Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two Page 8

by Jennifer Louise

  She let her inhibitions go and gave herself completely to me and to us. I’m in awe of her accomplishments and how she could rebuild her life and come out on the other side as an amazing woman.

  The mental anguish that her ex put her through did damage to how she perceived men in general and how relationships are supposed to be. I’m so thankful that she has let me into her inner sanctum and feels comfortable with our relationship.

  “Aidan. You are lost in thought over there. What are you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that maybe another trip to the VIP room is just what you need to blow off some of that work stress.”

  A huge smile stretches along Chloe’s face and she cocks her head to the side to study me curiously. “You were, were you? Is this just for me then, or maybe you are going to get something out of it too?”

  I lower my voice and lean into her neck, nuzzling up to her ear. “Well, me getting something out of it’s just a bonus. But you deserve the attention. I want to show you just how much you mean to me and how good I can make you feel.”

  I watched her visibly shudder and I could see the goose bumps prickle her skin. She is so responsive to my voice and my touch that I could practically make her orgasm just by breathing on her. Her scent is intoxicating as I run my tongue down her exquisite neck.

  I use my finger under her chin to tilt her head towards me and place a soft, sensuous kiss on her luscious lips. I can see her pupils wide with desire, making her amazing blue eyes almost black.

  She gives me a soft hum and catches her bottom lip between her lips. Our foreheads are touching, and we are staring into each other's eyes. She lets her bottom lip slowly pop out from under her teeth, “I would like that. I need your magical hands, and tongue, and …. cock to make my stress go away.”

  I twist my body to the side and slowly slide my hand up the calf of her leg, towards her thigh, between her legs, under her dress and right to the center of her heat, pressing my fingers against her wet panties. I grind my hand against her pussy lips and her eyes flutter shut.

  My voice is raspy and I’m trying to keep it under control, as my lips are against her neck. “Chloe, you’re so wet for me already baby. Do you like when I touch you here?”

  Immediately she responds in a lust filled voice. “Mmmmm, Aidan, yes please don’t stop.” She is breathing fast and heavy as my fingers continue to work her clit and I push her panties to the side. Her legs fall open to give me more room.

  I’m working my thumb in circles on her clit and slide two fingers in her slick, hot heat. My other arm is around her shoulders and her head is buried in the crook of my neck. Her hand is clutching the lapel of my jacket, trying to hold onto anything she can as I’m furiously pumping my fingers against her g-spot.

  I drop my mouth to the side of her neck and place hot open-mouthed kisses, dragging my teeth along her flesh. I can feel her pulse beating through her neck and her moans of pleasure are driving me crazy.

  “Oh my God Aidan, please baby, keep going, I’m almost there.” She is gripping my jacket tighter as her face is buried in my neck, panting and squirming in her seat. Her hot breath is sending shivers down my skin and I’m loving how responsive she always is for me and my cock is like steel, straining against the zipper of my pants.

  My fingers are pumping in and out of her hot pussy, fucking her with my hands. She is moaning and on the edge of glory. “I got you baby, come for me. Come all over my hand. Squeeze my fingers with your pussy.”

  With a slight twist of my fingers, I hit just the right spot and she is shuttering out her release. Her orgasm is so strong that she is barely breathing. Her breath is coming in slow pants and her pussy walls are squeezing the fuck out of my fingers.

  As her pulsing core starts to slow, I reluctantly pull my fingers from her hot, wet folds. I can feel Chloe shudder under me from the loss of my hand. I bring my hand to my mouth and lick my fingers, tasting her essence. “Mmmm, so good. You taste amazing.”

  Still shaky from her release she peers up at me through her thick lashes and places a soft kiss against my lips. “That was so unexpected but definitely what I needed. You have the most amazing hands and fingers.”

  “Well I’m not done with you yet, beautiful. How about we go up to the VIP room, and play a little more?”

  “I would love nothing more. I just need to go to the restroom first and freshen up. How about I meet you up there in ten minutes?”

  “I will get the room ready for us.”

  I watched as she righted her clothes and sashayed her sexy ass towards the restrooms. I couldn’t wait to finish what we started.

  Chapter 14


  I made my way into the bathroom stopping to gaze at the blushed image of myself staring back at me in the low lights of the bathroom mirror. But I had a nervous pit in the bottom of my stomach. The man we bumped into on the street, outside of my apartment, looked eerily like my ex-fiancé Mark.

  I know that it’s probably just my mind playing tricks on me. I’m finally in a good place with my relationship with Aidan and it’s just my mind trying to sabotage it. Right?

  You don’t spend years of hearing negative words spewed at you to just one day wake up and be normal again. But I’m trying to be normal, for Aidan. He is slowly breaking me out of my shell and the wall that is around my heart. The one that is protecting me from the years that I spent with that asshole. The one that made me feel like I was nothing but a young, naive girl that didn’t know any better. But I guess that’s what I was. Stupid to believe that his words weren’t causing the damage to my psyche. Words that are still rattling around in my head. Despite how Aidan makes me feel or how amazing that he treats me.

  I try to pep talk myself out of the rabbit hole that I’m leading my mind down so that I can get back into the arms of my amazing man. My amazing man. I like the sound of that and how it makes me feel.

  I was so blinded by the way I was being treated before that it’s now like a bright beacon of light shining right in my face. Aidan. He is what is good for me. He is what I need to get my life back to what it’s supposed to be. He is the one.

  I finish up in the bathroom after splashing water on my face and getting freshened up. I just needed a minute to reset my thoughts and get them back on the amazing man that is waiting for me upstairs.

  I walked out of the bathroom into the dimly lit hall of the club and towards the stairs to the upper level VIP rooms. And then I felt it. Every hair on my body stood on end like I just touched an electrical current.

  I spun around in circles furiously searching for the cause and my eyes landed on a man in the dark corner of the hallway. I could not make out his face, but he was casually leaning against the wall like he had nowhere to be.

  But I knew. I knew it was Mark. I knew by the way he stood and how his lanky body was filling out the ill-fitting suit he was wearing, with his scuffed-up shoes. Time was not good to him. He was so much older since the last time I saw him, five years ago.

  My heart was racing, and my initial instinct was to run. But my feet were rooted to the ground. I could not move. Fear was keeping me visibly shaking and staring into the coldest eyes that I have ever seen.

  “Chloe, sweetheart. It has been a long time, hasn’t it?” Hearing his voice was like hearing a ghost whisper in your ear. A deep dark fear come true. A truly terrifying feeling that made me tremble in fear.

  I was never afraid of this man until now. Seeing how he sneered at me and knowing how I walked out on him years ago, made him appear all that more menacing.

  As he walked towards me, I could see the lines and shadows of age and lack of sleep on his face. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and his eyes were wide with a craziness to them that still had my feet rooted to the floor. What power did this man still have over me that I couldn’t escape?

  “Mark! So, it was you outside of my apartment. What are you doing in New York? How did you find me? How did you get into this club?” My lawyer brain kicke
d in. I had questions and I needed answers. Now.

  He is still stalking closer and closer to me but stops just a few short feet in front me. He has a menacing smile that I have never seen before. Shaking his head and making a tsking sound. “Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. I have always known where you were and that picture of you and your new boyfriend in the paper a few weeks ago, just helped to confirm it. So, I decided that I needed a vacation and came up to visit you. Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  Staring into the eyes of this man after so many years made me think of so many emotions. Upset with myself for enduring the years of emotional abuse and not leaving sooner. Disgust for the things that he said to me that I have learned were said out of pure control and selfishness. Hatred for how much of my life was wasted while I endured his mind manipulation.

  But the worst part was, he knew about Aidan.

  My words were spat at him in pure hatred and fear. “Miss you? Are you fucking kidding me! Miss how you treated me and the hurtful words that you made me believe were true? You broke me Mark and I’m well under way of fixing the damage that you caused. Miss you? Yeah, no fucking way!”

  He was as shocked by hearing my words as I was for saying them. The time and distance away from him has proven to give me an inner strength to stand up to him and tell him what I should have said years ago, if only I knew the signs then. If only I could have stood up to myself. If only.

  “Well, well, well. Seems like my little Chloe is all grown up now. I guess hanging out in a BDSM club has given you some spunk. You know, if only you would have had the backbone to talk to me like this years ago, maybe things would have been different. You were so weak and pathetic back then. You really have no one to blame but yourself.”

  Did he just fucking blame me for how he treated me? Oh, I don’t fucking think so. As I closed the distance between us and was no toe to toe with my former fiancé, I was trembling. This time it wasn’t fear.

  I. Was. Fucking. Pissed!

  “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!” I realize I was screaming in his face, but I didn’t care if anyone noticed. The music was so loud in this club that no one could have heard us anyway.

  I poked my finger in his chest. “YOU. You are the one to blame. YOU are the one that made me weak and unable to have a life. YOU are the one that kept me from having any friends. YOU made me feel and told me that I was worthless. That was all YOU!”

  I realize that as I said these words to him it made me feel like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I realized that it was all his fault and that it wasn’t me. I would never have initiated this conversation with him unless I was confronted by him. I would have just let the past stay in the past without having this closure.

  It felt amazing.

  He didn’t seem to be shocked by my tirade. Instead, he almost appeared proud. As he ran a tongue over his teeth, squinting his eyes at me with a guise of disgust. “Well. I see you still have a flair for the dramatics. But I will let this go. For now.”

  “What does that mean, for now? How did you even get in here? This is a private club?” I was seriously going to talk to Crystal and Grayson about their screening process.

  The smirk on his faced told me he was amused with himself. “You see Chloe. You aren’t the only resourceful one. I just told the Manager that I was thinking about joining the club, and they let me in with a one-night pass. As for our unfinished business, well that remains to be seen.”

  What unfinished business. He was an asshole to me. He cheated on me, and I left him. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. The cold, hard, glare he gave me though, scared and confused me. I was never afraid of Mark before. But something in the way that he said it, sent chills through my body.

  I lifted my chin in defiance. “We have no unfinished business Mark. Now, I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “Okay. I’ll leave the club. But not New York. I’m just starting to have fun here. Besides, I can’t leave without meeting your boyfriend. I’m sure he would be interested in hearing about your secret. You know the one, right Chloe? Better yet, how would he like to see the video?”

  All the blood drained from my face and I felt weak in the knees. It all registered in a blink of an eye. I had all but blocked out the fact that Mark could not only hold my secret over my head, but he had recorded proof. One that I didn’t know he took but got perverse pleasure in rubbing it in my face every time he could.

  I couldn’t let Aidan see that video.

  Aidan. Shit. He was waiting for me upstairs. What was I going to tell him? I didn’t want to bring this drama to him and make my problems his. And I did have a skeleton in my closet. A secret that I did not want to tell Aidan. But Mark knew. And now he is holding that over my head.

  “How much?”

  Now that got his attention. A smirk appeared on his face and I knew that I had him. “Now why would you think I would want money from you? I’m thinking that sabotaging your relationship would be more satisfying than money could be. Oh, who am I kidding. Five hundred thousand dollars to keep my silence, and I will walk out of your life for good.”

  He knew he had me. I’m sure that if he truly was following me and keeping track of me that he knew I wouldn't have that kind of money with a lawyer’s salary.

  “Mark, you know I don’t have that kind of money. I’m a first-year lawyer and I don't keep that much cash just lying around.”

  I could see he was getting a perverse pleasure from making me squirm. “Well how about asking that rich new boyfriend of yours for the money. I’m sure that five hundred thousand is nothing to a man like him.”

  That is all this was. A plan to blackmail me into keeping my secret and extorting money from the only man that has ever shown me an ounce of respect and kindness.

  “You see… it’s really simple. If you don’t want your new fancy, high profile boyfriend knowing what a slut you were when I found you, then you will find a way to get the money. I would hate to have this story leaked to the paper. It just might tarnish his architectural and your lawyer career for everyone to know what a slut you are and that his girlfriend is a whore.”

  I was shaking. Livid and scared. How dare he throw that in my face. I was eighteen years old for fucks sake and it was a moment of weakness, and a time in my life that I’m not proud of. A job that I needed to help my grandmother and I make ends meet. It’s what I had to do to survive.

  “How dare you throw that in my face now after all these years. I don’t know how I will get the money, but I will. I just need time.”

  “Well lucky for me, I will be here for a while. It’s summer break, so I have time to kill and I will be doing it here in New York. I’ll be in touch.”

  He quickly grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me taking me completely by surprise. I was in complete shock that I stood there frozen in place. And as quick as the kiss began, it ended, and he turned and left.

  He left me standing there shaking and furious with fear and hatred towards a man that I thought I would never see again. I thought my past would never be revealed unless I wanted it to. And now, I had to make it go away. It would surely damage my reputation as well as Aidan’s.

  All my insecurities and fears of my past slam into me all at once. Despite how cathartic it was to tell Mark off and all the progress that I have made with my self-worth, the stress of the confrontation was too much to handle. I quickly ran back into the bathroom and hurried to the toilet, just in time to throw up. My body was trying to relieve itself of the burdens, blames and what-ifs.

  Getting my nerves and adrenaline back to a normal pace had me remembering why I was in the club in the first place. My relaxing evening out with Aidan had quickly turned into a nightmare.


  I’m sure he is wondering what happened to me. I was gone longer than ten minutes. Now I don’t want to face him for fear he would instantly know that something was wrong. I cowardly sent him a text.

  “Aidan. I’m not feeling very well and I’m going to he
ad home. Already in a cab and will talk to you tomorrow. XO”

  I rushed to the front and out of the club as I pressed send. I hated to lie to him but didn’t want Aidan to rush down here and try to stop me or check on me.

  I hopped in a cab as I received a text response from Aidan. “Um... Okay. I wish you would have let me take you home. I will call you tomorrow and check on you.”

  Even after blowing him off, Aidan was always the gentleman. Always caring and wanting to know everything about me.

  There is one thing that he can’t know. Something that I’m ashamed of. I wouldn’t be able to handle the look of pity I would see in his eyes, if I’m ever forced to tell him.

  I need to find a way to keep Mark quiet. But the video he has. That would be the most damaging to talk my way out of.

  Chapter 15


  I knew something was wrong when Chloe didn’t meet me right away in the VIP room. But I had no idea to what extent her lies were.

  After she sent me the text telling me that she was not feeling well, I made my way downstairs to the bar area to get a drink. The night was still early, and I wasn’t ready to head home. My gut was to follow her but if she wasn’t feeling well, I knew she would want to be alone in the comfort of her own home.

  As I was sitting there at the bar, one of the security staff that I have known for a few years, strode up to me. Derrick is engaged to Grayson’s long-lost sister; Brianne Dawkins and he now works at the club with Grayson. He stopped in front of me with an odd expression of pity on his face.

  “What’s up Derrick? What’s that look for?”

  “Dude man, I’m sorry. I saw the whole thing. Chloe was having a heated convo with a guy in the hall, he kissed her and then they left in separate cabs. Although, it seemed like they were maybe going to go continue what they started in the hall.”

  I sat there blinking at him in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about? I was waiting for Chloe upstairs. Did she say anything when she left?”


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