Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two Page 5

by Jennifer Louise

  He was just as affected by that kiss as I was. His breathing was just as staccato as mine. “Chloe, you make me lose all control when I’m around you. I just want you to know that you are safe with me.” How could he know my inner turmoil? My mistrust of men and my insecurities? All I know at this moment though is that my mind and body were at war. My body wanted me to drag him to my bedroom and ravish his body. But my mind knew that I needed to regain my composure and take this in another direction. If I learned anything about being a lawyer, is that a good way to deflect the obvious leading down a slippery path, was to abruptly change directions.

  With our foreheads still touching and our eyes locked, I placed my hands on both sides of his face. “Don’t we have a reservation somewhere? I would hate to be late.” He turned to place a gentle kiss in the palm of my hand and gave me a slight nod, understanding my redirection of this intense moment. I think he too sensed that we were moving at a speed that I wasn’t comfortable with. “You’re right. I wouldn’t want the restaurant to think we weren’t coming.”

  We made our way down the elevator and to the lobby of my building. So many emotions were coursing through my body that I felt like I was a livewire, vibrating out of control. Aidan must have sensed my nerves as he stopped abruptly in the middle of the lobby and placed a lingering but chaste kiss upon my gasped lips.

  I heard a man clearing his throat behind us. We abruptly stopped kissing and I glanced over Aidan’s shoulder to see my doorman Frank, pretending to not stare at us but he was clearly the source of the noise. I embarrassingly dipped my head down, “I think that is our cue to get going.”

  Aidan lifted my chin with his finger so that I was gazing into his eyes. “Don’t ever feel uncomfortable about showing affection Chloe. You just looked like you needed that kiss to calm your nerves, and I must admit that I can’t help myself when I’m in your presence. You’re so intoxicating.” Aidan knew just what to say and do. He was already so in tune with my body and my needs.

  With that we headed out to the chauffeur driven car that Aidan arrived in, giving Frank one last wave before we left.

  Chapter 8


  Riding in the back of the chauffeured car, it was painstakingly hard to keep my hands to myself. I wanted to pull her into my arms and show her how special and beautiful she is. But I quickly sensed while in her apartment, how at war she was with herself over the attention I was showing her. She subtly deflected the attention from her and back to our plans for tonight. I need to find a way to reassure her that I only want the best for her and that she can trust me.

  While I was in her apartment, I could see that she made a cozy home for herself. She didn’t have a lot of unnecessary items cluttering about. It had and classic, old, shabby chic vibe, with repurposed pieces, and mismatched charm. The pictures of her and her grandmother, lined the walls and tables. I could tell by the loving way they were placed that she meant a lot to her, and she confirmed as much to me by the story she told me about her graduation day. That picture made me smile. I could see that picture captured a youthful and vibrant version of Chloe. One that I wanted to bring out again. The Chloe I have been getting to know, seems hardened by a troubled past, one that has left her untrusting and reserved. There is a story there, that I will let her tell me when she’s ready. It was nice to get to know her a little better and gain some insight into the world that is Chloe.

  When we arrived at the restaurant, I noticed a few photographers that were milling about outside. It wasn’t uncommon that I was photographed given the high-profile clients and business deals that I closed. I guess you could say I was an eligible bachelor and the papers seemed to think that it was more newsworthy to see who I was with than the latest development that I finished or the money that I donated to children’s charities.

  The restaurant was known for celebrity sightings, so I assumed that is why they were camped outside. Trying to get a glimpse of someone famous heading to dine inside.

  I picked this restaurant because I know the owner, Brian. I helped him draw up the plans to renovate and redesign this place. Ever since, I have had a standing invite and reservation at his restaurant.

  When our car pulled up to the curb of the swanky downtown New York restaurant, a finely dressed valet pulled open our door. I stepped out first and extended my hand to Chloe to help her out of the car.

  The photogs were quickly snapping their flashing cameras in our direction. Chloe was so disoriented, that her sexy strappy heels caught on a crack in the pavement and she came tumbling into my arms. She was so cute clinging to me with a hint of a blush on her face, that I just had to steal another kiss.

  When we finally made it into the restaurant and she composed herself enough to ask, “So what was that all about back there? Are you a celebrity or something?” I could see the amusement in her eyes, her eyebrow slightly cocked, with a hint of a smile.

  “Um no. Nothing like that but celebrities do frequent this restaurant. I hope they aren’t disappointed when they see it was just us.” Us. I liked the sound of that. “We do make a pretty cute couple though. Don’t you think?”

  She blushed again, and I couldn’t help but wonder just how far her blush went. “Aidan. Stop you're embarrassing me.”

  “Chloe. You are just so goddamn beautiful when you blush. I can’t help it.”

  We heard throat clearing again. I guess we do get lost in each other that we just don’t realize there are others around us.

  The hostess, who was staring at us with amusement. “Good evening Mr. Montgomery. We have your table ready for you. Right this way please.”

  Chloe walked in front of me slightly, and I gently placed my hand on the small of her back. I just wanted to have my hands on her whenever I could. It was a feeling that I was not used to but somehow felt right with her.

  After we were seated, and the waiter brought us the bottle of Chateau Mouton Bordeaux that I ordered ahead of time, Chloe turned to me with slight amusement in her voice. “So, do you know someone everywhere you go? You may not be a celebrity, but you get the star treatment.”

  It was great to see her lighten up and joke with me. “I will have you know that I do have acquaintances in just about every place that I go. I do quite a bit of business in the city and they like to show their appreciation. And I must admit, I like the perks. It’s after all how we met. If it wasn’t for the work I did with Grayson, I probably wouldn’t have a membership to one of Manhattan’s elite clubs.”

  “Are you saying then that Club Manhattan is not really your scene?” She says with a mock indignance to her voice. Chloe is so adorable when she’s trying to be playful. I love that she feels comfortable around me to act like this.

  “It wasn’t until I started going there. Now, I have a newfound appreciation for the lifestyle. I’m not the type of man that has multiple partners and one-night stands. So, I go there to unwind after a busy day and just appreciate the art and beauty of it all.”

  Chloe nods in agreement and I can see that there is something else going on with her. I feel like we just scratched the surface of all that is Chloe.

  “What about you Chloe? What made you decide to visit Club Manhattan other than Crystal bugging you to go?”

  She giggles at that comment. “Well the same as you I guess. I just wanted to go somewhere and unwind after a tough case and I didn’t want the usual craziness of the typical bar scene. It was refreshing. Being able to sit and not have guys coming up to me expecting to buy me a drink and take me home for the night.”

  I noticed her blush again. I knew she was thinking about that night. On the couch. Her grinding against my cock until she had an orgasm.

  “Well for what it’s worth, I’m glad you decided to take a chance and check it out. Speaking of the club, what do you say that when we finish dinner, we head back over there and have a drink?”

  Her sparkling blue eyes got dark and were dilated with all amounts of shyness and something else. Was that lust? Did Chloe have
a wild streak in her after all? I was dying to find out.

  Her blush deepened as she answered. “I’d like that.”

  We finished our dinner with small talk about her cases and my upcoming projects. Brian, the owner of the restaurant, stopped at our table to make sure that we were enjoying our meal. His eyes lingered too long on Chloe when I introduced them. I didn’t like it. I’m possessive by nature, and my jealous tendencies and feelings toward her this soon, is a strange feeling for me.

  When we were leaving the restaurant, and getting into our awaiting car, I was glad to see that the photographers were gone. Until we got outside, Chloe had all but forgotten about the incident earlier, but I could see that she was looking around waiting for them to jump out at her in any moment.

  In the car on the way to Club Manhattan, we sat so close to one another that the heat radiating from our bodies was almost too much to handle. I slung my arm casually over the seat and crossed my legs, ankle over knee. My arm was just above her shoulders and I felt her shudder at my touch. My hand was resting on her shoulder and I was lazily drawing circles on her exposed skin. It was still warm out given the season, so her dress was light and silky to the touch.

  Her hands were in her lap, fidgeting with her small purse and she crossed her legs leaning slightly towards me. I could tell she was nervous. I reached over with my other hand taking one of her hands into mine. I picked it up and turned it over, exposing her wrist.

  She gazed into my eyes and watched mesmerized as I brought it to my lips and placed a sensual kiss to her wrist, inhaling her scent. I could feel the pulse of her wrist on my lips and her eyes were wide with desire. There were so many thoughts running through my mind. So many naughty positions that I wanted her in. So many fantasies that we could play out. But instead, I placed her hand on my thigh covering it with mine.

  Patience. I needed patience.

  It was a relief when we finally arrived at Club Manhattan because I didn’t know how much more self-control I could have with her. But she was still slightly skittish, and I knew I had to take this one step at a time. She deserved nothing less and I wanted her to experience it all, but in the right setting. Besides, I didn’t want the driver to get a show. I wasn’t letting anyone else see her. See her exposed like that.

  She was all mine.

  Making our way through the club was not easy. It appears tonight was masquerade night. There were throngs of club goers all in various stages of dress and all wearing masks. We picked ours up at the door and blended in nicely with the rest of the club.

  Because the lower level was so crowded, we decided to go up to the upper VIP level where it was quieter, so we could talk and get a drink.

  I quickly spotted a small alcove in the corner that was empty and lead Chloe to the darkened corner. It was private enough for us to relax and still see the crowd below us.

  After we were seated, and I ordered another bottle of Bordeaux, I turned to Chloe and caught an odd expression on her beautiful face.

  “What is it? Is it too crowded? We could go somewhere else.”

  “No, no, no. It’s fine. I just didn’t realize this place would be so crowded for a Wednesday night.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I didn’t know it was a theme night or I would have suggested somewhere else.”

  Just as our wine showed up and she had her first sip, I could see her relax. That was going to be my continuing mission. Keeping her relaxed. We had removed our masks now that we were seated in our private alcove where we couldn’t be seen.

  “Mmmmm. Aidan. You have exquisite taste in wines. This one is even better than the one we had at dinner.”

  That moan with my name. My cock was getting hard hearing her voice and just staring at her lips that were teasing me from upon her glass. I was jealous of the glass and wondering what her lips would look like on my cock. I had to blink a few times to refocus and she caught me staring at her lips and blushed. Again.

  I tried to get this conversation back to normal. “So gorgeous. Why don’t you tell me how you ended up in New York? You said you were from Georgia. What made you come here?”

  I instantly noticed the change in her body language as she stared down at her glass as if to conjure up the words from it.

  “It really is a long story. One that I’m sure you don’t want to hear.” Her shoulders were tense again and I hated seeing her with that sad expression on her face.

  I reached over and put my finger under her chin drawing her attention up to my eyes. “Chloe. We may not know each other very well, but I’m a good listener and you can trust me. I think you may just need to get it off your chest.”

  She took a deep breath in, blowing it out like a cleansing breath. She intently gazed into my eyes and I could tell I was in for one hell of a story.

  Chapter 9


  I wasn’t sure how I was going to tell Aidan about my past, but I felt like I owed it to him. He was so comforting with his words and endearing glances, that I felt as though I could be open with him. If we were going to take this to the next level, I felt he needed to know and understand my emotional baggage.

  I took a deep breath and started from the beginning.

  “I was engaged to be married to my college sweetheart. We lived together in the small town of Covington, Georgia. He was controlling of me in every way. Everything I said and did had to be approved by him. I was only allowed to dress a certain way. He was always putting me down and telling me that I had a frumpy body that needed to be covered up. I guess in hindsight you could say it was a form of control and abuse, more on the emotional level. He wore me down emotionally until I believed everything he said to me. He was extremely jealous and possessive to the point that I wasn’t even allowed to have any friends.”

  I paused to see his reaction. He placed my hand in his, giving me the encouragement to go on. I took another sip of my wine trying to get the courage to continue.

  “We both worked as teachers at the local elementary school. He was the physical education teacher, so he was athletic, smart, and handsome. All the other teachers were jealous of me. If they only knew how he treated me behind closed doors. If I said something he thought was stupid, he would laugh at me and belittle me to the point that I felt weak and insecure about talking to him at all. He would poke fun at me for not understanding his jokes and put me down about my weight.”

  I didn’t realize I was crying until a tear slid down my face. I didn’t want to chance a peek at Aidan’s face, as I feared for the expression I might find. I needed to get this out and let go of this hurt.

  “I was away at my grandmother’s funeral, when I came home early to surprise him. But to my surprise, he was with another woman. I have never felt so much hatred towards another person. I couldn’t believe that after all he had put me through, that he could cheat on me. Somehow, I got the courage to leave that night. I came to New York, and never looked back. I invested the inheritance that my grandmother left me, went to law school, and here I am.”

  When I finally had the courage to finally look up, he had a serious and concerned expression on his face. “Chloe, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. It takes a strong person to know the signs of abuse and to walk away from a situation like that. I’m proud of you for having the courage to start over and become the woman you are today.”

  I was bowled over by his comment. I thought he would think less of me for staying with a man like that. That he would see me the weak person that I thought I was. Instead, he was proud of me. At that moment, so was I. His presence and encouragement gave me the strength to get that all on the table.

  “So, I guess you can see now why I haven’t had any relationships since then. I really don’t know how to have a normal, healthy connection with someone.”

  He squeezed the hand that was still holding mine. While I was talking, he was drawing circles on my hand with his thumb. It was very soothing and comforting. He knew just how to calm me without interrupting
or saying anything.

  His eyes were intently staring into mine and I could see a flash of an expression on his face. It was almost anger but judging by the way he was now softly taking me in, I knew it wasn’t directed at me.

  “Chloe, if you let me, I can show you how to be in a normal healthy relationship. I don’t know if that is forward of me to say when you have just revealed your raw emotions to me…but you deserve to have someone cherish you for the beautiful, strong woman that you are.”

  The walls around my heart were slowly crumbling…

  I found the courage to take what I wanted. I leaned into him so that my lips gently grazed over his. “Show me. I want you to show me how it feels.” I knew at this moment that I have always needed this dominance in my life, but it was the wrong man that tried to show me.

  He reached behind my neck and pulled my lips to him. I once again found myself moving over him, straddling this gorgeous man’s body. I felt all my pent-up emotions flooding out of me through our kiss. His hands were on my ass as he grinded against me. His lips trailing open mouthed kisses down my jaw, wiping away my tears. He made his way down the side of my neck, grabbing my hair and pulling my head back to expose more of me to him. My eyes were closed and my mouth open in ecstasy as this man continues his assault of passion on my neck.

  His hand is still in my hair and the other firmly gripping my ass as he nuzzles the sweet spot behind my ear. He is breathing heavy and whispers in a hungry sexy voice. “Chloe, I want to fuck you. Please say you want me too.” The thought immediately sent heat flooding to my core and my panties were drenched.

  It’s now or never, Chloe. Take what you want…

  Unable to find my voice, I feel myself nodding my agreement as Aidan is lifting me up from the couch and I slowly slide down his hard, taught body. My feet are touching the ground, but I can hardly stand without his support.


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