Casanova Killer, An SSCD Crime Thriller

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Casanova Killer, An SSCD Crime Thriller Page 10

by Tallulah Grace

  “That’s something, at least.” Jerry sighed. “Take me home, please, Rodney. And park in the garage. Let’s see if our shadow can talk his way into a secured building.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  Ethan’s impatience nearly got the best of him in the bumper to bumper traffic on the way back to the condo. He’d left the crime scene as soon as Rodney had let them know that Casanova was following Jerry. The site was only thirty minutes out of the city, but at the pace they were traveling, it would take him nearly an hour and a half to get home. He didn’t want Jerry there alone, no matter what she said about taking care of herself.

  The ride gave him a chance to inspect his feelings, without the distraction of her presence. He still couldn’t get over how attached he felt to her, after knowing her for such a short time. The attraction was elemental, primal, and something he couldn’t explain if his life depended on it. The need to protect her grew stronger with every passing moment; he didn’t know how to stop it, or if he even wanted to.

  His mother always told him that one day he’d meet a woman who would bring him to his knees. Amused by his flippant attitude towards dating and marriage, she often used the old adage, ‘the more stubborn they are, the harder they fall’ when discussing his love life, or lack thereof. She was frustrated that his career meant more to him than settling down and starting a family, and she never missed an opportunity to remind him that he wasn’t getting any younger.

  He wondered briefly what she would think of Jerry, then decided that she’d probably love her. Being a strong, independent, woman, his mother would appreciate those same qualities in Jerry. The fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous, and would give her beautiful grandchildren, wouldn’t hurt either. Ethan smiled at the thought of his mother’s delight, if he told her he’d finally fallen in love.

  Love. Children. Where in hell had those thoughts come from? He’d known Jerry less than a week, and he was already thinking about marriage? Ethan’s smile turned into a scowl. What in the name of sense was happening to him? Sure, he felt a connection with Jerry, more so than he’d ever felt with anyone. But couldn’t the connection stem from the unusual circumstances? He was chasing a killer, one they hoped would target her, that alone could be the reason for his protective instincts. He was living with her after all, pretending to be in love. Maybe he was experiencing nothing more than transference. He’d had female partners before, but none had elicited such intense feelings. Jerry made him want to slay dragons, and tame lions, just in case they crossed her path.

  Now that the killer had noticed her, he wanted nothing more than to never leave her side. But that wasn’t part of the plan. At some point, he had to let Jerry be alone with the monster. It was the only way they could hope to nail him. His gut rolled at the idea of deliberately placing her in danger.

  It was simple, he thought. They’d have to come up with a better plan. No way could he allow Jerry to go off with Casanova on her own, no matter how many agents followed their every move. Feeling better about his decision, Ethan relaxed against the plush leather, letting his thoughts drift to images of caramel-haired children, with almond shaped eyes.


  The man Sonja called Oscar drove past the building that his new love called home. The driver entered the parking garage, which likely meant that she would be home for a while. It was just as well, the day had gone better than he’d hoped, surely a sign that she was meant for him. Running into the couple at the café was divine intervention, as far as he was concerned. Discovering her place of residence, and getting a description of her car, was another coup. Everything was falling into place.

  It was time for him to make preparations, the first being to change his appearance. Hair color was so easy to alter; maybe he’d go red this time, or reddish brown. He’d have to give it some thought.

  He also needed a new car. The Mas was a bit too conspicuous, but it had done the job in helping to attract his victims in the bay area. San Francisco; who knew that this old city would provide such a plethora of beauties for his pleasure?

  As he made his way up the hills near the Presidio, he congratulated himself on his selection. It was a stroke of luck that the Forresters happened to be summering in Monte Carlo, and offered him their lovely home. Reminding himself to send them a bottle of champagne, he turned the blue sedan into the steep driveway of their ultra-modern home. The garage door was whisper quiet as it closed behind him.


  Ethan came through the door with a look of determination that Jerry had yet to see on his chiseled face. He further surprised her by marching directly towards her, as she stood by the wall of windows.

  Taking her by the arms, he searched her face. “Are you okay?” The earnestness in his voice would have been endearing, if the circumstances were different. As it was, his concern served to piss Jerry off.

  “Oh. My. God. I am sick to death of you all treating me like I’m some incompetent female, who needs a big strong man to take care of her. May I remind you that I am a trained FBI agent, top of my survival class at Quantico, and perfectly capable of kicking your collective butts, all the way to that bridge.” Jerry nodded towards the Golden Gate as she maneuvered her arms from Ethan’s grip. “Where do you guys get off reminding me to be careful with every other breath, or telling me to stay inside until one of you is with me?” She tossed her phone towards the sofa, Dylan’s text message telling her to stay put still visible on the screen.

  Jerry dressed in formal finery for the opera was stunning. Jerry ready to tackle a yoga class made his blood boil. But Jerry in a full-blown snit was magnificent. Ethan lowered his arms, trying not to smile in appreciation as she continued her rant.

  “First, Rodney doesn’t think I can walk down the block alone. Then, Nate tells me to go straight home, Dylan texts me to “stay put” and now you come in all concerned for my welfare. Who are you people? Do I need to wear my badge around, just to remind you that I’m more than capable of taking care of myself?” She began pacing the length of the wall, Ethan moved out of her way.

  “So we caught his attention, that’s a good thing. That was the plan, was it not? Now, we let him make contact.”

  “No!” Ethan caught Jerry by the arm as she walked by. “We find another way get him, one in which you are not the bait.”

  Surprised by the vehemence of his response, Jerry allowed Ethan to hold onto her arm. “What do you mean, we find another way? This was the plan all along, attract him, then catch him in the act. It’s the only way we’re sure of a conviction. It’s the only way we can absolutely get him off the streets.”

  “There has to be another way. I will not let him get close to you.” Ethan turned her around to face him. “No matter how competent you are, no matter that you received top honors at Quantico, no plan is foolproof. I will not risk you.” Ethan grabbed her by both arms and hauled her to him, his eyes sending sparks, straight into hers.

  Jerry was taken off guard by the passion she saw reflected in his face, but the fire in his eyes kept her from pushing him away. She wanted his arms around her, longed to feel his lips on hers once again, this time with meaning. She got her wish.

  The first time she’d tasted him was sweet, and caused butterflies to take flight from her center. Now, as he crushed her lips to his, she couldn’t help but be possessed by an all-consuming passion that obliterated any thoughts, leaving room only for a rush of emotion that charged her senses, and melded her to him. Her first and last coherent thought was that ‘you really do see stars.’

  Ethan felt her surrender in the small part of his mind that still worked. She tasted like honey, and heat, and the first dew of springtime. As her body molded to his, he tilted her head and took the kiss deeper, blocking out all reason, giving himself to the pure pleasure that swirled around him.

  Neither knew how long they kissed, neither cared. It was difficult to say which one held up the other; both were balanced against each other, as they fell in
to an abyss filled with psychedelic colors, shooting stars, and the pounding of one heart.

  It was no wonder they missed the front door opening.

  “Ahem,” Dylan cleared his throat loudly, taken aback though he was, by the scene he’d walked in on.

  Ethan broke the kiss long enough to glance over his shoulder, but he never loosened his grip on Jerry. She didn’t even try to move. “Not now, Dawes,” he growled, then tightened his hold, as Jerry came back to her senses, and began pulling away.

  “Sorry Slick, but I have news about Casanova. You remember, the case we’re working? The reason that you’re here?” Dylan tried to keep it light, but inside he was seething. He knew Slick would try to weasel his way into Jerry’s heart, but he thought she was smart enough to block him. Apparently, he needed to rethink the situation. If what he’d walked in on was any indication, they were either already sleeping together, or soon would be. Jerry deserved better than a player like Barnes, but she was also stubborn enough to have to find out for herself. He’d just have to help pick up the pieces when the son-of-a-bitch walked away.

  Jerry placed her hand on Ethan’s heart, shaking her head slightly. He dropped his arms, and let her go. Stepping away from him was like throwing ice water onto a raging inferno, but she put as much distance between them as was possible. From the look on Dylan’s face, he had pretty strong opinions on her getting involved with Ethan, but that was his problem. She’d had enough of men thinking they could tell her what to do.

  As casually as possible, she walked past Dylan and into the kitchen. “What’s up?” She asked as she surveyed the fridge.

  “It’s possible that our boy got careless with Sonja. The M.E. found a partial fingerprint on her arm. The bad news is that it could be Sonja’s, he’s checking to be sure. I thought you’d like to know, didn’t mean to interrupt.” If looks could kill, Ethan would be lying dead on the floor.

  Ethan ignored the other man’s scowl, he’d grown accustomed to Dylan’s attitude. “That’s good, because we need a new plan. There’s no way Jerry should be alone with him.” He stated his opinion as if it were fact.

  Jerry came back into the room with three bottled waters. She tossed one to each of the men, then settled on the sofa. “I thought we discussed this already. Acting as bait is not only my job, but it’s the only way to convict him. Up until now, and this possible fingerprint, every piece of evidence we have on him is circumstantial. If we arrest him and he walks, how many more women will he kill, before we find him again?”

  “Yes, but if the fingerprint is viable, and it’s not Sonja’s, we could arrest him right now.” Ethan argued.

  “Maybe in Europe, but here we play by the book, it’s the only way charges will stick. We’ll have to get his prints legally, like from a discarded drink, then match them up. Now that he’s noticed Jerry, she’s our best way to accomplish that without disturbing the chain of evidence.” Dylan perched on the arm of the sofa.

  “So, it’s okay if Jerry gets killed, as long as you preserve your chain of evidence?” Ethan’s stance indicated that he was ready for a fight.

  “Who said anything about Jerry getting killed? We’ll be on her every minute. No way Casanova will get a chance to take her into the woods, if the print is good.” Dylan crossed his legs and waited for the explosion. Ethan was playing the protective lover to the hilt, he had to hand it to him. If he didn’t know what a scum the man was, even he would be impressed.

  “If the print is good?” Ethan stalked towards Dylan. “I don’t care about the stupid print, she’s not getting into a car with that maniac, much less going into the woods with him. We need a new plan.” Ethan fumed, leveling his eyes at Dylan. “One that doesn’t include Jerry being alone with him.”

  “Hold on a damn minute!” Jerry stood and glared at Ethan. “I decide what’s an acceptable risk, not you, or you,” she shared the glare with Dylan, “or anyone else. Me. The sooner you get that straight, the smoother this operation will be.” Jerry paused to take a breath, then softened her tone. “I appreciate your concern, Ethan, but I understand the dangers, and I’m confident that I can handle them.” She held up a finger to stop Ethan from speaking. “The only time he presents any danger to his victims is right at the end, when he kills them. If being part of an attempted murder is the only way to get this guy, then I’m game.”

  “No, you’re insane.” Ethan had heard enough. “What are you going to do, let him come up behind you with a knife, then turn the tables on him, just in the nick of time? That’s crazy. We know he keeps his victims in the dark about their final ‘adventure’, so we won’t even be able to set up in the area to protect you. We can follow, but what if we get there too late? It only takes a second to sever the carotid artery, then you’re dead.”

  “You’re assuming he’ll get close enough to me to use the knife.” Jerry’s eyes gleamed. “Not gonna happen.”

  “I think he needs a demonstration.” Dylan interjected, barely concealing his amusement.

  “I don’t want to hurt him.” Jerry’s tone was serious.

  “He can take it, can’t you Slick?” Dylan all but wrung his hands in glee. “There’s lots of room, right there in front of the window. Go on, Ethan, try to sneak up on her.” Dylan discreetly aimed the camera on his phone at the perplexed man.

  “What, you want me to try and hurt her?” Ethan glanced between Jerry and Dylan. “You’ve both lost it.”

  “You could try,” Jerry scoffed. “As if.” She rolled her eyes and began to pile cushions on the floor. “May as well give you a soft place to land,” she winked at Dylan, then smiled sweetly at Ethan.

  “You seriously think you can take me?” Ethan balked at even thinking of harming Jerry, but if he could prove his point with a gentle demonstration, he’d give it a try. Besides, he didn’t like the competitive gleam in her eye. Maybe it was time for a lesson in humility.

  “We’ll never know unless we try.” Jerry deliberately turned her back on him. “Whenever you’re ready.” She spoke to the opposite wall. “I’ll even close my eyes.”

  Dylan hit record button on his phone.

  Ethan slipped off his shoes in order to help silence his approach. Jerry shook her hands out to the sides, limbering up. She waited, alert for even the slightest movement. Dylan didn’t bother to hide his grin any longer, as he checked to make sure the camera was positioned correctly to capture Slick’s embarrassment.

  Jerry was not the only one who had passed rigorous training with flying colors; Ethan knew how to be stealthy, and moved up behind her without making a whisper of a sound. His intention was to grab her arms, with the utmost care, of course, and hold them behind her back, effectively proving his point.

  Jerry felt the air move as he came closer to her. She’d always had the senses of a cat, and she used every one of them now. Without outwardly moving, she braced herself as she felt him reach for her.

  Ethan never saw her move. One second, he was reaching for her arms, the next he was lying flat on his back, looking up into her beautiful face.

  “You were saying?” Jerry’s voice held the slightest hint of a taunt as she held her arm out towards him. The stunned look on his face was reward enough, so she did her level best not to laugh.

  Dylan was not as circumspect. Lying sideways on the sofa, holding his sides from laughter, he still managed to keep the cell phone aimed at Ethan, sprawled on the floor.

  Ethan took Jerry’s hand, more from a desire not to be rude, than from necessity, and let her help him up. His breath was coming back, slowly. He couldn’t remember the last time he got the wind knocked out of him.

  “Impressive.” He told her when he was upright. “Thanks for thinking of the pillows.”

  “My pleasure.” Jerry told him sweetly. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  “Not at all; I’m just a little winded, that’s all.” Ethan felt more pride in Jerry than humiliation that she had bested him. “How did you know I was there?”

�Shut up, Dylan,” Jerry admonished him, before answering Ethan. “I just knew. My reflexes have always been pretty good.” She didn’t bother elaborating on the fact that, all too often, her survival as a child had depended on her quick instincts.

  “I’d say that was more than reflexes; it’s as if you have eyes in the back of your head.” Ethan turned his back to Dylan, effectively ignoring him.

  “Do you see, now, why I’m not worried about Oscar, or whatever he’s calling himself? I really am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  “I never doubted your capabilities, but things don’t always go according to plan. What if he changes his M.O. and surprises you? You’ll have to be on guard every second you’re with him.”

  “Ethan, I’ve done this before, many times. I know how to operate undercover. Please stop worrying ‘cause you’re really starting to piss me off.” Jerry’s voice was kinder than her words.

  “Maybe he needs another demonstration.” Dylan looked, and sounded, hopeful.

  “Shut up, Dylan.”

  “Shut up, Dawes.”

  Jerry and Ethan spoke as one. Ethan continued.

  “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” He growled.

  “Nope, right here is just fine.” Dylan wasn’t about to admit that he didn’t want to leave Jerry alone with Ethan. “Besides, Nate should be calling with an update soon.”

  “Could we speak privately?” Ethan asked Jerry.

  “Of course, but it won’t make a difference. I see no reason to alter the plan, unless the situation changes.” Jerry answered Dylan’s scowl with a look of exasperation, as she led Ethan to the bedroom. At the moment, she’d like to toss both men over her shoulder.

  Ethan touched her arm as soon as they were alone, turning her to face him. “I know you’re insulted that I want to change the plan, and I’m sorry,” he began. “The truth is that I’ve never felt this way about a partner, or anyone, and I’m pretty much flying by the seat of my pants, as my housekeeper used to say.”

  Jerry’s heart began to race, but she played it cool. Could he feel for her the way she felt for him? They barely knew each other. “Sounds like your housekeeper was from the South.” She smiled.


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