Boss Rules: A Knocked Up Romance

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Boss Rules: A Knocked Up Romance Page 14

by Jenna Gunn

  As soon as we hit the floor, she drops her hand, grabs the wine glass she left behind, and glares at me. “You owe me, big time.”

  She’s mad at me, and I kind of like seeing her spunk back.

  “Hmm. Do I?”

  Growling, she glances around, knowing we probably have a camera lens or a few pairs of eyes on us.

  “You do. I don’t know what yet, but I’ll think of something.”

  As I grin at her, all kinds of ideas come to mind of ways I can thank her for saving me from having to speak up there.

  She suddenly gets a bright idea. “I know where you can start. You can go to the buffet and make a plate for me.”

  “That’s all you can think of?”

  “I said it was a start. I’ll be over there next to Maddy.” She nods to the table on the other side of the room.

  “When did you two start to become friends?”

  “The day we met,” she replies curtly and strolls off, her sexy ass swaying beneath that sinful blue dress.

  I fill a plate for her and one for myself. My dad has a spot for me a few tables away. Otherwise, I’d join the ladies. “Here you go, Recruit Carson,” I say as I set the plate down in front of her. She flips open the cloth napkin and places it on her lap.

  “Thank you, Captain Archer. I see you created a nice looking plate.”

  “You’re welcome. Now you two stay out of trouble. I’ve got things to attend to.” Namely getting another drink and staying away from the TV people.

  When I sit next to Dad, he eyes me. “You should have talked.”

  “Didn’t need to. She’s a natural.”

  “Well, she is. And she’s pretty too! Maybe she’d be a good catch for one of your brothers.”

  Before I realize, a growl is forming in my throat. I cover it with a cough. “She’s off-limits.”

  “To you, maybe, but neither Brandon and Tyson is her boss.”

  Grrrr, I growl mentally. “Dad, please. No matchmaking.”

  He chuckles. “Gotta keep working on you boys.”

  “I think we’re doing just fine.”

  I stab a fork into my shrimp and shove a big bite in my mouth, eager to shovel down everything so I can get up and get some fresh air. Things are a little too weird in here right now.

  Dad lays off and strikes up some kind of random conversation with a guy at the table. Something about sailboats or some crap. I’m really not listening because my ears are buzzing with raw, edgy energy. Fuck.

  This is not how I want to live. Lusting for the woman that I can’t fucking touch.

  As soon as the last bite of my food hits my lips, I’m up. I excuse myself and aim for the bar. Picking up another drink, a non-alcoholic one this time, I manage to dodge any and all attempts at conversation.

  A guy can only take so much. I wiggle a finger under my shirt collar and pull it away from my neck. It’s rubbing me raw. Damn, I hate stiff collars and neckties.

  Not only do I hate neckties, but I also hate bullshit banquets.

  I sip the seltzer water in my hand and spot my brother, Ty, across the room over the rim of my glass. He’s looking all comfortable in his suit and perfectly starched collar. He flashes me a smug grin as he knows how much I despise formal shit.

  Sighing, I start to work my way toward him. At least he’ll distract me, and if I’m talking to him, maybe I can avoid shaking one more cheesy-grinned politician’s hand.

  What I’d give to be home right now.

  It would have been the ultimate knucklehead move to skip as the guest of honor. Well, technically, we are the guests of honor, Raven and me.

  I scan the room. Speaking of Raven Carson, where did she sneak off to?

  Probably hiding out in the bathroom, pretending to put on lipstick or something. She’s about as uncomfortable with tonight’s pomp and circumstance as I am. At least that’s one thing we share.

  But god damn did she look hot. That navy blue cocktail dress hit all the right spots. Every horny bastard in the building noticed those long legs, lithe arms, and bangin’ ass. One big upside of the evening is seeing her all decked out. And her perfume. Heaven forbid. I practically got drunk off it while we were on stage standing side by side at the podium.

  If she can escape, then sure as hell, I can too.

  Tyson sees me coming and makes a move to meet me halfway. As if he read my mind, he nods toward the door. “How bout we get some fresh air, brother? You look like you could use it.”

  “God, yes.” We veer by the bar, he grabs a soda, and we make a beeline for the deck in front of the beachfront event center.

  Cool night air welcomes us as we step onto the patio. A few people are out getting air or escaping for a private conversation as they huddled in small groups in the near darkness.

  Ty and I walk to the rail. I realize how much we are alike when we assume the exact same stance with our elbows on the rail. “That’s better,” I murmur as I close my eyes and feel the salty ocean breeze around me.

  “What? Don’t you like all the attention of your adoring fans?” He chuckles.

  “Ugh, god, no. We were just doing our job, and now the whole county has gone mad over it.”

  A big grin splits his face. “It’s because you guys are so pretty.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He sips his drink and rattles his ice, unperturbed.

  “The Sweethearts Of Ocean Rescue. Yuck.” I make a fake spitting sound.

  “You deserve it, bro.”

  “What? I deserve to have the media all over me like a swarm of flies for weeks? Hardly.”

  “I mean, you deserve recognition for the rescue. And so does Raven.”

  I sip, glad I got seltzer because I already feel too much alcohol buzzing in my veins. “Oh, that. Sure, we did a good job that day.”

  “Bryce, you do a good job every day. That’s what you deserve recognition for.” His voice is serious in a way it hardly ever is.

  I start with a smartass retort but think better of it. Instead, I just say, “Thanks, man.”

  “So, should we go back inside? You are the guest of honor. Plus, I want to meet that cute reporter from Channel 6. She’s been sending me flirty glances all night.”

  It’s my turn to laugh. “Dude, she’s smoking hot. You should go. I’ll be inside in a minute.”

  Ty slaps my shoulder before he walks away with a whole lot of pep in his step.

  I take in a big breath, feeling the pleasant looseness in my body. Maybe I should have another drink. Not exactly professional, but plenty of people are getting their drunk on in there.

  Kind of ironic that getting sauced is okay, but sleeping with Raven isn’t. At least I’m not going to make an ass out of myself. I can hold my liquor.

  I return to the cash bar, grab another SoCal Margarita, and head back to my station on the deck railing where I can hear the waves lapping softly at the sand. Much better than listening to some talking head schmooze at me till my eyes go glassy.

  Circling thoughts fill my brain. What am I going to do? Living in agony isn’t my idea of a realistic futue. But I can’t quit the job, and Raven is dead set on having her job. Who am I to tell her she should leave her dream job because I want to have sex with her again? That’s ridiculous.

  My whole family, hell, my whole existence has been built around the work we do here. It’s not like I can just pick up and do something different. We’re all kind of like human boomerangs. Some of the Archer clan have tried to leave the rescue job but still come full circle every time. When the ocean is in your blood, there is no cure.

  The sound of a woman’s laugh bubbles up from below. That’s when I see my escape route. A couple is walking arm in arm, descending a set of stairs down to the beach.

  Now that’s what I need—getting my toes out of these stiff assed shoes and into the sand where human feet were meant to be.

  When they’ve had time to disappear into the darkness, I jog down the steps, feeling lighter with every step I take. Like the edg
iness I managed to accumulate in the banquet is falling away chunk by chunk.

  My feet have never been happier to be bare as they burrow into the sand. Shucking my coat, rolling up my pants, and ripping off my tie just takes seconds.

  Heading for the ocean, I move toward the things that are real to me, the sea, the wind, the vast open sky, and as far away from the glitz and glam of the phony show inside.

  Stars are beginning to show in the inky expanse. Light pollution is low in our community, gracing us with the ability to see the heavens. It’s been too long since I’ve had time to sit under their dazzling display—a reminder that I’ve been too busy lately.

  When I hit the waterline, I stop and stare out at the blank open blackness in front of me.

  “Shouldn’t you be inside?”

  I glance over, catching a glimmer of light dancing off Raven’s earrings.

  Grinning, I retort, “Shouldn't you be inside?”

  “I doubt anyone has missed me. People seem perfectly happy in there, being seen in their finest and angling for some kind of personal gain.”

  Laughter barks from my throat. “I’m glad as hell to be out here.”

  She holds up a bottle of water toward my cup. “Here’s to the last engagement of our media obligations.”

  Tapping my glass against her bottle, I agree, “Cheers to that.”

  I go back to staring at the sky just to keep myself from staring at her. Something about the shimmer of her lip gloss, the length of her lashes, or maybe it’s the low cut of her dress. The whole package. Whatever it is, it’s too damned hard to ignore.

  She’s such a mystery—one minute as prickly as a porcupine, the next, all sexy smiles. Our little media experience has given me way more insight on her sassy side and cold-as-ice glares.

  “Shall we walk?” she asks lightly.

  “Sure.” Probably a good idea. Maybe her perfume will loosen its grip on me if we are moving.

  We stroll along, aiming north. Soon, I’ve forgotten all about the evening we left behind. The only thing in my scope now are the waves to my left and the woman to my right.

  We walk slowly as if we’ve got nowhere to go and nowhere to be.

  The farther I get from that building and the banquet, the farther I feel from my duties at work, which is a bad fucking thing. Because she’s right here.

  In the dark.

  With me.

  Smelling like delicious sin.

  And looking like a fucking movie star on a red-carpet night.

  Holy shit. I’ve had too much to drink.

  The tequila. It’s the tequila doing its thing.

  The boldness that only tequila brings.

  Like fucking my subordinate.

  I clear my throat. Better get the hell out of here. My feet stop moving, and I’m about to pivot when I feel Raven’s hand lands on my forearm. The bare skin of her against the bare skin of me.

  “Bryce, don’t go,” her voice is all breathy when she speaks.

  Electricity bolts through me like my transformer just blew up.

  “I just want to stay out here. It’s a beautiful night, and I just want to enjoy it.

  I grunt. Half of me wants to bolt while the other half is screaming, yes, yes, yes.

  “Thank you for giving me space. Not making me feel pressured to, you know. You’re a good guy, Bryce.” Her big blue eyes catch just enough light for me to see that she’s all soft and doe-eyed.

  No. Not good.

  I am a sucker for soft and doe-eyed.

  “I’m not that good of a guy.” I take a step back.

  “Bryce…” She’s still clinging to my forearm, leaving seared-in fingerprints there.

  “Yeah?” God, I’m scared of what might come out of her divine mouth next.

  She moistens her lips, and I feel her fingers tighten on my skin. “I want you. I think we should take the chance.”

  We’ve been dancing around each other for days now. And here she is, looking at me like that. What the fuck am I doing?

  Then my mind goes totally fucking blank. Like a wire shorted out, and reasoning was the part that got cut off from the rest.

  My mouth is on hers before my heart has time to beat.

  A sound of shock escapes her, but she opens for me, and I do to her mouth what I want to do to her pussy. I thrust my tongue deep into her soft wetness.

  Chemistry? This is not chemistry.

  This is an explosion. Human C-4. Hormone Nitro. Lust-loaded Dynamite.

  Like we’re going to set the whole damned beach on fire.

  When Raven runs her fingers through my hair, I drop my forgotten cup on the ground and grab her body in both my hands, lifting her against me.

  Fuck yeah.

  All those hot as hell curves against the hard planes of me.

  I devour her. Inhale her. Drink her up like I’m dying of thirst.

  She’s as hungry for me as I am for her. I want to roar with satisfaction that she’s so damned turned on, she’s practically climbing my body.

  I want more.

  I want all of her. Again. And again.

  I search her hair for the mysterious pins that hold it up in that proper little bun, and finally, I feel them slip free. The heavy straight strands spill over my hands and wrists like the silkiest water.

  My fingers have itched to twine her locks for days.

  When we break apart, I can’t let her go. She’s in my arms, and I’m not going to let her go again.

  Pressing my lips against her hair, I murmur, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you in my arms like this.”

  She nods and draws me tighter against her.

  My voice is dark, rough as gravel. “We need to get out of here because I can’t control myself.”

  The shadow of Lifeguard Tower 5 provides a place free of prying eyes. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pull Raven close to me. Her eyes are wide and filled with the sort of disbelief I’m sure I’m wearing. “We’ve lost our minds. We should get out of here.”

  “Yes. I agree. We could,” she stops. “We can’t go to my place.”

  “Mine either.”

  We both speak at the exact same instant, “Hotel.”

  We laugh.

  “Jinx,” I say.

  Pulling out my phone, I order an UberXL. “Six minutes,” I growl as I lean into Raven’s neck and take her delicate skin into my mouth. “Mmmm. You smell like heaven.”

  “Bryce, I’ve missed your hands on me and your mouth on my neck.”

  “Tell me more. I like hearing you say things like that.”

  She chuckles, “Don’t let your ego get any bigger, please.”

  “‘It’s not my ego that’s getting bigger. But really, I’m just glad I wasn’t the only one who was dying. I’ve wanted you so badly.”

  My mouth finds hers again, and it feels so good. So right. Raven leans into me, wrapping her arms around my waist. My hands skim down her body, over the silky fabric of her dress. “I love this dress. And I absolutely love what’s under it. You look amazing tonight.”

  As my fingers gather the fabric, they find the bare smooth skin of her bottom. I skim my fingers around to the front, searching for the little triangle of a thong, only to find her hot, sexy, clean-shaven folds. Sucking in a hot breath, I growl, “My my, no panties?”


  I chuckle and dip my fingers into her honey. “What did you have in mind when you got dressed tonight?”

  “You.” She laughs a teasing little laugh as she clings to my biceps for balance.

  “God, woman. That’s a dangerous answer.”

  She skims her hand down over my raging erection. “Why, you got a loaded gun?”

  “You’re about to find out.”

  At that moment, the Uber comes hustling up to the curb, thank god.

  Longest six minutes ever.

  Pulling her dress back down, I smack her ass. “Get going. There’s an orgasm in your very near future.”

  She flashes me a devi
lish smile over her shoulder.

  Raven climbs in, and I follow her into the backseat of the UberXL, a nice big Expedition. I wanted to make sure we’d have plenty of room.

  “Hey,” calls out the male driver.

  When I see his age is about the same as mine, I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes to my next request. “Hey, man, can you do me a favor? I need to grab some condoms on the way to the hotel.”

  The guy’s eyes crinkle with smile lines when he glances in the mirror. “Sure, man.”

  As soon as he pulls away from the curb, I grab Raven and lift her right into my lap. She squeaks and giggles. “My seatbelt!”

  “We’re not going far.”

  “Thank heavens,” she breathes as I glide my hand up her leg.

  The driver glances in the mirror, knowing humor in his eyes. He reaches over and turns up the radio loud enough to give us some privacy, before locking his eyes back on the road. Bet he’s been in my shoes before. He’ll get a nice big tip tonight, guaranteed.

  Nipping Raven’s lip, I tug her into a kiss, skim my fingers up under her dress, and move against her hot wet center. “Shh,” I say against her mouth.

  God damn, her pussy feels divine on my fingers. I can’t wait to get her naked in a big king-size hotel bed. But right now, I’m getting her off.

  Going for a fast orgasm, I aim right for her g-spot.

  I’m one hundred percent certain I’ve hit it when her body clenches against me, and she squeezes her eyes shut.

  She soaks my fingers when I press into that secret place, and I know I will send her flying. Her body begins to shake, and her thighs squeeze together, crushing my hand in her heat. I don’t let up. Raven’s breath hitches, but I don’t stop. “That’s it,” I murmur against her hair.

  With a forceful wave, her inner walls clench. My thumb finds her clit. I brush across it and curl my finger more deeply inside her.

  Any second now, I expect her to draw blood from her lip. Her teeth clamp furiously on that luscious lower lip of hers. I watch every emotion and every tiny expression she makes, from the tiny ripples of her eyes moving behind her closed lids to the pulse hammering in her throat.

  She’s incredible, giving herself to me while trying to hold herself together.

  Raven suddenly stills, fighting so hard to keep from making a single sound, a single motion. This is it. Her pussy clenches hard around my finger. In the next instant, she explodes, coating my hand with wet hot cum. Raven gasps, turning her face into my shoulder. Her teeth score the muscles of my shoulder through the cotton of my dress shirt.


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