The American West

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by Robert V Hine

  Spanish-American War, 341–42, 345

  Spokane Indian Reservation, 451–52

  Squanto, 62

  squatters: along the Appalachians, 79–80; vs. homesteaders, 240; in the Ohio River country, 124; in the Ohio River valley, 116, 121; in Texas, 169

  St. Clair, Arthur, 118, 124–25

  St. John, John Pierce, 280

  Stadacona village, 44, 45

  Stagecoach (1939 film), 444–45

  Standish, Miles, 62

  Stanford, Leland, 209, 234–36, 244

  Stanford University, 393

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 278

  Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 437–38

  steamboats, 311, 312, 316

  Stegner, Wallace, 271, 436

  Steinbeck, John, 374

  Stelter, Gilbert, 317

  Stetson hats, 366–67, 401, 403, 404, 428, 431, 437

  Stewart, James, 446

  Stewart, Richard, 338

  Stewart, William Drummond, 149, 150

  Stockton, Robert F., Commodore, 196

  Stone, Monica, 336

  Strauss, Levi, 223–24, 227. See also Levi’s

  suburban development, 324, 396–400. See also ranch houses

  Sugar Creek, Illinois, 270–72

  Sumner, Charles, 193, 210

  Sun Belt (term), 396

  Sun Elk (Taos Pueblo), 285–87

  Supreme Court (U.S.): Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), 417; cases involving Chinese Americans, 304; on Cherokee sovereignty, 181; Fletcher v. Peck (1810), 117; on Indian water rights, 371; Japanese internment upheld, 337; poll tax ruled unconstitutional, 416; restrictive covenants ruling, 417; on treaties with Indian nations, 285; Worcester v. Georgia (1832), 181, 284

  surveying, 113–15, 173

  Sutter, John, 225, 248

  Swedish immigrants, 294

  Tadoussac (trading village), 44–45

  Taínos (Caribbean), 12–15, 27. See also Hispaniola

  Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 139–40

  Tammany (Delaware leader), 76–77

  Taos tribe (Pueblo), 411

  Tape, Mary and Joseph, 329–30

  Tarantino, Quentin, 449

  Taylor, Buck, 342

  Taylor, Maxwell, 447

  Taylor, Quintard, 35

  Taylor, Zachary, 193, 194, 195

  Taylor Grazing Act (1934), 376

  Tecumseh, 129–31, 132

  Tejanos (Spanish-speaking Texans): armed conflict with Anglos, 203–4, 304–6; executed for desertion, 167; outnumbered by Anglo “Texians,” 169; and slavery, 187; and Texas independence, 187–88; vaqueros and rancheros, 254. See also Mexican Americans; Texas

  Tekakwitha, Kateri, 70–71

  telecommuting, 434

  television Westerns, 446–47

  Teller, Henry M., 288

  Tenayuca, Emma, 305

  Tennessee: early settlement of, 95; land ceded by North Carolina to, 112; minority population (map), 425; slavery in, 185; statehood, 166, 200. See also Crockett, David

  Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 378–80

  Tenochtitlán (Aztec capital), 17, 20. See also Mexico City

  Tenskwatawa (Shawnee Prophet), 128–29, 131

  Termination program, 406–9

  Tesoro, 393

  Texas: 20th-century population boom, 394, 395; American aggression in, 167; American settlement of, 167–69, 186–87; annexation of, 191–92, 200; cattle-ranching in, 237–38, 253–54; and the Civil War, 212; Depression-era migration from, 374; German immigrants in, 292; and the Imperial Texas economic region, 395; majority minority in, 424, 425; Mexican-American activism in, 421–23; oil fields, 320; petrochemical industry, 392; Pike on, 148; racial and ethnic conflicts, 189, 203–4, 304–6, 414; revolution and independence, 187–91; segregation in, 414–15, 416; slavery in, 186–87, 189; under the Spanish, 22, 50, 98, 166–67, 168; Texas-Mexico border dispute, 193–94. See also Tejanos; and specific cities

  Texas Rangers, 203, 305–6, 366, 431

  Thayendanega (Mohawk leader). See Brant, Joseph

  Thoreau, Henry David, 199

  Tijerina, Reies, 421

  Timber Cutting Act (1878), 232

  timber industry, 240, 350, 361–62, 364–66. See also forests; logging

  timing, early colonization and, 40–41

  Timucuas (Florida), 5, 30–31

  Tippecanoe, 129–30

  Tishcohan (Delaware chief), 88

  Tlaxcalans (Mexico), 20, 31

  tobacco, 59–60

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 310–11

  Tohono O’odham tribe, 384

  Toledo, Preston and Frank, 406

  Tombstone, Arizona, 228, 232

  Tonto, 446

  Topographical Engineers, Army Corps of, 172, 173–74, 195, 196

  Torres, Al, 424

  tourist industry, 391, 437–38. See also national parks; outdoor recreation

  Toussaint, François-Dominique, 139

  Townes, Samuel, 185

  tract construction, 397

  trade, 44–45, 88. See also fur trade

  trading posts, federal, 123–24

  traffic, 399

  Trail of Tears, 181–82. See also Cherokees

  transportation: air transport and Denver’s growth, 396; commercial connections redirected to New York City, 211; Overland Trails, 175, 207–8, 271, 276, 445; Pacific Electric interurban rail system, 324; rivers and, 311–13, 314, 316; road congestion, 399; wagon trains, 207–8. See also railroads

  Trans-World Airlines (TWA), 390

  Travis, William Barret (“Buck”), 187–88

  Treaty of Fort Atkinson, 208–9

  Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), 260, 262

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848), 200–201, 204

  Treaty of Nanking (1842), 297

  Treaty of New Echota (1835), 181

  Treaty of Paris (1763), 91–92

  treaty system, 123–24, 284–85. See also specific Indian treaties and tribes

  Trist, Nicholas, 199–200, 201

  Trudeau, Garry, 428

  Truman, Harry, 401

  Tsali (Cherokee visionary), 131

  Tsosie, Nathan, 411

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, frontier thesis of, 9–10, 310, 339–42, 405

  Tuscaloosas, 29

  Tuscaroras, 107, 111

  Twain, Mark, 352–53

  Two Moons (Cheyenne chief), 264

  Tyler, John, 191–92

  unemployment, 333, 412, 418

  Unforgiven (1992 film), 449

  Union Pacific Railroad, 236, 242–45, 257, 258, 318

  United Farm Workers (UFW), 421, 422

  United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), 304

  urban sprawl. See suburban development

  Utah: copper mine, 245; minority population (map), 425; Mormon settlement of, 276–78; and slavery, 210; statehood, 200, 279; territory created, 277; U.S. acquisition of, 200; women’s suffrage in, 278–79. See also Mormons; Salt Lake City

  Utes, 81

  utopianism, 205–6. See also Mormons

  Valdez, Luis, 421

  Vallejo, Mariano, 195

  VanBuren, Martin, 191

  vaqueros, 254

  Velázquez, Diego, 17

  Vermont, 95, 200, 425

  Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 39–40

  Vietnam War, 447–48

  vigilantes: anti-Chinese violence, 298–300; and the California Gold Rush, 229–30, 249–51; Carolina Regulators, 103–4, 431; Mormon, 278; Texas Rangers, 204, 305–6, 431

  Villa, Francisco (“Pancho”), 306

  Virginia: Bacon’s Rebellion, 60–61; English arrival in, 9; Indian uprisings, 60; Jamestown, 56–59; minority population (map), 425; modern-day Indians of, 61; Raleigh’s Roanoke colony, 54–56; slavery in, 80; statehood, 200; and tobacco, 59–60; western lands claimed/ceded, 112–13

  Virginia Company, 57, 60. See also Virginia

  Virginian, The (1929 film), 443, 444

  Virginian, The (Wister novel)
, 346

  voting rights, 415–16

  Wadin, Marguerite, 155

  Wagon Master (1950), 445

  Wagon Train (television show), 446

  wagon trains, 207–8

  Wahunsenecawh. See Powhatan

  Walker, Robert J., 199

  Walking Purchase (1737), 87

  Waller, Theresa, 413

  Wampanoags, 62, 65–66

  Wanchese (Roanoke Algonquian), 54, 56

  War of 1812, 130–31, 156

  Washington (state), 200, 361–62, 392, 425, 432–34. See also Oregon Country; Pacific Northwest; Seattle; Spokane Indian Reservation

  Washington, George: American empire envisioned, 137; campaigns against Ohio Indians, 90, 125; and Georgia’s land grants, 117; on Indian Country, 95; Indian policy reformed, 122; and slavery, 179; Whiskey Rebellion subdued, 138

  water: dams and hydroelectric power, 371, 378–80, 390, 392, 432; Los Angeles and, 322–23, 338, 371; reclamation projects, 370–73; water rights, 371

  Watie, Stand, 212

  Watts, C. H., 333

  Watts Riot, 418, 419

  Wayne, Anthony, Gen., 125

  Wayne, John, 442, 444, 448

  Webb, Walter Prescott, 305, 306, 377–78

  Weber, Adna, 310

  Weberites, 103

  “Welcome to the Jungle” (Guns N’ Roses), 387

  West, Benjamin, 91, 92, 93

  West, Elliott, 124, 341

  West, the (concept): European dreams of, 1–3, 2; location of, 10–11; Western brand, 388 (see also clothing, Western). See also art of the West; fictional depictions of the West; frontier

  Westerns (novels, films, television), 442–49

  Westminster, California, 417

  Weyerhaeuser Co., 365, 367, 393

  Whiskey Rebellion, 138

  White, John, 54, 55, 56

  White, Richard, 209, 224

  Whitecloud, Joe, 409

  Whitman, Marcus, 157–59, 169

  Whitman, Narcissa Prentiss, 158–59, 169

  Wilde, Oscar, 328

  wilderness, 364, 434–36. See also environmental movement; national forests; national parks

  Wilderness Act (1964), 436

  Wilderness Society, 436

  wildlife, decline and disappearance of, 348–49. See also specific animals or birds

  Willamette River valley, 171. See also Oregon Country

  William of Orange, 85

  Williams, Roger, 65

  Williams, Terry Tempest, 450

  Williams, William Appleman, 342

  Wilmot, David, 210

  Wilmot Proviso, 210

  Wilson, Woodrow, 1, 306, 341

  Wingina (Roanoke Algonquian chief), 54, 55

  Winnebagos, 183

  Winthrop, John, 63

  Wisconsin: German immigrants in, 292; Indians massacred, 183; minority population (map), 425; Peshtigo fire, 350; Saint Louis trade and, 313; statehood, 200. See also Green Bay; Menominees; Winnebagos

  Wister, Olan, 382

  Wister, Owen, 344, 345–46

  Witherspoon, John, Rev., 3

  Wolfe, James, Gen., 91

  Wollenberg, Charles, 418

  wolves, 348–49

  women: Chinese immigrants, 231–32; Delaware women, 73–74; domestic violence against, 326–27; as forest and park rangers, 367–69, 431; frontier hardships, 272; hat plumes, 356; Indian women and sexuality, 34, 47–48, 53; Indian women as intermediaries, 142–43; Iroquois women, 42; Japanese women, 301; Miller’s paintings of Indian women, 149–50; Plains women, 153; Pueblo women, 34–35; Scandinavian women, 74; schoolteachers, 273, 274; urban migration of, 325–27; voting rights, 278–79

  Wong, Esther, 330

  Wood, Leonard, 268

  Wooden Leg (Cheyenne warrior), 263–64

  Woods, John, 270

  Worcester v. Georgia (1832), 181, 284

  World Trade Organization protests (1999), xii

  World War I, 306

  World War II: African Americans during, 413–14; defense spending, 389–90, 392–93; Japanese internment, 337–38; minorities in military service, 389–90, 405–6; ship and aircraft construction, 380, 389–90, 413

  World’s Colombian Exhibition (1893), 339

  Worster, Donald, 349, 376

  Wounded Knee: massacre (1890), 290–91; occupation (1973), 409–10

  Wovoka (Paiute shaman), 288. See also Ghost Dancers

  Wozniak, Stephen, 393

  writers, Native American, 449–50, 451–54

  Wyeth, Nathaniel, 157

  Wyoming: anti-Chinese violence in, 258, 259; minority population (map), 425; railroad construction in, 242, 258; ranches in, 254; statehood, 200, 358

  Yazoo Act (Georgia), 117

  Yellowstone National Park: created, 356, 357–59; environmental policy in, 358, 360; Moran’s paintings of, 353; Old Faithful geyser, 435; park rangers, 367–69. See also national parks

  York (slave of M. Lewis), 141

  Yosemite National Park: Camp 4 climbers at, 438–40; Hetch Hetchy valley, 371–72; Muir at, 359–60, 365; preservation of, 357; tourism, 434

  Young, Brigham, 206–7, 276–78, 318

  Yucatán peninsula, 15

  Zhu, Liping, 234

  Zimmerman telegram, 306

  Zook, Dwight, 333

  Zoot-Suit Riots, 335–36

  Zunis, 31, 33, 34–35. See also Pueblo peoples




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