Song of the Soul

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Song of the Soul Page 13

by Lisa Kessler

  “I love you.”


  Trinity cradled Mikolas’s head on her lap. Tears fell from her eyes as she surveyed his pale, beaten body. Because he had taken the extra power from Apollo, Cooper and the God of the Sun had been able to heal Mason. But Mikolas’s already weakened body had taken even more punishment from Apollo’s jolts of raw energy.

  Reed and Cooper had done all they could to help Mikolas, but without a hospital and a defibrillator, Cooper couldn’t get Mikolas’s pulse into a sinus rhythm. The compressions had cracked his ribs, and they couldn’t be sure if they were keeping him alive or causing more damage.

  She whispered the words straight from her heart, praying he could still hear. If he crossed over, she needed him to know that through all this tragedy and death, he’d been her shining light. The song she’d finished earlier had been a stark truth that she hadn’t allowed herself to see until that moment.

  In a short period of time, Mikolas had shown her real love, honest and strong, and it made her realize that what she’d thought she’d had with Ted had never been any of those things. Ted had used her. And as much as she wanted to save Mikolas, she couldn’t bear to see him suffering.

  She bent forward, her lips caressing his. “I love you.” His skin was cool to the touch, but she could have sworn he kissed her back.

  Wishful thinking.

  She started to straighten up when his hand slid into the back of her hair, and he most definitely kissed her back. Applause broke out around them, and she opened her eyes to find Mikolas staring up at her. He was beat to hell, but damn, his smile was heaven.

  “I love you, too,” he whispered. “Is Mason…”

  “I’m good,” Mason answered. “Healed up already.”

  Cooper grabbed his medic bag and went into action, checking Mikolas’s pulse and blood pressure, but Trinity kept the majority of her attention on Mikolas. He was alive. He had survived. They both had. Gratitude swelled in her chest.

  Reed stood over Cooper. “How are his vitals?”

  “Not great, but considering he almost died three times tonight…” Cooper shrugged. “He’s still with us.”

  Reed glanced over his shoulder. “We need to take care of the body over there. I have no idea what a Titan’s DNA might look like, but it’s probably best that we make sure he doesn’t end up in the medical examiner’s office.”

  “And Ted.” Mikolas grimaced, sucking in a pained breath as he looked up at Trinity. “He’s gone. He saved me, so I could protect you.”

  Ted had told her his plan earlier tonight, and she had known they would kill him, but deep down, she hadn’t believed he would go through with it. She frowned. “I…I didn’t think he’d really…” She shook her head. She had plenty of reasons to hate him, but in the end, he’d given everything for a chance at redemption. The lump in her throat surprised her. “I warned him not to go.”

  Mikolas reached up to cup her face, his voice raw—far from his usual rich baritone. “He knew what he was doing. I told him to run, but he came back to help me anyway. He didn’t live a hero’s life, but he died as one.”

  Her eyes welled with tears. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because without him, I wouldn’t be here in your arms.” His thumb stroked her cheek. “And you were right about him all along. Your judgment wasn’t off, Trin. It just took him longer to see himself like you did.”

  His declaration rocked her to the core. Dammit, she wanted to hug him so hard right now, but she refrained, for his ribs’ sake. At the same time, her loathing of Ted Belkin gradually morphed into pity, maybe even a little grief.

  Trinity wiped her nose, struggling to process all the emotions brewing inside her. “He told me you were a good man.” She kissed Mikolas’s forehead. “Understatement of the year.”

  He took a slow breath and winced. “I might need help getting back to the car.”

  Reed and Cooper moved to either side of Mikolas. Reed looked at Trinity. “Let’s get him up, and then Coop and I will deal with the Titan.”

  They lifted Mikolas to his feet and steadied him. Trinity stood in front of him. “Can you stay upright?”

  “I think so,” Mikolas replied.

  Cooper didn’t look convinced. “Maybe Lia can help you get him back to the car?” He glanced at his muse. “We’ll be right behind you guys.”

  “What about Ted?” Trinity asked.

  Reed looked over at Iapetus and back to Trinity. “If we bury the big guy and give Nate a heads-up about where he is, then we can call the police about finding Ted’s body. Nate can be sure no one finds Iapetus, and unless the police has Kronos and Iapetus’s fingerprints on file, Ted’s murder will go unsolved.”

  Mason eyed the body. “I’ve got a shovel and a post-hole digger in my truck. I can help Trinity get Mikolas back to the parking lot, and I’ll come back with some tools.”

  “Thanks, man,” Reed answered.

  Cooper opened his bag and took out a penlight. He turned to Reed. “While they’re getting tools, I can check you over, too.”

  Reed frowned. “I’m fine.”

  Cooper raised a brow. “Your nose is still bleeding.”

  “I’ll be all right,” Reed said, dismissing it. “I’ve just never used my gift with the power boost I got from Mikolas.”

  Erica put a hand on her hip. “Stop being a pain in the ass, McIntosh, and let Cooper do his job.”

  Reed chuckled and held out his arm for the blood pressure cuff. “Fine.”

  Lia and Erica stayed with the guys while Mason and Clio helped Trinity and Mikolas hobble back to the parking lot.

  Trinity looked over at Mason. “How are you feeling?”

  His southern accent softened the horror of the night. “I’m feelin’ fine now, but that was closer to death than I ever care to come again. I was lookin’ down at our bodies there for a bit.”

  Clio shook her head. “Let’s never get that close to saying good-bye again, okay?”

  He chuckled. “I’m good with that plan, darlin’.”

  Mikolas glanced over at Trinity. He didn’t say anything out loud, but his expression warmed her all over. His eyes were making promises his body couldn’t possibly deliver on right now.

  Her phone buzzed, and fear seized her heart. In the terror of the evening, she’d about forgotten about Kronos going after Mel. Gods she was a horrible friend.

  Callie’s text lit up her screen.

  Are you all right?

  Trinity let out a sigh of relief. Thank the gods they were safe. “Kronos must not have shown up at Mel and Nate’s. Callie wants to know if we’re all right.”

  She fired off a quick reply.

  We’re battered but still standing. Are you guys safe?

  Waiting for a response seemed to take forever. Finally, her phone lit up again.

  Come to the theater and we’ll tell you everything. Short version: Zeus dropped his disguise tonight.

  Trinity’s eyes widened as she pushed her cell back into her pocket. “They’re waiting for us at the theater. Apparently, Zeus is finally getting involved.”

  “About fucking time,” Mikolas rasped. He started to laugh and then winced. “Ow.”

  They headed for the cars in silence until Mason broke it. “Why am I all healed up and you aren’t?”

  Mikolas shrugged. “I don’t know how any of this works, but maybe since I was taking the overflow of Apollo’s power, he didn’t have time for Cooper to get everything fixed without killing me?”

  “Makes sense.” Mason nodded, helping him over an exposed tree root. “So he just fixed the mortal wound from the spear?”

  “I guess?” Mikolas replied. “My ribs still hurt like hell.”

  Trinity cringed. “That’s probably from Reed. Your heartbeat was abnormal, so he was doing chest compressions to make sure you were getting blood to your brain.”

  “He saved my life.” A muscle tensed in his cheek. “I’ll have to thank him later.”

bsp; When the parking lot came into view, Trinity smiled. “I have never been so happy to see a black Mercedes.”

  Mikolas chuckled and then groaned. “You’re just excited that you’re going to get to drive it.”

  “That too.” She grinned up at him, the reality of the night settling on to her shoulders. “We ‘mere mortals’ toppled a Titan.”

  “Team effort.” Mikolas smiled. “The flare gun was a good idea.”

  Trinity opened her mouth to respond, but Mason stopped at the passenger side of Mikolas’s car and cut in before she could get a word out. “I need to say somethin’ before you go,” he said. “I thought your plan was gonna work tonight, or I never would have agreed to it. I didn’t think about the Titan’s spear, either.” He shook his head. “Just don’t want you to think I’m castin’ blame on anything but the Titan.”

  Mikolas took Mason’s hand. “Thanks, Mason.” He looked over at Clio. “Sorry tonight went to shit.”

  The Muse of History pushed her glasses farther up her nose with a studious smile. “Some of the best victories in history came about when well thought-out plans went to shit. We’re in good company.”

  Trinity got Mikolas settled into the passenger seat and closed the door. She gave Clio and Mason a hug and jogged around to the driver’s side. “See you guys at the theater.”

  Rhea frowned as Trinity and Mikolas limped into the theater. “What happened?”

  Mikolas leaned against the wall. “We defeated Iapetus.”

  “But you’re wounded.” She glanced over her shoulder to her constant companions, the Guiders of Destiny, and back to Mikolas. “That’s impossible. I gave you my blessing.”

  Trinity cleared her throat. “You also failed to mention what it was supposed to do.”

  Rhea raised a brow. “He should have been impervious to injury, like Achilles. My son made him a demigod, but the status is useless in a fragile mortal body.”

  “It wouldn’t been nice if we had known that before we faced Iapetus.” Trinity grumbled.

  Mikolas cleared his throat, hoping to distract his muse. Insulting goddesses was never a great idea, even when you were right. “Gifts from the gods often have many catches.”

  Mikolas took Trinity’s hand. Touching her made the aches and pains fade into the background. He shifted his gaze to Rhea. “Zeus granted us gifts, but they only work when our muse is in danger, so I’m only a demigod if Trinity is nearby, and your blessing apparently doesn’t work on my shoulder.”

  “The spot where I touched you became your weak spot, like Achilles’s heel.” Her eyes widened. “How are you still alive? His spear slicing your shoulder should’ve delivered a mortal wound.”

  “We had a little help from Apollo,” Mikolas replied.

  Callie, Mel, and Tera came into the lobby from the main theater and wrapped Trinity in a tight group hug. Mikolas released her hand, basking in the glow of the muses. Together, these women were a force to be reckoned with. He was lucky to be in their orbit.

  Callie stepped back to inspect Trinity. “You’re okay?”

  “Better off than my poor Guardian.” She looked back at Mikolas, and the shine in her eyes had uninjured parts of him eager to get her alone. She faced her muse sisters again. “So tell me about Zack, or Zeus, whoever he was tonight.”

  Mel’s face brightened, which for the Muse of Tragic Poetry was an unusual sight. “Oh, wait until you see Zack without his old-guy disguise. His skin has this radiance. He’s really Zeus.”

  While they chatted, Rhea crossed to Mikolas and pulled him a couple of steps away from the others. “My son has a plan to convince his father that the human race is valuable.”

  Mikolas bit his cheek to keep from telling her how insulting her words were. “How does he plan to do that?”

  “A game.” She rolled her eyes.

  “A game?” So fucking typical of the gods. He wanted to scream, but it wouldn’t change anything.

  She nodded. “Your future depends on Zeus winning a game of Petteia.”

  Mikolas did his best to maintain a neutral expression. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because now my fate also hangs in the balance. If Zeus loses, we will both be subjected to my husband’s wrath.”

  Mikolas rubbed his forehead. “Iapetus almost killed three Guardians tonight. We’d never be able to defeat Kronos, especially with his ability to stop time.”

  “No, you misunderstand me.” She shook her head slowly. “I don’t expect my husband to abide by the agreement. Even if my son wins, Kronos will seek to destroy us.”

  Mikolas watched Trinity laughing with the other muses, and his heart clenched. They’d sacrificed so much to open this place, to inspire others, only to have the immortals ruin everything.

  His gaze cut back to Rhea. “Do you have a plan?”

  “Yes.” She took Mikolas’s hand, desperation in her eyes. “Inspire him.”

  Mikolas frowned. “What?”

  She gestured to the theater. “My son will bring Kronos here, to the big opening. Make him see past his yearning for vengeance. Give him a new passion.” She looked over at Trinity and the others. “I’ve spent lifetimes with generations of my granddaughters. I’ve seen the magic when they’re together. Humanity is much more than their mortality. There is a beauty in them. My son has always seen it. Help Kronos see it, too.”


  She met his eyes. “Help them make the opening perfect. Help them inspire the world in order to save it.”


  Trinity glanced over at Mikolas as she drove them back to his place. She’d made a quick pit stop at her house to grab a change of clothes. Mason and Clio weren’t home yet. By the time they had finished at Crystal Peak and made it to the theater, Mikolas was in desperate need of a shower and rest, so they had ducked out. But Mikolas had barely said a word since they had left Les Neuf Soeurs. Maybe it was just the exhaustion and the trauma his body had been through. The whole day had been draining on all of them, especially him.

  She clicked the button to open the garage door and drove inside, closing it behind them. He didn’t move. She unfastened her seat belt and turned his way. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. No.” He looked over at her. “Rhea told me something tonight and I’m trying to figure out what to do with the information.”

  Trinity raised a brow. “I know you probably have a concussion or something, but I told you I love you and I meant it. Whatever she said, it’s not going to change anything.”

  He shook his head and met her eyes. “She put me in a horrible position. You have worked so hard for the Les Neuf Soeurs opening. I don’t want to ruin that, but I also don’t want secrets between us.”

  “Okay, now you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

  “There’s no way to defeat Kronos physically.” He sighed. “But Zeus believes he can beat him in a game and save humanity.”

  “Seriously?” Trinity’s jaw dropped. “Our future depends on Zeus rolling a twelve?”

  “It’s not that kind of game, but essentially, yes. And Rhea doesn’t believe her husband will abide by the rules of their deal anyway, even if Zeus wins.”

  He rested his head on the seat and stared up at the roof of the car. “After he wins, Zeus is planning on bringing Kronos to the opening on Friday. Rhea thinks that when the muses are all together in the theater, you’ll be able to inspire Kronos to have mercy, to show him the wonder and value of humanity.”

  Her heart palpitated. She coughed, trying to force it back into a normal rhythm. “No pressure or anything.”

  He frowned. “That’s why I thought I should keep the information to myself.”

  “No.” Trinity shook her head. “I’m glad you told me, but…wow.”

  “It’s an unfair burden to be placed on your shoulders when changing the vengeful heart of the Father of the Gods may not even be possible.”

  She rested her hand on his thigh, her gaze locked on his. “I’m still glad you to
ld me.”

  “Should we tell the others?”

  There was the million-dollar question. Her muse sisters were still riding high from their victory over Iapetus and finding out Zeus had finally gotten involved. They could focus on the opening without constantly looking over their shoulders for the next threat. How could she take that from them?

  And even if they knew the stakes, Mikolas was right. It might be impossible to bring Kronos over to Team Human anyway.

  Her decision was made. “No. There’s nothing they can do differently anyway. If these are our last moments on Earth, I want my sisters to enjoy them to the fullest. No regrets and no pressure.”

  He leaned in and kissed her with a tenderness that melted her heart. “Words aren’t big enough, but they’re all that I have. S’agapó. I love you with all that I am.”

  She rested her forehead on his. “I love you, too. And if everything ends on Friday at the opening, I don’t want to have any regrets, either.”

  His eyes sparkled in the dim dome light of the car. “I might need help reaching my back in the shower.”

  “Maybe I better shower with you.” She bit her lower lip. “For safety’s sake.”

  He kissed her again, his tongue parting her lips as his fingers tangled in her hair. She moaned into his mouth, aching to be even closer.

  He broke the kiss, breathless as he met her eyes. “I want you naked in my arms.”

  She smiled. “I don’t think your body is up for sex.”

  He glanced at the bulge in his pants and back to her. “I think parts of my body are.”

  She laughed, and it felt so damned good, she almost cried. “Let’s get inside. I’ll help you shower, and then we can see how you’re feeling.”

  He opened his door. “I love hearing you laugh.”

  She grinned as she rounded the car to help him out. “You inspire me.”

  Mikolas stepped under the hot water of the oversized marble shower. The multidirectional showerheads massaged his aching body as he wet his hair and pushed it back from his eyes. The dried blood from his shoulder wound vanished down the drain, washing away the evidence of how close he’d come to dying tonight.


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