Hook, Line, and Sinker

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Hook, Line, and Sinker Page 9

by Shirley Holder Platt

  The weatherman had predicted an overcast day, and Zeke was counting on it. He settled in. This was what he was born to do. He had the equipment, he had the time, and he had the patience. He cast his line and enjoyed the slap on the water. All told, he was a happy man.

  By two-thirty, he’d caught and released three alligator gars, crappie, one small perch, and nothing edible. He wasn’t disappointed. He rarely ate fish he caught in the river. Some folks were convinced that it was too polluted. His main reason, though, was that he liked to fish; eating seafood was simply an added benefit. Catch and release was his primary intent. When he wanted to stock his freezer, he would drive five or so hours south to the bay and fish for a week or two. He tried to go at least twice a year for the redfish, and he loved buying fresh shrimp from the guys on the docks.

  He pulled anchor and made for home. As he was trailering the boat, his cell phone vibrated. He reached in his pocket and answered before looking to see who was calling. He wasn’t one of those people who had a different ring tone for everyone he knew.


  “Hi.” Sophie’s sexy voice tickled his ear.

  “Well, this is a surprise. How are you doing on this lovely Sunday?” He tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder while looking for a place to sit for a minute.

  “It’s overcast and gloomy here. Where are you?”

  “I’m pulling the boat out of the water at the boat ramp we used yesterday. Don’t you know that overcast days are some of the best fishing days?” No one needed the ramp at the moment, so he sat on his bumper to finish the conversation.

  “You’ve been out all day?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Catch anything?”

  “Nothing to write home to Mom about. What about you? What’ve you been up to?”

  “Did all the things I had planned to do yesterday morning.” He hadn’t known she’d had a plan. His heart did a little flip when he realized she’d forgone her organized day to be with him. That said a lot for Sophie, who lived by her lists of things to do.

  “What things?” He heard a vehicle pulling in, so he stood to see what was going on. It was a Ram truck pulling a ski boat. There were at least six people piled into the truck, and they all looked like teenagers. The driver couldn’t have been more than sixteen, but then, all the kids looked young to him these days. It was late, but none of his business what they were up to.

  “Manicure, pedicure, haircut, went shopping with Rainy.” She sounded relaxed and happy. “Been thinking about you all day.”

  “Me too. Yesterday was great. Look, people are pulling in, and I need to get this boat out of the water. Can I call you back?”

  “Why don’t you just come over for dinner? I don’t cook, but we can figure something out.” He waved at the people in the truck and held up one finger to let them know he’d only be another minute.

  “Let’s go out. I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said.

  “Sounds good. See you then.” She disconnected, and he got busy with the boat. The kids in the truck were listening to rap music that was so loud it hurt his ears. They seemed to be in no particular hurry. He was glad because it didn’t pay to get in a rush when loading a boat.


  The restaurant in Carrollton seemed popular. A crowd milled about the doorway as Zeke gave his keys to the valet and took the ticket. He opened Sophie’s door and watched as she swiveled around, and those long legs came out the door. She’d dressed up for him. The little black dress rode high on her thighs and made his mouth water. She held her hand out, and he helped her get out of the truck. She took in all the sights, then settled her gaze on his face.

  “Thanks,” she said as she stepped onto the curb beside him.

  “We’re early for our reservation. We may have to wait a couple of minutes,” he said. He was worried about her feet. Her heels were so high that she stood eye to eye with him.

  “That’s fine,” she said. “We can people watch. That’s one of my favorite things to do.”

  “This is a good spot for it. The paper has pictures of socialites dining here regularly. Maybe we’ll see someone we recognize.” He opened the door and followed her inside. The noise hit him first. It was a combination of the constant buzz of conversation in the air, dinnerware on plates, and light rock music. The next thing he noticed was the smell. Baked bread. One of his all-time favorites.

  “Two for Hart,” he said to the hostess. She nodded and told them they’d be seated within five minutes. She gave him a buzzer to hold. He took Sophie’s hand, and they walked over to a quieter spot near the entrance.

  “Have you been here before? What’s good?”

  “Haven’t been. Gabe told me about it. He only talked about the death by chocolate dessert, so we’ll have to take our chances on the rest.” Sophie nodded. She focused on the artwork hanging around them. It all seemed like something a third-grader would make and give to his parents to put on the refrigerator to Zeke. She seemed absorbed by one painting in particular.

  “Isn’t this spectacular?” she asked. He didn’t know how to respond.


  “You don’t like it?” She turned to him with a big smile—no sarcasm showing on her face.

  “I think I did one just like it in first grade. Mother wouldn’t even put it on the fridge.”

  “I hate it too. I was trying to be sophisticated.” She raised her shoulders in a mischievous shrug. Zeke was intrigued, not having seen much of her sense of humor before. He liked people who laughed at life and themselves.

  “Got me,” he said. He squeezed her hand and pulled her closer to his side. He whispered in her ear. “You look lovely tonight. You should wear those heels all the time.”

  “I don’t think so. My toes are screaming.”

  “Well, they’re worth it,” he said. Sophie was so close; he could smell the minty toothpaste from her mouth. She shut her eyes and leaned toward him. The kiss was soft and quick but full of potential. Zeke felt the buzzer in his pocket.

  “Table’s ready,” he said as he retrieved it and pulled her along toward the hostess stand.

  “Oh, goody,” she said.


  Later, Zeke couldn’t remember what they’d eaten. She’d run those sexy shoes up and down his pants legs turning his whole body into one vibrating nerve ending. When she leaned across the intimate table for two and picked an asparagus spear up with her fingers, he watched those red nails as they led the vegetable to her sexy mouth. He watched her as her eyes glazed over with enjoyment. He’d seen that look on her face when they’d been in bed the night before. He wanted to be the reason for that captivating look. He knew he could do better than a mere vegetable. He did remember the chocolate dessert she’d insisted they share. She’d fed forkfuls to him, her intense gaze never leaving his eyes. She had him eating out of the palm of her hand before the evening was over.

  They made out like teenagers as they stood outside, waiting for the valet to bring his vehicle around. When they climbed into the truck, they were breathless.

  “Your place or mine?” he asked.

  “Mine. Hurry.”

  He broke every traffic law getting there.


  Zeke lay sprawled across her bed with nothing on but her one thousand-count Egyptian sheet. He watched as she pulled a tee-shirt over her head and slithered into lime green bikini panties.

  “I could get used to this pillow top bed of yours,” he drawled lazily.

  She turned and grinned. Then she jumped onto the bed and into his arms, placing kisses on his neck and blowing in his ear.

  “I like you here,” she said. Her voice was like silk.

  Zeke pulled her in for a deep kiss and slapped her bottom playfully.

  “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  She threw her head back and laughed.

  “We just left a five-star restaurant. You couldn’t possibly be hungry.” She nuzzled her nose against his cheek. He worried ab
out the stubble bothering her, but she didn’t seem to mind.

  “What we just did here,” he pointed his finger at himself, at her, and back at himself, “that builds a mighty appetite in a man.”

  “Plus, you only picked at your food,” she said.

  “It was sissy food.”

  She slid her hands down his side and tickled him mercilessly. He hadn’t been tickled since he was a kid. The laughter rolled out of him until he picked her up and moved her to the other side of the bed.

  “Enough,” he said. “Feed me, woman.”

  “Peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

  “Perfect.” She slipped into her jeans, and he followed her to the kitchen. He liked knowing where the plates were, so he got a couple out.

  “One will do. I, unlike you, ate the sissy food tonight.” Her blond hair was mussed, and her lips were swollen. He thought he’d never seen a more beautiful sight in his life. A man could certainly get used to this. Oh, yes, he could. He pushed the fear down. Every time before, when he had let himself get carried away with a woman, she’d left him, saying he wasn’t enough. He wouldn’t allow the thought to bother him now. Tonight, he’d be there for Soph, all the way.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sophie woke up on her side with an arm flung over Zeke's chest and a song in her heart. His rhythmic breathing and body heat comforted her in a way she'd never experienced. No other man had stayed the night with her in a couple of years. She liked having him next to her. The stubble on his chin was more pronounced, and she could feel raw places around her lips that made her smile. She breathed in his scent, something foreign and wholly male. The sunshine coming through the slats on the blinds made patterns across the sheets. She moved her hand, and he stirred. His eyes opened quickly. He'd said he was a morning person, and she believed it.

  "Hi." He rolled toward her until their noses were inches apart. She could see specks of green in his golden-brown eyes she'd never noticed before. She remembered how his eyes grew darker when he was aroused. He was a passionate lover, and he took his time with her. He'd seemed to understand her needs before she could voice them. She found nothing selfish in the way he'd given himself to her.

  "Want me to make us some coffee?" he asked.

  She nodded but cuddled closer and shut her eyes. Zeke pulled her in and kissed her hair. She couldn't remember anyone ever kissing her hair before. She hadn't known she would like it. She'd had so many firsts with Zeke. She sighed contentedly.

  "Don't get up yet. This is nice." She nuzzled his neck.

  "I kind of need to, you know." She opened her eyes, and he was gazing toward the bathroom. She giggled and rolled onto her back.

  "Go. Get me some coffee, then get back here." The sun was in her eyes, so she threw her arm over them. She felt him leave the bed and missed him immediately. She'd fallen back to sleep when he came to her with a steaming mug of sweet coffee and milk. He'd showered, and his hair was still damp.

  "Wake up, sleepyhead." He sat on the bed beside her as she arranged the pillows to her liking and got comfortable sitting up. She breathed in the aroma with her eyes shut.

  "I could get used to this." She sipped the liquid ambrosia and waited for the caffeine kick. Lazy mornings were some of her favorite things.

  "You are stunning," he said. His gaze moved from the top of her head, which she was sure looked a mess with the bed hair, to her lips, swollen and bruised from his kisses.

  "No, I'm not. You're just blind."

  "I sure am." He leaned in and nipped her bottom lip. She felt his touch all the way to her toes. As he moved closer, her eyes flew open in alarm.

  "It's Monday!"

  "Yeah. So?" He took the coffee cup from her hands and placed it on the bedside table. He began to nibble her neck. Goosebumps popped up all over her body, and she shivered in pleasure despite her level of alarm.

  "So? It's Monday. We have to go to the office today."

  "And your point?" He nibbled on her ear lobe, and she forgot what her point had been.

  Later, she sang in the shower as he made breakfast in her kitchen. She wrapped a towel around her wet hair and slipped into a chenille robe. She found him at the stove wearing his tidy whities and her chef's apron that said, "Kiss the Cook." Her mother had given her that apron with hopes that her daughter would one day learn to cook. She believed that Sophie would catch a man as soon as she learned to make a decent pot roast, for that's what had convinced Billy to propose. Sophie doubted her mother had dreamed the apron would be on such a handsome man who'd recently ravished her daughter thoroughly.

  Sophie tiptoed up quietly behind Zeke and wrapped her arms around his waist. She laid her head on his back and kissed his shoulder blades.

  "Don't get me started again unless you mean to be later than we already are," he said in a gruff voice.

  She stepped back and held her hands in the air.

  "Want to put some forks on the table?" He slid an egg onto a plate beside a couple of pieces of bacon and already buttered toast.

  "Where'd all this food come from?" She knew that her refrigerator held nothing but a half-empty bottle of wine and some moldy cheese.

  "I went out for it around six while you were snoring."

  "I don't snore!" She couldn't believe he would tease her like that. She felt at ease with him. She'd walked around her bedroom with no clothes on. Her inhibitions had taken a vacation since she'd been with Zeke.

  "You snuffle."

  "That's completely different." She poured a couple of glasses of orange juice and refreshed her mug. "Want coffee?"

  "Yeah. Black."

  "I know." She hadn't thought before she said anything.

  "How do you know that?"

  "I'm observant, and you and your brothers have coffee at Rainy's a lot. If you hadn't noticed, I go there too. She's my best friend."

  "Oh, I've noticed you there. You've made sure of that more than once." The edge of sarcasm was endearing to her now. In the past, she would have lashed out at a comment like that. He brought the plates to the table and laid them on the placemats. He sat down and rubbed his hands together.

  "Dig in before it gets cold."

  She glared at him for reminding her of her frequent outbursts, but he was oblivious as he stuck his fork into the eggs. She blew through her nose. He ignored her, wholly engrossed in the food. So, she ate. He had cooked the eggs exactly as she liked them, over very easy.

  "You didn't ask how I like my eggs," she said as she dipped toast into the runny yolk.

  "Is there another way to eat eggs?" He seemed sincere. She couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so she sipped more coffee. She had a long way to go before she would be as awake as he'd been two hours earlier. She shook her head and decided to quit thinking and simply enjoy having a gorgeous man make breakfast for her.

  She stacked the dishes into the sink. Zeke came beside her and pushed her away with his hip, saying, "I've got this."

  She thought she might better drug him, take him to Las Vegas, and marry him before he got away.

  "I'll go dry my hair," she said.

  She stood in the doorway and watched as he tested the temperature of the water, poured dish soap in, and filled the sink with suds. He had a tan line on his legs from wearing shorts all summer. She wanted to run her fingernails down his back and bite his ear. He hummed as he worked. She continued to admire his backside until he turned with his hands still in the soapy water.

  "Well? Get going, woman. If we're going to be late, it had better be for a better reason than you ogling my backside."

  "I wasn't ogling."

  "Uh-huh." He turned back to the dishes. She left him there, humming a tune she didn't recognize. Her blow dryer drowned out any noise after that. She was surprised to find him fully dressed, lying in her bed with his feet in his boots and hanging off the end, when she came into the bedroom in nothing but her bra and panties.

  He sat straight up and whistled low and long.

  "You like?" She
turned in a circle, loving his admiring stare.

  "Me like."

  "You sound like Tarzan."

  He put his hands to his mouth and did a fantastic imitation of Johnny Weissmuller's Tarzan character from long ago. She threw her head back and laughed. He beat his chest with his fists like a gorilla until she jumped into his arms. They rolled together, laughing and kissing, kissing and laughing, until they grew serious. His eyes, so dark she couldn't make out where the iris ended, and the color began, set her heart on fire. She had him out of his work clothes in minutes. Their lovemaking was urgent and fast and left her panting.

  "Me like, too," she said as she rolled off him and stared at the ceiling, catching her breath and letting her heartbeat slow down to normal. They lay together contentedly.

  "We're late," he eventually said.

  "I don't care. I want you again, slow and easy this time," she pulled him to her and was pleased to find him ready for her.

  "Your wish, my command," he whispered in her ear then trailed kisses down her neck until she shivered with pleasure.

  "Let's be very late," she said.


  They didn't need words for the next hour. After, Sophie's body was like a soft pretzel. She'd never felt so loved.

  "Do we have to go to work?" he asked. "You've almost killed me. I need to rest." He propped on one elbow and had his eyes all over her.

  "I think we should."

  "You go. Send the ambulance for me." He rolled over onto his stomach and pulled the pillow over his head. She ran kisses down his back until he moaned.

  "OK, I'll stop," she said. She stood and pulled the sheet off him to cover herself on the way to the bathroom. "I'll just be in the shower. Never had a two-shower morning before. Take a nap, why don't you? Wimp."


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