Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two Page 14

by Jennifer Louise

  “Huh? Oh yeah, no… I’m fine. Just feeling overwhelmed with everything. But yeah… soon. We need to start planning something soon.”

  Crystal looked at Grayson with a gleam in her eye. “I have a great idea, but only if you want to do something low key. You know… something small and intimate with just friends and family. How about you have the wedding at the club? Where you two met, where it all began?”

  I nodded, thinking about the possibility. “There’s only one catch. I don’t think I want to explain to my parents that we met in a sex club. It’s not that I am ashamed of it, it’s just not a conversation that I want to have… especially with my prim and proper mother. This whole stalking and kidnapping ordeal has really thrown her for a loop. But I’m grateful for the offer. It really means a lot that you would offer.”

  Crystal waved me off with no offense taken. “Hey, I completely understand. Just throwing the offer out there. One of our managers is also a notary… so you know… just in case you change your mind.”

  “Hmm. Now there’s a thought. You two should rent out the club for fetish weddings. I’m sure there is a whole untapped market for that sort of thing!” Grayson groans and rolls his eyes at me.

  “Don’t encourage her. Ever since we got married, Crystal’s been all ape shit over weddings and stuff. Thank goodness she has had friends that have gotten married recently, or we may have renewed our vows by now.”

  I just had to laugh at the playful banter between Crystal and Grayson as she swats his arm playfully and explains to him that if she wanted to get married a hundred more times, they would. Grayson nods the whole time in agreement. “Aidan, if you remember one thing, it’s this: Happy wife, happy life. This is best man advice at its finest!”

  We were all laughing at Grayson’s expense, except for Chloe. I turn once again to seek her reaction and she is still looking odd to me, with a faraway expression on her face. “You know what babe? I think it is time for me to take you home. This was a lot to take in in one day. You can meet everyone at the wedding.”

  Chloe straightens from her slumped position and looks a little shocked at my suggestion. “Aidan, I don’t want to be the reason that we need to leave. I would hate to leave our own party without meeting everyone.”

  “Chloe. Most of these people are friends of my parents anyway. Anyone that I wanted you to meet, you have already. My mother is famous for her parties and sometimes they can last long into the early morning hours. Are you saying you want to stay that long?”

  “Well… no... but I just feel bad leaving so early.” She might have said she felt bad, but I could tell her demeanor changed and she just may be accepting of the idea.

  “Let’s go and say our goodbyes to my parents and then we can head out. Trust me, no one will miss us.” I turn to Grayson and Crystal in turn, “Guys… it was great getting caught up and thank you again for everything. Feel free to stay and mingle. Open bar and free food flowing, this party could go all night.”

  Grayson nods in agreement, and Crystal wraps Chloe up in a hug. I overhear Crystal whispering to Chloe. “If you need anything…. Anything at all… I’m just a phone call away.” A nod of understanding passed between Chloe and Crystal. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does a little. I want to be the one that she confides in. But I understand that sometimes a woman needs another woman’s opinion. I’m just glad that she has Crystal.

  We found my parents and made our polite excuses why we needed to leave. They each, in turn, hugged Chloe and I and wished us well. Just as we were about to cross the threshold of the front door, I hear someone call my name.

  “Aidan… Wait…” Shit! Alexandria. I hoped I wouldn’t run into her. She is the last person that I wanted to introduce to Chloe and we almost avoided it.

  I reluctantly stopped and turned Chloe and me towards my ex. We dated for a year, making that the longest of my long-term relationships. “Hey, Alex. Your father mentioned you were here. Sorry that we didn’t get a chance to chat. I was just taking Chloe home.” For the second time tonight, Chloe tensed beside me. She wasn’t pale this time, though, so that was a good thing.

  Alex wrapped me up in a hug that was all too cozy for my liking, and it did not go unnoticed judging by the raised eyebrow that Chloe was giving me. Untangling myself from her grasp, “Alex. I’d like you to meet Chloe, my fiancé. Chloe, this is Alex.”

  Alex’s disingenuous expression did not falter as she too wrapped Chloe in a hug. Unlike the hugs my parents gave her, Chloe stood stiffly with her hands clenched at her sides. It was obvious that there was no love lost between either of them.

  “It is nice to meet you, Alex.” The mocking facial expression that Alex once had now appeared on Chloe’s beautiful face. And that made me chuckle.

  Alex may have sensed that her outward affections weren’t working so she turned to her other tactics. “Darling, why didn’t you call and tell me the moment that you got engaged? It is such a huge step in your life!” Why would Alex think that I would include her or even think of her at all, much less keep her in the loop?

  “Alex, I didn’t even call my parents ahead of time… so I’m not sure why I would have called you. And I’m not your darling anymore.” I heard the faint snicker of Chloe beside me. Obviously, that comment amused her and may just have scored me a few points.

  Alex, on the other hand, looked visibly shocked by my comment. “Well, I would just have thought that with all that we have been through and what we once meant to each other, that you would have had the decency to afford me a call or a text at the very least. I mean, how do you think that looks to our friends and family?”

  And there it was. It was all about her image and what her friends thought rather than the act alone or that the fact that I had moved on. Our relationship was over a long time ago. I’m not really getting the haughty, petulant child act, other than that is what she is.

  Just as I was about to speak, Chloe puts her arm around my waist and snuggled into my side, clearly staking her claim. Although, she didn’t need to. I was completely hers and I was never interested in Alex beyond the superficial and the convenience of having a date for the many charity events we both attended.

  I gave Chloe a chaste but loving kiss on the lips and resumed my quiet rant. “Alex. Look, I know that you think you are owed something from me, but you’re not. What we had was nothing more than a relationship out of convenience and it was over a long time ago. I’ve moved on. Perhaps you should do the same.”

  With that, I turned Chloe and myself towards the door and we quietly exited.

  Chapter 6


  On top of all the shit that I’m dealing with right now, I don’t have time for another crazy ex to get in the way. I just can’t catch a break. I need stress relief, and I need it now. As if my body and mine were in total sync for once, I blurted out my request to Aidan.

  “Take me to the Club.”

  I could tell that Aidan was taken aback by my request, but the smoldering smirk that I read on his face was the indication as to his thoughts on the subject. He stopped me as we were walking back to the car to look seriously at my face and to get a read on the situation. “Are you sure you’re ready? We haven’t been back to the Club since that night.”

  “I’m sure. I need the release. I need the VIP room and I need the toys. No holds barred!” That certainly got his attention, because he scooped me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the car. The man was on a serious mission now, eyes focused on getting me into his car, buckled in and we were on our way in two minutes flat.

  He wasn’t driving fast or crazy, but I could tell there was more urgency to his driving. He once again grabbed my hand from my lap, to hold and stroke my wrist. His penchant for always touching me was a crazy serious turn on and I was getting increasingly revved up at the notion that we were heading to the Club.

  “Chloe, what made you decide that we needed the Club? We have most of the toys at home to play with, whenever you’re read
y.” Since Aidan and I moved in together, it was he who would initiate the sex play, using toys and enhancers to our sexual experiences. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy being bound while he sensually played with my breasts, made me cum from the lightest touch of a feather, or by having my ass slapped with a crop. Tonight, I needed something else.

  “I just thought we could try something a little different. It’s a surprise that you will soon understand, once we get inside.”

  I could tell he was more than intrigued now. I could feel his hand sweaty in mine as we parked the car in front of the club. He quickly handed off his keys to the valet and we made our way into the inner foyer of the club.

  I stopped walking and turned to him. “This is where we part ways. I need you to go sit on the other side of the stage, while I get a drink at the bar.” He looked at me perplexed. His brow was furrowed like I just said something totally insane. But as I drew my lip under my teeth, attempting to look sexy and cute, only then did the realization dawn on him.

  His brow relaxed and a wicked as sin look appeared on his handsome face. “Why Chloe Weston, if I didn’t know any better I would say that you’re trying to recreate how we met.”

  “Hmm… whatever are you talking about.” I was trying to be as coy as possible, as I sashayed my sweet ass over to the bar and ordered a drink. I caught Aidan from the corner of my eye strutting his way to the same couch that he was sitting at, that night. The night that my entire world changed, and I started believing again. Believing that I deserved to feel love, desire, and have hot as fuck orgasms.

  Even though I knew Aidan was sitting across the room from me, I could still feel his eyes boring into my back. His intent stares that would make any appreciable opponent slither off, just made my panties melt. And right now, they were wet, and my body was already starting to vibrate with need. I grabbed my drink and started my sexy, catwalk-like strut over to his side of the room. Not once, did his eyes leave mine as he sat casually lounged against the couch, with his legs parted waiting for me to join him.

  I stopped right in front of him, set down my drink on the low table in front of the couch, and proceeded to straddle him, with each leg on either side of his awaiting lap. Our eye contact did not break. We did not speak. I placed both hands on his chest for stability and started to grind. The music pulsed all around us and with the first undulation of my hips, rubbing on his cock, he grabbed my waist and held me in place. His eyes rolled back in pleasure and he whispered a low “FUCK” in a strangled growl.

  His focus returned to mine and his eyes were lustful and intently staring at me. There was a war going on in his head, I could tell. He wanted to take over and yet he wanted to see what I was going to do next. “Chloe. Take what you need from me baby.”

  And with his permission, I started a slow, sensual, rhythmic dance on his lap. His hard cock was pulsing through his pants. I started feeling the wetness from our mingling desire and it was the lubricant that I needed to keep pace. My pulse was out of control. My breathing was erratic, and I was breathless, wordlessly panting out moans that I’ve never heard before. “Mmmmm… Aidan… I’m so close…”

  My hands were clawing at his shirt, his hands were on my hips, helping me keep a steady pace. Just when I was getting ready to adjust my position, he lifted his hips up in time with mine and found the spot along the ridge of his cock and the sensitive nub of my clit, lighting the spark to throw me over the edge. Gasping with pleasure and out of breath, my body collapsed against him. He was right there helping me ride out the last waves an amazing orgasm.

  I felt the strong arms of the man I love, encircling me, giving me his strength and warmth after such a stuttering experience. After a few brief moments, he pulled me back and straightened the hair from my face. In his loving and powerful way, he cupped the sides of my face with his hands and kissed me with a force of passion. The kiss was brief, but in my euphoric state, it felt like it went on and on.

  With his hands still placed on either side of my face, he held me in place until I could once again focus on his beautiful face. “Hi. Welcome back!”

  As a shutter of an after quake ran through my body, I attempted to answer back. “What is it about this place that makes my inhabitations run wild?”

  Aidan gives me a half shrug. “I guess it’s because this place makes you feel that you can be free to be yourself. But you know, we could have done all of this at home. Why the Club?”

  I also shrug, not completely understanding the reason either. “I guess I just needed to get that high feeling of knowing we are being watched, but that everyone knows you are with me. Me... and just me and no one is judging what we are doing.”

  Aidan gave me a perplexed look. “Chloe is there something going on that I need to know about?” My time at the strip club flashed in my mind’s eye and I wanted this experience with Aidan to wash that memory away. Seeing an old “customer” today from my days in that hell hole of a club, brought back a feeling of unworthiness and shame.

  I clamber my way off his lap and pick up my drink for the distraction. “No… not really. Just… I don’t know what to do about something.”

  “Hmm… well, that’s not at all vague or anything. You know you can tell me anything, right?” I give him a head nod in agreement. “When you’re ready, you can tell me.” He leans to the side and kisses me on the neck, inhaling my perfume. “Now. What do you say we continue reliving our first night by taking this upstairs to a VIP room?”

  My eyes are half-lidded with the thought of the things we can do and give him a sexy smile. “I thought you’d never ask!”

  Chapter 7


  Just like we did on the first night we met, I took her upstairs to a VIP room. But this time, I wanted to push her limits passed what we have done before. There were no awkward conversations and pretenses about what we were going to do. I chose the room that I had designed myself and it had the perfect setup for what I wanted to do.

  When we entered the dimly lit room and closed us off from the clubgoers below, I grabbed the blindfold and bindings that were already set up by the door. I dropped my voice deep and low. “Chloe don’t turn around and get on your knees.” I was impressed by her eagerness to quickly comply as she took in a ragged breath and obeyed my command.

  At this height, I could easily slip the blindfold on her face and test to see if she could see me. I moved around her, deeper into the room and collected the toys that I wanted us to try, tossing them all on the neatly made bed, with the silk bindings for her wrists.

  Crop. Spreader bar. Vibrating clit massager.

  Off to the side of the bed was a padded kneeling bench. The lower, or first tier of the bench was for supporting the knees, while the second higher tier was to support the torso of her body. It was long enough so that she wouldn’t hang off the front and wide enough to grip the sides.

  “Stand up.” My second command that she quickly follows. I move around her in a complete circle, admiring her form. Her chest is rising and falling, taking over the movements of her whole body, and I can see the gorgeous blush of her body blossoming up her neck. I’m just close enough for her to feel my presence around her but not close enough that I am touching her.

  I stand behind her so close that my breath is tickling her neck and goosebumps form on her arms. I pull the zipper of her dress down her back in agonizingly slow increments and her body visibly shudders. I whisper in her ear. “That’s my beauty. Enjoy the calm and relax your body.”

  I can see the tension slowly release from her shoulders as her dress drops to the floor. I tap her foot so that she can step out of it, but I leave her shoes and lingerie on. Her black lacy bra and barely-there thong set are enough to make my mouth water. She is wiggling her fingers and tightening her hands into fists, a telltale sign that she is nervous. “Stop fidgeting Chloe. You trust me, right?”

  Without hesitation, she answers, “Of course. It’s just….”

  “It’s just what? I love you and woul
d never do anything to hurt you. Do you remember your safe word?”

  The safe word. Peaches. That word has more meaning than we care to remember, but I don’t want to change it now.

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “Good girl. Now relax and just feel.”

  I guide her over to the kneeling table so that her feet stop at the base and help her kneel on the first tier. Grabbing the silk ties, I gently bind her hands behind her back. This seems to help stop some of her fidgeting. I press the palm of my hand in the middle of her back directing her to lay flat on the table with her head turned to the side. I lean over her and speak into her ear. “If you say your safe word, this all stops.”

  Her blush of desire completely encompasses her body with a glow that rivals the sun. “Yes. I understand.”

  Without warning, I deliver the first spank to her delectably smooth ass cheek. My hand stings and the perfectly shaped hand print against her silky white skin makes my cock unimaginably harder. It looks so delicious, that I lean down and take a bite. Not hard, but playful enough to get a sensual moan from her writhing body.

  “Such a good girl. You didn’t even flinch. Do you want another?” We get into our roles easily. There is no talking or prepping ahead of time. We dive right in and it works for us.

  “Yes, please.” Such an eager response from my naughty Chloe. I pick up the crop this time so that I can have a more controlled, but lighter sting to the area I’m aiming for. “How does this feel?”

  “So good, Aidan. Don’t stop.” I flick my wrist in succession so that the head of the crop delivers the right amount of tingle to the area. Her breathing is becoming increasingly erratic as I continue to deliver blow after blow to her ass and thighs. I grasp the vaginal clit massager nearby, and with one flick of the on switch, Chloe moans in anticipation of it coming in contact with her overly sensitive clit. One press of the massager to her pussy, and she explodes with a body shaking orgasm.


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