabbing her. I knew she wanted to tease me so I let her take her time. Her breasts were full and straining against the low neckline of her top. I was dying to take the creamy mounds in my mouth, but …

  Patience, Caleb, patience

  My cock swelled painfully inside my boxer shorts.

  She threw the sash around my neck, her eyes boring confrontationally into mine. “How offended would you be if I used this to pull you along with me?”

  I wanted to laugh at how serious she sounded. “I wouldn’t be offended at all,” I replied gravely. “But you won’t be able to unless I decide to take a step from this spot.”

  “You keep throwing your weight around,” she said softly. “You love intimidating me, don’t you?”

  “Are you intimidated?”

  She puffed. “Of course not.”


  She took another step closer to me and moved towards me until the tips of our noses were only inches apart. Her body lightly brushed against mine and her sweet scent swirled around me. Maddening me. I couldn’t even think straight. I wanted her that bad.

  “I want to know the extent of the power I have over you.”

  “You can do whatever you want whenever you like,” I said hoarsely. And it was the truth.

  Her pupils dilated. “Whatever I want?”

  I nodded slowly. She was killing me.

  She smiled, and slowly it widened to reveal her small even teeth. Then she pulled at the sash and my head lowered to meet hers. Her tongue slipped, licked my bottom lip, then she lightly nibbled on it.

  It was taking everything in me to keep from taking charge, from moving past the tease and having my way with her. With every second that passed I could feel the screws in my brain that held me tightly in control come loose.

  “I want to suck you off,” she whispered.

  I swallowed hard. “It’s your show, babe.”

  Turning around, she pulled me along with her and I went like a hypnotized slave.

  A few minutes later, I was horizontal on top of the bed and my hands were tied above my head to the bed post. She was positioned between my spread legs, and working the buckle of my belt. She pulled her panties off and twirled the lacy material on her index finger.

  “Promise me you won’t use your hands.”

  “They’re tied,” I pointed out. The anticipation she had built inside me meant I was barely able to speak by this time.

  “You know very well you could easily break away,” she said. “Remember, don’t grab or stop me. I just want you to lie there and be tortured.”

  I gave the promise. “I’ll do my best.”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Doing your best is not enough. You have to promise
you will not stop me no matter what.”

  “Fine,” I agreed, from between clenched teeth.

  She deliberately took her time to unfasten my slacks.

  “Lift your hips,” she ordered.

  When I obeyed she pulled the fabric down and my cock popped out, thick, hot, and heavy. The warmth of her breath against it made it throb. She moved to sit astride me, taking most of her weight onto her knees as she lightly settled her sex over my engorged cock.

  Then she began to stroke her wet pussy all over my dick. Watching her do that made me breathless. I could see that it had the same dizzying effect on her too; soft moans flowed from her lips as her eyelids drooped with lust. A part of me wanted to shut my eyes so that I could thoroughly savor every bit of pleasure she was teasing out of my body, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the seductive writhing of her hips.

  I couldn’t see any part of her and I couldn’t see myself either as her skirt was gathered around my groin, but that just made it even hotter.

  I wanted so badly then to put my hands around her waist, but as I moved to do just that I remembered my hands were tied up. She opened her eyes just in time to note my attempt, and it brought a satisfied smile to her face.

  “How does it feel to be bound?” she asked breathlessly.

  If only she knew about the handcuffs I’d worn in my lifetime. “Don’t worry I’m going to return the favor.”

  With a laugh, she got off me, and standing on the bed began to undress. One by one it all came off until she was fully naked. She sat astride me again. I stared at her mesmerized.

  “Show me your pussy,” I growled.

  She leaned back and, resting her palms behind her, opened her legs wide. Really wide. And she was so fucking beautiful I thought I would come right then and there. I stared hungrily at the open pink flesh between her legs. Her little pussy was dripping with excitement. I could feel her sweetness leak onto my belly.

  “Let me have a taste,” I begged.


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