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Page 9

by Kinley Cole

  “You don’t need to be, either. I’d never purposely hurt you.”

  “I know that, too.”

  “Good.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead, the corners of his mouth upturned. “Remember it, because I sure as hell plan on reminding you for a long time to come.”

  “You really are too good to be true, aren’t you?” I chuckled softly.

  “Nah,” he said, his smile widening. “Just good. Real good. Remember that, too.”

  THE KNOCK ON THE DOOR came about a half hour earlier than I expected the next morning. I’d forgotten to unlock it, but thankfully both Jason and I were showered and dressed already.

  “Damn it,” I cursed under my breath, scurrying to the door. I pulled it open. “I’m sorry, Luxe, I must’ve forgot to unlock it when I got up!”

  “Hi, Mommy!” He dove for my knees, hugging me tightly. “Is Jason here yet?”

  Just as quickly as he asked the question, the little boy headed back out the doorway, obviously intent on banging on Jason’s apartment door, too.

  I grabbed him by the hood of his jacket to stop him. “He’s already here, buddy,” I assured him with a chuckle. Then, my eyes rose to meet Zach’s gaze. He stood in the doorway, silent. “He just got here,” I added feebly.

  Luxe kicked his shoes off and careened around the corner into the kitchen, where hoots and laughter sounded at his reunion with the man he believed was Superman.

  “I’ve heard a lot about this Jason,” Zach said coldly. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “I thought he was just a friend, Leah.”

  “He is.” I did my best to sound defiant, but dread wafted over me, making my throat constrict.

  “You didn’t tell me he’s also the babysitter.” He spat out the last word like it left a bad taste in his mouth. “What else aren’t you telling me?”

  I should have known Luxe would gush about Jason while he was at his father’s house. “That’s the thing about breaking up. I don’t have to tell you a damn thing.”

  Zach’s eyes were bright with fury...and shock. We both knew how few times I’d ever talked back or defied him throughout our time together, but lately that’s all I’d been doing. Standing up for myself, calling him on his shit. And he didn’t like it one bit.

  “If it concerns my son—”

  “You keep forgetting,” I goaded him. “I’m here in this apartment because of the choices you made. I met Jason because of you. So, for that, perhaps I should be thanking you.”

  For a moment, silence floated heavily between us, a silent war. When Zach spoke again, he no longer tried to keep his voice hushed. “Tell me, Leah, just who the hell is Jason? You’re having a fling with the next door neighbor? Leaving him alone with my son while you go out and play corporate business mogul during the day?”

  I scoffed, pissed off. There were so many insults strung together in that little fit of anger that I didn’t even know where to start. “You have no right—”

  “Hey, Zach, right?” Jason appeared around the corner, his hand already out toward my ex-fiancé. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Jason. Everything okay here?”

  Zach looked affronted, completely taken aback by Jason’s appearance and forwardness. He stared at his outstretched hand like it was a foreign object. “Heard a lot about you,” Zach gritted through clenched teeth. His hands remained at his sides.

  “Likewise.” Jason smirked darkly as he lowered his hand, choosing instead to place it on my back. “Everything okay?”

  I knew I needed to diffuse the situation, and fast, but Zach beat me to it. “Look, Jason, I don’t know who you think you are—”

  “Jason Nightingale,” he interjected. “That’s who I am. And I live down the hall. You’d know that if you’d let me introduce myself.”

  “Wise guy, huh?”

  Zach stepped forward, and I immediately tried to take a step back. But Jason’s hand on my back kept me rooted in place.

  “I’m not here to start trouble,” he explained to Zach.

  But Zach wasn’t listening. “You walk in here and start playing Daddy Daycare with my son, and House with my ex, and you think that’s not going to start trouble?”

  “Your ex needed a babysitter, and I had services I was more than happy to provide her.”

  I sent a glaring look at Jason, knowing damn well the innuendo was on purpose. “You both need to calm—”

  “I’ll bet you were,” Zach sneered. He was close to Jason now. Too close. “Well, I’ve got news for you, neighbor. My son’s already got a father, and Leah—”

  “Leah’s a big girl,” Jason snapped. “She can make her own choices. Just like you made yours. You had your chance with that beautiful woman,” he said, pointing at me with his free hand. “And you blew it.”

  Zach laughed. Actually laughed. “You think I give a damn that you’re getting your rocks off with my—”

  Jason was away from my side in a fraction of a second. He pushed Zach up against the back of the door, his forearm pressed tightly against his throat.

  “Jason!” I gasped. “Let him go!” I stared back toward the hallway to confirm Luxe was nowhere close by, then tried to pull him off Zach.

  “I think it’s about time someone taught you some fucking manners,” Jason hissed, his face only inches from Zach’s. He was only a few inches taller, but had more muscle than his opponent due to countless hours of his laborious job, and he knew how to use it. “If you think for one minute that I’m going to stand by and let you disrespect Leah in front of me, you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”

  The venom in his voice sent chills down my spine.

  “As for Luxe,” Jason continued, his tone raw, and edged with a malice I’d never witnessed in him before, “Yes, I’m his babysitter. I spend every day with him, five days a week. If that bothers you because you think I’m trying to fill your shoes, you don’t need to worry. Your shoes are too damn small for me, anyway.”

  I pulled at Jason’s arm again, and this time he let me lead him away. “C’mon, enough,” I pleaded, but he’d already taken a few steps back, pulling me with him.

  The deadly glares both men wore could have melted steel, and as I turned from one murderous face to the other, I realized I was the one who’d had enough.

  “Where’s Luxe?” I asked Jason.

  “In his bedroom. Door’s closed.”

  “Good, because what I have to say to both of you isn’t something he needs to hear.”

  Neither of them so much as glanced at me.

  “Stop it,” I demanded. “Both of you. Now, Jason knows how our relationship ended, Zach. If you don’t like that, that’s not really my problem.”

  I turned to Jason, intent on keeping my ex from responding with some vile retort. “And you, I know you’re just trying to help, but you need to calm down. We’ll never get anything solved this way.”

  Zach’s eyes widened. “He’s a—”

  “A what, Zach?” I snapped, rounding on him. “A godsend? A man who stepped up and helped me when I didn’t think I had anyone left to be helped by?” I jutted my finger out, pointing vehemently at Jason. “That man makes me happy. That’s not what this is about, but I need you to know that. He makes me happy. But, you know what? He makes your son happier than he’s been in ages, too, Zach! Because he’s someone Luxe sees every day, someone who dotes on him, and someone who lets him be a kid. He’s not just around for a few hours, and turns the TV on for him while he talks on the phone or pours over files and reports.”

  I knew I was being harsh, but the words flew off my tongue so fast I couldn’t rein them back in. I’d held so much hurt and anger inside, for so long, once the dam broke, I couldn’t stop it. “So, you’re going to have to excuse me if I don’t stand by and listen to your territorial bullshit,” I continued. “You’ve been a part-time father at best up until now, Zach, spending more damn time cheating on your family than being with us. Now, there is no more us and you’re pissed about it?” My eyes burned with the
fire ignited within them. “You don’t have a right to be angry with me, Zach. You’re right, Luxe is your son, and I’ll never deny you of that. But, be damned if I will sit back and let you have a problem with the man who makes your son happy, especially after the way you tore our family apart.”

  Dumbfounded, that’s what Zach was. A fleeting glance in Jason’s direction proved that he was just as shocked by my outburst.

  I blinked back tears, bound and determined I wasn’t going to cry after making it through my speech without so much as a sob. My breath was caught in my throat. Maybe that’s the only reason I heard the barely audible sigh escape Zach’s lips.

  “Leah...” Defeat coated his voice, something I’d never heard from him before. His fatigued tone didn’t match the cool, confident tailored suit he wore. “Leah,” he said again, stronger this time. “I’m sorry.”

  “For which part?” I asked quickly.

  “For the fact that I never apologized for any of this before. For what I did. To you. To Luxe. To us.”

  I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. A weight I hadn’t known I’d been carrying. Jesus, had I really gotten through to him? “I’m sorry for that, too,” I offered. “But you chose to move on, Zach, and now I am as well.”

  He seemed to mull that over. From the corner of my eye, I could tell that Jason hadn’t moved a muscle, and his gaze was set firmly on me.

  “I’ll do better,” Zach said finally. “For Luxe.”

  “Like I said, I’ll never keep your son from you,” I promised. “But I can’t keep you from keeping yourself from him.”

  He blinked rapidly. It was like a punch to the gut once I realized that he was trying desperately to keep his emotions in check. In silence, he nodded at me, then did something I never thought I’d witness.

  Zach held his hand out toward Jason, and waited.

  Jason obviously hadn’t expected the gesture, either, but after a moment’s hesitation he reached out and shook the man’s hand.

  Then, Zach left us both standing in a room filled with silence, with only the soft click of the door closing to announce his departure.

  “You didn’t have to defend me, Leah.”

  Jason’s voice met my ears just as I wiped the first tear from my cheek. “Yes, I did.” I turned to him, my glistening eyes finding him amidst my blurred vision. I felt more for the man before me now than I thought possible.

  “I shouldn’t have roughed him up. I’m sorry I got so angry. It’s just that—”Jason stood before me, looking sheepish and disappointed in himself.

  A lot of emotions washed through me at that moment, but despite my muted outward reaction, I had to admit, disappointment wasn’t one of them. “You have nothing to apologize for. You defended me, too.”

  His mouth twitched slightly at that, but he didn’t smile. “Of course I did. I’ll never stand by and let someone speak to you or about you like that, Leah.”

  He spoke with such conviction, it made my throat tighten.

  Then, his gaze sharpened. “Why did you defend me?” he added, as though the notion was the oddest thing in the world.

  “Because it’s about time I defend the right man, the one who’s beside me, instead of pushing him away.”

  He curled his arms around me, pulling me into him. “You haven’t been pushing me away.”

  “Believe me, my head’s been telling me I should be,” I admitted wryly against his chest. “But my heart had other plans.” I tilted my head upward. “And you’re damn persistent, I must say.”

  A cocky but adorable grin crossed his face. “Is that the politically correct way of telling me I’m a pain in the ass, but you love me anyway?”

  His use of the L-word didn’t shake me the way it once might have, and I laughed softly. “And you said you didn’t do political correctness very well,” I teased.

  “I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand the concept,” he said, still smiling. “You’re avoiding my question.”

  “You want to know if I think you’re a pain in the ass?” Laughter bubbled within me when he squeezed me tighter, dramatically tucking me between the wall and him, tilting my chin to force me to meet his gaze.

  “I know the answer to that already.” His voice was soft, and suddenly more serious. “What I want to know is that you love me, the way I already love you.”

  I stretched up, kissing his lips tenderly at first, then with more fervor than I should’ve allowed with my son only down the hallway. When I pulled away, his eyes were dark, and glistening. “I think you already know the answer to that, too,” I whispered.

  His mouth twitched, his eyes searching mine. He must’ve found what he was looking for in them, because he lowered his mouth to mine again, gentler this time. “I love you, too, Leah.”



  There are many things I’ve not done right in life, but this, being with Leah and Luxe and doing everything in my power to prove to them I’ll never hurt them or let them down—I know that’s one thing for certain that I have done right. I was glad Zach and I were finally able to meet. He needed and deserved to be aware of my presence in his son’s life. I should’ve probably felt guilty for the way I spoke to him, and for almost knocking his ass out if he’d so much as said one more disrespectful thing about Leah, but I didn’t. I couldn’t feel guilty for standing up for her and protecting her; that was my duty, and no one would ever get away with disrespecting her, no matter how trivial.

  Rolling over in bed, I soaked in all the natural beauty that surrounded me. The warmth of Leah’s body lying next to me, her hair a tangled mess, her stunning bare face with her sweet mouth curved in a faint subconscious grin, and her soft porcelain skin illuminated by the sunrise. I savored it all before reluctantly sneaking out of bed. I quietly left the room and grabbed the first scrap of paper I could find. On it, I wrote her a note.


  I didn’t want to wake you. You deserve to sleep in, and I have a few errands to run this morning. I will see you and Little Man Luxe later.

  I love you, beautiful!



  Sneaking back into her bedroom, I placed the note on the side of the bed I’d slept on and planted a soft kiss on her temple. The vanilla scent of her hair invaded my senses just before pulling away.

  This is the woman I want for the rest of my life. I’ll never grow tired of kissing her.

  LEAH: THANKS FOR LETTING me sleep in today <3 I love you, too!

  Her name lighting up my phone’s screen was enough to cause my insides to warm and go crazy, let alone reading the words I love you added in at the end of her message. The woman could have any man in the world, and she chose me. She loves me. It was an honor, and a privilege, and something I never wanted to lose.

  I texted her back almost immediately. Anything for you, you know that.

  Her reply comes just as quickly. Come over when you can, I have something here for you. ;)

  I knew Luxe was still home, so we wouldn’t be doing any “laundry”. And it wasn’t my birthday. I checked the date on my phone to make sure, but it wasn’t a holiday, either.

  What in the hell could she possibly have for me? I thought to myself before I put the last bit of groceries away in my fridge and headed back toward her apartment.

  Be there in a flash. I sent the text practically standing outside her door. I had every intention of knocking first, but she opened it before my knuckles even made contact with the door. She pulled it open and greeted me, her red hair styled in loose curls that fell over her shoulders. A soft hint of makeup accentuated her natural beauty.

  “Hey, neighbor.” She gave me a small wink and moved from the doorway, letting me enter.

  “Jason!” Luxe bolted from his room, beelining in my direction with his arms spread wide. A contagious smile stretched across his small features.

  “Little Man!” I hollered back, scooping him up into my arms and hugging him tight. Then, I threw him up in th
e air, just as he’d been anticipating, since it’d become our normal greeting.

  “We have a surprise for you!” A small giggle escaped Luxe’s lips.

  Leah’s face blushed a pale pink, but she was grinning, nonetheless.

  “Oh, is that so? What is it?” I arched my brow playfully at him in question.

  Luxe turned in my arms to face his mother. “Can I ask him, Mommy? Can I?” He was visibly vibrating with excitement.

  “You sure can, buddy.”

  My gaze shot to Leah, but I couldn’t read anything in her eyes save for the amusement she let bubble just below the surface. I could feel my stomach constricting—something was definitely up.

  Surprises weren’t exactly my favorite. I tended to have a distaste for the unknown, and preferred to be prepared for any situation that might arise. But, when it boiled down to it, Leah and Luxe had been a surprise, too, and they were the best damn thing to ever happen to me.

  “Will you spend the night with us forever?” Luxe’s deep brown eyes, filled with joy, bore into mine.

  Looking between him and Leah, I waited for her to speak up. Instead, it was Luxe again who spoke. “Well...will you or not?” He patted my shoulders, as though to make sure I was paying attention to him.

  Oh, he had my attention, all right. I just wasn’t sure what exactly the boy was really asking.

  “I think Jason might be a little confused, buddy.” Leah snuck up behind him and took his arm, placing something into his small fist. “There, now show him that, and then ask again.”

  Luxe held up his hand, revealing a shiny silver key. Leah stepped over to my other side, and I felt her arm snake around my back. Her head rested on my shoulder as she stared up at me, watching and waiting.

  “You want me to spend the night with you guys forever?” I repeated the question, as though having the words on my own tongue would somehow solidify their meaning.

  “Yep!” Luxe hollered. “Mommy says you can stay here!”

  I shifted him to my left hip, chuckling. The little boy made it sound like he’d been granted permission to keep a stray dog. But I didn’t care how it sounded. I only knew what the words actually meant, and one glance down at Leah confirmed I was right. I wrapped my free arm around her, pulling the three of us together for a tight embrace.


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